Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 678, Worried

Chapter 678, Worried

Qingzhu pointed to the factory not far away, "You should have noticed that the automated assembly line of our soul factory still lacks a key module for harvesting mature souls and holy spirits.

"This is not a technical problem, but a cost problem. The cost of the harvesting module is not small... and we need 100 factories, so that good steel can be used on the blade, so we design it as a monk with such abilities replace…"

"But because there are not many people who have mastered the supernatural powers that can deal a timely fatal blow to the Holy Spirit in a short period of time, especially our side.

"That's why the monks we need in our factory are somewhat reluctant, and then you have this condition, understand.

"It just so happens that you are also the final destination of the source quality data, and the results produced still need your help to comprehend and process them, so I plan to let you in, and it happens to be self-produced and sold."

Well, after two lifetimes, life and death, I finally entered the factory.

But what can I say at this moment, the path I chose, I naturally have to go on no matter what, and I agreed without making any excuses.

Then after the raw materials arrived, Zhang Baoren officially entered the factory's work station, and at the same time, according to his understanding of the nature of Fudi and the factory operation manual given by Qingzhu, he started the Fudi factory and put it into operation.


Huge lumps of meat are wriggling in the chaos. Raw materials are sucked into the factory through pipes and after processing, they turn into special amniotic fluid that looks like viscous water and chaotic mud. into the cavity.

Then it combines with the puppets in the cavity that look like leeks and production machines, and give birth to holy babies without any consciousness.

When the Holy Infant matured, it was Zhang Baoren's turn to do it, like a sickle for harvesting leeks, obliterating it with the magical power of the origin of chaos.

Then the wreckage and data are automatically processed and sent to the warehouse...


Needless to say, the production efficiency of the automated factory, together with other completed factories, the data is continuously collected like a thousand rivers returning to the sea, and it will soon have a scale.

Zhang Baoren also started to separate the Daoguo avatar, and processed the data on the other side, taking the current jigsaw puzzle as the core, and piled it up.

Although these data are far inferior to Yikou's Goutoujin, which is directly related to supernatural powers.

However, because the Holy Spirit (human) is the main carrier of Yellen's supernatural ability as the medium, the final data obtained are closer to the supernatural power itself than those obtained from the blessed land, and the gold content is more high.

It's also gold sand, gold-plated...

It is also easier to refine. It didn't take long, and the construction of the total factory had not exceeded half, and a new result was obtained, and a new puzzle was condensed-"Fan Cage·Secret Words".

If this speed can be achieved all the time, there is no need for 100 plants, and one factory can meet the demand for collecting source quality data.

Unfortunately, this premise does not exist.

Because of invalid repetition.

There is no way to accurately screen the data to get the data you need or don't have.

This also means that large-scale swiping must be accompanied by repetition, and repetition must have a positive ratio to harvest.

It may not be much at the beginning, but it can be expected that the more data you get, the more data you get. As the knowledge system of Yellen’s supernatural power becomes more and more perfect, the data required will be less and less, and there will be more and more repetitions. , Ineffective production is becoming more and more serious.

Reversely reduces efficiency.

So Zhang Baoren and others calculated a result that was 100 times different from the best case.

In the end, it is only possible to really find a needle in a haystack and increase the chances through a huge number.

Sure enough, the reality is as expected...

The appearance of the second fragment 'Buddha Freedom' took 3 times longer than before, but the number of factories at this time has increased by 1/3 compared to before.

Next, Zhang Baoren continued to pile up and refine with a more complete supernatural knowledge system as the core, pursuing the third fragment.

This time, it took 10 times more time and twice as many factories, and finally got something - 'Dream Yog Sotos'.

And when the fourth piece of the jigsaw puzzle "Song of Reincarnation" really appeared, the time was several times longer than the last time, and this was the result of all 4 factories being built and fully fired.

There is even a reason why some source quality data has been accumulated before.

The harvest is getting more and more difficult, but it also shows that this system is very close to perfection.

Relying on a growing premonition, Zhang Baoren could vaguely feel that there was not much left of the lack.

But this also made a problem more and more clear. The key piece of the jigsaw puzzle that was hidden in the data that Qingzhu obtained from Fudi Dongtian before, still has not been found.

At the same time, there is no relevant data that tends to this in the existing harvest...

This is very unreasonable. With the current output and huge accumulation of source quality data, no matter how repeated, no matter how rare and difficult to obtain relevant data, there should be some income.

This is the inevitable result of probability.

Unless it's the data related to this Holy Child media can't touch...

It is possible!

The reason why the Holy Child was chosen as the medium before was that the Holy Child was a 'human', and Yellen's supernatural powers mainly acted on people.

Therefore, it is more likely to have access to relevant data, and the current 4 fragments also prove that this is correct, but this logic does not determine all the reasons why the 'human' medium must be able to obtain supernatural powers.

Relevant fragments of supernatural powers were found in the source quality data obtained from Yikou's body and the blessed land and caves given by those green bamboos.

This explains the system of knowledge represented by Yellen's magical powers, or the system that Zhang Baoren put together.

Relevant fragments can be obtained through other media, and some fragments in this system can even be obtained without being a 'person'.

The Holy Spirit does not work.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome for Zhang Baoren and others.

Because I don't know what the attributes of the next data are, and what media can be used to get them.

They don't even know that other than people and caves, there are other media that can get source quality data...

Knowing nothing means having no solution.

They are not worried about the lack of holy spirit data, because they can create factories that mass-produce souls, and they are not worried about chaos lotus, because they can create wreckage, but in the face of non-existent unknown things, no technology can create them.

But it must not be like this!

They prayed.

What a terrible idea!

What is even more frightening is that this idea has been harvesting source quality data as the factory continues to operate, but the fifth fragment has not been obtained, and there has been no progress, and it has gradually become a reality...

(End of this chapter)

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