Chapter 184 Counterattack
Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age.

And the luxury series specially prepared for VIPs, such as Supreme Platinum, Eternal Diamond, and Xingyao customization.

These are different series set by Payton according to different groups of people. The main positioning and labels of these series are also different.

All kinds of advertising bombing, marketing, and lottery can satisfy consumers' greed for petty gains.

Among them, Black Iron and Bronze Age are mainly aimed at the lower class, with punk style, wave, and various cultural labels of the third world as the main target market. The main target market is young urban consumers.

The appearance design is beautiful and fashionable, and it can also be used as a signature pen and a label.

This is Payton's most fancy market, and it is also the broadest market.

For this market, Payton also provided several hype plans, such as movies, TV, pop music, spending money on advertisements, designing different stories for male and female groups, and labeling it with youth, literature, love, petty bourgeoisie, fashion, etc. .

At that time, what people buy is not e-cigarettes, but feelings. At that time, even if other e-cigarettes start to start, they will have a deep enough moat.

The golden age and the silver age are for the middle class.

Among them, the golden age is dedicated to gift giving.

In fact, as a gift, e-cigarettes are often kept and not smoked. You give it to me, I give it to you, and various transfers. Sometimes it is transferred for two or three years before being withdrawn, which greatly consumes the market demand.

The appearance of this electronic cigarette is very realistic, with silver and gold as the main materials, the design is more simple and aristocratic.

In this way, the gift giver feels very face-saving, and can even be used as a certain investment effect.

Who would be willing to throw away gold?
The two series of platinum and diamonds meet a certain threshold, and they can only be purchased by the VIP of Payton Clothing Company.

Among them, the design is labeled as gorgeous, luxurious, and fashionable, and it is a luxury line.

In Peyton's plan, if e-cigarettes can be elevated to the level of clothing and become a brooch-like ornament, that would be a broad world.

Against this world, the power of women's rights must be mobilized.

At least let women's smoking become a trend in the upper class, not an alternative.

"Calculate the time, the age of the hippies is coming, when that time comes, I can definitely be an assistant."

It is true that few hippies can afford high-end e-cigarettes, but the cultural customs formed by them are inherently the best weather vane for the expansion of e-cigarettes.


"Boss, read these newspapers!"

Peyton glanced at the headline of the newspaper—the new favorite product of electronic cigarettes.

Many mainstream newspapers have started to publicize and start to vilify e-cigarettes.

"Hmph, has it finally started?"

Peyton put down the newspaper, not surprised at all.

What e-cigarettes have taken away is the huge market of traditional tobacco manufacturers. If these people do not fight back, he will be surprised.

In the entire federation, these tobacco manufacturers are extremely powerful. If they join hands, it will not be difficult to change the president.

Peyton paused, and dialed the phone to Washington TV headquarters as quickly as possible.

"Arranged according to the previous plan, endorsed by various experiments, and at the same time increased the publicity of various newspapers, creating a scandal for traditional tobacco companies."

"I think about the title - tens of thousands of people die every day because of smoking, and hundreds of millions of dollars are earned by tobacco companies every day."

After hanging up the phone, a call from the state government came quickly.

Peyton answered the phone: "Dad, how come you have time to call me?"

Mr. Chris: "Show me the secret technique, today's newspaper, you are very passive."

Peyton smiled: "It's normal, I touched other people's cakes, so naturally I have to allow others to fight back."

"Okay, do you have a specific plan?"

Peyton nodded: "I hope you can contact more businessmen in Alabama for me."

"I intend to split the e-cigarette company and introduce more shareholders."

Mr. Chris breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. It was obvious that Peyton was extremely rational at this time and had no hard thoughts.

What he was most worried about before was Payton's hard confrontation with those traditional tobacco companies.

How can a person bear it?
For the sake of profit, the president can also die, and Peyton is no different?
"Their strength is too great, and I also need more companions."

Mr. Chris nodded: "I will contact you. At the same time, I also hope that you can take care of my supporters. Mr. Graves of United Steel has expressed his interest in Chris Chemical to me more than once..."

Peyton nodded: "Of course, my surname is Chris too, isn't it?"

"As for Mr. Graves, his daughter and I have a good impression of each other, and I am very inclined that we have more communication and exchanges with each other."

Mr. Chris laughed: "Last time, didn't you say that you don't like political fellowship?"

Payton retorted: "No, no, no! How can this be a political marriage? Don't I have the right to pursue love?"

"Well, no matter what you think, I always agree with you. This is far more helpful than getting closer to those Hollywood women."

After hanging up the phone of Mr. Chris, Mr. Chris dialed the phone number of the president of the Jewish Foundation and called many powerful people he had met over the years.

Finally, he made a call to an important person—the chairman of Philip Morris, owner of the fast-growing tobacco brand Marlboro.

"Hello, Mr. Bull, I'm Peyton Chris, what's your suggestion to me?"

"E-cigarettes are a brighter track, and I think this will be our opportunity!"

Payton emphasizes us.

This is related to the current situation of Philip Morris Group.

Since 1954, Marlboro has completely changed its brand strategy and advertising strategy. In the second year, Marlboro cigarettes ranked 10th in the sales volume of American cigarette brands, and then skyrocketed.

During the process, the emerging Philip Morris Group has also been facing pressure from various predecessors, the most important of which is the pressure from the three major federal tobacco monopoly companies.

You know, the brands owned by these three companies include Winton, Reynolds, and Camel... They basically monopolize all the large tobacco brands in the Federation.

In the face of these three seniors, Marlboro's development is difficult. It is definitely not what the outside world said. It changed an advertisement or positioning and started to slay dragons.

"Marlboro has grown so fast, which already speaks to the boredom of the old-fashioned tobacco among the Commonwealth."

"E-cigarettes are the future, and this is a brand new track."

"We have established a brand-new company together. At that time, the e-cigarettes with Marlboro as a series will surely break through all the shackles."

Mr. Bull paused: "Mr. Chris, what do you think about the equity of the new company?"

Peyton smiled slightly: "This still needs more careful consideration."

"At the same time, we can also consider including more peers. For some traditional tobacco companies that need to change, e-cigarettes may be their future outlet."

(End of this chapter)

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