Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 695, temptation

Chapter 695, temptation

"I really didn't expect that it was you who came to the door this time. You were chased and killed just now. You suffered a huge blow and suffered heavy losses. How can you still have such a level of strength?"

Taoist Qiankun glanced at the huge dent on the back of his hand.

"It's obviously recovered to a good condition, and even stronger than the peak strength shown in previous guesses. How did you do it in such a short time?"

Miss Suzi smiled and did not answer...

Dao Qiankun said humanely: "No matter what happened to you, whether it was something you hid before, or you had another adventure... But there seems to be no relationship between us.

"We didn't have any karma with those people before, why bother to provoke you at this time, aren't you afraid of causing more trouble for nothing?"

"In this earthly melting pot, in the world of mortals, how can there be anything that is not related to karma?"

Miss Suzi said: "No one can escape the shackles of cause and effect, and the cause and effect between us is so serious that we must distinguish between superior and inferior.

"Before my foundation's Lingshan committed a taboo to reunite with the real body of God. In the process of many forces jointly attacking this, you who have always been detached from the world suddenly took action to block the burning Buddha who has a huge karma with Lingshan.

"If you want to give any reason, of course you can make it up at will. If you don't want to bear the misery of your life, or if you find out about the crimes related to it, or even have a personal enmity between the two parties, it's just going to cause karma.

"You can say anything, and no one else can tell the truth from the fake.

"But what are the facts?"

Daoist Qiankun's face suddenly turned livid.

And Miss Suzi is smiling...

"We both knew it was just a temptation.

"Because you found out that the locations of 32 future commercial and entertainment plazas in the new phase of the future plan disclosed by [Lengta Future Construction Co., Ltd.], which is jointly controlled by the Burning Buddha and the Wo Foundation, are all the same as those secretly arranged by you. Anti-Heavenly Dao's final blocking mechanism, the base point of the "Anti-Building Wood Array" is more or less related.

"It can't be a coincidence.

"Someone must be planning."

"But the problem is that the arrangement of the 'Anti-Building Wood Array' has always been kept the highest level of secrecy. In order to prevent it from being destroyed by others, few people in this world know its existence and location.

"Except for the near-impossible answer that traitors exist among a limited number of these people.

"The only vulnerability that could lead to location exposure is a leak from the root."

"The 'Anti-Building Wood Array' is a signal-blocking mechanism specifically targeting Zhou Tian Xinghe, and it is also inextricably linked to it itself.

"If a certain existence has a fundamental understanding of the Zhoutian Xinghe, which is the main body of the entire Da Luotian network, and has a part of the authority, it has the ability to perform reverse speculation based on the Zhoutian Xinghe to determine the location of this system.

"That's the way the system was set up.

"Although the authority of Zhou Tian Xinghe has always been in your hands, in the past, there were other people who were tainted and entangled with this. Those old gods who should have been swept into the trash may still have authority. Possibility of exposure.

"It just so happens that the identity of the Lantern Ancient Buddha has always been somewhat suspicious, and he is suspected to be one of the most powerful ancient gods in the past.

"So you made a temptation, and then His identity was exposed. It really has something to do with the authority of the Galaxy. The logic is logical, and this matter is over."

Taoist Qiankun snorted coldly, and slapped his palm again, but Miss Suzi easily dodged the big hand that stirred up the boundless situation, and continued to speak with ease.

"But why do I know this?
"Of course it's because those exposed base stations of the 'Anti-Building Wood Array' were not done by Ran Deng. Although he can indeed do it, why did the Di Deng Buddha, who has been hiding well, take the risk of locking these, and at the same time Show it?

"Those related base stations were found by me.

"It's certainly not a surprise why I was able to find these bases that are so hidden that they can be said to not exist in the world.

"Although I am weak, I don't have the authority of Zhou Tianxinghe, and I don't have any huge group power...

"However, the people that all technologies are related to, the core existence of human society and human civilization, are all in my heart."

Miss Suzi tapped her toes lightly on the big hand like the sky, and her body jumped up accordingly.

"People have two identities.

"One is life, blood relationship, the causal nodes of all relationships, countless individuals, and countless such nodes form a community of shared future for mankind.

"Some people say that anyone in the world can be contacted through six people, and the relationship between any two people is basically determined to be around six people.

"The relationship between people is so complex and close that no one can escape from the world of mortals.

"The other identity is the refinement and standardized occupation required for the orderly operation of the complex system of modern society, and the different functions that society assigns to all people in this system.

"All occupations are like different parts in a complex machine, which mesh and interact with each other, and together they are modern civilization.

"These two identities make up the whole society.

"As long as a person lives in his own social relationship for a long time, all kinds of trivial and strange things around him will naturally become clear, and even become taken for granted.

"And if a person stays in an industry for a long time, he will find that even if he doesn't ask about many things deliberately, some secrets that are difficult for outsiders to detect will naturally spread to his ears.

"So if a certain person can have tens of thousands of completely different identities with different social relationships, and exist in all parts of the world and in various industries at the same time, she doesn't have to do anything.

"Just gather all the information you see, smell and smell, and then organize it systematically under a unified will.

"Then there is nothing in this world that can hide from her, especially some major events, even if all the information has been deleted, and things that do not exist in theory, they can still be unearthed.

"This is the practice of the original question chapter."

After a few jumps and jumps, as if dancing in the air, Miss Suzi came to the head of the Daoist Faxiang of Qiankun, which is as huge as the whole world.

"The reason why I released this news is naturally also to test, to test you, or to test who is the sword holder who controls the system?
"At the time I didn't know who it was.

"But I know that this sword bearer has systematic control over the 'Anti-Building Wood Formation', and because of his mission, he must be extremely sensitive to it.

(End of this chapter)

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