Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 1073 Gu Moli and Shen Ruoxin, the speechless Jiang Jun

Chapter 1073 Gu Moli and Shen Ruoxin, the speechless Jiang Jun

"Shen Jing?"

Jiang Chen was stunned at first, and then he felt happy: "Let her come in."

"Okay." Tang Lili responded and left the president's office.

After a while, Tang Lili walked in with Shen Jing.

"Miss Shen." Jiang Chen stood up and said to Shen Jing, "Nice to see you again."

"I didn't expect you were really Mr. Chen of Hengshi Group." Shen Jing investigated Hengshi Group after returning yesterday. However, she had some doubts about whether Chen Jiang (Jiang Chen) was the president of Hengshi Group, so she came to Hengshi specifically today. group. '

"Of course I won't lie to Miss Shen. Miss Shen, sit down." After saying that, Jiang Chen asked Tang Lili to make coffee.

"Okay." Shen Jing sat down opposite Jiang Chen.

Tang Lili made coffee for Shen Jing and left.

"Mr. Chen, I would like to ask, what do you mean by what you said yesterday?" Shen Jing said.

"It means literally. I want to make money with you." Jiang Chen said.

The most exciting scene in "City Within a City" is the scene where Shen Jing shorts Nanqing shares and plots against Wu Xianlong.

In the play, Shen Jing first used the Huaming No. 15 project to threaten Zhao Hui and obtained 15 billion in funds. When Shen Jing received 5 billion in funds, Wu Xianlong's liquidity basically dried up. In order to repay the loan, Wu Xianlong, who was desperate, found Shen Jing, signed a drawer agreement with the Nanqing shares in his hand as collateral, and obtained million yuan from Shengyuan Fund through explicit transactions and secret loans. Through this cycle of operations, Wu Xianlong successfully used the money from Shenmao Bank to repay the loan from Shenmao Bank.

Shen Jing got shares of Nanqing Shares, which was equivalent to short selling. With the shares, she was short selling. Going long before going short, Shen Jing secretly united many people to raise the share price of Nanqing shares, and soon the share price reached 4.2 yuan.

At this time, Wu Xianlong and his son could not sit still. They wanted to get the stock back at the original price of 2.7 yuan, plus one year's interest. Wu Xianlong and his son have been engaged in real estate. They don't understand finance at all, let alone the operations of Shen Jing and others behind the scenes. They naively believe that the share price of Nanqing shares has risen on its own.

Shen Jing did not agree to the request of Wu Xianlong and his son. However, Wu Xiaofei followed Tian Xiaohui to trade stocks and made a simple profit of 80 million. Wu Xiaofei exclaimed, "If I had known it was so easy to make money, why would I have built a house?" How did Wu Xiaofei know that this was a deliberate sweetener from Shen Jing? The trap had been dug and they were waiting for Wu Xianlong and his son to invest more money.

Sure enough, according to Shen Jing's arrangement, when the stock price rose sharply, Tian Xiaohui suddenly shipped goods to shock and wash the market, and then rose sharply again. Through this operation, more large retail investors followed, including Tian Xiaohui’s mother, who even mortgaged her house. At this time, Wu Xiaofei also relaxed his vigilance and continued to follow up. Needless to say what happened next, Shen Jing and others suddenly shipped a large amount of goods and hit the market, and the stock price plummeted. Mr. Xia, Tian Xiaohui’s mother, Wu Xiaofei, etc. were all deeply trapped.

After this battle, Wu Xiaofei lost 40 million. Wu Xianlong became emotional and fell ill and was admitted to the hospital.

Wu Xiaofei only lost 40 million, why was Wu Xianlong so excited?

The funds of Wu Xianlong Company are all working capital. Without these 40 million, the liquidity of Junlong Group will be a big problem. Wu Xianlong had no funds, so all he could think of was Zhao Hui. In order to force Zhao Hui to give them more loans, the father and son began to threaten Zhao Hui again. At this time, Zhao Hui is still facing another coercion from Shen Jing. If he doesn't make a choice, Zhao Hui will be doomed.

The chess piece Jiang Rui came in handy at this time.

After arranging for Zhao Rui to go abroad, Zhao Hui arranged for Jiang Rui to meet Mr. Chen, the owner of the breeding company, under the pretext of visiting a client. This was the plan to silence Wu Xianlong and Zhao Hui. But Jiang Rui had already noticed, and he secretly shared his position with Tao Wuji, hoping to ensure his own safety. Tao Wuji, Cheng Jiayuan, and Jiang Rui entered an abandoned factory, but were controlled by Wu Xiaofei, who was preparing to kill and silence them. At the critical moment, people from the patrol room suddenly rushed to the scene and saved the lives of three people. The person who called the patrol room was none other than Zhao Hui himself.

All of this was planned in advance by him.

But Shen Jing, without a backer, was able to get away with nothing. From this point of view, Shen Jing is very powerful.

It can be said that among the female characters in "City Within a City", in terms of beauty, intelligence, ability and skill, Shen Jing is the only one. When it comes to scheming and viciousness, it has to be Shen Jing.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen wanted to cooperate with Shen Jing after meeting her.

In the financial market, especially those who will compete with foreign capital in the future, what is needed is a brave and resourceful person like Shen Jing.

Well, besides Shen Jing there is also Tian Xiaohui.

If Shen Jing and Tian Xiaohui cooperate, there may be unexpected gains.

"Mr. Chen, can you continue to explain in more detail?" Shen Jing asked.

"Ms. Shen, if you have investigated me, you should know that I am from Wall Street in the United States. The funds I used to establish Hengshi Group were all obtained from the financial market. In the future, I will continue to work in the financial market. , and I need an assistant. This assistant is you." Jiang Chen said.

"Why me? Mr. Chen, how did you find me?" Shen Jing asked.

"Because you want a better life." Jiang Chen said.

What does Shen Jing want?

It's money.

In Jiang Chen's view, Shen Jing wants money.

In the play, Shen Jing and Xie Zhiyuan have a complicated relationship, not to mention how much Shen Jing loves Xie Zhiyuan.

However, this is normal.

Two people are more than ten years apart. How can they fall in love if there is no special reason?

At the beginning of the plot, they seemed to be just life partners, respecting each other, and even when Shen Jing found a red hair, it made people wonder whether they would part ways. Shen Jing's fierce reaction to this red hair shows her suspicion and distrust of Xie Zhiyuan.

Shen Jing has a complicated mentality. She longs to remain affectionate with her husband, but she also doesn't want to become a little woman who relies on her husband. This ambivalence makes her seem nervous and... cold... when dealing with the relationship between husband and wife. On the one hand, she is extremely concerned about her husband's loyalty, constantly tracking and investigating, and trying to control everything, which reflects her distrust of her husband and anxiety about her own emotions. On the other hand, she worked hard to create the image of an independent woman and tried to prove that she was not dependent on her husband. This was also a way for her to balance her inner conflicts. However, at home and at work, the relationship between Shen Jing and Xie Zhiyuan seems alienated, as if they are just partners rather than a deeply emotional couple.

Although Shen Jing provided support to Xie Zhiyuan at critical moments, such as using her cousin to collect information to help Xie Zhiyuan gain an advantage in business competition, one of Xie Zhiyuan's impulsive actions led to him getting into trouble and eventually going to jail. In the face of speculation and doubts from the outside world, Shen Jing's choice was unexpected. She did not file for divorce, but firmly supported Xie Zhiyuan and gave him comfort and encouragement. Shen Jing's intelligence and depth make her good at using words to soothe and grasp people's hearts. She told her children that what her father experienced was just the ups and downs in life, which was a necessary process for growth.

In the adult world, love may no longer be the only consideration, interests, power and status are often more important. The relationship between Shen Jing and Xie Zhiyuan may be based more on mutual utilization and exchange of interests.

In Jiang Chen's opinion, the interest relationship between Shen Jing and Xie Zhiyuan may be greater than imagined, or there may have been such an interest relationship from the beginning.

Therefore, this also means that Shen Jing can be used.

Shen Jing looked at Jiang Chen without saying anything.

"Miss Shen..." Jiang Chen and Shen Jing started chatting.

Jiang Chenke is a senior international registered psychological counselor.

As I chatted with Shen Jing, I could say that I understood Shen Jing's psychological activities clearly.

So, after half an hour of chatting, the result was very satisfactory.

"Miss Shen, you can go back and think about it." Jiang Chen smiled and said to Shen Qing: "If you agree, you can contact me at any time within a month, and we will discuss cooperation then. It doesn't matter if you don't agree, Just think of us as friends.”

"Okay." Shen Jing stood up, said goodbye and left.

After Shen Jing left, Tang Lili walked in.

"Mr. Chen, who was Shen Jing just now?"

"A friend." Jiang Chen said.

"Just friends?" Tang Lili asked.

"Come here." Jiang Chen waved to Tang Lili.

Tang Lili came to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pulled Tang Lili into his arms: "Why, do you suspect that I have a relationship with her?"

"No." Tang Lili said.

"Shen Jing is married. Her husband is the president of Yuanzhou Trust, and her child is three or four years old." Jiang Chen said.

"Ah..." Tang Lili was very surprised.

"Secretary Tang, you have to understand that I have many women, but after you become my woman, you have to be obedient... I don't want you to be jealous..." Jiang Chen said while interacting with Tang Lili.

"I, I understand..." Tang Lili also understood that it was impossible for her to marry Jiang Chen with her identity.

"That's right, as long as you satisfy me, I won't let you down." Jiang Chen chuckled.


"Mr. Jiang, why did you come to me?" Gu Moli came to Jiang Chen and asked.

"I just want to see you." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang...I, I need to work." Gu Moli noticed Jiang Chen's eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's eyes seemed to be shining when he looked at her.

This made Gu Moli a little afraid of Jiang Chen's gaze.

"I'm your client. Your boss won't say anything when you meet me." Jiang Chen is the boss behind Feiniao Gallery, but now he is wearing a vest. When Gu Moli doesn't know his identity, It's a pretty good choice to date her.

"..." Gu Moli.

"It seems that you have moved on from the incident with your ex-boyfriend." Jiang Chen said.

"I also want to live a good life." Gu Moli said.

"I was worried that you wouldn't be able to get out. I want to go to the amusement park with you again today," Jiang Chen said.

"I..." Gu Moli couldn't help but glance at Jiang Chen when she heard this.

Although she had had a boyfriend before, this was the first time Jiang Chen went to the amusement park with her.

"Let's go for a walk?" Jiang Chen said to Gu Moli.

Gu Moli hesitated and nodded.

"Let's go forward from here." Jiang Chen pointed to the sidewalk in front of him and said.

"it is good."

At the moment, Jiang Chen and Gu Moli were walking and chatting.

Although Gu Moli and Cheng Lu were played by the same actor in their previous life, there is still a big gap between them.

However, for Jiang Chen, different roles bring him different feelings.

"Jasmine, there is a park over there. Let's go and have a look." Jiang Chen said.



Seeing that Gu Moli was still hesitating, Jiang Chen took her hand and walked forward.

Gu Moli glanced at Jiang Chen and hesitated before refusing.

After a while, Jiang Chen and Gu Moli came to the park.

"There's nothing fun here." Gu Moli said.

"Why not? Just follow me." Jiang Chen said.

"What are your ideas?" Gu Moli asked.

"You'll know soon." Jiang Chen started playing with Gu Moli.

With many years of experience in finding girlfriends, for Jiang Chen, it was easy to make Gu Moli happy.

For an hour, Gu Moli had a good time just like the last time at the amusement park.

"Moli, there is sweat on your head, let me wipe it for you." Jiang Chen said to Gu Moli.


"do not move."

Just as Gu Moli was about to say something, she was stopped by Jiang Chen.

Gu Moli didn't move when she heard this.

Jiang Chen approached Gu Moli and wiped her sweat.

However, after wiping away the sweat, Jiang Chen did not distance the two of them, but looked at Gu Moli.

Gu Moli couldn't stand Jiang Chen's gaze.

"Ma Li, you are so beautiful..." Jiang Chen said sweet words in a low tone.

A special atmosphere gradually rose between the two.

Jiang Chen slowly approached Gu Moli.

Just at this moment, a voice came from the side: "Gu Moli."

Gu Moli woke up with a start and quickly took a step back to distance herself from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen frowned and turned his head to look.

The next moment, a figure appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

Zhu Jincao, a character in "Little Days".

In the play, he has a gentle and reserved personality, but he pursues perfection in everything and has his own principles and opinions. He still chooses to move forward bravely after experiencing double troughs in marriage and career.

"I didn't expect it to be Zhu Jincao..."

"At this critical moment, it was actually destroyed by Zhu Jincao."

A hint of gloom flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

In Jiang Chen's opinion, there are only three reasons why Gu Moli and Zhu Jincao got married in the play.

The first is the psychology of comparison: seeing her friends around her getting married one after another and living seemingly happy lives, Gu Moli developed a strong psychology of comparison and did not want to fall behind others in terms of marital status.

The second is Zhu Jincao's physical attractiveness: Zhu Jincao's appearance completely conforms to Jasmine's aesthetic standards. His facial features are deeply loved by Jasmine. Coupled with her passionate pursuit of him, Gu Moli accepted this relationship after weighing it. marriage.

The third is the promise of her husband's family: Although she was dissatisfied with the wedding room and her husband's family, in view of her husband's family's promise not to interfere with the couple's life after marriage, Jasmine finally compromised and agreed to the marriage.

But in Jiang Chen's opinion, the reason why Zhu Jincao pursued Gu Moli was that Zhu Jincao had an idea as early as when Gu Moli and Jiang Haitao were together. Later, Gu Moli and Jiang Haitao broke up, and Zhu Jincao had an opportunity.

"Gu Moli, what are you doing?" Zhu Jincao came over.

"Moli, who is he?" Jiang Chen asked knowingly.

"He is my friend Zhu Jincao." Gu Moli said.

"Gu Moli, who is she?" Zhu Jincao asked.

"Jiang Chen, Jasmine's boyfriend." Jiang Chen said.

"Boyfriend..." Zhu Jincao was stunned.

Didn't Gu Moli break up with Jiang Haitao not long ago? Have a boyfriend so soon?

"He..." Gu Moli glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "He is just my friend."

"Friend?" Jiang Chen looked at Gu Moli.

He never thought that Gu Moli would deny it.

Did the strategy just now have no effect?

"Friend?" Zhu Jincao was delighted when he heard this.

Although Jiang Chen and Gu Moli almost kissed each other just now, as long as they are friends, he still has a chance.

"Zhu Jincao, what are you doing here?" Gu Moli asked.

"I'm coming to find you." Zhu Jincao said.

"What do you want from Jasmine?" Jiang Chen hugged Gu Moli's waist as he spoke.

Gu Moli slapped Jiang Chen's hand and asked Jiang Chen to let go.

But Jiang Chen didn't let go, he just looked at Zhu Jincao.

"I..." Zhu Jincao became jealous when he saw Jiang Chen hugging Gu Moli.

"Jiang Chen, let go." Gu Moli said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen let go of Gu Moli after hearing that.

Gu Moli was a little surprised. She thought Jiang Chen wouldn't listen to her this time.

"Gu Moli, I have something to ask you." Zhu Jincao said.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Chen said from the side: "You don't want to pursue Jasmine, do you?"

Zhu Jincao looked at Gu Moli, not knowing how to answer.

"Moli, it seems I'm not suitable here. I'll wait for you in front." Jiang Chen said to Gu Moli.

"Are you going to wait for me in front?" Gu Moli was stunned when she heard this.

"Yes." Jiang Chen didn't want Gu Moli and Zhu Jincao to meet, but they had known each other for so long, and he couldn't stop it with just a few words. It was better to do it slowly. What's more, he didn't believe that he was inferior to the powerless Zhu Jincao.

So, after finishing speaking, Jiang Chen walked forward.

"Zhu Jincao, what do you want from me?" Gu Moli looked at Zhu Jincao.


the other side.

"Gu Moli, I hope you won't get too close to Zhu Jincao, otherwise..."

Jiang Chen wants to get every woman he likes.

If he can't get it through normal pursuit, Jiang Chen doesn't mind using means.

Just like that time, Zhao Mosheng...

A quarter of an hour later, Gu Moli's figure appeared.

"Jasmine." Jiang Chen walked over.

"Mr. Jiang, you..."

Before Gu Moli could finish her words, she was interrupted by Jiang Chen: "Why do you call me Mr. Jiang? You should call me Jiang Chen."

"I..." Gu Moli hesitated and said, "We are not suitable."

"Why?" Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat.

"Because, because you are my client." Gu Moli said.

"Is this the reason? If it is this reason, I will probably stop cooperating with Bird Gallery." Jiang Chen said.

"What, you won't cooperate with Bird Gallery?" Gu Moli was shocked.

Jiang Chen's work is the best among her many clients.

Losing Jiang Chen as a customer means losing a big customer.

"Yes, there are many galleries in the world, and I have many ways to make money, but you are different. You are the only one in this world." Just like there are no two identical leaves in the world, there are no two identical leaves in the world. It is impossible for two people to be exactly the same (this is not just about appearance), so there is no second Gu Moli in the world.

Therefore, Jiang Chen's words did not mean that Gu Moli was his only woman.

"I..." Gu Moli hesitated to speak.

"Okay, I'm kidding you. We don't meet often. Even if I want to pursue you now, you won't agree so quickly. So, I will give you time to think about it." Jiang Chen is not in a hurry.

"Okay." Gu Moli breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's getting late, I'm going back."

"Is it okay if I give it to you?" Jiang Chen asked.

Gu Moli hesitated and nodded.


Half an hour later, Lanxiang Garden.

"I, I'm going back first." Gu Moli said after unbuckling her seat belt.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Be careful on the road."

"Yeah." Gu Moli nodded, opened the car door and left.

"Gu Moli... I didn't expect to live in Lanxiang Garden..."

Jiang Chen is no stranger to Lanxiang Garden.

Because Sun Yihe lived in Lanxiangyuan before.

Although Sun Yihe lives in Lanxiang Garden most of the time now.

However, because of work, I lived in Lanxiang Garden for a while.

"Gu Moli... find a chance to make a plan..."

Jiang Chen drove away while making calculations.


"Is that Shen Ruoxin?"

Just as Jiang Chen was driving back to No. 1 Dongjiao, he suddenly saw Shen Ruoxin at the door of a bar.

Shen Ruoxin is a character in "The Intellectual Life".

She is also Song Ziyan’s best friend.

Legal affairs of Zhenpeng Automobile Company.

"This is the third time I've met Shen Ruoxin."

"The first time was in December of the year before last."

"The second time was last July."

"When I first met Shen Ruoxin, Shen Ruoxin was only twenty-eight years old...now he is already thirty."

When Jiang Chen was attacking Song Ziyan, he wanted to get Shen Ruoxin.

I don’t know how long it has been since Song Ziyan was captured, but Shen Ruoxin has only seen her for the third time.

"But, does Shen Ruoxin seem to be in trouble?" Seeing a big man blocking Shen Ruoxin, Jiang Chen quickly got out of the car and walked over.

Well, although the hero saves the beauty is cliché, it is the most useful.


"Beauty, you can't escape. If you go with your brother today, he will definitely treat you well." A scarred face looked at Shen Ruoxin with a sly smile and said.

"Get out of the way." Although Shen Ruoxin drank, she was not delirious.

"It seems you want me to do it myself?" Scarface chuckled and reached out to grab Shen Ruoxin.

"Go away."

Shen Ruoxin threw the bag in her hand at Scarface.

"Are you impatient?" Scarface grabbed the bag that Shen Ruoxin threw at him, then stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Ruoxin over.

"Go away..." Shen Ruoxin slapped Scarface.

However, before her slap could hit Shen Ruoxin's face, Scarface grabbed her wrist.

"Let me go..." Shen Ruoxin struggled.

"Let go?" Scarface smiled coldly and pulled Shen Ruoxin forward.

"Let me go..." Shen Ruoxin yelled, asking for help from the people around him.

But in the face of the fierce Scarface, although there were many people watching at the door of the bar, no one took action.

"Let her go." At this moment, Jiang Chen came over.

"Boy, do you want to meddle in other people's business?" Scarface looked at Jiang Chen coldly.

"Let her go." Jiang Chen said.

"Boy, do you know who I am? If you dare to meddle in other people's business, I will make you miserable." In the eyes of Scarface, Jiang Chen is a proper pretty boy who wants a hero to save his beauty. Idiot's dream.

"Say it again, let her go." Jiang Chen had already arrived in front of Scarface.

"You are looking for death." Scarface slapped Jiang Chen, preparing to teach Jiang Chen a lesson.

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, grabbed Scarface's wrist, and then exerted force.

"It hurts..." Scarface screamed.

"Get out." Jiang Chen threw the scarred face to the ground with a strong shake, then supported Shen Ruoxin: "Miss Shen, are you okay?"

"Who are you?" Shen Ruoxin asked drunkenly.

"I am Jiang Chen. When we were negotiating with Zhenpeng Automobile Company on behalf of Chenxi Automobile City, we met at Zhenpeng Automobile Company. Miss Shen, you are drunk. Where is your home? I will take you back." Jiang Chen said.

"I..." Shen Ruoxin said.

"Boy, go to hell."

At this time, Scarface got up from the ground and kicked Jiang Chen.

"court death."

Jiang Chen snorted coldly and kicked out.

Scarface flew backwards.

"let's go."

Because he was in the first world, Jiang Chen did not kill him: "Miss Shen, where do you live? I will take you back."

"Zhonghong Tiandi." Shen Ruoxin said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen's heart moved.

Zhonghong Tiandi was the place where he originally bought a house for Wu Hongmei, but now Wu Hongmei doesn't live much anymore. Although it is a bit far from Dongjiao No. 1 to Yinghai Group, it only needs reasonable transportation arrangements.


Zhonghong Tiandi, in front of Shen Ruoxin's house.

"Miss Shen, can you open the door?" Jiang Chen asked while supporting Shen Ruoxin.

Although Jiang Chen had sobering medicine, for unknown reasons, Jiang Chen did not give it to Shen Ruoxin.

"The key is in the bag..." Shen Ruoxin wanted to open the door by herself, but he drank too much today, so he couldn't take the key out of the bag.

"Okay." Jiang Chen took out the key from Shen Ruoxin's bag and opened the door.

The moment Jiang Chen opened the door, a voice sounded from the living room.

"Shen Ruoxin, why are you back so late?"

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.


Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, you signed in successfully and obtained the Plum Blossom Internal Guard training card. 】

"Plum Blossom Guard Training Card?"

"That's good."

Among the many training cards, the Plum Blossom defender training card is the most important.

Especially after the decision was made to add those important female characters in movies and TV dramas to the Plum Blossom Neiwei, the Plum Blossom Neiwei represents another meaning.

Jiang Chen looked at the signing hostess.

Mother Shen, a character in "The Intellectual Life".

She is Shen Ruoxin's mother in the play. After retiring, she worked as a teacher at a university for the elderly. She was usually very concerned about her daughter Shen Ruoxin's marriage. It was precisely because she was so concerned that she and her daughter had many differences.

"The plot of "The Intellectual Life" begins in 21 years."

“We’re only four years away from when the drama begins.”

"I just didn't expect that I could also sign on Shen Ruoxin's mother."

"But in the play, Shen's mother is also an important role."

In the play, Shen Ruoxin's mother is the female version of Su Daqiang. Her ability to do things and destroy her daughter is indeed comparable to Su Daqiang. In some aspects, she is even better than Su Daqiang. Once the mother transforms into Su Daqiang, her control over her daughter... Desire... will increase greatly!

In the play, Shen Ruoxin, who is single at an advanced age, gradually forcefully urges marriage, and the rhythm of urging marriage is also controlled by her mother. After seeing her mother's remarks, many people may find it very understandable, right? Because my mother is always urging marriage, saying how nice the young man is, and the most important thing is to say that if you get married, I can die in peace, as if to say that if you don't get married, I will die in peace.

He was absolutely merciless when he scolded Shen Ruoxin, blaming her daughter for being ignorant, and directly saying that she was doing something wrong when her daughter said that she and the other person were not suitable.

Shen's mother couldn't understand Shen Ruoxin, and she even put this idea into her body. In fact, Shen Ruoxin's ideas were indeed strong enough, and she didn't even choose to compromise under her mother's strong pressure. Every time her mother took the opportunity When someone tries to fool her, she will try to argue and stick to her own point of view.

It was for this reason that Jiang Chen felt that if Shen Ruoxin was captured one day, Shen Ruoxin's mother would be a huge mountain, and she might be even more difficult to deal with than Jian Cong.

"Who are you? What do you want to do to my daughter?" Mother Shen said when she saw Jiang Chen helping Shen Ruoxin in.

"Are you an aunt? I am Miss Shen's friend, and I sent her back." Jiang Chen said.

"Really?" Mother Shen was doubtful.

He even thought Jiang Chen was doing bad things.

But then I thought about it, my daughter was drunk. If Jiang Chen really wanted to do something bad, he only needed to go to the hotel.

"Auntie, it's best if you're at home. I'll leave Miss Shen to you." Jiang Chen helped Shen Ruoxin walk in.

"Mom?" Although Shen Ruoxin was drunk, she still recognized Shen's mother.

"Ruoxin, are you okay?" Shen's mother came over and supported Shen Ruoxin.

"I, vomit..." Shen Ruoxin started vomiting as soon as she said one word.

"Auntie, do you have any hangover medicine? If you have hangover medicine, let Miss Shen take one." Jiang Chen said to Shen's mother.

"I'll get it right away..." Mother Shen said quickly.

A quarter of an hour later, with Jiang Chen's help, Shen Ruoxin fell asleep in her room.

"Young man, I don't know your name yet." Mother Shen looked at Jiang Chen.

"Auntie, my name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen replied.

"How long have you and Ruoxin known each other?" Mother Shen asked.

"We met the year before last." Jiang Chen replied.

"Have we known each other for two years?" Mother Shen's eyes lit up and she asked, "How old are you?"

"Auntie, I am thirty-two this year." Jiang Chen was a little strange.

Doesn't Shen's mother think that she is Shen Ruoxin's boyfriend?

"Thirty-two? Just right." Mother Shen murmured.

"..." Jiang Chen.

"Auntie, it's getting late, so I'll go back first." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Mother Shen nodded, and then said, "Jiang Chen, right? Let's exchange contact information?"

"Okay." Jiang Chen did not refuse.

After exchanging contact information with Mother Shen, Jiang Chen left.


March 1st, Mulan Hunting Ground.

"Lan Shan, your strength has improved very well." Jiang Chen said after watching Lan Shan's training.

"I feel that practicing martial arts is like practicing yoga before." Lan Shan said.

"Well, you have a good idea." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "The purpose of practicing yoga is clear, and the purpose of cultivation can also be clear. Are you still used to it in the magic city now?"

After her last visit to the Magic City, Lan Shan resigned from Yanjing and settled in No. 1 Dongjiao.

"Not bad." Lan Shan said.

"The first world is relatively stable, but it is different in the second and third worlds. You are going to the third world in a few days, so you have to be prepared." Jiang Chen said.

After returning from the second world, Jiang Chen has only captured Xu Hongmi, Chen Xi and Lan Shan so far. Therefore, Jiang Chen cannot guarantee whether he can adapt to the third world.

"Jiang Chen, is this Third World really going to take ten months?" Although there is a simple map of the Third World in the Daming Palace, and although Feng Xin'er and others are from the Third World, Lan Shan still finds it difficult to accept it.

After all, it's all so dreamy.

"Yes. You can think of it as traveling through time and space to ten months in ancient times." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "You can bring whatever you want with you. However, in order to avoid repetition, you can discuss it with Wu Shiyi and the others."

There are more people now, and the space of the space ring is expanding, so there are more things that can be carried.

"I know." Lan Shan responded.

"You may not get used to it when you first go there, but you will get used to it after a while. Of course, the biggest purpose of taking you there is to give you enough time to practice." Jiang Chen said.

"I understand. Jiang Chen, can you take me on a flight?" Lan Shan nodded.

"What I'm doing isn't called flying, it's Qing Kung." Jiang Chen put his arms around Lan Shan's waist and performed Qing Kung.

The Quanzhen Sect's unique skill, Jin Yan Gong, can walk thirty-seven steps in the air.

Five feet is one step, and 37 steps is about 18 feet, which is sixty meters.

Jiang Chen has a lot of Qing Gong, and the most powerful Qing Gong can walk 150 meters in the air.

This is actually almost the same as flying.

"When you successfully draw the flying talisman in the future, it will be called flying." Jiang Chen said.

"The flying talisman...is more powerful than the airplane?" Lan Shan asked.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded.

Flying charms are definitely better than airplanes.

This can be seen from the situation of the flying symbols in the play.

In the future, with the flight talisman, the OH-6A modified helicopter can be slowly retired.

However, Jiang Chen didn't know when he would be able to draw the flying talisman.

"I don't know when I will have this strength." Lan Shan said.

"As long as you practice hard, it's absolutely fine." Jiang Chen said.

"Yeah." Lan Shan originally only wanted to be a full-time housewife, but under the current situation, her dream of being a full-time housewife has both come true and not yet.

But fortunately, she now has a new goal.


Xingchen Group, President’s Office.

"Mr. Jiang, these are the recruitment results of this year's spring job fair." Bai Canlan handed a document to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen opened it, took a look, and said, "This year's recruitment results are good. Both academic qualifications and other aspects have improved."

"Nowadays, many people are eager to join Xingchen Group, so the recruitment work is easier." Bai Canlan said.

"Our Xingchen Group is different from other companies. Educational background is not the only factor." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said: "Starting from this year, the company will eliminate 1% to 5% of its employees every year. This depends on It’s arranged by your human resources department.”

"Mr. Jiang, does this include everyone?" Bai Canlan asked.

"Yes, everyone except me." Jiang Chen nodded: "Our Xingchen Group is not that easy to enter. No matter how you enter the Xingchen Group, you should abide by the last elimination system."

"I understand." Bai Canlan nodded.

"In addition, starting this year, I will increase cooperation with universities such as Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. When the time comes, your human resources department will do a good job." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Bai Canlan responded.

"Okay, let's get down to business, let's..." Jiang Chen looked at Bai Canlan with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm going to work first." Bai Canlan stood up, turned around and left.

"..." Jiang Chen.

When Bai Canlan walked to the door, she turned around and blinked at Jiang Chen.

"This girl..." Jiang Chen's eyes flashed.

After a while, Jiang Jun came.

"Mr. Jiang, this is Bianyun's acquisition contract." Jiang Jun handed a document to Jiang Chen.

"Bi'an Cloud has finally been acquired." Jiang Chen opened the file and read it.

Bianyun is one of the two major video websites in "The King of Behind the Scenes".

It has been a long time since Jiang Jun was arranged to make the acquisition.

"This acquisition of Bianyun..." Jiang Jun began to report on the acquisition of Bianyun.

"Did Long Ziwen leave Bianyun?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, but Mr. Jiang, do you care about Long Ziwen?" Jiang Jun asked.

"Long Ziwen will be the general manager of Bianyun from now on." Jiang Chen was very fond of Long Ziwen in the play. After all, Long Ziwen can do so well in the play.

Now in this integrated world of film and television, with the support of Xingchen Group, Long Ziwen will definitely be able to do even better.

"Long Ziwen becomes the general manager of Bianyun?" Jiang Jun was surprised.

"I will arrange this. You have worked hard to acquire Bianyun this time. Take a few days off and then work on other projects." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, what project should I do next?" Jiang Jun asked.

"You want to know now?" Jiang Chen glanced at Jiang Jun.

"Yes." Jiang Jun nodded.

"EJOY Jian Yue." Jiang Chen said.

"EJOY Jian Yue?" Jiang Jun had never heard of it.

"EJOY is a game company. The company was founded in 2011. The company's mission is to be "an Internet entertainment company that focuses on games and is committed to creating happiness for players." In terms of business model, independent research and development, cooperative development, and agency operations are equally emphasized. "

Jiang Chen said: "The 2.5D full keyboard fighting online game currently on the market is jointly developed by Zgame and Ejoy and operated by EJOY Jianyue. The reason why I acquired EJOY Jianyue is because EJOY Jianyue pioneered the 2.5D full keyboard fighting game. A new subcategory. The product is currently in the closed beta stage. The game uses a full keyboard operation mode to restore the ultimate sense of combat and operation of classic fighting games. The 2.5D space design breaks through the small rooms and spaces in traditional fighting games. The shackles of a single map. The 2.5D combat mode completely liberates the Y-axis and enables 360-degree attacks without blind spots in eight directions, bringing players innovative fighting fun that is different from traditional horizontal fighting games..."

While talking, Jiang Chen took out a document and handed it to Jiang Jun: "This is relevant information."

Jiang Jun opened it and read it.

After a while, Jiang Jun said: "According to this information, if the acquisition of EJOY Jianyue is successful, it may cost several hundred million."

"My highest acquisition price is 110 million U.S. dollars. How much you can negotiate during the acquisition depends on your ability." Jiang Chen said to Jiang Jun: "However, according to the news I got, Ali is also We are preparing to acquire EJOY Jianyue, so it may be difficult to successfully acquire EJOY Jianyue.”

"Ali..." Jiang Jun's face changed slightly.

She naturally knows what Ali represents in the investment banking world.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded: "Although EJOY Jianyue is not big, Ali is a wolf. It depends on whether you can win EJOY Jianyue in Ali's hands."

"I'll try." Jiang Jun said.

"I believe you."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "After all, you are the woman I like. My woman is naturally different."

"Mr. Jiang, if there is nothing else, I will go to work." Jiang Jun said quickly.

"Why are you so anxious? You still need to report to work now." Jiang Chen stood up and came to Jiang Jun.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the office." Jiang Jun said.

"Don't worry, no one will disturb us." Jiang Chen leaned over and said, "What's more, it's not our first time."

"Believe it or not, I've destroyed you?" Jiang Jun said viciously.

"Are you willing to do it?" Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "I asked you to run away last time. Do you think I will give you a chance to run away again?"

Jiang Jun blinked.

"Xiaojunjun." Jiang Chen slowly approached.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Jun was startled and quickly pushed Jiang Chen away.

Jiang Chen felt a little regretful, but he still walked to his seat and sat down, and then said, "Come in."

"Mr. Jiang, this is the information you asked me to compile." Shi Chuchu walked into the office.

Jiang Jun glanced at Shi Chuchu.

Shi Chuchu is an intern in the CEO's office.

This was the news she had received before.

When I came to report my work today, I saw Shi Chuchu at the door of the president's office.

The first time he saw Shi Chuchu, Jiang Jun thought Shi Chuchu was beautiful.

Jiang Jun felt uncomfortable when he thought that each of Jiang Chen's CEOs was more beautiful than the last.

"Has the information about Tokopedia been sorted out?" Jiang Chen took the file and read it.

Tokopedia is an e-commerce platform under the Indonesian GoTo Group. It is the largest e-commerce platform in Indonesia and the most visited Indonesian website.

Tokopedia was founded in 2009 with the core vision of empowering millions of small businesses and local Indonesian brands to use the Internet to start and grow their businesses. In 2014, Tokopedia became the first technology company in Southeast Asia to raise more than US$1 million.

In the previous life, on August 2017, 8, Tokopedia, Indonesia’s largest e-commerce platform, announced that it had locked in a new round of financing of US$17 billion led by Alibaba.

The reason why Jiang Chen asked Shi Chuchu to collect Tokopedia's information was because he wanted to be the first to capture Tokopedia.

Jiang Chen remembered that in his previous life, on December 2023, 12, TikTok officially announced an e-commerce strategic cooperation with Indonesian GoTo Group. TikTok’s Indonesian e-commerce business will be merged with Tokopedia, an e-commerce platform owned by GoTo Group. The merged Tokopedia will be controlled by TikTok.

Therefore, the acquisition of Tokopedia is a strategic layout.

"Yes, Tokopedia..." Shi Chuchu said next to him.

Collecting Tokopedia-related information was Shi Chuchu's first job in the Xingchen Group President Office, so Shi Chuchu cherished it very much and worked extra hard.

"Tokopedia's collection of information is pretty good." Jiang Chen pointed to the documents next to him and said, "I'll take these for processing."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang." Shi Chuchu took the document and left.

After Shi Chuchu closed the door of the CEO's office, Jiang Jun said quietly: "Mr. Jiang, your secretary is beautiful."

"Shi Chuchu is an intern, not a secretary, but an assistant." Jiang Chen glanced at Jiang Jun and said, "However, I smell a sour smell."

"Are you a dog-nose?" Jiang Jun said.

"So, you..." Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Chen meaningfully.

"I went to work..." Jiang Jun ignored Jiang Chen, but stood up and walked towards the door.

"I know Alima and I have been in contact with Ali Capital. Do you want to hear detailed information about them?" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Say." Jiang Jun stopped and looked at Jiang Chen.

She has been in the investment banking industry for almost ten months, and has met many big names in the investment banking industry, but she doesn’t know much about Ali Capital, a subsidiary of Ali, and this acquisition of EJOY Jianyue Ali Capital is a competitor, so she I also want to know about it.

"If you want me to tell you, you have to pay a price." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, you are the boss. I acquired the company to serve the company. Do you think it's okay to bully me like this?" Jiang Jun looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly. At this time, she felt that Jiang Chen was particularly childish.

"Did I bully you?" Jiang Chen stood up, came to Jiang Jun, and said, "Xiao Junjun, tell me, how did I bully you?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I will investigate on my own." Jiang Jun snorted, seemingly dissatisfied with Jiang Chen.

"As long as you call me husband, I will give you relevant information." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Jiang Jun.

"Shout, or you should go investigate on your own, you decide for yourself." Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Jun with a smile, as if he was sure of her.

"Husband..." Jiang Jun felt that he had never screamed before, so it was no big deal if he did.

"Oh." Jiang Chen smiled with satisfaction.

"Are you satisfied now? Can you give me the relevant information about Alibaba Capital?" Jiang Jun said.

"I'll send the relevant information to your email later. Well, it's an encrypted file, and the password is your birthday." The information Jiang Chen sent to Jiang Jun was top secret. It cannot be shown to others. And the reason why I gave it to Jiang Jun is because Jiang Jun will be one of ours sooner or later.

"..." Jiang Jun.

That's it?

"I'm going to work." Jiang Jun said and walked out.

This time, Jiang Chen did not stop him, but watched Jiang Jun leave the president's office.

"I don't know when we can win it..."

"It will be a year since we met in April."

At this moment, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

Jiang Chen took out his cell phone and looked at it, his face slightly startled: "Why did she call..."

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