Witness of the film and television world

Chapter 77 Chapter 79 DuPont

Chapter 77 Chapter 79 DuPont

"Boss, here are two messages."

"Let's just say, is the BASF factory laboratory willing to make a move?"

"Yes, because of domestic politics, BASF in Alabama is up for sale."

Could there be a hint of excitement in Peyton's eyes?

He has been staring at BASF's factory and laboratory in Alabama for a long time, which is extremely beneficial for him to expand the clothing field.

Petrochemical materials, this is also the future trend.

As the world's No. [-] chemical giant, Germany's BASF's background is still higher than that of Federal DuPont.

After learning that BASF actually has a branch in Alabama, as well as factories and laboratories, he locked his eyes on BASF.

By directly swallowing the branch here, he can directly enter the petrochemical industry.

Due to the split between East and West Germany and the domestic political situation, the news of BASF’s sale of overseas subsidiaries has been circulating, but it has not been confirmed for a long time, and now it is finally confirmed.

"Boss, don't be too happy, I have some bad news for you."

"What news? They're asking too much?" Peyton asked, frowning slightly.

"There's no price yet, but DuPont is eyeing it."

"DuPont? Are you sure?"

"I can be sure that this is the news that the senior management of the BASF branch disclosed to me. Not surprisingly, in a few days, DuPont's acquisition team will come directly."


Peyton cursed and put down the phone.

It is not good news that the fat that one is eyeing is being eyed by others, and that person is still a strong man.

DuPont Group, the number one chemical giant in the Federation, has a market value of billions and has a great influence in the Federation. Their products are almost distributed throughout the Federation.

Those who know the history will know that this company is almost connected with the national movement of the Federation. The Manhattan atomic bomb project was fully assisted by the DuPont Group, and some related materials and patents were provided by DuPont.

(Note: In the early 30s, Nippon Chemical was the main competitor of DuPont, and Japanese nylon was spread all over the world, fine products, fine products!)

It's an exaggeration to say that this is a company that can make nuclear bombs.

Thinking a little deeper, being able to participate in such a plan represents DuPont's strength and influence, and has been able to influence the Congress and even influence most of the congressmen.

Therefore, this is a wealthy, powerful and influential giant.

What is Payton, a "billionaire" without much background, fighting for?

"No, how can you give up the meat that's on your lips?"

This can be related to his next important layout.

To put it in a whimsical way, the reason why the rest of the small and medium-sized chemical companies are not acquired is because Payton doesn't like it.

Only BASF's branch can meet Payton's ambition to become a chemical giant.

DuPont is strong, but this is Alabama!

Peyton's eyes were sharp, he thought for a moment, and made a call.

"What's the matter, Peyton?"

Mr. Chris' relaxed voice came from the other end of the phone.

It can be heard that he has been in a good mood recently.

After Payton's billionaire identity was exposed, his political career was indeed greatly benefited.

"Dad, BASF's laboratories and factories have been targeted by DuPont."

"Which DuPont?"

"Which DuPont could it be? DuPont who sells gunpowder, DuPont who sells nylon, DuPont who makes atomic bombs."

Mr. Chris was silent for a moment: "What do you think? Give up, or fight?"

"Of course it's a fight! It's not like you don't know that I've been eyeing BASF for a long time."

"I need some help, especially policy support."

Mr. Chris: "I see, give me some confidence."

Peyton thought for a moment: "I plan to enter the chemical industry and open up Snow Country's market in the Federation. It is estimated that 5000 million US dollars will be invested in Alabama."

"Well! I see, give me some time!"

After speaking, Mr. Chris hung up the phone.

Peyton thought for a while and made a second call.

"Hello, President Sterling!"

"Haha, long time no see, dear little Chris, you have kept all of us a secret. If it weren't for the New York Times, I wouldn't have known that our talented writer was actually a business prodigy who became a business genius at a young age. a billionaire."

Peyton said modestly: "This is very normal. Our Jewish blood contains business codes. I remember that Chairman Sterling became a millionaire before he was 30 years old?"

Sterling laughed. This is something he is extremely proud of. As a refugee, he fled to the United States when he was a teenager, and then discovered the business opportunities in the paper industry, joined it decisively, and became a millionaire when he was less than 30 years old.

Now he has created a big family business and became the president of the local Jewish Foundation Association, a proper social celebrity.

"By the way, little Chris, what can you do for me?"

Payton smiled and said: "Next year is the tenth anniversary of the founding of Israel, and it is also the tenth year that we have rediscovered our promised land after wandering for thousands of years. I think we need to give every Jewish one A special gift."

"Oh? What gift?"

Sterling immediately became interested. As the older generation of Jews who have experienced life in exile, they have extraordinary feelings for the nation and the country.

The most obvious example is the establishment of Israel, which cannot be done without the contribution of Jews in various regions of the world.

"A book! A movie!"

"Use books and movies to record the history of our troubled nation."

"Thousands of years ago, we left the promised land given by the Lord and wandered constantly. Our people were scattered all over the world, scattered in places where there was nowhere to put our souls."

"We who have lost our hometown, although we have made a lot of money, we are still humiliated, oppressed, and lost in wars again and again. We are like grass, blown by wind and rain, burned by fire, and no one pays attention , life is like an ant, always humble."

"But we always remember that there are dark shadows in front of our eyes. That is because there is light behind us. We have the promised land given by the Lord. There will be a land flowing with milk and honey. All disasters are caused by the Lord. As long as we always yearn for the light... we will eventually return to our hometown"

It was obviously a performance, but Peyton poured too much emotion into it, and his voice became more and more sad, as if he was lamenting the suffering of his ancestors.

"On August 1948, 8, we finally returned to the Promised Land, and the souls of our people scattered all over the world were rested."

"Next year, the tenth year of the founding of Israel, we should bear in mind that everything is hard won, and under all the glory, there are all the sufferings of the ancestors, and the pains of the Jews scattered all over the world will unite their hearts together..."

On the other end of the phone, Sterling's voice was a little choked, and his tone was low: "It's hard to imagine that you are so young, little Chris, to have such feelings."

"That's right, I almost forgot that you are the best-selling author in the Federation. The author's writing has emotions far beyond ordinary people. Mary Antin also wrote "Land of Hope" at a young age."

"This is a great gift, and it may become a permanent memory for Jews all over the world. At the next gathering, we can tell everyone the good news that you are a real Israeli."

Payton said solemnly: "This is what my blood has always guided me to do. I have too much inspiration to write this book about our nation."

"Son, can you tell me the name of this book?"

Peyton paused and said, ""Life is Beautiful", may our nation be beautiful and splendid forever!"

"Life is beautiful! Good name, I am looking forward to it!" Sterling smiled.

Payton: "At the same time, I have been cooperating with Hollywood's Paramount Pictures. After that, I will discuss this matter with them. I must finish this work before August 8 next year."

"On behalf of all the clansmen, I thank you, child, but you can't pay for this matter alone. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Peyton shook his head: "This is not a difficult thing. My contribution is much smaller than that of Mr. Sterling over the years. It is a huge achievement just to provide student subsidies for all Jews. I cannot My mother has always been very grateful to Mr. Sterling, and she also received a foundation bursary to finish high school back then."

Mrs Chris? ? ?
She is a Polish Jew, what kind of stipend does she receive?

Of course, Sterling didn't know it, but he sighed a little: "I also want to thank Mrs. Chris for raising such an outstanding young man like you. Your nobility should be known to those Jews who only know how to suck the blood of their clansmen. You should be ashamed of yourself for being selfish."

The two chatted for a long time, and Sterling became more and more appreciative of Payton, a junior. This is an outstanding young man who understands and is willing to contribute to the nation.

Of course, the most important thing is - this young man is also a billionaire.

His name for Payton also changed from Little Chris to Payton.

And Payton called him Grandpa Sterling.

"I'm proud that the Jewish nation has a descendant like you. Peyton, if you have any difficulties and need help, you must come to me. All Jews should unite and help each other." Sterling said solemnly.

People are getting old!
There is the word transaction in the blood of the Jews.

He knew very well that Payton, a young man, must have asked for something when he found him. He was writing a book and making a movie. Wouldn't it be in vain? There must always be demands?

He doesn't reject it. This is the way of thinking of the Jews. In their thinking, there has never been a unilateral contribution.

Even patriotism is the same, and unilateral contributions can never last long.

He was able to become the president of the Jewish Foundation for 30 years, relying on three things.


He never let people pay in vain, if you pay, you will get something!
Of course, if he got it wrong, if this young man is the kind of noble person who doesn't ask for the slightest reward, then this sentence is even more important, even if it's a face-saving project, otherwise, wouldn't it be chilling for the Shang clan?

Payton: "Don't hide from Grandpa Sterling, I have one more request."


(End of this chapter)

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