Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 40 The Comics Market

Chapter 40 The Comics Market
"Congratulations to the University of San Francisco for winning the 1955-1956 season championship!"

In front of the TV, following the announcer's announcement, the audience cheered!
After a while, the most outstanding players who made it to the semi-finals began to be announced. This award is similar to the FMVP of the NBA Finals. As soon as the results came out, the scene was in an uproar!
"It's a joke that the core of the championship can't get the most outstanding player!"

"Bill Russell should play more decisively, he is less aggressive, otherwise he is definitely a mop."

mop - Most Outstanding Player to reach the Final Four.

Last year it was Bill Russell, this year it's not him, it's Hal Leor of Temple University.

Peyton said that he had never heard of this name. What kind of country bumpkin is this?
On the other hand, Jenny said with her experience in the music world: "Perhaps the judges are a little tired of the same mop. You know, the music world is like this, and all circles are like this."

Is that right?

Not so!
Because before Russell, there was an example of re-election. If it is on the line, then the issue of skin color should be the key.

In the past two years, the black rights movement has gradually fermented in the society. The bus boycott movement initiated by Martin Luther King has become more and more intense, and the social repercussions have been violent!

Non-violence, non-cooperation - this was what Gandhi advocated.

It is not passive, it is still defiance, and it is fundamentally a means of the strong, which does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win the friendship and understanding of the opponent.

Even nonviolent resisters are willing to accept pain without retaliation, and to accept blows from the other party without retaliation. Of course, nonviolent resisters not only avoid external material violence, but also internal spiritual violence, that is, they do not hate but love each other.

The love here is neither love nor friendship, but a kind of calmness, understanding, kindness, love that seeks to preserve and create a community;

At this time, Martin Luther King did a good job of this set, and it was even his strategy of not making ordinary citizens disgusted that the rights protection movement really took the right path.

The blacks under his leadership did not confront the government with violent actions, but protested in a legal way.

For example, the boycott of the bus above, you can't force black people to take the bus, can you?
Of course, such a strategy tends to be weak. Civil disobedients are convinced that the world is on the side of justice and the future, so they lose their initiative. Gandhi failed in his life, and Martin Luther King, of course, could not.

Back to the topic, Jenny's circle made Peyton think of the Pulitzer Prize's neglect of him over the years.

Even though Original Sin is now popular and even regarded as another innovation of crime literature, there is still no movement in this year's Pulitzer Prize.

Thinking in his heart, Peyton couldn't help snorting coldly: "Circle? Any altar will be an altar in the end, and any circle will be a wreath in the end."

Even though he said this, Payton knew in his heart that as long as there are judges and referees in all kinds of competitions, they are all operable.

A certain Director Feng said it right--awards are a game in the circle after all.

It's just an excellent circle, a circle that doesn't want to lose its authority, and will find a way to bring outstanding talents from outside into the circle and become direct descendants of the circle.

The Edgar Allan Poe Award did a good job in this regard. After realizing the talent of Paton, he took the initiative to include him in the circle of reasoning writers and became a direct descendant. Not only did he take the initiative to award the best debut award of the year, but also Lots of nominations and wins.

According to the news from Random House, the invitation letter for this year's Edgar Allan Poe Award has already been handed over. If there is no accident, he must have gained something.

As for saying that Money Empire is not a serious detective work?
Does it matter?

Leaving aside the fact that you include reasoning factors, even if you don’t, is there more than one Edgar Allan Poe Award?
Peyton is a direct descendant of the circle, and the association has been the most influential writer in the Federation in the past few years. As long as Peyton is willing to go to the platform, he will definitely gain something. What is this?

You see, those Pulitzer Prize winners are old and stubborn, and they must not consider worldly wisdom.

As for authority?
Who doesn't know the Pulitzer PR team?The darkness inside is even more Oscar than the Oscars. Back then, "Devil Personality" was nominated, which is the power of public relations.

Sooner or later Payton will give them a little color look.

Today you look down on me, tomorrow I will make you look down.

After a while, Joanna looked at the huge trophy and sighed a little: "I don't know when our state of Anabama will usher in its first championship?"

"Basketball or football?" Payton smiled.

Joanna gave Payton a blank look: "Rugby has already existed, and there are five seats. Even though the red tide storm has disappointed us in the past few years, it is still a rich family."

1925, 1926, 1930, 1934, and 1941 were the era when the Crimson Tide won the football championship in history. From the time, it can be seen that the Crimson Tide has a long history and rich background.

It's just that these giants have been a bit disappointing in recent years, and it's been 15 years since the last champion.

However, Payton knew that the revival of the giants was just around the corner. In the early 60s, the Crimson Tide storm would rule the NCAA several times. Our great Mr. Forrest Gan was the core figure of that championship team.

I just don't know if this time, as history changes, it will be different.

"Basketball champion, are you waiting for a miracle?"

Payton also shook his head when he heard the words: "Alabama is not a big basketball state. I haven't even been able to break into the crazy March a few times, let alone a championship?"

"People love football more!" Forres added.

Anabama is a big football state. Even though Crimson Tide Storm has declined in recent years, it is still a wealthy family that can attract talented athletes from all states. With a wealthy background, it will be a favorable contender for the championship in a few years.

But basketball?There is really nothing to mention here. I dare not say it is a desert of basketball, but there is very little soil for basketball.

The only well-known NBA stars in Alabama in later generations should be Charles Barkley the Flying Pig and Sprewell the choker madman.

Among them, Charles is not from the Crimson Tide team of the University of Alabama, but from Auburn University in Alabama. The Crimson Tide team has no attraction for him.

Although the choker maniac Sprewell is a star produced by the Crimson Tide, he is not a local bumpkin born in Alabama.

As for the NCAA championship that Joanna mentioned, it lasted until the twentieth century, and Anabama failed to get it!

So we can only wait for a miracle.

Suddenly thought of something, Joanna suddenly said: "Payton, if you write a novel related to basketball, you have so many fans and book fans, maybe you can add some basketball elements to Alabama."

Peyton was taken aback when he heard this, but Joanna reminded him that sports-themed works are relatively rare in this era.

When mentioning this subject matter, Payton immediately thought of Slam Dunk, but that was from the 90s.

"However, since I intend to arrange the media, it's not just books, comics are also an important part."

Before that, Payton had been preparing to lay out a book sales network, and planned to acquire newspapers, radio stations, and television in the future to build his own media empire.

But ignore the comics.

"Marvel and DC comics are two gold mines, and later generations have almost become the cultural symbols of the Federation."

After a while, Peyton looked at Joanna and said seriously: "You can give it a try!"

In comparison, the volume of comics is small, but it is the easiest to get started.


After everyone left, Peyton cleared his mind and dialed the phone.

"Yes, it's me. Help me find out which famous comic companies are currently in the Federation, and give me a summary."

"Yes, boss!"

Marvel, it should not be called Marvel now. Marvel has changed its name several times in history. In 39, it was called Time Comics. In 51, it was called Atlas Comics. It was not renamed Marvel until 61. Of course, it was also translated Marvel Comics.

But DC comics has always been the name, and these two comics are basically the two giants of American comics.

The former has mutant series, such as the familiar Captain America, Hulk, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Magneto, Wolverine... are all characters in it.

The latter has superheroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash...

After a while, Peyton rubbed his temples, and when he saw the comics market, he thought of a broad field—toys, which are gold-eating behemoths.

We all know - children and women's money is the best earned.

Peyton creates high-end luxury clothing, and most women pay for it, and the comics and related toys, children will pay for it, and when the children grow up, the entire Federation will pay for it.

(End of this chapter)

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