Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 1079: Plotting against Mei Changsu and facing off against Zhu Yuyan

Chapter 1079: Plotting against Mei Changsu and facing off against Zhu Yuyan

"Now we have exchanged three million taels of counterfeit banknotes..." Luo Shiniang said.

"It seems that our plan is going well." Jiang Chen was very satisfied after hearing Luo Shiniang's words.

The Ming Dynasty's Baobao was the only kind of paper currency in the Ming Dynasty. During the first twenty years of the issuance of the Ming's Baobao, the value of the banknotes was basically stable. However, around the 26th year of Hongwu, some places, especially Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Fujian In this area, people value money more than banknotes, and banknotes have experienced serious depreciation.

Calculated based on the price of rice, at the beginning of the use of Baobao, one stone of rice was worth a thousand coins, and a Baobao could be exchanged for one thousand copper coins or one tael of silver. However, around the 26th year of Hongwu, people valued money more than banknotes, and every Baobao was worth a thousand dollars. The banknotes can only be exchanged for one hundred and sixty copper coins. In the history of the first world, by the second year of Yongle, the value of one stone per meter had risen to 30 guan. In the early years of Xuande, it had risen to 50 guan per meter. In the ninth year of Zhengtong, the value had risen to one hundred guan.

It is now the 26th year of Hongwu. Although the money exchanged is not much, these treasures contain huge profits.

"In the eighteenth year of Hongwu, the Ming Dynasty issued an additional 30 million guan of treasure banknotes. Twenty-three years after Hongwu, another 75 million guan of treasure banknotes were issued. And we made 20 million guan of counterfeit banknotes. We want them all. It may take a long time to change out. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang's Jinyiwei intelligence capabilities are still very strong," Luo Shiniang said.

"Yingtian Mansion is already pretty much there. Let's exchange the other counterfeit banknotes elsewhere." Jiang Chen didn't want to be found out by Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Don't worry, we have been very careful. Most of the counterfeit banknotes are exchanged through Jinyiwei." Luo Shiniang said.

"That's good." Zhu Yuanzhang has now appointed Zhu Yunwen as the prince, and the next step is to eradicate Lan Yu and others, which means that he does not have too much energy to take care of the treasures.

"Mr. Jiang." At this moment, Li Na, Zhu Suosuo, Andy, Guan Yuqing, Li Bo and Wang Xining came.

"You are here." Jiang Chen started chatting with the girls.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Jiang Chen missed them strangely.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Chen asked about the information about the Ming Continent.

"Mr. Jiang, apart from Zhu Yuanzhang's further surveillance of Lan Yu's party, nothing major happened during this period," Li Na said.

"It's almost time. If Zhu Yuanzhang wants to take action, it should be within these few months." Jiang Chen said.

"Now Zhu Yuanzhang is collecting evidence of Lan Yu. If we find a way to destroy the evidence, what do you think Zhu Yuanzhang will do?" Li Bo said.

"Destroying the evidence collected by Jin Yiwei? Is this possible? What's more, if Zhu Yuanzhang wants to deal with Lan Yu, he doesn't need any evidence." Wang Xining said.

"No evidence is needed, but Lan Yu is not a fool. He cannot sit still and wait for death." Li Bo said.

"Li Bo, you mean to hand over those evidences to Lan Yu..." Jiang Chen understood what Li Bo meant.

"Yes. According to Zhu Yuanzhang's character, if he attacks Lan Yu, he will definitely kill the clan. And how can Lan Yu be willing to do so? As long as Lan Yu is unwilling to give in and causes a big mess, wouldn't we have an opportunity?" Li Bo said .

"Mr. Jiang, if you use Lan Yu to deal with Zhu Yunwen, it may not be a bad thing."

Li Na said: "If Zhu Yunwen dies, Zhu Yuanzhang will either make you his grandson, or make his son the prince. And in order of elders and younger ones, the King of Qin and the King of Jin are all ranked in front of Zhu Di. And according to our ranking Judging from the history of the world, they all died earlier than Zhu Yuanzhang. If the same is true in the third world, it may not be an opportunity for us. "

"What if it's Zhu Di?" Zhu Suosuo asked.

"Zhu Di is the person most like Zhu Yuanzhang, so those civil servants will not agree." Li Na said.

"Li Na is right. While Zhu Yuanzhang is alive, those civil servants seem to be wandering on the edge of life and death every day. This is why those civil servants support Zhu Yuanzhang in making Zhu Yunwen his grandson." Jiang Chen even felt that Zhu Biao's death was related to those civil servants. .

Because before Zhu Biao died, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to move the capital.

Jiangnan is the headquarters of civil servants, so they will not agree to move the capital. Unfortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others cannot change it. Only by letting Zhu Biao die will Zhu Yuanzhang have no intention of moving the capital.

And Zhu Yunwen was taught by those civil servants step by step, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he was a puppet of the civil servants.

In this case, if Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, the benefits to the civil servant group would be great.

Later, Zhu Di ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor during the Battle of Jingnan, killing numerous heads of civilian officials, but the civilian officials repeated their old tricks and used their methods on Zhu Gaochi. For this purpose, Zhu Di specially trained Zhu Zhanji.

Unfortunately, Zhu Gaochi died less than a year after he ascended the throne, and Zhu Zhanji did not have much time to go to the battlefield. Coupled with his untimely death, from then on, the civil service group restricted the Ming emperor from going to the battlefield, and even There was a Tumubao Incident, which completely eliminated the Wuxun Group and allowed the civil service group to completely suppress the Wuxun Group until the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

"So, is it feasible to use Lan Yu to deal with Zhu Yunwen?" Wang Xining said.

"It's feasible, but I think it's not enough." Jiang Chen said.

"Not enough? What do you mean?" Wang Xining asked.

"I want to bring more Jianghu forces in." The Ming Dynasty has integrated "Chanting Rain and Clouds", so many Jianghu sects have a relationship with the court. However, Jiang Chen feels that this is not enough, and it is best to bring the Ming Dynasty to the mainland. Most of the Jianghu forces in the mainland pulled in and let them fight, while he and the Jiang family defeated them all behind the scenes.

Institutions such as Hulong Villa and Dongchang, but no one belongs to him, so if they want to use Zhu Yunxi's identity to seize the heir, these institutions still have to make plans.

"Husband, what do you want to do?" Luo Shiniang asked.

"Publish the story of Liu Bowen cutting the dragon's veins." Jiang Chen said.

"Liu Bowen cuts the dragon's veins? What do you mean?" Luo Shiniang asked.

"In the "Wushen Datong Li" compiled by Liu Bowen, several disasters were indeed recorded. Zhu Yuanzhang believed that these future disasters might indicate rebellion, so he asked Liu Bowen to destroy all the dragon veins. So this is about Liu Bowen and the dragon veins. legend. And what we have to do is add fuel to the fire.”

Jiang Chen said: "There are many legends about Liu Bowen's cutting of dragon veins. We only need to say that Liu Bowen gets a dragon ball for every dragon vein he cuts, and each dragon ball can make people break through the Grand Master and break the void."

"Does anyone believe this?" Luo Shiniang hesitated.

"Ordinary people will not believe it, but for people in the world, they will definitely believe it. We only need to say that these dragon beads are in Zhu Yuanzhang's hands. If we still don't believe it, we will say that the dragon beads can open the Temple of War. "If nothing else, Pang Ban will definitely believe it because he also wants to go further.

"What is the Temple of War?" Wang Xining asked.

"There is a legend in the Ming Dynasty and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, which is said to be the Taoist classic "Secret of Immortality", Cihang Jingzhai's treasure "Cihang Sword Code", the magic door book "Heavenly Demon Strategy", and the mysterious "God of War" "Illustration of the God of War" is the first of the four great wonder books. Each of the four martial arts secret books contains information about life and the universe. It has been a secret for thousands of years, and "The Illustrated Book of the God of War" is the most elusive of the "Four Great Books" and has been passed down orally from generation to generation. "

Jiang Chen said: "It is said that the "Illustrated Book of the God of War" is the supreme Taoist martial arts metaphysics from ancient times. It is hidden in the underground War Temple. The environment around the War Temple is a world of its own. It is guarded by magic dragons and has strange flowers that are not found in the outside world. "Cao, the main hall is vast and boundless, and the top of the hall is engraved with stars in the sky. The God of War can move on its own, changing its position until someone with the opportunity appears."

The Illustrated Book of the God of War, one of the four great wonder books, does not appear in "The Rain and the Clouds", but a weapon appears. Not only is it comparable to the peerless wonder books, but it is also easier to reach the pinnacle of martial arts. It is the weapon passed down by the Eagle. Ying Dao, Ying Dao was passed on to Chuan Ying's son Ying Yuan. Ying Yuan understood Chuan Ying's martial arts artistic conception of breaking the void and successfully broke it. Therefore, this knife not only contains Chuan Ying's martial arts artistic conception, but also Ying Yuan's. For the understanding of martial arts, this kind of experience is actually much more valuable than simple martial arts secrets.

The Secret of Immortality did not exist in the Ming dynasty, but it appeared in the Sui and Tang dynasties.

Therefore, for Jiang Chen, these four wonderful books must be found.

For warriors, breaking the void is the highest realm they pursue.

"Cihang Sword Code is one of the four great books." Luo Shiniang asked.

"Yes, but there are Cihang Jingzhai in the Ming dynasty and the Sui and Tang dynasties. What they learn is the Cihang Sword Canon." Jiang Chen said.

"If this is the case, those people in the world will definitely believe it. However, I think we can say that the Dragon Ball can find the Temple of War, and opening the Temple of War can break the void..." Guan Yuqing said.

"Well, Yu Qing is right. I will arrange for our Jiang family's Jin Yiwei to spread this matter secretly. Well, we will call this plan the Dragon Ball Project." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." The girls nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, what are you going to do about occupying Ryukyu?" Andy asked.

"The Star Cavalry is training now, and we will wait until the Star Cavalry is fully trained. After all, there is no place to mobilize troops now. Moreover, if we want to implement the Dragon Ball plan just now, I am afraid we don't have much energy." Jiang Chen said.

"Then we'll talk about it later." Wang Xining said.

"Here, each of you will get a low-grade spiritual stone. You can use it to practice." Jiang Chen handed each of the girls a low-grade spiritual stone.


Ye Qin Imperial City, Jiang Mansion.

"Beautiful, Shui Wuxia, Maria...how is Ye Qin's situation now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Fengnuang Pavilion's surveillance of our Jiang Mansion is still continuing." Jiang Meili replied.

Feng Nuan Pavilion is a Jianghu force in "Huaxi Ji".

The eldest lady of Feng Nuan Pavilion is Bai Zhi in the play.

"What about Ye Qin?" Jiang Chen asked.

"There is no news yet, but our Xingchen caravan in Yeqin Imperial City has been in constant trouble." He Fanxing replied.

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that Ye Qin is planning to marry the ninth princess of Xizhou," Maria said.

"Ninth Princess of Xizhou?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

The ninth princess of Xizhou is Qu Xiaofeng, the heroine in "East Palace".

This means that the plot of "East Palace" is about to begin.

"Yes." Maria nodded.

"This is really unexpected news. I don't know how Li Qiu Shui is doing now." The last time he came to the third world, Jiang Chen didn't do anything to Li Qiu Shui, but now Jiang Chen feels that he can defeat Li Qiu Shui.

As for whether to take Li Qiu Shui for his own use.

It's not that Jiang Chen hasn't thought about it.

Although Li Qiushui and Li Biyun are different. But he is a great master warrior after all.

Not only Li Qiushui, but also Tianshan Tongmao can be used for his own use.

After all, we are going to the Fourth World next, and the more powerful people like this, the better.

However, it is not easy to do this.

"There is no relevant news from Jinyiwei." Wei Wei has also arrived at Yeqin Imperial City from Guangning City.

"Since the Star Caravan encountered trouble in Ye Qin Imperial City and developed slowly, it will develop slowly. But next, I plan to intervene in Ye Qin to seize the heir." Jiang Chen said.

"Master, what do you want to do?" Shui Wuxia asked.

"Of course it's fishing in troubled waters, but let's wait until the ninth princess of Xizhou comes to Ye Qin Imperial City." Jiang Chen had a plan in his mind, but this plan has not been perfected yet: "This is a low-grade spiritual stone, and each of you can take one."

"it is good."

Jiang Meili and others took over the low-grade spiritual stones.


Liu Song Imperial City, Jiang Mansion.

"Jiang Chen, Liu Yikang and the others are fighting fiercely now, and nothing else happened..." Wang Hui said after reporting the affairs of Liu Song Imperial City.

"Is there any news about Nishui Hanjian?" Jiang Chen asked.

"There is no news from Liu Chuxiu." Wang Hui replied.

"It seems that it is not easy to find Ni Shui Han Sword." Ni Shui Han Sword is the main plot of "Ni Shui Han". In this scabbard, there is a letter that reveals Fu Zongshu's treasonous conspiracy.

Jiang Chen is not interested in the main plot, but he also wants to get the Nishui Hanjian.

As long as he grasps Fu Zongshu's treasonous conspiracy, he can only use Fu Zongshu to his advantage. At the same time, Jiang Chen also wanted to use Nishui Hanjian to lure the four famous arresters and others to find the demon king's relic.

The Demon King's relic is something from "The Four Famous Young Masters".

Legend has it that the demon king's relics were the incarnation of the ancient demon king, and they were hidden in the Huanyu Grotto along with his martial arts secret book, the ghost book. Use the demon king's relics to practice the ghost book. After success, it is said that you can: control the wind and rain, and be invulnerable. The skill of a character who absorbs the Demon Lord's relics can increase at least a hundred times, which shows how powerful the Demon Lord's relics are.

In the play, Huanyu Grottoes are located on Chaoge Mountain. However, in this integrated world of film and television, the exact location still needs to be investigated. In the play, An Shigeng took the blood of Lengxue and Chu Limo, and opened the door of Huanyu Grotto when the full moon was high in the sky.

Now Chu Limo is one of his own.

Just need to get the cold blood.

Full moon night?

The fifteenth day of every month is fine.

"Mr. Jiang, we can actually spread the news about Nishui Hanjian. When the time comes, both Liu Yikang and others will want to get Nishui Hanjian. At that time, we will only need to benefit from it," Wu Hongmei said.

"It's okay." Wu Hongmei meant to use people from other forces to find Nishui Hanjian. But as long as the letter about Fu Zongshu's treasonous conspiracy is not exposed, it will be fine.

A moment later, Jiang Chen left the Jiang Mansion after giving everyone low-grade spiritual stones.


When he was about to go to the princess's mansion, suddenly, the system prompt sounded.


Jiang Chen glanced around and landed on an ordinary person.


"Sign in."

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, you signed in successfully and obtained ten thousand-year-old ginseng. 】

"Ten thousand-year-old ginseng?"

"This is the eighth time I signed in and got ten thousand-year-old ginseng."

"I have to say that among the ten thousand-year-old medicinal materials, ten-thousand-year-old ginseng has the most signatures."

"A total of twenty-eight thousand-year-old ginseng plants have been used now. It's not bad to sign in and get ten plants."

Jiang Chen looked at the signing hostess.

Nine-tailed Fox (Tu Shanxue), a character in the 15th edition of "Four Famous Young Hunters".

In the play, she is Zhang Sheng's wife who is crazy about love and has no regrets. She is An Shigeng's subordinate who transforms into a demon because of practicing sorcery. In her eyes, except her husband, there is no one else worthy of her affection. Facing her husband who was seriously injured in order to save her, she did not hesitate at all costs, even if she was used by An Shigeng, even if she killed countless people, even if she was spurned by everyone, she would have no regrets. The appearance of Chu Limo was an accident in her life. However, facing her husband who was dying, her brief friendship with Chu Limo was never worth her deep love for her husband.

"I signed on Ji Yaohua and Chu Limo before."

"I didn't expect to sign in on the nine-tailed fox (Tu Shanxue) today."

"Nine-tailed Fox (Tu Shanxue), no wonder she is so ordinary, it turns out she has changed her appearance."

The Fox Exorcist Sect in the play is an extremely weird sect that is committed to transforming humans into nine-tailed fox demons. It uses the terrifying martial arts successfully practiced by its disciples to assassinate high-ranking officials. Tu Shanxue is from the Fox Exorcist Sect. This sect only accepts young girls around ten years old as disciples. The moment they enter the school, nine white fox tails will be planted in their bodies. As they grow older, The fox tail is integrated with the body and can stretch and contract freely. With the help of magic training, the human can completely transform into a demon. At the same time, she was asked to cut off her love ties and never have any contact with men.

These girls who join the Fox Exorcist Sect will undergo cruel training, where the fittest will survive, and the fittest will survive, and will eventually be trained to become ruthless killers. Those who survive are not only superb in sorcery and martial arts, and are ever-changing, but they also have to learn the art of disguise so that they can perfectly disguise themselves as others, so that they can get close to the target while hiding their identity.

Although every nine-tailed fox who joins the army is a ruthless and ruthless killer, he still faces the risk of being killed by others when performing his mission. The process of growing up is already very cruel, but every mission is also a narrow escape. And Tu Shanxue is the best among the disciples in her class. She has the most beautiful appearance, but she also has a heart as cold as frost.

She has no regard for human life and only knows the mission. She cannot distinguish between right and wrong, let alone sympathize with the innocent people who are killed. The mission must be completed. It is better for others to die than to die yourself. Therefore, Tu Shanxue was really stained with too much blood and killing during the few years he performed the mission. It wasn't until she met Zhang Sheng that Tu Shanxue regained her true nature, and she truly experienced true love in the world.

Zhang Sheng has a handsome face and outstanding talents. Although he is a weak scholar, he also has his own persistence and perseverance. He kindly loves everything in life and always firmly believes that killing is not the best way to solve problems, and the power of love is much stronger than hate. Zhang Sheng's love melted Tu Shanxue's frozen heart. He taught her to face life with kindness, not to be trapped in the darkness, but to run towards the light.

Having an affair with a man is the most serious crime of the Huhu Sect, but Tu Shanxue made this mistake without any regrets. The days when they fell in love were sweet, but the good times did not last long. The Expelling Fox Faction could not tolerate Tu Shanxue's betrayal of the sect and wanted to punish her severely, so they issued a fatwa to kill her.

Tu Shanxue was chased by his master. At the critical moment, Zhang Sheng blocked Tu Shanxue's fatal blow, giving Tu Shanxue a chance to escape with Zhang Sheng. A mortal could not withstand such a serious injury. After Zhang Sheng was injured, he was extremely weak and dying. Tu Shanxue looked at his lover who was on the verge of death in order to save him, and was heartbroken.

Since then, Tu Shanxue has started a copy of extending the life of her lover. In order to save her husband's life, she has tried various methods, failing again and again, unwilling to give up again and again, but never willing to give up. On this road to save her husband, Tu Shanxue gave up everything, just because Zhang Sheng was Tu Shanxue, showing blatant partiality and well-known selfishness.

Zhang Sheng did not want to implicate Tu Shanxue, so he tried to persuade her to leave several times. The only advice was to ask her not to make the same mistake again, but Tu Shanxue never listened to Zhang Sheng's advice. In this life, she had been separated from Zhang Sheng for a long time. . Due to her eagerness to save her husband, Tu Shanxue was taken advantage of by An Shigeng.

So there were things like assassinating officials in the capital and sneaking into the Shenhou Mansion in disguise. An Shigeng wanted Leng Xue, the blood of the wolf prince, to open the seal and save his lover Die Wu. So, he sent Tu Shanxue and lied to her that the cold-blooded blood of the wolf prince was the medicine to save Zhang Sheng. Therefore, she tried every means to sneak into the Shenhou Mansion, but what she least expected was that she would gain a friendship. She had already decided that there would be no one else worthy of her true feelings except Zhang Sheng, but after Chu Limo appeared, she still regarded her as her only friend.

"But now Chu Limo has joined Tianyi Mansion."

"So, even if the plot has already begun, it is impossible for Tu Shanxue and Chu Limo to meet in the Shenhou Mansion."

"By this time, Tu Shanxue should have met Zhang Sheng."

"By the way, Tu Shanxue and Zhang Sheng will die together."

"Should we save them?"

Jiang Chen stared at Tu Shanxue closely.

Zhang Sheng, even if he is saved, is still an ordinary person. And if Tu Shanxue died because of Zhang Sheng's death, even if he saved him, he wouldn't be able to use Tu Shanxue for a long time.

"Fox Slayer training is not difficult."

"So, in a way, there is no need to calculate."

At this time, Tu Shanxue sensed something and looked at Jiang Chen.

"What a warning."

Jiang Chen withdrew his gaze, turned and left.


Princess House.

"Sir, you're here." Liu Chuyu saw Jiang Chen and hurriedly came up to greet him.


Jiang Chen hugged Liu Chuyu with his big hands: "Miss me?"

"Yes." Liu Chuyu nodded: "I miss you very much."

"Really? How much do you miss me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If you don't want me to wait for me to break through to the Xiantian realm, you can do anything..." Liu Chuyu's hint was obvious.

"Let's wait until you reach the Xiantian realm. There's no rush now." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Okay." Liu Chuyu was very helpless.

Don't you just want Jiang Chen to be lucky?

Is it so difficult?

"What's the rush? As long as your cultivation improves, you will have hundreds or thousands of years to live, and then you will have plenty of time to be with me. Otherwise, in a few decades, you will be old and yellow. "Jiang Chen feels that he can find someone who is eighteen years old even though he is old, but he cannot find someone who is too old.

"..." Liu Chuyu.

"How is Tianyi Mansion going these days?" Jiang Chen asked.

"In the past few days..." Liu Chuyu did not dare to neglect and told the story of Tianyi Mansion.

"Well, you did a good job." Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Sir, did you call Mo Yan?" Liu Chuyu asked.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

Mo Yan is the heroine in "A Heart of Ice in a Jade Pot".

I met him last time before leaving the third world.

"Young Master likes it?" Liu Chuyu asked.

"Why, you also want to take care of the young master's affairs?" Jiang Chen glanced at Liu Chuyu.

"I don't dare." Liu Chuyu said quickly.

"Mo Yan, like Ji Yaohua, can be your right-hand man. I will also arrange for Mo Yan to train in the future." Jiang Chen said.

"I know." Liu Chuyu nodded.

"How is your brother now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's still the same, but I have already obtained 20,000 troops." Liu Chuyu replied.

"Can you control these 20,000 troops?" Jiang Chen asked.

"These... the composition of these 20,000 soldiers and horses is very complicated. It seems that it is beyond my control. Young Master, please think of a way." Liu Chuyu said.

"Tomorrow you will train the 20,000 soldiers and horses, and I will think of a way then." Jiang Chen felt that he should train them into Jiang Jiajun. Only in this way can he get the maximum benefit from Liu Song.

"Okay." Liu Chuyu nodded.

"By the way, your 20,000 soldiers and horses are not old, weak, sick or disabled, right?" Jiang Chen knew that Liu Song's army was not very powerful.

"No." Liu Chuyu shook her head and said: "I have replaced these 20,000 soldiers and horses several times. I know that the old, weak, sick and disabled have no fighting capacity, so most of them are tenants I recruited. But King Pengcheng and others I don’t think I can train 20,000 soldiers and horses into an army.”

"This is to be expected." Jiang Chen understood what Liu Yikang and the others meant.

In the eyes of Liu Yikang and others, Liu Chuyu is an unruly princess. As a woman, she cannot achieve great things at all.


The next day, Jiang Chen pretended to be Liu Chuyu's bodyguard, followed Liu Chuyu to the military camp, and used an armed guard training card.

"Let's go, we'll come back in a month." Jiang Chen said to Liu Chuyu.

"Is this good?" Liu Chuyu asked.

"Well, all we need to do next is prepare enough resources." Jiang Chen nodded.

Using the Wuwei Army training card is that simple. However, there are not many Wuwei Army training cards. After using this Wuwei Army training card, there are only ten Wuwei Army training cards left in the system space.

"I understand." Liu Chuyu nodded and led everyone out of the military camp.


July 1st, Jinling, Daliang, Prince Huai's Mansion.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two thanks to the high hall."

"Husband and wife bow to each other."

Jiang Chen, Meng Qianxue and Su Huairou got married.

Jiang Chen originally thought that someone would cause trouble on this day, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Send to the bridal chamber."

As the celebrant's voice sounded, Meng Qianxue and Su Huairou were sent away.

Jiang Chen walked towards the distinguished guest. Today Jiang Chen got married in the name of Huai Wang Xiao Jingli, Prince Xiao Jingxuan, Ning Wang Xiao Jingting, Yu Wang Xiao Jinghuan, Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan, Qi Wang Xiao Ce... they all came.

"I've seen the prince, I've seen..."

Jiang Chen greeted everyone politely.

"Prince Huai, congratulations." Jamel Xiao said with a smile.

Jiang Chen saw the killing intent in Jamel Xiao's eyes, but at this time, Jiang Chen did not show it.

"Who is this?"

Jiang Chen saw Mei Changsu and asked knowingly.

Mei Changsu in the play is the leader of Langya and the leader of the Jiangzuo Alliance, the largest gang in the world. His real name is Lin Shu. He was originally a marshal of the Red Flame Army of the Daliang Kingdom. Later, due to the Meiling Massacre, he was poisoned by fire and cold. After being treated, he changed his name and hid in the world. In order to rectify the unjust case of Meiling, Mei Changsu returned to Jinling, changed his name to Su Zhe, and got involved in political disputes with his sick body. After planning, Yixue was finally wronged. In the whirlpool of national hatred, family hatred and brotherhood, Mei Changsu played a generous tragic song in the innocent heart of "Jiang Zuo Mei Lang".

"This is Mei Changsu." Xiao Jinghuan introduced.

"Mei Changsu?"

Jiang Chen was shocked: "But whoever has Mei Changsu will win the world's Mei Changsu?"

"Whoever has plum blossoms and long su will win the world?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Xiao Jingxuan and others' expressions changed drastically.

Mei Changsu's eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"Prince Huai, don't talk nonsense." Xiao Jingxuan said coldly.

"Your Highness, this is not what I said. I heard what others said. However, this is not bad. Mei Changsu is from our Daliang people. Whoever wins Mei Changsu will win the world. Doesn't it mean that our Daliang generals will win the world?" Unify the world. "Jiang Chen was substituting something for another, but he also believed that the words "Whoever wins Mei Changsu will win the world" would be enough to further the conflict between Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jinghuan.

Of course, more importantly, this sentence will reach the ears of Emperor Liang.

Emperor Liang was no ordinary person.

The saying "whoever conquers Mei Changsu conquers the world" is enough to make him fear Mei Changsu.

"I have met King Huai."

Xiao Jingrui and Yan Yujin also came.

This is the second time Jiang Chen has seen them.

Well, the last time was when Jiang Chen used Nan Chen's name to find Gong Yu.

"Jingrui, Yujin." Prince Huai Xiao Jingli and Xiao Jingrui were not familiar with Yan Yujin, so Jiang Chen just greeted them.

For this wedding, Prince Huai's Mansion gathered the top dignitaries of Daliang.

Even Emperor Liang sent someone to present a pair of Ruyi jade.

However, in this lively atmosphere, Jiang Chen felt the confrontation between various factions in Daliang.

Jiang Chen ignored this. Except for saying that whoever wins Mei Changsu wins the world, Jiang Chen treats everyone the same.

Although you can't be low-key today, it's still okay to show mediocrity.

It wasn't until late at night that all the guests from Prince Huai's Mansion left.

"It's so exhausting."

Jiang Chen felt that at the end of the day, he was more tired than the battle with Li Biyun.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen came to Meng Qianxue's room.

"I have met His Highness."

Meng Qianxue's maids bowed when they saw Jiang Chen.

"Go down." Jiang Chen waved his hand.


The maids hesitated and left.

Jiang Chen walked over and took off Meng Qianxue's red hijab.

"it's beautiful."

Jiang Chen murmured.

"Your Highness..." Meng Qianxue felt uncomfortable.

If it weren't for special reasons, how could she marry Huai Wang Xiao Jingli?

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, I'm not thinking about anything." Meng Qianxue came back to her senses.

"Really?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Yeah." Meng Qianxue nodded.

"From today on, you are mine." Jiang Chen said.

"Your Highness, I have always been yours." In Meng Qianxue's view, after becoming Jiang Chen's person before, she became Jiang Chen's person. Even if you love someone, you can only marry and obey your husband.

"That's right, you have always been mine." Jiang Chen chuckled and sat down next to Meng Qianxue: "Come, let's have a drink."

"Yeah." Meng Qianxue nodded.

After drinking a glass of wine, Jiang Chen pulled Meng Qianxue to stand up.

"Your Highness?" Meng Qianxue looked at Jiang Chen puzzled.

"Eat something first." Jiang Chen said.

Meng Qianxue's eyes flashed with emotion.

"Don't be nervous, we are a family from now on." In Jiang Chen's view, Meng Qianxue has become his, and his fate has changed.

Moreover, in Jiang Chen's opinion, people like Meng Qianxue should not stay in the deep palace, but should be like horses reaching for stars, Huo Xuan, and Mu Nihuang.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen married Meng Qianxue.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Are you full?" Jiang Chen asked when he saw Meng Qianxue put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Yeah." Meng Qianxue nodded.

"Then let's rest." Jiang Chen stood up and picked up Meng Qianxue.

"Your Highness..." Meng Qianxue exclaimed.

Jiang Chen smiled and strode towards the bed.


An hour and a half later, Jiang Chen came to Su Huairou's room.

"Your Highness, why are you here?" Su Huairou had already fallen asleep. After looking up and seeing Jiang Chen, she quickly sat up.

"Today is such an important day, why wouldn't I come?" Jiang Chen looked at Su Huairou.

To be honest, Jiang Chen didn't expect that he would marry Su Huairou as Huai Wang Xiao Jingli.

"Your Highness." Su Huairou was a little nervous.

After taking charge of the Su family, she never thought about getting married.

This time she was given a marriage, and she had to get married even if she didn't want to.

"Huairou, you are so beautiful..." Jiang Chen held Su Huairou's hand.

Su Huairou was shocked all over.

"Let's take a rest." Jiang Chen couldn't wait.

After all, Meng Qianxue had been lucky enough before.

And this is Su Huairou’s first time.


The next day, Jinling, Daliang, Jiang Mansion.

"Our Mr. Jiang is willing to leave his bride." Chen Yifan said.

"Why do I smell something?" Jiang Chen took Chen Yifan's hand and asked, "Yifan, can you tell me what it smells like?"

"How do I know?" Chen Yifan rolled his eyes at Jiang Chen.

"Is Yifan afraid that I have a new guy and I won't want you anymore?" Jiang Chen said.

"How dare you." Chen Yifan glared at Jiang Chen.

"Of course I don't dare." Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "What's more, Meng Qianxue and Su Huairou are not members of our Jiang family yet."

"So, it's equivalent to Mr. Jiang raising him outside." Chen Yifan said.

"..." Jiang Chen.

"What happened last night?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mr. Jiang, did something happen last night? The situation in Jinling is very tense now." Chen Yifan said.

"Last night I said that he who has plum blossoms and long su will conquer the world." Jiang Chen replied.

"Whoever wins Mei Changsu wins the world? This..." Chen Yifan was dumbfounded.

The gold content of this sentence is very high.

Mei Changsu has been in the limelight these days, and Jiang Chen's words are equivalent to dripping water from a frying pan.

"Mr. Jiang, if you say this, will it affect our plan?" Chen Yifan asked.

"No, I will choose to continue to retreat (retreating in the name of Huai Wang Xiao Jingli, which actually means going to other places to do things), so even if Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jinghuan notice me, they won't think much about it." Jiang Chen said.

"Yeah." Chen Yifan thought the same thing.


At noon, Jiang Chen disguised himself as Xiao Jingli and returned to Prince Huai's Mansion.

At this time, Meng Qianxue and Su Huairou had already gotten up. When they saw Jiang Chen coming back, they bowed: "I have met His Highness."

"Well, get up." Jiang Chen raised his hand to support him.


Meng Qianxue and Wilson Su responded.

"Princess, these are the account books and warehouse keys of Prince Huai's Mansion. You will manage them from now on." Jiang Chen gestured to Ke Menglan.

Ke Menglan handed a ledger and a key to Meng Qianxue.

"Your Highness?" Meng Qianxue was very surprised.

"You are my princess, so you naturally have to manage the middle servants in Prince Huai's Mansion. The warehouse contains the land and property deeds of Prince Huai's Mansion, etc. You are responsible for managing this part." Jiang Chen said.

Meng Qianxue did not refuse.

"Huairou, you were the head of the Su family before. If necessary in the future, you can continue to manage the Su family until you feel that you can hand over your Su family's property to your brother. In addition, I, Prince Huai, have a caravan, which is You will manage the caravan's token and list from now on," Jiang Chen said.

Ke Menglan handed over the caravan list and tokens that had been prepared to Su Huairou.

"Your Highness." Su Huairou was a little at a loss.

"Take it." Jiang Chen glanced at Su Huairou and said, "I am a warrior, and my cultivation requires various cultivation resources. Therefore, the caravan you manage is to find cultivation resources for me. In addition, the caravan's monthly net income Thirty percent of the profits will be given to the princess, and the rest will be used to expand the caravan."

What Jiang Chen wants is the identity of Prince Huai Xiao Jingli. He doesn't really need Prince Huai's palace to make money. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be the Emperor of Liang in a few months.

After all, if he had the chance to become the Emperor of Liang, he would not wait for a few years.

"Yes." Su Huairou responded.

"No one can enter my study except me." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Meng Qianxue and Su Huairou responded.


Sui and Tang dynasties, Fenyang Palace.

"Sir, Zhu Yuyan from the Yingui Sect has arrived." Lou Shuwan said.

"They came so fast." Jiang Chen asked, "Where are Li Xiuning's women's army now?"

"We've arrived at the city of Jinyang." Lou Shuwan replied.

"So fast?" Jiang Chen was very surprised.

"Yes." Lou Shuwan was also very surprised by the speed of the Detachment of Women. "The news came yesterday. At noon yesterday, Li Xiuning led an army of hundreds of thousands to the gates of Jinyang City."

"The training of the White Horse Camp in Jinyang will not be completed until the 9th. It seems that Chu Qiao cannot attack directly these days." Jiang Chen trained with the White Horse Yi Cong in Jinyang City on June 9th before leaving the Third World last time. Card.

"Jinyang City is the land of Longxing in the Tang Dynasty. Although we occupy Jinyang City, there are countless families in Jinyang City who support the Tang Dynasty. It is unwise to take the initiative at this time." Lou Shuwan said.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded: "Let me meet Zhu Yuyan first."

"I'll have someone call Zhu Yuyan over," Lou Shuwan said.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Soon, Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan arrived.

The moment he saw Zhu Yuyan, the system beeped.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, you signed in successfully and obtained the low-level spiritual field transformation map. 】

"Renovation plan for a low-level spiritual field?"

"This is the twentieth time I have obtained the low-level spiritual field transformation plan."

"This sign-in reward is good."

"With this low-level spiritual field transformation map, there are seven low-level spiritual field transformation maps in the system space."

"Maybe it can continue to be used in the third world."

Jiang Chen looked at the signing hostess.

Zhu Yuyan, a character in "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty".

In the play, she is the head of the "Yingui Sect", the largest sect of the Demon Sect. When she was young, she was deceived by the "Evil King" Shi Zhixuan, and was unable to practice the 18th level of "The Great Law of Heavenly Demon". Later, in order to fight for the evil emperor's relics, with the help of Xu Ziling and Shi Feixuan, he used the unique skill "Burning Together with Jade and Stone" on Shi Zhixuan and died.

"Zhu Yuyan, I don't know her exact age."

"If the situation in "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" is followed, Zhu Yuyan is already in her seventies."

"However, he looks just like Li Biyun, young."

"Sure enough, after practicing, Zhu Yuyan looks relatively young because of her strength."

Jiang Chen thought of the scene in the play when Xu Ziling looked at Zhu Yuyan.

Time has not left any trace on Zhu Yuyan's face. Looking horizontally and vertically, she looks youthful and radiant, a few years older than Huanhan. With her face half-covered, he could only see most of her face, but only this exposed part was already graceful.

A pair of beautiful eyebrows slant into the temples, and the eyes are as black as paint, full of energy...

Zhu Yuyan in the play is also an infatuated person who has been waiting for the evil king for more than 20 years. In the end, she did not get the result she wanted and grew old overnight.

Seeing Zhu Yuyan, Jiang Chen thought of the cat demon Miaomiao in "Spring Scenes with Pigs", the hard-mouthed and soft-hearted Pomegranate in "Four Talents in Gold", Qin Lang's mother in "Accidentally Falling in Love with You", "Two Cities" She played the female bandit leader Jin Sanniang in "A Plan Within a Plan", Kang Li, the sales director in "Love is Beautiful", and Qi Ji in "The Legend of Chong'er".

"Zhu Yuyan." Jiang Chen had to admit that compared to Li Biyun, Zhu Yuyan had an aura that attracted Cao thieves.

"Who are you?" Zhu Yuyan's eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"Master, he is Jiang Chen." Wanwan said from the side.

"Are you Jiang Chen?" A flash of surprise flashed in Zhu Yuyan's eyes.

Jiang Chen is so young and is a great master?

Wanwan is not joking, right?

"Yes, I am Jiang Chen, the head of the Jiang family. This is Shu Wan of Xiulijunlou." Jiang Chen introduced.

"Why haven't I heard of you?" Zhu Yuyan said.

"The Sui and Tang Continent was so big, it's normal that you haven't heard of it." Jiang Chen said.

"Sui and Tang Continent?" Zhu Yuyan's eyes flashed with confusion.

"There are Tang and Sui countries on this continent, so I call it the Sui-Tang Continent." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Zhu Yuyan didn't understand.

Wanwan didn't understand either.

What does Sui and Tang Continent mean?

Are there other continents?

"Jiang Chen, are you really a great master?" Zhu Yuyan was a little doubtful when she saw Jiang Chen.

"Whether I am a great master, you will know after you give it a try." At this point, Jiang Chen changed the subject, "But if I were a great master, how about you wish Yuyan to surrender to me?"

Wanwan looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

She never expected that Jiang Chen actually wanted her master to surrender?

How can this be?

How could her master surrender to Jiang Chen?

"How about you being a grand master? A grand master is not enough to make me surrender." Zhu Yuyan smiled coldly.

She wished Yuyan had lived for decades and had never seen such an arrogant person.

Want her to wish Yuyan to surrender?

Isn't this a foolish dream?

"A good bird chooses a tree to roost on, Zhu Yuyan, you have to think clearly. To be honest, I think highly of you when I ask you to surrender." Jiang Chen did not dare to say this to Zhu Yuyan before he had reached the Grand Master level.

But now Jiang Chen doesn't need to pretend.

In a world of warriors where the strong are respected, strength is the foundation.

If you have the strength, you can do whatever you want.

And although he can't be said to be invincible, with all his methods combined, even if he faces the existence of the peak Grand Master, he may not be incapable of fighting? What's more, the Yingui Sect does not have a strong master.

"I don't know if you are a grand master yet, but you are very arrogant." Zhu Yuyan said.

"That's because I have arrogance." Jiang Chen said.

"Then I'll give it a try." As soon as she finished speaking, Zhu Yuyan clapped her hand.

"That's it?"

Jiang Chen raised his hand and palmed it.


A wave of energy swept across.

Zhu Yuyan groaned and flew out.


Wanwan quickly flew over.

"Zhu Yuyan, you are nothing more than that." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"This is impossible……"

Zhu Yuyan looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

It's not that she has never seen the Grand Master before, but she didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so strong.

Also, if Jiang Chen is so powerful, why hasn’t there been any news before?

"What's impossible? Grandmasters also have strengths and weaknesses. I don't know how my strength is compared to Ning Daoqi and the others." Jiang Chen said.

"You..." Zhu Yuyan took a deep breath and said, "I can cooperate with you on behalf of the Yingui Sect, but I will not surrender to you."

"Zhu Yuyan, without me, do you think your Yingui Sect can fight Cihang Jingzhai with your help?" Jiang Chen said.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Yuyan asked.

"If you represent the Yingui Sect and submit to my Jiang family, I can help you deal with Cihang Jingzhai." Jiang Chen said.

"Cihang Jingzhai is the leader of righteousness in the world. Can you deal with them?" Zhu Yuyan obviously didn't believe it. After all, the Xiuli Army wanted to compete for the world, how could they completely offend Cihang Jingzhai?

"Why not?"

Jiang Chen changed the topic and said: "Moreover, Zhu Yuyan, do you think it is possible for your Yingui Sect to exist if you reject me?"

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