Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 1003 Zhang Guifang, meeting Li Qingzhao, Xue Baochai and Xiang Ling again

"Miss Wu?"

Jiang Chen turned around and saw Wu Susu.

At that moment, Jiang Chen walked over with a smile: "Miss Wu, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. We are really destined."

Wu Susu is a character in "Jing Zhong Yue Fei".

"I..." Wu Susu's face turned slightly red.

The word "destined" cannot be said casually.

Now that Jiang Chen said this, she couldn't allow her to think too much.

"Miss Wu, have you been in Kaifeng Mansion during this time?" Jiang Chen saw that Wu Susu was not angry and knew that their last chat had achieved results.

"Yes." Wu Susu nodded.

"Miss Wu, do you have something to do in Kaifeng Mansion? Do you need my help?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No...no." Wu Susu seemed a little panicked.

"No?" Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Susu and said, "I have time now, why don't we go for a walk together?"

Wu Susu hesitated and nodded.

"Then let's..."

Before Jiang Chen finished speaking, a voice came from the side: "Wu Susu, I was about to go find you, but I didn't expect you to be here..."


Jiang Chen turned around and frowned.

The person who came was none other than Zhang Guifen, the character in "Do You Know Should Be Green, Fat, Red, and Thin"?

Zhang Guifen in the play is the apple of the eye of the British Duke and his wife. The British Duke has huge power in the court. In order to win over the British Duke, the emperor betrothed Zhang Guifen to Shen Congxing. Shen Congxing's first wife, Zou, was killed by the rebels. In order to repay the kindness, Shen Congxing married Zou's sister, Xiao Zou. There were constant conflicts between Mrs. Zhang and the little Zou family, but with the help of Gu Tingye and Minglan, Shen Congxing changed his mind about Mrs. Zhang, and the couple became harmonious and had a child. After Mrs. Zhang gave birth to Brother Wang, she cheered up and began to live her own counterattack life. She gave birth to six children, four sons and two daughters. Although she did not live a poetic life and was often troubled by her children, she had a profound blessing for her children and grandchildren.

Jiang Chen remembered that there were quite a few supporting female characters in "Do You Know I Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", but I haven't seen a few of them until now.

"Zhang Guifen, why are you here?" Wu Susu asked.

"I'm going to go hunting." Zhang Guifen walked over and her eyes fell on Jiang Chen: "Who is this? Is it the one you have been thinking about these days?"

"Zhang Guifen, what are you talking about?" Wu Susu's face turned red and she turned to look at Jiang Chen.

"Miss Wu, is this your friend?" Jiang Chen's heart moved when he heard Zhang Guifang's words.

Could it be that Wu Susu has been thinking about her these days?

In the two previous contacts, Wu Susu was interested in her?

Does this mean that I can take action?

"Yes, this is my friend Zhang Guifang." Wu Susu said.

"Hello, Miss Zhang, my name is Nan Chen." Jiang Chen introduced himself.

"Nan Chen?"

Zhang Guifang thought for a while and realized that she had never heard of it: "Wu Susu, I'm going to go hunting. Do you have time? Why don't we go together?"

"This..." Wu Susu glanced at Jiang Chen.

"You can come together if you want." Zhang Guifang said.

"It's an honor." Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Susu.

Wu Susu didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen and quickly turned her head.

"Let's go."

Zhang Guifang said.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and others arrived at a hunting ground.

"There are a lot of people here." Wu Susu looked at them and said.

"Well, we all agreed to hunt together." Zhang Guifang said.

"I'm afraid not everyone is here to hunt, right?" Jiang Chen saw Sheng Changbai.

A character in "Know whether you should be green, fat, red and thin".

In the play, he is Minglan's eldest brother, the eldest son of Sheng Hong and Wang Ruofu, and the eldest son of the Sheng family. He is knowledgeable but not arrogant. He loves his brothers and sisters but always has a serious face. He can sacrifice himself for the prosperity of the family. He is an elder brother who is like a father and a brother, and endures heavy burdens.

I also saw Gu Tingyu.

Gu Tingyu is a sick man.

Sheng Changbai is just a scholar.

How is hunting possible?

"There are also people who recite poems and write poems." Zhang Guifang said.

"Now the Song Dynasty has Xixia in the northwest, Liao Kingdom in the north, and Liang in the north. There are Liangshan bandits and the Holy Cult in it. It can be said that there are internal and external troubles, but these wealthy children are reciting poems to counterattack?" Jiang Chen sneered disdainfully.

"That's a bad word."

At this moment, a voice came from the side.

Jiang Chen turned around and saw that it was He Hongwen.

He Hongwen is also a character in "Do you know whether you should be green, fat, red and thin".

In the play, he is the grandson of Mrs. Sheng who gave birth to a handkerchief. He has excellent medical skills, is humble, and has a dignified appearance. He is one of the husband candidates chosen by Mrs. Sheng for Sheng Minglan. His father died young, his mother was bedridden, and the family had a rich family background. This marriage originally attracted Mrs. Sheng's heart, and she and Sheng Minglan discussed marriage for a while. Nai Ho was so indecisive that after being pestered by Gu Tingye's childhood sweetheart Cao's cousin, she married him as a concubine. During this period, she allowed her mother and aunt to force her, and her cousin harassed Minglan and asked Minglan to understand. Minglan gave up in frustration. The two of them drifted apart. He was also disliked by Mrs. Sheng and Sheng Minglan because of his dishonesty.

"Is there anything wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The biggest hidden danger in the Song Dynasty now is that warriors take power." He Hongwen said.

"So, what Young Master means is that all warriors give up their rights? Is the Song Kingdom a peaceful and prosperous time?" Jiang Chen said.

"Natural." He Hongwen said.

"Then why don't you tell your majesty to disband the millions of Song troops? Without an army, there will be no warriors? Wouldn't it be a peaceful and prosperous age?" Jiang Chen said.

"You are using strong words to make excuses." He Hongwen said.

"Strong words? Am I wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You...who are you?" He Hongwen asked.

"A businessman." Jiang Chen replied.

"Scholars, farmers, industrialists, and merchants, I didn't expect you to be a businessman." He Hongwen looked disdainfully.

"So what if I'm a businessman? Is there anything on your body that you didn't buy from a businessman? You look down on businessmen, but you enjoy the businessmen's things. You look down on warriors, but you enjoy the protection of warriors." Jiang Chen said.

"You...are unreasonable." He Hongwen snorted coldly.

Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

Although He Hongwen has excellent medical skills, his essence of emphasizing literature over martial arts has not changed.

"Miss Zhang."

At this time, Gu Tingyu came over.

"Master Gu." Zhang Guifang saluted.

"Master, what you said is too extreme. I think scholars, farmers, industry and commerce should each perform their duties." Gu Tingyu said to Jiang Chen.

"Are you Gu Tingyu? After becoming a martial artist, do you think it was right for the Song Dynasty to emphasize culture over martial arts?" Jiang Chen said.

"..." Gu Tingyu.

"Who are you?" Gu Tingye appeared.

"Nan Chen." Jiang Chen looked at Gu Tingye.

We haven't seen each other for a while, and Gu Tingye doesn't seem to have changed much.

"Are you a friend of Miss Zhang (Zhang Guifang)?" Gu Tingyu asked.

"No, I came with Miss Wu." Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Susu and said, "Are you Gu Tingye? I've heard of you."

"Really?" Gu Tingye glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Since we are here to hunt, let's start hunting?"

"Okay." Jiang Chen knew that Gu Tingye wanted to change the topic.

However, it is a taboo in the Song Dynasty to emphasize literature over martial arts.

Although the Song Dynasty valued culture over military affairs, no one would admit it on the surface.

"I heard that you are talking about valuing civility over military affairs?" At this time, a woman came over.

"The Lord of Jiacheng County."

Zhang Guifang and others bowed.

"Lord of Jiacheng County?"

Jiang Chen looked at the Lord Jiacheng County.

The Lord of Jiacheng County is gorgeous and has a charming and pretty oval face.

At this time, the Lord of Jiacheng County raised his chin high and looked arrogantly, like a colorful phoenix, talking and smiling.

"In the play, the head of Jiacheng County is married to Qi Heng."

"I don't know what it will be like in this world of film and television integration."

In the play, there is only one reason why Princess Pingning chooses Princess Jiacheng as her daughter-in-law, and that is to have both. In Princess Pingning's mind, Qi Heng's status is only worthy of the princess. But if Princess Shang, Qi Heng would not be able to embark on an official career.

However, in the Song Dynasty, no one wanted to become the consort.

In the play, the old lady of the Sheng family once talked about the past, saying that fifty years ago there were two princesses in the dynasty. One wanted to be the second best in the exam, and the other wanted to be the son of the chief minister of the dynasty. These two young men not only behaved elegantly, but also had prominent family backgrounds. Even the Empress Dowager was attracted by them. But when the two families heard about the news, they coincided with each other and acted quickly. The whole family immediately suspected that the in-laws were marrying each other on the fingertips, and the whole family immediately revealed that the son's horoscope was used to defeat his wife, and the marriage had to be cancelled. Forget it.

It can be seen from this that princesses are really flashy consumer goods. Once a lord's family is still a princess, it is impossible for the prince-in-law to accept the prince-in-law, and he has to be wary when sleeping in the same room. The mother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law of the family have to look after the affairs and be polite and upright.

Although Princess Pingning believed that her son was only suitable for the princess, she did not want her son's future to be affected by the Lord. She asked for "both sides", hoping that her daughter-in-law would not only be as noble as a princess, but also enable her husband to embark on an official career and help him in his official career.

The Lord of Jiacheng County happened to have these advantages.

Although she is not a princess, her brother Xiaozong will enjoy all the real benefits brought by the princess after he joins the big clan and becomes the emperor. Moreover, his husbands and sons-in-law could not only serve as officials and ministers, but also be highly trusted by the emperor. Princess Pingning is of course enthusiastic about having a daughter-in-law who is not bound by the princess, but who has both the nobility and interests of the princess. Such a "two-fold" daughter-in-law.

"Do you know me?" Jiacheng County Lord looked at Jiang Chen.

"I once met the Lord of Jiacheng County," Jiang Chen said.

"I heard that you are talking about emphasizing culture over military affairs?" said the head of Jiacheng County.

"Yes." Jiang Chen did not deny it.

"Then do you know who the number one traitor in the world is?" asked the head of Jiacheng County.

"Who is it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, Duke of Yongguo." said the Lord of Jiacheng County.

As soon as the Lord of Jiacheng County said this, the expressions of the people around him changed.

"What County Lord Jiacheng means is that Jiang Chen, Duke of Yongguo, has rebelled?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yongguo Gong Jiang Chen supports his troops and respects himself." said the head of Jiacheng County.

"Master Jiacheng County, I heard a piece of news about you and Duke Yongguo. I wonder if it is true?" Jiang Chen suddenly said.

"What's the news?" asked the head of Jiacheng County.

"Dong Yongguo wants to take you, Lord Jiacheng County, as his concubine." Jiang Chen said.

"What." The Lord of Jiacheng County suddenly changed his expression.

Sheng Changbai's expression also changed.

Because he thought of Sheng Minglan.

In his opinion, Sheng Minglan was raped by Jiang Chen.

This is a shame for the Sheng family.

"You are talking nonsense." said the head of Jiacheng County.

"Whether I am talking nonsense or not, you will know later." Jiang Chen originally had no such idea, but he felt that he could use the Lord of Jiacheng County to further disturb the Song Dynasty court.

After all, the father of Lord Jiacheng County was the younger brother of Emperor Cheng Zhao, the current sixth prince of the Song Dynasty.

"This is impossible..." said the head of Jiacheng County.

"Between Duke Yong Guo and you, Lord Jiacheng County, who do you think your Majesty will choose?" Jiang Chen asked.

The Lord of Jiacheng County turned pale.

"Mr. Nan, do you know Duke Yongguo?" Gu Tingye asked.

"I don't know him, but I am a businessman and have been to Hezhong Mansion for business, so I have heard about Duke Yong Guo." Jiang Chen said.

"That's it?" Gu Tingye continued to ask.

"That's it." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I see that Mr. Nan, you have a dignified appearance, and your identity is probably more than just a businessman, right?" Gu Tingye said.

"Second Young Master Gu, I am a businessman." Jiang Chen knew what Gu Tingye was suspecting, but he didn't care: "It's getting late. Since everyone is here to hunt, let's go hunting."

"Let's go hunting." Zhang Guifang didn't want to continue chatting.


Two hours later.

"Miss Wu is so skilled." Seeing Wu Susu hit a sika deer, Jiang Chen quickly rode forward.

"It's far behind you." Wu Susu has been hunting with Jiang Chen for so long, and she also understands the gap between herself and Jiang Chen.

"You will definitely be stronger in the future." Jiang Chen looked at Wu Susu with a smile.

Noticing Jiang Chen's gaze, Wu Susu's face turned slightly red.

"Miss Wu, it's getting late. Are you ready to leave or continue hunting with Zhang Guifang and the others?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mr. Nan, do you want to leave?" Wu Susu asked.

"Yes, I still have something to do." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Can I ask, what's the matter with you?" Wu Susu asked.

"Family matters." Jiang Chen said.

"At home?" Wu Susu asked, "Do you want to see your wife?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

A flash of disappointment flashed in Wu Susu's eyes: "Mr. Nan, your wife must be very happy."


Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Susu in surprise.

Wu Susu's words were too outrageous.

"I, I didn't mean that..." Wu Susu realized that she seemed to have said something that she shouldn't have said.

"Miss Wu, can I call you Su Su?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I...you can scream if you want." Wu Susu turned her head as she spoke.

"Susu, although I have a wife, if you don't mind, we can..."

Before Jiang Chen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wu Susu: "Mr. Nan, don't talk nonsense. I have something else to do and I won't talk to you anymore."

"I'll find you in a few days. Where do you live?" Jiang Chen asked.

Wu Susu didn't say anything, but rode away.

Jiang Chen looked disappointed.

At this time, two words entered Jiang Chen's ears: "Fan Tower."

"I'll go find you in a few days."

Jiang Chen smiled softly, and then walked towards Jingxiu Villa.

"Wu Susu..."

"Wu family..."

Jiang Chen is interested in Wu Susu's family.

If Wu Susu is captured and the Wu family becomes a vassal family of the Jiang family, then the Jiang family's influence in the Song Dynasty will be further expanded.


Just then, the sound of fighting came.

"Is there anyone fighting?"

Jiang Chen looked over after hearing the sound and saw two groups of people fighting in the distance.

On one side were four men in black, and on the other there were seven or eight men, all dressed as servants, but they were protecting a carriage.

"Is this robbery?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

Outside the city of Kaifeng, the emperor is robbing someone?

At this moment, a middle-aged servant's arm was chopped off by a man in black, and an exclamation came from the carriage: "Uncle Hu?"

"Huh? This voice seems familiar..."

Jiang Chen's heart moved when he heard this voice.

"Miss Li, if you don't want all your people to die, then just follow us obediently." A man in black said to the carriage.

"Stop, I'll go with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman walked out of the carriage.

"It's her, Li Qingzhao."

Jiang Chen recognized it.

However, he didn't expect Li Qingzhao to appear here.

"Miss." The expressions of the servants changed greatly.

"You can't harm everyone's lives because of me." Li Qingzhao said, "Xiang Ling, you also stay."

"Miss." Xiangling took Li Qingzhao's hand.

"Miss Li, you really know the current affairs." A man in black looked at Li Qingzhao and said, "Don't worry, as long as you come with us, I promise not to kill any of you Li family members."

"I hope you will keep your promise." Li Qingzhao got off the carriage.


Xiangling and others were in a hurry.

"come over."

The man in black said.

"it is good."

Li Qingzhao walked towards the man in black with firm eyes.

"I didn't expect that in broad daylight, someone would rape... rob... a... girl." Jiang Chen's voice sounded.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, get out of here." The leading man in black snorted coldly when he saw Jiang Chen riding over.

"I want to die, can you kill me?" Jiang Chen said.

"If you want to die, I will help you." The leader of the man in black winked at his subordinates.

"Go to hell."

The man in black next to him slashed at Jiang Chen with his knife.

"Be careful." Li Qingzhao said.

"That's it?"

Jiang Chen reached out and grabbed the steel knife of the man in black: "You want to kill me even with your strength?"


The faces of the men in black changed greatly.

"Now it's my turn."

As soon as he finished speaking, the steel knife was crushed by Jiang Chen.

The next moment, Jiang Chen struck out with a palm, and the man in black died immediately.


Both the man in black and Li Qingzhao and others were shocked.

"Boy, you are looking for death." The men in black were furious.

"Really? Then you go and die first."

Jiang Chen sneered.

One Yang finger.

Whoosh whoosh.

These men in black didn't even have a chance to react, and they were all shot.

"This young master." Li Qingzhao was surprised and uncertain.

"Li Qingzhao?"

Jiang Chen looked at Li Qingzhao and said, "You are safe."

"Master, do you know me?" Li Qingzhao asked.

"It's hard for me not to know about the talented girl in Kaifeng Mansion." Jiang Chen just looked at Li Qingzhao from a distance last time.

Looking at it up close this time, Li Qingzhao was still very good when he was young.

"May I ask the young master's name?" Li Qingzhao asked.

"I'm going to Nanchen." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Nan."

Li Qingzhao bowed: "Thank you, Mr. Nan."

"It's getting late, Miss Li should go back to the city early." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Nan, I dare to ask you where you live. Someday I will..."

Before Li Qingzhao finished speaking, a voice came from the side: "Miss Li, don't panic, I'm here to save you."


Jiang Chen turned around and saw a young man arriving with a team of people.

"It's him?"

Jiang Chen recognized it.

The visitor was none other than Zhao Mingcheng.

Zhao Mingcheng in "Beauty in the Breeze and Moonlight".

"Master Zhao?" Li Qingzhao also recognized him.

"Zhao Mingcheng was passing by too? Isn't this a coincidence?" Jiang Chen couldn't help but say.

Li Qingzhao looked at Jiang Chen after hearing this.

"Miss Li, since you know her, I'll leave first." Jiang Chen was surprised.

Although it's different from the one in the show.

But this kind of drama of a hero saving a beauty existed no matter what era it was.

"Get me this madman who is holding Miss Li hostage." Zhao Mingcheng pointed at Jiang Chen and said.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Zhao, you misunderstood." Li Qingzhao said.

"Miss Li, don't be afraid. I won't let anyone hurt you. Come on." Zhao Mingcheng's last words were to his slave.


The servant behind Zhao Mingcheng rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"Seeking death." A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, he jumped off the horse, and then punched out with both hands.

bang bang bang...

Zhao Mingcheng's servant was knocked away by Jiang Chen without getting close.

After knocking away the last Zhao family servant, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Zhao Mingcheng.

"You, you, you..." Zhao Mingcheng looked at Jiang Chen in horror.

He thought about thousands of possibilities, but he never expected that something like this would happen. "Tell me, how do you want to die?" Jiang Chen said with murderous intent.

"What, you want to kill me? My father is Zhao Tingzhi, the deputy minister of Zhongshu." Zhao Mingcheng said.

"Zhao Tingzhi? So what? When you deal with me, your fate is already sealed." Jiang Chen sneered, grabbed Zhao Mingcheng's collar, and lifted him up.

"Help, Miss Li, help..." Zhao Mingcheng shouted in panic.

"Mr. Nan..." Li Qingzhao said.

"Miss Li, this is between Zhao Mingcheng and me." Jiang Chen interrupted Li Qingzhao: "When he tries to deal with me indiscriminately, he is destined to pay the price."

"You, if you kill me, the government will not let you go." Zhao Mingcheng said.

"Do you think I'm afraid?" Jiang Chen's body erupted with a cold killing intent.

Zhao Mingcheng's face turned pale.

"I didn't expect that the son of Zhao Tingzhi, the assistant minister of Zhongshu, was so scared that he peed his pants?" Jiang Chen threw Zhao Mingcheng to the ground and took a few steps back: "A person like you still wants to be a hero to save the beauty. These men in black are not Is it sent by you?"

Zhao Mingcheng was so frightened that he could not think of answering Jiang Chen's words.


Jiang Chen looked at Li Qingzhao: "Miss Li, I'll give you face. Forget about today's matter, you can go back to the city as soon as possible."

"Mr. Nan, Mr. Zhao..." Li Qingzhao glanced at Zhao Mingcheng in the distance and hesitated.

"Zhao Mingcheng will be fine. If I really wanted to kill him, I would have killed him long ago. But Miss Li, after you go back, you can finally investigate what happened to these men in black. After all, Zhao Mingcheng's appearance was too coincidental. If he really Because if Miss Li comes, Zhao Tingzhi might go to your house to propose marriage, and although I did what happened today, he will definitely blame you, Miss Li, and your life will be ruined. " Whether in history or in the play, Jiang Chen felt that Zhao Mingcheng was not worthy of Li Qingzhao.

I wonder if Li Qingzhao, a talented woman, and Cai Wenji can have something in common.

"Thank you Mr. Nan for the reminder," Li Qingzhao said.

"Farewell." Jiang Chen knew that Li Qingzhao didn't completely believe what he said, but he didn't care, because the reason why he took action just now was just because the other party was Li Qingzhao.


In the afternoon, Tianyou Capital.

"Husband, are you preparing to leave today?" Feng Xin'er reacted when she saw Jiang Chen coming with Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan.


Jiang Chen nodded, and then asked: "Xin'er, has Tianyou been okay these two days?"

"It's okay." Feng Xin'er shook her head.

"As long as it's okay." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "I'll set off in a moment. I'll first go to the southern coastal area of ​​Tianyou Capital. Then I'll cross the sea tomorrow morning depending on the weather conditions."

"Husband, you have to be careful," Feng Xin'er said.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Jiang Chen nodded.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen, Guan Yuqing, and Bi Nan left Tianyou Capital, boarded the OH-6A modified helicopter on the outskirts of Tianyou Capital, and then flew south.


The next day, March 25th.

Tianyou, southern coast.

"Yuqing, Bi Nan, it's time for us to set off." Jiang Chen stood up.

"it is good."

Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan responded and followed Jiang Chen onto the OH-6A modified helicopter.

A moment later, the OH-6A modified helicopter took off and headed south.

The sea area of ​​6 kilometers does not tolerate too much deviation. Therefore, Jiang Chen and Guan Yuqing were very careful when controlling the OH-A modified helicopter.

In the three thousand kilometers of sea area, there are different weather conditions almost every few hundred miles.

This also greatly affects the flight of the OH-6A modified helicopter.

It was not until the OH-6A modified helicopter flew for six hours, with less than % of the aviation fuel left, that a continent finally appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

"Finally arrived in the New World."


Jiang Chen felt happy.

If they never see the New World again, they will have no choice but to give up the modified OH-6A helicopter and directly use the Fuchuan to cross the sea.

"Mr. Jiang, we succeeded." Guan Yuqing couldn't help but be happy.

"Come on, let's land there." Jiang Chen said.

A quarter of an hour later, the OH-6A modified helicopter landed on a hillside.


"If it had been another quarter of an hour, we would have run out of aviation fuel."

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, this sea area is too big." Guan Yuqing said.

"Eat something and take a rest first. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan nodded, took out the food and started eating.

The next day, Jiang Chen and others continued to fly south.


In the afternoon, Jiang Chen and others arrived at a small town after flying two thousand kilometers.

"Let's inquire about the news first." Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan nodded.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen and others gathered together again and exchanged news with each other.

"This is the territory of the Xianbei people, and Youzhou is to the south. Therefore, if we want to place the family teleportation talisman, we must at least go to Youzhou." Jiang Chen said.

"Youzhou should also be a border crossing." Guan Yuqing said, "Mr. Jiang, we'd better inquire about the news further."


Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Let's go."


In the evening, Jiang Chen came to a small town in Youzhou.

“These are relevant books.”

Jiang Chen took out the books he brought from a wealthy family and said, "Let's take a look first."

"it is good."

Guan Yuqing and the two girls nodded.

A quarter of an hour later.


"I didn't expect that the country we are in is Xinghan."

Jiang Chen's heart moved.

Xing Han, is he the Xing Han in "The Star is Brilliant and the Moon Rises Over the Sea"?

"According to the information in the book, the capital of Xinghan is in Shenjing." Guan Yuqing looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Are we going to Shenjing?"

"We must go to Shenjing."

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "No matter what Xinghan is like, Shenjing, as the capital, must be the most well-informed. And as the capital of a country, to a certain extent, it is also the most developed place. In Shenjing, Jing helps us get more news and develop the family.”

"It is written here that Youzhou is northeast of Shenjing, so we only need to go southwest." Guan Yuqing pointed to the record in the book and said.

"Well, we'll set off right away." Jiang Chen didn't want to delay. After all, he wanted to explore the road this time.

"Okay." Guan Yuqing and the two girls had no objection.


In the evening of the next day, Shenjing.

"Finally arrived at Shenjing."

Jiang Chen looked at the magnificent city in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief.

It took almost a day and night to get from Youzhou to Shenjing. This was because we didn't know the specific location of Shenjing.

If it weren't for the use of a modified OH-6A helicopter, I don't know how long it would take to get to Shinkyo.

"Yeah, it's not easy this time."

Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan have followed Jiang Chen to explore the New World countless times, and this is the first time they have encountered such big trouble.

"Let's go, let's find an inn to take a rest, and then go buy a house tomorrow." Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan followed Jiang Chen into Shenjing.

Even though it was late in the evening, the curfew hadn't started yet, so Shinkyo was still very lively.

Just as Jiang Chen and the others were looking at Shenjing and heading towards the inn, a voice came from the side: "I'm so lucky today, I met two beauties."


Jiang Chen frowned and turned to look.

The next moment, a man appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

"It's him?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

Because this person is none other than Xue Pan.

Xue Pan in the 10th version of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Xue Pan in the play lost his father when he was young and his widowed mother was indulgent and doting. At the age of five, he became extravagant and spoke arrogantly. Although he had gone to school, he only knew a few words, and all he did was fight cocks, ride horses, and travel around the mountains and rivers all day long. Although he was an imperial businessman, he had no idea about the economic affairs. However, due to his grandfather's old friendship, the household department used a false name to collect money and grain, and other matters were handled by his own assistants and family members.

"It's really interesting. Xinghan combines characters from "Dream of Red Mansions"."

"I don't know how many people can sign in "Dream of Red Mansions"."

The plot of "A Dream of Red Mansions" flashed in Jiang Chen's mind.

"Come here, take these two back." Xue Pan pointed at Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan and said to his subordinates.

"Get lost." Jiang Chen snorted coldly.

"Dare you tell me to get lost? Boy, you're dead. Come on," Xue Pan said.

The servants of the Xue family had done a lot of bullying and domination. At this moment, Xue Pan opened his mouth and rushed out with a stick.

Seeing that another fight was about to begin, the onlookers withdrew from the distance again, leaving a larger open space for the scene.

"court death."

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

next moment.

Bang bang bang!

The Xue family's servants flew out one by one.

"Boy, you dare to attack my Xue family, I think you are impatient." Xue Pan was furious.

"I'm tired of living, so I want to try killing you." Jiang Chen's figure flashed in front of Xue Pan, clasped his neck, and said coldly: "You said, I Do I dare to kill you?"

"You..." Xue Pan's eyes widened and he looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"You think I don't dare to kill you?" A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes: "It's okay if you want me not to kill you. It's my first time in Shenjing and I don't have a place to live. You can compensate me for a house with a five-story house. "

"Impossible." Xue Pan said without thinking.

"Impossible? Then go die." Jiang Chen made no secret of his murderous intention.

"You, let me go." Xue Pan felt the strong murderous intention for the first time: "I, my uncle is the governor of the capital, and I am a member of the Xue family. If you dare to do this to me, you are dead. ”

"Really? Then take me to the Xue family. Let me see how strong your family is."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly and said, "If you don't want to die, just lead the way."

"You..." Xue Pan winked at the slave.

Jiang Chen smiled coldly and carried Xue Pan towards Xue's house.


Xue family.

"This is the Xue family."

Jiang Chen looked at the Xue family.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", the Xue family first stayed in Jinling, and then went to join the Jia family.

But this is Xinghan Shenjing, and the Xue family has a mansion in Xinghan Shenjing. Obviously it may be the difference between the world of film and television integration and the world of film and television dramas.

However, it had little impact on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen remembered that the ancestor of the Xue family in the play was a Ziwei Sheren, that is, a Zhongshu Sheren. However, this Xue family ancestor did not let his descendants continue to be officials, but let them run the family business while using himself. The early influence in the court gave the Xue family the qualification to be an imperial merchant.

If you are good at learning, you will be an official; if you are not good at official, you will be a businessman.

This idea is a bit like Fan Li's. Being prudent and protective of yourself, pursuing practicality rather than vanity, this is probably the guiding ideology of the heads of the Xue family in the past generations. This is also true of Xue Baochai's words and deeds.

Before the decline of the Xue family, it can be said that jewelry was regarded as dirt.

As the descendants of the imperial merchants, there were no powerful officials in the Xue family among the descendants of the Xue family. If the Xue family wanted to maintain their prosperity, they had to look outside. Therefore, Xue Baochai's father married the third lady of Prince Bo's family in the county controlled by Du Taiwei.

The Wang family is a house of earls, and the eldest son of the Wang family is in charge of relevant foreign affairs in Jinling. The second master was Wang Ziteng, who was on the rise politically. He first served as the governor of the Beijing camp and later promoted the control of nine provinces. The eldest sister never appears in the book and may have died. The second sister is married to the second master of Rongguo Mansion and is the biological mother of the imperial concubine Yuanchun.

Such a prominent Wang family is willing to marry the third daughter to the eldest son of the Xue family, which shows that the threshold of the Xue family is not low, and Baochai's father is also an outstanding figure. Marrying the Wang family was the Xue family's last effort to maintain the family's prominence.

However, it is a pity that the head of the Xue family born to Miss Wang San is a "dumb overlord". Overlord describes his temper, which was spoiled by his mother. And being stupid refers to his intelligence. The Xue family has experienced a certain degree of IQ regression after several generations of heads who were able to painstakingly manage the business. Therefore, all the cheap family property earned by the older generations of the Xue family through clever tricks must be paid back to Xue Pan, whose IQ is seriously in arrears.

Although he was an imperial businessman, he had no idea about the economic affairs. However, due to his grandfather's old friendship, the household department used a false name to collect money and grain, and other matters were handled by his own assistants and family members. Because of a figure like Xue Pan, the Xue family's reputation as the "scholarly successor" has been greatly eroded. Fortunately, I have a smart sister, Xue Baochai, who is ten times better at reading and literacy than my brother. Therefore, when Xue's father was alive, he loved this daughter very much.

Uncle Xue had long been disappointed with his son, but he did not have any concubines to give birth to other sons, and he still loved Aunt Xue very much.

The relationship between this generation of emperors and the Xue family was getting worse. There was no one in the family who could help, and there was no successor. You can imagine how anxious Uncle Xue was. Due to anxiety and fatigue, Uncle Xue passed away early.

Since the death of Xue Pan's father, all the business bureaus, general managers, clerks, etc. in various provinces, seeing that Xue Pan was young and ignorant of the world, took advantage of the opportunity to kidnap him, and several businesses in Kyoto were gradually consumed. This kind of consumption brings about economic decline. In the eyes of outsiders like Mrs. Xing, the Xue family is rich, but people within the Xue family know that it is no longer what it used to be.

"Boy, you'd better let me go, otherwise, I will crush you to ashes." Xue Pan screamed.

"It's really over the top."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly and walked slowly towards the front door of Xue's house.

The nursing staff guarding outside the Xue family tried to stop them, but they were all knocked unconscious by Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan.

After dealing with a few troublemakers, no one of these unruly slaves who relied on the Xue family to bully and dominate the market no longer dared to make any noise, and curled up on the side of the steps like dogs.

Soon, Jiang Chen and others walked into Xue's house.

Jiang Chen looked at it curiously.

Whether it is the novel "Dream of Red Mansions" or the film and television series, Jiang Chen has watched them all.

But what you see in books, movies, and TV shows is not the same thing as seeing it with your own eyes.

Jiang Chen can't get the Xue family's wealth.

There are exquisite corridors on the left and right, exotic flowers and plants in the garden, and precious utensils displayed in the house, which are rare to see in ordinary mansions.

When Jiang Chen looked around, the Xue family's inner house had already exploded.

Aunt Xue quickly asked people to find out what was going on outside, and at the same time sent people to invite the men in the clan.

During the commotion, Xue Baochai was also alarmed, so he sent his maid Ying'er out to inquire.

After a while, Ying'er ran into the house with her skirt in hand, panting: "Girl, it is said that someone caught the young master and broke in!"

"What?" Xue Baochai dropped the needle and thread in his hand.

At this moment, she couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked out of the house.

"Girl, where are you going...wait for me!"


Soon, Xue Baochai arrived at Aunt Xue's residence, which was already in a mess.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Who knows what happened? Someone caught your brother and broke in."

"What news can I hear from the front?"

"No one who went there came to reply, I'm afraid they were all taken down." Aunt Xue said.

"Mom, now that eldest brother has been arrested, we have to come forward." Xue Baochai said.

"This..." Aunt Xue hesitated.

But in the end he nodded.


Soon, Aunt Xue, Xue Baochai and others came to the hall.

"Mother, save me..."

Xue Pan shouted when he saw Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai.

"I didn't expect them to come out."

Jiang Chen looked at Aunt Xue, Xue Baochai and others.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, you signed in successfully and received ten low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you signed in successfully and received a primary weapon talisman. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have signed in 1 female protagonists in a row, and you will be rewarded with attribute point, a space ring expanded by one cubic meter, a training card for Wei soldiers, and ten stacks of elementary and elementary talisman papers. 】

"Ten low-grade spiritual stones?"

"This is good."

Although I have never used low-grade spiritual stones, anyone who has read the novel knows about low-grade spiritual stones.

"Now that there are twenty low-grade spiritual stones, it's time to try the effect."

"A piece of primary weapon talisman?"

"This is the tenth primary weapon talisman..."

The primary soldier talisman can accommodate a thousand soldiers and their equipment, and costs one million taels of silver or ten thousand taels of gold per month. Only the head of the royal family can use it.

And now, after signing in and getting ten pieces of junior soldier talismans, Jiang Chen got the information that ten pieces of junior soldier talismans were turned into one intermediate-level soldier talisman.

According to the introduction of the system, you only need to spend ten pieces of low-grade spiritual stones to turn ten pieces of elementary soldiers into one intermediate-level soldier symbol.

Intermediate-level military talismans can accommodate 10,000 soldiers and their equipment. The monthly cost is 8 million taels of silver or 80,000 taels of gold, or 80 low-grade spiritual stones. Only the head of the royal family can use it.

"So, this means that for the same capacity of 10,000 soldiers, the cost of one intermediate soldier talisman is 20% off the cost of ten junior soldier talismans. At the same time, low-grade spiritual stones can also be used as usage fees."

"However, the usage fee of eighty low-grade spiritual stones per month is too high."

"You must know that the low-grade spiritual stones obtained by signing in so far are only twenty yuan."

"By the way, these intermediate military talismans are synthesized. Doesn't this mean that the ones you get after signing in can only be primary military talismans?"

"Although the usage price is 20% off, before there are 10,000 soldiers and horses, using the intermediate soldier talismans is not worth the gain."

"What's more, in the second and third worlds, the Thousand Star Cavalry is already very powerful. There is no need to use 10,000 soldiers and horses at once."

"After all, after using the intermediate soldier talisman, it does not mean that the soldiers and horses can be used to earn one thousand and one thousand intermediate soldier talismans. It also does not mean that the soldiers and horses used in the intermediate soldier talismans can be taken out little by little."

"Intermediate military symbols are the same as primary military symbols. They can be full of personnel, but they must be collected or released at one time."

"Starting from Su Huan'er, Yang Yiliu, Su Xiaowan, Sun Quexi, Tong Yuxiu, Zheng Shujun, Wen Xian, Rong Xian, and now Xue Baochai and Xiang Ling. Unknowingly, ten more female leads have been signed."

"In addition to the most basic attribute points and space ring expansion, the special reward this time is Wei Wushu training card and ten stacks of elementary and elementary talisman papers?"

"The training card for Wei soldiers is pretty good."

"Ten stacks of primary elementary talismans? This is the fourth time I have gotten them."

"However, even so, there are not many elementary talismans."

Jiang Chen looked at the signing hostess.

Xue Baochai, a character in the 10th version of "A Dream of Red Mansions".

In the play, she comes from the Xue family, one of the four major families, the daughter of Aunt Xue, and the aunt and cousin of Baoyu. She is generous and elegant, and her manners are graceful. She hated the darkness of officialdom, but still advised Baoyu to study and become an official. She has a golden lock, which is a perfect match for the psychic gem. Under family arrangements, she married Baoyu. One or two years after the marriage, Baoyu left and returned to Qinggeng Peak, leaving Baochai alone in the empty boudoir.

Xiangling, a character in the 10th version of "Dream of Red Mansions".

In the play, she is the daughter of the twelve beauties of Jinling, and is commonly known as Xiangling in the Jia family. Zhen Yinglian was originally from Gusu and was the only daughter of Zhen Shiyin. She had a rouge mark the size of a grain of rice between her eyebrows. On the Lantern Festival when he was four years old, he was abducted by his abductor because of improper care by his domestic slave Huo Qi ("Misfortune") when he was watching the community's sparkling lanterns. After she was raised, she was originally sold to Jinling Gong Feng Yuan, but she was snatched back by Xue Pan to be his concubine. Baochai named her Xiangling.

"Xue Baochai."

"It looks okay..."

Jiang Chen looked at Xue Baochai.

The previous lives of Xue Baochai and Ren Duomei were played by the same actor.

Well, it is the adult Xue Baochai in the 10th version of "A Dream of Red Mansions".

Xiang Ling and Su Tan'er were played by the same actor in their previous life.

"Now Xiangling is following Aunt Xue, so she is still Aunt Xue's maid?"

"Well, she still looks like a girl."

"Is this Aunt Xue?"

Jiang Chen's eyes fell on Aunt Xue.

Aunt Xue is Aunt Xue in the 10th version of "A Dream of Red Mansions".

In the play, she is the mother of Xue Pan and Xue Baochai, and the sister of Lady Wang. After her husband died, she took her two children to live in the Lixiang Courtyard of the Jia Mansion. She is known for her kindness. Because of her proper manners, Grandmother Jia often wants to sit and chat with her. She dotes on her children, especially Xue Pan, who is an orphan. She dotes on him and indulges him, which leads to his failure to achieve anything. She lets Xue Pan do whatever he wants outside.

"It's a pity that Aunt Xue can't sign in."

"However, I wonder how the relationship between the Xue family and the Jia family is now in this integrated world of film and television?"

Thoughts flashed through Jiang Chen's mind.

"Who are you, who dare to come to our Xue family to cause trouble?" Aunt Xue asked calmly.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what's important is that today I want the Xue family to give me an explanation." Jiang Chen threw Xue Pan to the ground.

"Come here, take them down for me." Xue Pan said to the caller after getting up from the ground.

The Xue family's servants ran out and surrounded Jiang Chen and others.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to come to the Xue family to cause trouble, you must pay a price." Aunt Xue said.

"Really? I want to see what price you can make me pay." Jiang Chen sneered.

"Come on." Xue Pan called from the side.

The Xue family servants rushed towards Jiang Chen and the others.

"As long as you don't die," Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

The figures of Guan Yuqing and Bi Man flashed.

The next moment, screams rang out.

In just three breaths, dozens of Xue family servants fell to the ground and passed out.

"How can this be……"

Xue Pan and the other three were dumbfounded.

Especially Aunt Xue, she was a little desperate at this moment.

So many people are no match for Jiang Chen, aren't they...

"You, you, aren't you afraid of the government?" Xue Pan said timidly.

"The government? What, you want to report to the government?" Jiang Chen glanced at Xue Pan with contempt, and then fell on Aunt Xue: "Xue Pan wants to steal my woman in front of me, if you don't give me one today If you explain, I will slaughter the Xue family..."

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