Chapter 53 Leader!

However, the form on the court did not go as expected by all of them.

Following the adaptation of Peyton's eyes, Forres knew clearly, estimated the distance between each other, and started to run.

Soon, Etfu slammed into Forrest's arms, the space was smaller than an ant hole, he had no chance to pass the ball to the two teammates inside, so he had to pass it outside.

He remembered that there was a teammate in that position, so he passed it.

"Damn it!"

"Why did this kid appear here?"

It's as if Payton really saw this result, stuck Aitfu's only point of exit ahead of time, and blocked the ball.

Seeing this, the white team's small forward Grant directly went to fast break.

Payton made a long pass across the half court and passed it to Grant with amazing accuracy. He rushed to the basket smoothly, and under the cover of the power forward, he successfully made a one-handed layup.

"You're not much better than that idiot who thinks he can bully rookies. Your IQ doesn't exceed 60 by visual inspection."

Payton's indifferent words were like a sharp knife on the black team's small forward Aitfu.

"You have the guts to say it again!"

Peyton gave him a cold look, then raised his elbow casually, try?
Seeing the toughness of the man in front of him, he really didn't dare to try, Aitfu could only snort coldly.

Grant ran back, he really didn't know how to describe the feeling just now.

The entire round was under that person's control, and this kind of field control ability was even more terrifying than that person's ability to blow up the entire perimeter.

With awe, he glanced at Peyton, only to be greeted by Peyton's cold eyes, as if looking at a fool.

"It's so cold!" Grant quickly turned his head, thinking to himself.

In fact, although Payton's three teammates are immature, each of them has many advantages. After all, they broke into the second round of actual combat training.

The thin point guard Jack has good organizational breakthrough ability, but his ability completely overlaps with Payton.

Therefore, in front of Peyton, he seemed useless.

But being a tool person is enough.

Although the inside power forward is a little shorter, he has a thick body and can withstand many impacts. If he is mobilized, it is not difficult to pick and roll.

Although the small forward Grant is a little lacking in IQ, he is fast, has enough impact, and has a strong defensive ability.

In addition to the first step is not fast enough, in him, Payton can see the shadow of the Pistons gentleman with his name-Grant Hill.

Moreover, in a completely one-on-one situation, Grant locked his opposing black team defender.

"What a tough defense!"

Before an assistant coach finished his compliment, Grant made a steal and staged another one-stop dunk.

"Although this guy is immature, he has extremely strong immediate combat power and can definitely shine on the bench."

"Look at this counterattack, this guy is really good!"

"Indeed, this person has good strength."

Head coach Seavers praised Grant, and several other assistant coaches echoed a few words.

The basketball was running, and once the offense started, the court was filled with Payton's voice. He was like a coach on the court, waving the whip in his hand and letting everyone play according to his arrangement.

This is very rare in a trial match.

As rookies with good talents, everyone wants to show their perfect side.

Even Jack, the thin point guard, occasionally wants to try to break through.

Therefore, it is difficult to make them cooperate with each other.

Immature, no tacit understanding, this is the most obvious characteristic of a brand new team.

But Peyton's existence changed this. Like a brutal king, he completely dominated this army, biting the flesh and blood of his opponent fiercely.

At this time, Payton did not hold the ball in his hands for a long time. A good commander does not need to hold the ball for a long time. Someone in the team can do this, and he knows the trade-offs.

At this time, he was in the bottom corner.

The huge tonnage of power forward Charter provided him with great convenience. Payton suddenly ran to the outside line around his body, simple pick-and-roll, and got rid of the defender.

Payton ran to the top of the arc, and point guard Jack scored the ball.

Payton caught the ball and shot it, and with his fingers, he dialed out the ball.

The extremely beautiful arc looks like a rainbow!
Forrest calculated the angle and strength in his mind. He just glanced at the arc and started to return to the backcourt. He knew that the ball must be hit.


"Who is guarding me?"

Although it is a pity that there are no three-pointers in this era, Payton's ultra-long-range two-pointers still make people palpitate.

"Are you worthy of defending me too?"

Payton questioned his opponent.

"There are 360 ​​five days in a year, and there are 24 hours in a day. I can handle you every minute!"

The opponent was blushed by what he said, extremely ashamed.

He no longer dared to provoke Payton. He had defended again and again to prove that Payton hit him as easily as blowing his breath.

Also after this round, Payton began to cooperate partially with Grant. He gave the small forward three consecutive opportunities and scored three times.

The team system that the black team is proud of was completely broken by their cooperation.

"How can I compliment this guy?"

Assistant Lynch smiled wryly: "He controls the overall situation."

Under Payton's organization, the entire white team connected in series and played high-quality offenses again and again, and soon the black team completely collapsed.

After the second half, the score was 46 to 71, and the black team lost by 25 points.

Such a huge point difference is like an NBA team playing a CBA team.

Payton can always catch the black team's loopholes and play the advantage.

At this moment, the black team looked like a team coming to try out.

Payton is getting used to the rhythm of the court more and more.

In this game, Payton showed not only suppressing and blasting opponents on the scene, but also some extremely special personal potential-leadership traits.

"He made everyone on the floor happy, except the opponent."

"He is very commanding, and makes teammates who are in contact for the first time follow orders." Sievers said.

At the end of the game, Grant ran up to him and said, "It's been fun playing with you, you're like a commander!"

"Hmm...excellent commander!" Seeing Peyton's indifferent expression, Grant quickly added.

Peyton nodded, his eyes were very indifferent, and the meaning was simple: such obvious things are well known, and you don't need an idiot to tell me.

"Man, you are so cold!"

"Chris, if you just pass me a few more balls, my back attack is quite good." Chater didn't enjoy playing.

As he spoke, he patted Forrest on the shoulder again: "Dude, you played really well. I can see the shadow of Russell on your body."

In this game, if Payton is the core of the offense, Forrest will support a solid line of defense inside.

Jack also came over: "Chris, you are the strongest outside line I have ever seen."

Peyton said: "Of course, there is no doubt about this!"


Of course, blocks are not counted in this era.

Forrest had 18 points, 20 rebounds, 4 assists and 12 blocks. The combination of the two and three tool men completely dominated the game.


Off the court, beside Sievers, Joanna smiled slightly: "Grandpa, is the person I recommended good?"

The old man stopped what he was doing, and said to his granddaughter: "Very good, I didn't expect a best-selling novelist to play a good game, but this guy broke my point of view, you have a good vision, this guy is very good." Commanding power, he can always blow up the opponent, and he can also pass the ball to his teammates at the right time."

"Under his organization, the white team is like a mature team, very good!"

"Where's Forrest Gump?"

" very talented and has good basic skills. Seeing him, I think of Chamberlain, but he seems to only want to be Russell."

"But Russell is also good, he has the characteristics of a winner at a young age."

The old man said, his eyes were a little hot.

As a basketball coach of the older generation, in his eyes, the inside line is always more important than the outside line.

Basketball is a sport for adults, and Forrest's static talent alone is enough to make people envious, not to mention, from Forrest Gump's jumping, he saw a devil who can fly into the sky.

In his opinion, Forrest Gump's only shortcoming is that he takes too few shots and is too selfless.

Joanna nodded, she was also extremely optimistic about A-Gump's talent.

No way, this guy has developed too fast. He is only 12 years old now, he is already six feet three inches (1.9 meters), and his dynamic ability explodes. mythical beast.

On the contrary, Payton is only about 1.7 meters eight, which is already outstanding in the same age group, even surpassing many children a few years older than him.

But it's a far cry from Forrest.

Sometimes Peyton would secretly estimate in his heart: "Could it be that this guy Forrest will grow to [-] meters like in the novel?"

After a perfect tryout.

Forrest and Peyton were called to Sievers' side.

"Payton, Forrest, I am very glad that you have joined the team. I hope you can contribute your energy as much as possible in the team."

Peyton and Forrest nodded together: "Understood!"

(End of this chapter)

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