Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 732, Future

Chapter 732, Future

It can be seen from this that, from the earliest period of statistical data, the statistical curve has been maintained in a relatively stable fluctuation range.

Occasionally there are ups and downs, and each ups and downs, compared with reality, corresponds to some events that have a huge impact on the world.

Until now, to be precise not long ago, when Zhou Tian Xinghe was untied and Tiandao super AI disappeared, the curve suddenly changed drastically than ever before.

It seems that a mountain has risen above the cliff.

Looking at these pictures, the expression of the 'G Taoist' was unusually gloomy and dignified.

"The world is already on the brink...

"The true achievement of the Dao of Heaven is naturally a very good thing for this world, but at the same time, it also breaks the original deformed stability. Such a fundamental change will attract the instinct of those who benefit from the inherent system. violent reaction.

"In this way, coupled with the fact that the Tiandao super artificial intelligence, which has existed for a long time and has already occupied an important position in the existing social order, suddenly disappeared, and those existences that were restricted by it temporarily lost their shackles.

"Everything has become out of control.

"I understand and understand the reasons for the concerns and objections of Zheng Xiaoyu before, but compared to these, which may overthrow the world at any time, destroy the existing order and cause unimaginable huge problems at any time, they are still ranked behind. .

"It's just a little thing that doesn't matter.

"After all, if the world is gone and the original society collapses, what's the point of talking about changes, human rights and rights?
"As for talking about completely destroying everything and rebuilding it, this is the most ignorant nonsense, and it is extremely irresponsible to the original people.

"I can't even take care of the present, but I want to take care of the future..."

The 'G Daoist' stared at the incomparably complex data flowing rapidly in front of him.

It seems that they have seen the horrible existences with invisible faces hidden behind all the conspiracy and power represented by this. They are grinding their teeth and claws, secretly calculating, and preparing to set off endless disturbances.

"In the current situation of such great changes through the ages, the most important and necessary thing is absolute stability, so as not to let the situation develop to the point of getting out of hand.

"Historical experience tells us that in the face of this situation, if you want to be stable and stable, the best way to deal with it is to have power.

"Tiandao (Super Artificial Intelligence) has previously balanced and restrained the major groups and guaranteed the purity of the Federation to a certain extent. This will be my opportunity.

"The entertainment, film and television management treaty just now is just the beginning. Next, we need to gather power in more and more important fields, so as to fight against everything that may happen..."



At the same time, the two women standing on the roof of this sky-high building withdrew their piercing eyes.

"Is this the impact that guy is currently exerting on this world, the changes it brings?"

The tall woman in a black dress is Wang Lingdao: "Different people, different identities, different ideas, different cognitions, may have conflicts, may draw swords against each other... But everyone is connected by a thread, Based on the same consensus, make the world a better place, keep more people from harm, and work hard on this.

"This is indeed better than everyone having a unified basic logic. Although it is efficient, it will plunge the entire civilization into a thinking twilight without any changes and future.

"But again, change is variable.

"As far as I can see, all the people who have been infected, the kind of fate in these sentient beings is similar to the Dao fruit of the original question chapter, but with a more superficial connection.

"Will it be possible to sustain the incomparably huge torrent of the fate of all mankind?

"You need to know that the basic intention is good, but it does not mean that it will not cause bad influence. For example, if the path of 'G Daoist' goes well, it will inevitably cause a series of influences, and may even lead to extremes.

"Then how can we ensure that the final destination of the fate of the world is the best for this world, and the least damage and loss caused by all choices?"

Hearing this, Suzi, a slightly shorter woman in a kimono, said, "The Dao fruit of all living beings is not a lower-level fate than the original Wenzhang chapter. , without any difference.

"It's just because the huge concept of the Dao of Heaven cannot be carried by not only the small cognition of "Zhang Baoren", but also the small "I" of human beings, not even "human beings".

"Truly surpassed everything.

"So all beings cannot anchor each other through the basic consensus of the same 'I' or the same 'Zhang Baoren'.

"Sentient beings do not have the concept of 'I', and it is impossible to have the concept of 'I', because there are all living beings without self, so it is for this form of expression."

"As for how to ensure that the original intention of making the world a better place can be realized without being led astray by all beings with infinite possibilities.

"It is also possible to be so 'non-self'.

"You should know that the original question chapter has a complete body form, which entangles all Dao fruits, and obtains extraordinary computing power through a fusion reaction produced by collisions between different Dao fruits.

"This ability to regulate and control based on human's subjective ego has also changed and become more in-depth after this road has reached the ultimate 'Day of Heaven' and lost the 'I'.

"Of course, it may also be because there are too many Dao fruits of sentient beings, and the changes and reactions produced by this are really beyond anyone's imagination.

"This characteristic of the Dao of Heaven is no longer active entanglement and superposition, but a passive state all the time, but it does not appear in the world, but calculates in a higher should be like this.

"This is the supreme magical power 'Taishang Dream Butterfly One Thought Common Life' that I obtained the foundation of the Heavenly Dao, and after the true birth of the Heavenly Dao, I realized the practice. Compared with before, the realm has undergone a more fundamental transformation and is closer to the Heavenly Dao. Only vaguely felt it.

"That kind of realm is very fascinating.

"It seems to have injected a macro-conceptual soul into the entire civilization.

"Using this to regulate the giant ship of human destiny, this river is constantly moving in the right direction.

"Between the all-encompassing Dao and fruit of sentient beings, the different positions themselves just become error correction and hedging, and at this time just become a means of adjustment.

"Like this bill, at the same time, in every corner of the world, there are countless small things that appear and change because of Dao Fruit, or restrain it, or match each other.

"There are even things that are brewing in the dimension of time and are about to appear at a certain moment, things that are closely related to various changes..."

(End of this chapter)

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