Cyber ​​Swordsman 2121

Chapter 743, the weak

Chapter 743, the weak

"The way of heaven is not affected by the false concept of reincarnation that they created, and it is not covered by the relatively trivial logic.

"His attraction to Zhang Baoren is aimed at 'Zhang Baoren' himself.

"It is the original intention of the experiment. The specially prepared one has continuity, special memory, and special intelligent core for the way of heaven."

"In this deadlock.

"Zhang Baoren came up with his own idea. Since Zhang Baoren is attracted by the Dao of Heaven, can cutting with Zhang Baoren solve this problem?

"For Zhang Baoren, this is not difficult, and there are not many obstacles. All beings are for me, I am for all beings, become another me, and still be me.

"But it's not the case for Wang Ling. What's the point of this reincarnation experiment? She doesn't support this method.

"There was a disagreement between the two sides.

"Then time passed little by little, under the pressure of Dao Hua, he was unable to come up with a solution for a long time, and in the end Wang Ling had no choice but to compromise on this.

"In the beginning, they twisted and adjusted a part of themselves and experimented.

"It turned out to be of no use.

"As long as the experimental product originally has Zhang Baoren's past, even if it undergoes changes, it will still be regarded as a part, and it will automatically adjust towards Zhang Baoren and return to the original track.

"Then we can only follow the original train of thought like cutting sausages, and make bigger distortions little by little, which makes the differences between the two sides bigger and bigger.

"It was like this until Zhang Baoren's self-distortion exceeded a certain limit, and he completely changed into another look, so he finally stabilized.

"And Wang Ling finally determined that this result was not what she wanted. She thought that this path was wrong, so she chose to leave alone and continue to experiment, looking for a real way to keep Zhang Baoren behind."

"On the other hand, after the stabilization, I don't know how to call it. It should be called Zhang Baoren, but at the same time, Zhang Baoren can no longer be called Zhang Baoren.

"I don't know whether it is because the degree of personalization is too high, too close to the way of heaven, influenced by the way of heaven, or because of my own thoughts, it has begun to actively fill the vacancy after the disappearance of the 'original super artificial intelligence way of heaven' to some extent.

"Because of the changes of the times, I have to have inevitable conflicts with those vested interests in the world today who have suffered huge losses in their own interests and may be overturned by the times.

"Breaking mountains and destroying temples, in the midst of countless battles, slowly became the current Emperor of Heaven."


Looking at Wang Ling, the man continued: "You lost everything after you broke with the 'Emperor of Heaven'.

"The experiment failed, the results were lost, and even Motoko Kusanagi, who supported your experiment before, chose to stand on the side of the 'Emperor of Heaven' and parted ways with you.

"It can be said that although you had thoughts and didn't want to give up at that time, in fact, you couldn't do anything, and you were completely out of the game.

"In the end, it's me, it's us, we choose to support you, and we have truly collected the gods of 'Taiyi Ten Directions Rescue Suffering' and 'Taiyi Futian Houtu Empress' for you.

"At the same time, various resources are provided, including substances and permissions with major laboratories.

"So that you can continue the reincarnation experiment, so that you can atone for the trouble you caused."

Wang Ling woke up from the memory, looked at the man opposite and shook his head, "You guys did help me at that time, but I don't think that everything I did was to satisfy some purpose of yours. atonement for his actions.

"There is no sin in what I did, I just caused the birth of the 'Emperor of Heaven', the reason why He will conflict with you is that the personality deviation is too high, and he is passively affected by the way of heaven.

"In order to stabilize the current situation that has become unstable due to the loss of checks and balances, and at the same time conform to the general trend and the general trend of humanitarian development.

"And this collides with your fear of reckoning because of what you have done in the past tens or hundreds of years, as well as your unwillingness to lose your interests, and more importantly, your rights.

"The end result.

"It's not caused by me. It has no essential connection with me. It can't be blamed on me."

"If you want me to pay the price for the help I have received before and make due returns, this is not an excuse.

"We have to come to a consensus.

"But in my opinion, your current behavior is not so reasonable. If you want peace and purity, you can completely let go. Talking so much is not because of too much greed."

The man shook his head and sighed: "The karma of the world of mortals, if you go deep into it, how can you avoid it."

Wang Ling said: "Since this is the case, then face your own choice.

"No matter how you fight, for what righteousness and reasons, it has nothing to do with me. I just want to stay away from this dispute and do what I want to do..."

Turning to leave.

The man looked at her back and said: "The cause and effect of the world of mortals, catch everything, you can't avoid it, it's not only us, but also you.

"According to the information we have received, the Emperor of Heaven seems to be eyeing the "Johns Hopkins Data Storage Research Center" and wants to plan some plans for the countless data accumulated in it..."

In an instant, Wang Ling's footsteps stopped, and at the same time, hospitals, schools, cemeteries, restaurants, cars, companies, high-rise buildings appeared on the surface of the white dress on his body... Men, women, children, and intelligent robots appeared, shuttling and living among them.

Everything in the world appeared, life and death, life and death, the shadow of endless reincarnation.

Just looking at it may make people lose their consciousness and suddenly experience another life.

Her voice also began to overlap, "Johns Hopkins Data Storage Research Center, what is that guy staring at here?"

The man shook his head and said: "I don't know what kind of plan it is, but I know that no matter what it is, it is not what you want to see.

"This is the only place you want to go to cut off the cause and effect of heaven and man. Any change may interrupt your layout."

Wang Ling was silent for a while, and then all the visions on his body subsided, and he continued to walk forward...

The man said: "I know that you have been too mundane since you were a child, and because the power of reincarnation is the result of such entanglement to the extreme.

"It makes it difficult to let go, so that we have a kind of compassion and tolerance for the weak in the face of the emperor who is against us.

"And help it secretly.

"For example, the clues about 'Abyss of Time and Space'...

"But my daughter!
"We are actually the weak ones, who are powerlessly resisting under the general situation, trying to change something in the aftermath of the old era.

"And the one who has the bias of the way of heaven that transcends everything, and the one who has the support of all beings connected with the way of heaven is the stronger side."




(End of this chapter)

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