Chapter 84 New Book
Sitting on the sofa, watching Mr. Chris speaking on TV.

Peyton frowned slightly.

"Dad's campaign team should have considered this problem, and I don't know how they will solve it?"

After thinking about it, Peyton called Mr. Chris and expressed his doubts.

Mr. Chris smiled, and asked back: "If I don't mention you, no one will question it?"

"You guys are so good, naturally the pressure is obvious to me."

"Since you finished your first book, many people have labeled me as the father of little Chris. No matter whether I mention you or not, this label will not disappear. Why don't you be more generous and let the public influence me? more profound."

"As for questioning?"

"In the next year, all kinds of speeches, planning, canvassing and attracting people are itself a process of breaking doubts."

"Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, among all the candidates, because of this incident, I have already taken a big step ahead."

Peyton hung up the phone, thought for a moment, and felt that Mr. Chris was right.

It seems that his campaign team has analyzed the pros and cons, and he has made a choice.

"Forget it, let me add a fire to you."


"What's the matter, boss?"

"Tell Random House that the third original sin series can be promoted."

"Oh my god, boss, you finally finished writing."

The manager's tone was extremely excited. He really had been waiting for too long. Ever since his boss became a billionaire, he has been doing nothing every day.

The original model worker has completely disappeared.

The new book, which was clearly planned to be released in mid-June, was first delayed until August, and now it is even delayed until the end of the year.

Random House has been urging them more than once. After all, this year's stock market is in good shape, and it needs a booster to calm the hearts of all investors.

"By the way, boss, you kept it a secret before, what kind of story did you write this time?"

Payton smiled: "It's probably a politician's struggle history."


Mr. Broker was a little surprised, from counterfeit money dealers, international drug lords, to politicians?
No matter how you look at it, the painting style is also a bit wrong!

"No, it should be a very pure politician. This is the original sin series, haha." Peyton laughed.

"Pure? Original sin series?"

The manager was even a little confused, so he could only ask, "What's your name?"

"Peak of power!"

——"Peak of Power"

The protagonist's name is Hanks, who was born in a cowboy in the west. He later joined the army and made several contributions. After retiring from the army, he served as the chief of the regional police station.

Does it look familiar?

That's right, it's completely based on Mr. Chris as a template.

Now that Mr. Chris is determined to participate in the campaign, Peyton also helped him fuel the fire, and just used the book "Peak of Power" to warm him up and make him famous.

Just as "Empire of Money" helped the Union Bank of Chicago gain a name, Payton's charity also received a large amount of money.

Of course, because it is the original sin series, this book has written a lot of dirty and despicable things involving money and power.

He has collected decades of political scandals in various countries, codes of power and money transactions in various regions, including some uncanny political stories in African politics, and artistically processed them, which will definitely make all audiences climax!

The main line of this book is that the protagonist steps from a veteran to the political arena, from a congressman, mayor, governor, federal senator to the president, and step by step to the pinnacle of power.

Typical web structure, Dou Wang, Dou Huang, Dou Zong...

In the process, he developed the regional economy, carried out foreign trade, controlled the administration of other regions, even launched wars, controlled the political rights of other countries, and built a global alliance...

In it, Payton draws on many future international development situations. If you read this book decades later, you will be a proper prophet.

Payton's setting is relatively pure. The protagonist is not a positive person recognized by everyone. Although he is a father template, he has not been forcibly cleaned up. After all, it is the original sin series.

Besides, don't treat the audience as idiots, they don't like Madonna, otherwise the previous drug lord biography and money empire wouldn't be so popular!

Since ancient times, the blackness has become infinitely strong, and the white and the weak are three points, and the villain also has a strong charm!
For example, when watching Xiao Li Feidao back then, he liked Shangguan Jinhong more than Li Tanhua, and I don't know if it was just an illusion.

The protagonist set by Peyton is a pure politician. Because of the changes in the region, even the methods are more ruthless and despicable.

In order to develop the regional economy and drive the growth of GDP, he can do whatever he can and pay all the price.

A pure person with various special attributes, hypocrisy, ruthlessness, decisiveness... and a strong personality charm.

The residence is simple and crude, and the daily life is simple and light.

Money cannot change one's heart, beauty cannot change one's will, and neither life nor death can stop one's actions.

There is no other desire in my heart, only the desire for power.

In modern terms, this is a strong man who is dedicated to his career.

There are many similar examples in the history of various countries, such as Bismarck, Roosevelt...

They may not be pure, but the protagonist is absolutely pure to the end!

Payton fused their images to create a strong, iron-fisted politician.

He has great abilities and excellent methods. The regional economy has developed very rapidly in his hands, and his political opponents have been ruined by him.

Climb step by step, control more and more power, and gradually start to establish hegemony through foreign wars, economics and trade...

Iron fist means, witness the peak.

Such a character with a distinctive style will undoubtedly make the novel more brilliant.

In fact, to some extent, after all, such a "strong and tragic" character is too eye-catching, especially in the free federation.

It's just that Mr. Chris really didn't suffer any setbacks in the first half of his life. Peyton can't copy it mechanically, so he can only give a template.

It is set as an "enemy for life".

Falling in love and killing each other, full of CP sense.

(End of this chapter)

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