Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 48 The Comics Market

Chapter 48 The Comics Market
"Now I need you to do something!"

"Go to the boss of Marvel Comics, I want to buy his company."

"At the same time, I contacted those animators who were unemployed in Marvel Comics in the industry. I asked them to work for me. I like their style very much!"

"Of course, other professional painters can also try to contact them. There are quite a few unemployed cartoonists now."

Hang up the phone at the law firm, leaving Peyton alone in the office.

Lying on the sofa, Peyton was in an extremely good mood.

He was very excited to complete the empty-handed white wolf routine from him. If he hadn't seized the timing of Random House's listing, it would have been absolutely impossible to do it.

Of course, this is a win-win cooperation scheme, which is beneficial to both parties.

Peyton got 20% of the shares for nothing, and it is foreseeable that if the listing is successful, he will make a fortune. This is a wealth of tens of millions.

Peyton couldn't help singing in a low voice, "Well, since my baby left me, I found a new place to dwell..."

The heartbreak hotel is a pop song just released in January, sung by Elvis Presley.

That's right, it's the man who dances very magically. Some children are not suitable. Everyone likes to call him Elvis Presley.

Peyton likes this song very much, the rhythm is very strong!

Lying on the sofa, Payton thought about his next move.

Next, Peyton is going to start a comic publication, contact Marvel Comics and find professional talents, just to prepare for this matter.

After gaining insight into the comics market, Peyton conducted a detailed investigation into this field. The results of the investigation were not optimistic. It seemed that this was a particularly bad industry.

But this does not affect Payton's confidence in the slightest. He is well aware of the huge market in the industry in the future, and Payton firmly believes that this is the best time to enter the market.

The timing is great now, the federal comics industry has suffered its biggest challenge, and the "comics are harmful theory" has become popular.

The psychologist Frederick Wertham declared that comics lead to crime and launched a comprehensive killing campaign against the comics industry.

Many large-scale comics have been targeted, such as dirty comics, pink comics, and white rabbit comics... There is nothing to say, but this is destined to be a war of extermination.

Even if some cartoons are not large in scale, Weittham can always find other problems.

For example, he casts his eyes on the "private life" of the characters, thus making his most notorious assertion: comics lead to homosexuality!

In Wittham's eyes, Wonder Woman is a lesbian, and despite her having a boyfriend in the story, he identified her character as "anti-masculine."

Likewise, he thinks Batman is anti-female because the pretty women in him are mostly bad women.

Hehe, this is now!
In the past few years, in Europe and the United States, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense. It seems very unfree, but the slogan of freedom is used.

Such as labels, feminism, homosexuality...

Any hashtag can help a person develop on a public platform, although sometimes it can also bring some restrictions to them.

For example, if you are a normal man, you will not have any privileges on the Internet, but if you tell netizens that you have always thought of yourself as a woman in your heart, so you are a patient with gender identity disorder.

Likewise, thinking you're a woman and wearing men's clothing is another indication that you're a transvestite.

Finally, thinking you're a woman and having a girlfriend also shows you're gay.

In the blink of an eye, three layers of buffs are applied, and on the European and American public platforms, you are almost invincible.

Anyone who dares to publicly criticize and accuse you will be interpreted as discriminatory remarks against these three groups.

Not only that, some people think you are disrespectful to women.

If you have a career, this bashing is also disrespectful to your career.

Of course, add vegans, religious beliefs, animal rights activists, people of color, people with disabilities... and your label will get you nowhere!

Once the buff is on, no one dares to be an enemy. This kind of label system is an excellent way to transfer conflicts.

The current federation is obviously more "free".

Not only did these labels not get too many privileges, some were also discriminated against and regarded as heterogeneous. At the same time, many people had never thought that they could repeatedly stack buffs to obtain invincible special effects!
Payton can make good use of this point in the future!
If you don't change anything, just stick a few labels, you will be invincible!
In this context, in 1954, the Senate held a hearing specifically on comic publishing, and comic companies had to set limits on themselves and took the initiative to form a self-regulatory agency: the Comic Code Authority (CCA).

Since then, "compliant" comics have to bear the CCA mark on the cover before they can be shipped and sold, and the industry has been greatly restricted.

At the same time, a movement against comics was also launched in the society, and publishing houses were closed one after another. Within a year, sales of comic books dropped by 75%.

A large number of cartoonists in the industry are unemployed, and the boss of Marvel Comics has temporarily closed the company, leaving only an office and a small number of painters. All sales channels have been lost, and they are completely dependent on the channels of competitor DC Comics.

This situation will continue until the 60s. DC Comics launched the Justice League, whose members include Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Neptune, and Martian Manhunter, which is often called the "Big Seven". An alliance that does not lose to Marvel Avengers at all.

There is a saying: Superman is the soul of the Justice League, Batman is the brain of the Justice League, Martian Manhunter is the heart of the Justice League, and The Flash is the conscience of the Justice League...

With the launch of the Justice League, the era of superheroes has entered, and superheroes have come on stage one by one, saving the comics industry.

Just like Magician and Bird saved the NBA in the 80s, of course, we know this is a bit exaggerated!

However, these heroes did inject fresh blood into the comics industry, and the comics industry revived.

But now, DC Comics barely survives by relying on the popularity of Superman and Batman, which is the only bright spot in the depression period of the comics industry.

The current Marvel Comics has almost nothing. If it is not for the copyright of characters such as Captain America and the excellent comic workers in the studio, Peyton will never acquire Marvel Comics.

"The superhero series may be able to debut earlier!" Peyton murmured.

The Fantastic Four, Hulk, Spider-Man...all belong to the heroes of the early 60s. They debuted early, and there is nothing wrong with it. The market is sluggish, and excellent works are needed to revive them.

As for, can it be successful?
Payton doesn't know, but even if he loses money for a few years, he can afford it. The copyright of these heroes must be in his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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