An extraordinary journey from the beginning

Chapter 142 The consequences of not speaking Chinese are serious!

Chapter 142 The consequences of not speaking Chinese are serious!


Huaxia, Fuding, and Moyulan bases.

On a certain day in 2013, a wormhole suddenly appeared in the Challenger Abyss around the Pacific Ocean, followed by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale, and the colonists of the distant galaxy "Anteverse" formally invaded the earth through the wormhole.

For the first time, people saw special creatures (monsters) in the Two-dimensional dimension that only existed in movies and TV in fantasy before. A monster named "Intruder" (Trespasser) landed in San Francisco. This behemoth is full of curiosity, wanting to know whether this monster is as cruel and unable to communicate as in the film and television drama.

until it begins to destroy everything in sight,
Mountains, houses, cities, and...human beings.

Without any preparatory work, the country's soil pockets were destroyed by this sudden appearance of a behemoth. It can smash the high-rise buildings that took construction workers several months to build, and destroy a city. The work and life of thousands of people destroys the survival order of a country,

People were in mourning all of a sudden.

Under the extreme doomsday environment, some extremists who believe in monsters have been created, and some pray for the emergence of giants of light like film and television dramas to save the world.

Unfortunately, there was no Ultraman to save them, so the same thing happened on the wandering earth. Human beings chose to save themselves, and the governments of various countries began to try to fight back. At that time, when conventional weapons were ineffective, the military used 3 Nukes (one of which hits), plus the death of three modern cities and millions of people in the cities finally wiped out the "invader" monsters.

After the disaster, there was no clear record of the monster's corpse and other precautions and the cause of the accident. All countries were immersed in mourning and struggling to rebuild their homes. However, only 6 months later, the second monster landed in Manila. Only then did people realize that a global joint organization was needed to face the crisis, so the Pacific Rim Combined Military Defense Force (PPDC) was born in response to the situation.

ppdc began to devote itself to the research of monsters and the promotion of confrontation methods. A scientist was inspired by his son playing with Superman toys and proposed a plan to build a giant mech. ppdc called this plan "Hunter Project".

The Hunter Mech Warriors, aka the two dumbass wreaking havoc on the city at Sydney's Pacific Rim launch event today.

ppdc was initially established in the city of HK in Huaxia, but later changed its headquarters to Fuding in Huaxia due to various reasons.


At this moment, on the sofa on the second floor of the Shaw headquarters, a young man and woman were reading ppdc's opinion magazine in every possible way, bored as if they were reading a newspaper. There was a cup of coffee in front of them, and they could take a sip from time to time.

It looks quite ceremonial, and it feels like waiting for someone on the first floor of an office building.

"Why didn't I remember that Si Teng could speak so well?" Leaning on the soft sofa, Li Shiqing lightly kicked Lu Ming, who was about to drowsy, and asked, "It's been two hours, she talked After asking a lot of professional questions, she didn't feel tired at all, and I think she still seemed a little excited."

"I've said it all, her name is Shao Liwen, not Si Teng."

Leaning back, propping his head with both hands, Lu Ming said, "The excitement is probably because the drone armor she researched was approved for execution."


Li Shiqing took a look at his movements, frowned slightly, did not speak, and snorted.

Lu Ming understood in an instant, and quickly pulled out a hand to support her head, honestly being a mature and big-hearted boyfriend.

"Actually, I don't really care whether she belongs to Si Teng or Shao Liwen. I mainly think about the relationship between them? Are they the same planes of different planes, or the world reflection of the main personality, or some other relationship? ?”

The back of the head smashed towards Lu Ming's outstretched arm. From a physical point of view, this posture was not particularly comfortable, but Li Shiqing felt a lot of satisfaction from a psychological point of view.

She just likes the way Lu Ming pays attention occasionally, but he has no choice but to pamper her very much.

Although she is generally not a demon.

But no one will not like other people's special attention to you.

"It doesn't matter what it is, you are you, she is her, the two are not the same." As if seeing through some of Li Shiqing's thoughts, Lu Ming put down his crossed legs, straightened his body slightly, He said solemnly, "As for you, the most important and true identity is my wife. There is no way to change this."

"As for her, she just made a mecha for me. It's as simple as being a tool person."

I have to say that with a handsome and cold appearance, there will always be a special charm when speaking seriously. To use the words that people often use to describe, serious men are always particularly handsome.

Although Lu Ming's image in Li Shiqing's heart has almost collapsed, it does not affect her special liking for his occasional prudence.

"I can only be your daughter-in-law? Are you so domineering?" Li Shiqing said with a slightly angry but smiling expression, her eyes slightly frowned and the corners of her mouth raised.

"Hey, I can be more domineering~"

Lu Ming moved his feet gently under the sofa, his movements were gentle, but Li Shiqing was stunned by the special words, his face turned red, he lifted his calf and kicked him away, and said something in embarrassment asshole.

Laughing, Lu Ming, who had just dodged a blow, wanted to tease her again. Li Shiqing pointed down the ppdc information publication, reminding Lu Ming that Mr. Shao seemed to be finishing his work at last. It's supposed to be a mess.


"Tap Tap"

Stepping on the sky, the specially tailored white suit and hair and makeup are all meticulous. The woman with flaming red lips walked to the second floor with an electronic tablet with a holographic technology flat bag.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I don't know what you mean by looking for me. If you can, I suggest you make a long story short." Standing in front of the two of them, Shao Liwen didn't intend to sit down and talk slowly, because she was really busy.

The Joint Management Committee just held an emergency meeting, at which she approved her UAV plan, and requested that it be deployed worldwide within 48 hours to prevent another attack by unfamiliar mechs. I just made a series of The action command is for the execution of the UAV plan without any mistakes.

Of course, even so, Shao Liwen took 2 minutes to meet Li Shiqing and Lu Ming, because the secretary-general of the committee told her something special about them.

Lu Ming and the two looked at each other, and the evaluation of words such as capable, direct, and strong directly appeared in the eyes of both parties. It seems that this is indeed not Si Teng. Such a strong and direct woman is not the kind of Wen Jue that Si Teng insists on. Everyone can play out the classics.

"I have a business to discuss with you, how about sitting down and chatting?" Lu Ming said with a smile as he pushed his undrinked cup of coffee over.

Without looking down at the coffee, and without being surprised by the cheeky operation of the other party, Shao Liwen looked at the two and said directly: "My time is precious, although I know from Secretary-General Asako Mori that you have some specialties, but if you can't To make a long story short, let's talk in 48 hours!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave. She didn't mean to be procrastinating in the slightest. She could squeeze out 2 minutes to talk nonsense here. These two people are not high-level people in ppdc.

Just like the previous world, when they came here through time travel, the ID cards prepared by the card for the two of them were, of course, just ordinary civilians.

Although Asako Mori said that the two of them were special and did not match the identities she had found, Shao Liwen did not have time to waste time trying to figure out the authenticity of other people's identities, and the Drone Armor Project was her current focus.

"I will provide the technology, and you will provide the manpower. Help me develop a mecha for fun, and then I can tell you the exact location of the black mecha that disappeared after the trouble in Sydney." Seeing Shao Liwen's vigorous and resolute appearance, Lu Ming directly State your needs.

There is no way, this elder sister is a domineering president, if she plays around the corner and pretends to be aggressive, the other party has no intention of buying it.

However, fortunately, Lu Ming, who has experienced several worlds, seldom cares about such details.

"You are not qualified to trade with me. Although many people have great doubts about the risk of my drone armor technology, Shaw's technology is the most advanced technology known in the world. It is recognized!"

"The location of the black mecha is in the Beidi Islands. Secretary-General Asako Mori has reported it to the committee immediately. Your news is too late!"

After finishing speaking, Shao Liwen raised her hand and looked at her arm, "Congratulations, you have successfully wasted 2 minutes of my time."

There was not much sarcasm and disdain in the corners of her mouth, she seemed to be just stating a fact.

Lu Ming: "..."

Do you know why you hate getting along with high-IQ and strong women?
Because the other party always crushes you at various levels, so that you don't have the dignity of a big man.

Especially this kind of domineering president, it's too hateful.

"Then let me change the bargaining chip. First, it is your perfect plan for the drone armor. Second, there is an insider in your company who is the mastermind behind the drone armor in Sydney. If you don't take the initiative to find out, When the committee finds out, your drone armor release plan may be ruined."

Lu Ming spoke quickly.

He forgot one thing just now, Asako Mori was rescued by him, so although ppdc did not receive the encrypted file she sent, Asako Mori himself or under certain circumstances can directly tell the ppdc level.

She concluded through a close-range information technology analysis on the plane that the material of the armor body of the drone came from an abandoned factory in the Northland Islands. During the war, it used to be a military factory to produce the core energy of the armor. .

Apparently, someone used the old military factory to secretly manufacture this unregistered mech. Currently, ppdc has led people to find out, and the revenge wanderer has set off again.

If ppdc finds that mech and successfully confirms that it is related to Shaw Enterprises, then it is very likely that Shao Liwen's drone armor plan that has just been approved will be terminated soon.

The Drone A project is Shao Liwen's lifelong painstaking effort. She will never allow any accidents to happen. Based on this, no matter whether it is true or not, there is at least one point of communication.

Sure enough, Lu Ming's words immediately touched her pain point. Shao Liwen stopped leaving immediately, turned around and thought about it, and asked directly: "Two minutes, provide me with all the proofs you know. If the verification is true, I promise your plan, if it is not true, I will ask the security to throw you out of here!"

Strong and domineering as always.

It was obviously a deal, but she seemed to be in the position of giving orders.

"It's easy for you to have no friends if you are so strong."

After whispering something, Lu Ming stretched out a hand, and a blue projection light screen appeared directly in front of him. Lu Ming tapped on it twice with his fingers, and then said to her: "The improvement plan of drone armor I have already sent it to your information database, just check it directly."

Seeing his operation, Shao Liwen frowned, and was interested for the first time. The lobby of the Shaw Brothers headquarters naturally had holographic projection technology and sensory control equipment. However, Lu Ming was not a laboratory, not a Shaw Brothers. How could an outsider have the right to directly use her holographic projection here?

Depressing her thoughts, she directly touched the electronic display screen on her arm. The same holographic screen appeared in front of her eyes.

"There are some improvements, which can be regarded as checking for omissions. Although I am curious about how you know my drone armor technology, the improvement information you gave is not a leap forward."

After waving to turn off the holographic projection, Shao Liwen finally sat down and began to say seriously: "Tell me who the traitor of the Shao Brothers you mentioned just now, I am more interested in this, if it is verified, I will deal with your conditions immediately! "

Shaw Brothers has the capital to directly deal with a mech hunter. Although it is really expensive, Shaw Brothers is already in the wholesale stage of this thing.

Of course, Shao Liwen's understanding was from the perspective of drone armor.

As the top intelligence of Wandering Earth, Qingcheng has a certain difference in the efficiency, direction and database of its own calculations from the information network of this world. The optimized mecha plan given within a short period of time is not as leap-forward as imagined.

But, fortunately, talking is better than nothing, as for Shao Liwen sat down, right?

Moreover, the upgraded Qingcheng is not as simple as being used to transform the mecha.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming relaxed a lot, and said, "It is said that you have a scientist who is very important to you. What is his name, Ge Sile, or did he die?"

"Specially researching monsters for you." Lu Ming reminded emphatically.

"Newt Gossler, according to his name, he should be called Dr. Newt. He is a scientist who made outstanding contributions to mankind during the war more than ten years ago. He once connected to the frequency band of the monster's brain and found the location of the wormhole at that time. It provided very useful information for the three generations of Avengers to close the wormhole."

Quickly skipping all the information, Shao Liwen briefly introduced Newt Gossler's information, and then asked: "He has been working in my Shaw Enterprise for ten years. Do you think he will have problems?"

"I have never been able to distinguish the address of a foreigner. It doesn't matter how many years he has worked here."

Shaking his head lightly, Lu Ming stood up from the sofa, looked at the corridor behind Shao Liwen, and said with a light smile, "As for whether there is any problem, I think I can prove it to you right away!"

Proof right away?
What does it mean?
Shao Liwen looked back, and saw a very familiar figure walking in from the corridor stairs on the second floor, with a black suit and tie, and a big back hair that was so bright that it was almost reflective. The whole person was obviously well-dressed, but Dressed in such a serious and honorable manner, he began to smile obsequiously and ran over to say hello to Shao Liwen from a long distance away.

He doesn't look like a scientist at all, more like a philistine businessman full of money.

However, Shao Liwen was not surprised at all. In order to recruit Newt Gessler, the world's top talent, to her company, she paid a lot of money.

"Mr. Shao, it's great that you're fine. You know, when I knew you were in Sydney, I was terrified for a long time. Shaw's company can't live without you."

Shao Liwen ignored him with a cold face, and looked back at Lu Ming with a questioning look. It was obvious that the man was right in front of him, and it was up to him to prove it.

"Hey buddy."

Bypassing the positions of the two, Lu Ming directly stopped Dr. Newt who was running enthusiastically.

"you are?"

Dr. Newt asked suspiciously. He was not surprised that Shao Liwen ignored him. He had known the other party's style of dealing with things for ten years. The feeling of sticking a cold ass.

But who is this Asian?

Shaw's newly introduced scientist?
what is this else?
"Sorry, I wanted to beat you up."

Without giving Newt time to react, he lifted him up with one hand. Lu Ming grinned and said, "As for the reason, it's probably because you don't speak Chinese here."


Newt's eyes widened.

Immediately afterwards, it was directly smashed to the ground from the air, the security system sounded directly, and the red light in the room flashed, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps approaching.

Shao Liwen frowned, but still waved her hand to stop the security guards who were running over quickly.

"Who are you?!" After a heavy blow to the head, Newt's eyes were red at first, and then the whites of his eyes rolled out, as if he was stimulated by something, his voice changed.

Speak with accent.

"Look, it's very simple."

Explaining to Shao Liwen with a chuckle, Lu Ming turned around and grabbed Newt's neck, "Remember, the consequences of not speaking Chinese are very serious!"

"Especially you, pioneers!"

After speaking, he slapped him directly.

. . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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