Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 715, justice

Chapter 715, justice

Hearing this, Zhao Hao first looked around and saw that there was no one there, so he took a step closer to Li Gou, and said cautiously: "The times have changed a long time ago, and now there is a fundamental difference from before.

"The rapid improvement of technology has changed a lot of things. I heard people on those rubbish forums say that those gentlemen may have some extraordinary information technology, and maybe they can use these superhuman 'supernatural powers' to formulate' Tiantiao' come.

"It is true that no one can change people's hearts and human nature, but technology can allow us to change the world and the environment in which everyone exists."

"You mean the rumors that have been circulating on the Internet these years, some videos that were quickly deleted, and the special information technology behind it that was suspected? This is really possible... Is this the ultimate reliance of those elders? "

Li Gou was a little silent when he heard the words, and opened his mouth to refute this again, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly, "You said these guys...what do they think?

"Why is your mind so bad? Are you really not giving anyone a chance to survive?"

"Garbage like us has no place to stay in reality, and the virtual network that truly carries itself must be completely dismantled.

"What do you want to turn people into, into plasticine that you pinch randomly?"

Wang Haodao: "In their words, or they feel that their means are all to make the world better, to make the virtual world more standardized, to show more, and to have positive educational significance."

Li Gou laughed with disdain and sarcasm, "I am always thinking about education, why don't I know that education is essentially against nature, and it is painful for people.

"Games and entertainment cater to nature, mainly to bring excitement and happiness.

"The fundamental logic of the two things is completely opposite. If you have to violate the rules and forcibly combine them, you can only create a twisted monster."

Zhao Hao said with a smile: "No matter what, it's useless if you say it. Those people are more willing to believe in teaching through entertainment. They feel that the reason why they can't do it is because they haven't put their heart into it, so they plan to use the whip to urge them to move towards this goal." The right way forward..."

"Going in the right direction, getting better and better, for our own good, it's really righteous!"

Li Gou took out the e-cigarette from his pocket and couldn't help taking a deep breath, the smoke was lingering.

"But what's the point of educating all the people in the world to be elites, to be qualified human products under a certain high standard?

"And then? Pay the cheapest salaries for these elites, and finally stuff all these qualified products into the coffin we are in?

"The only thing I think is that the main reason is that I don't dress decently enough. When the car stopped moving, I swayed my body and pretended that the train was still moving...

"Regardless of the fundamental contradictions, only embroidering on the surface, and performing it out of thin air for whom to see?
"Hypocritical performances will not improve the harsh environment, it will only make the original overwhelmed even more overwhelmed."

"Still righteous!

"How come they don't know that their greatest kindness to us is to save the fuck!

"Let those of us who have one foot in the grave at least have a stable access to cheap mental stimulation and the joy it brings.

"That's all... that's all..."

Zhao Hao said with a smile: "You are only considering yourself, only standing on your own standpoint, and not considering the interests and needs of the gentlemen.

"You feel uncomfortable with higher quality residents and cheaper employment costs, but you didn't expect that this would create greater value and greater wealth for the master.

"As for your unhappiness caused by this, it is only our unhappiness, is it a very happy thing for the master?

"Twisting other people's will, feeding you shit and asking you to say it's delicious, standing on top of other people's suffering with great righteousness, and letting them suffer without being able to tell, this is undoubtedly a great joy... Hehe..."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to beg Li Gou's hand and said, "Come... no... let me have a bite too."


Li Gou hurriedly took another puff, then handed the electronic cigarette in his hand to Zhao Hao.

"It doesn't matter about those bad species and what they want to do to this ghost world.

"The important thing for us is... or you say people like us, where should we go in the future? Where can we stay? What should we do in the future?"

Zhao Hao wiped the suction nozzle with a hand that was dirtier than the suction nozzle, then stuffed it into his mouth, sucked it hard, and poured it all into his lungs.

Then, while spraying a column of smoke, he leaned against the wall, like a homeless man lying on the side of the road staring at the passing people and vehicles waiting to die.

He said indifferently: "Live a day is a day, enjoy yourself to your heart's content, today's blessings will never be placed on tomorrow, take one step at a time, no matter what, there are some garbage corners that can provide rest..."

"Well... Or you can stand up and fight for yourself to have a chance to breathe."

Li Gou couldn't help but said: "What do you mean?"

Zhao Haodao: "I heard in game forums and groups that some people who objected to this proposal, some people like us, have gone to protest at this moment, hoping to prevent this proposal from being passed. If you want to go…"

Li Gou shook his head without even thinking about it: "It's a waste of time to go, didn't you just say that, the current behavior of the company has revealed the will of those old men.

"Those matters that the elders want to promote, the so-called discussions, are just a process, and we can still take it seriously with a notification?"

Zhao Haodao: "I can't say that completely. In history, and in some relevant records over the years, there are also some policies that were changed due to the influence of the public's reaction."

Li Gou said: "Those are all issues that the masters don't care about, some trivial matters, some trivial matters, through these, we will lead everyone to democracy and give everyone a sense of participation.

"Whichever is our rabble's turn to speak up for a really big event, it's those high-level people who design it, and then everyone bears the result together.

"If the result is good, then it's a sage, if it's bad, it's a good heart, but because of a certain reason, you did something wrong, it's a's a pity...what if the thing is done? Everyone should be more considerate...understand.

"This incident is nothing more than another predictable misstep in the work of the gentlemen.

“Instead of getting involved and fighting the windmill with our own passion and air.

"It's better to take advantage of the time and play a little longer before you really tighten up. This kind of life is getting worse day by day."

(End of this chapter)

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