Chapter 110 Mistress, Shi Yi
The courtyard is still the courtyard.

But when he entered the courtyard, Jiang Chen still saw the difference.

These subtle changes made his eyes brighten.

"This old Zheng is not bad."

The front yard appears to have been repaired.

This worked out pretty well.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, a lot of money has been invested in the purchase of the courtyard house and its repairs. If the courtyard house cannot be improved during the repairs, then he is wasting money.

Now it seems that it is a good choice to find Mr. Zheng to repair the courtyard house.

"Mr. Jiang, you are here."

A middle-aged man saw Jiang Chen walk in and greeted him.

The middle-aged man's name is Su Dayu, and he is Mr. Zheng's apprentice.

Su Dayu was also there when Jiang Chen and Mr. Zheng met last time, and it was for this reason that he knew Jiang Chen.

"Su Gong, is Mr. Zheng here today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Here I am."

Su Dayu nodded and replied: "Now we are repairing the middle courtyard, which is related to the layout. Therefore, the teacher wants Mr. Jiang to decide the layout."

"Take me to meet Mr. Zheng." Jiang Chen nodded.

The layout of the courtyard is not only beautiful.

In the eyes of the older generation, this is related to Feng Shui and other factors.

Jiang Chen didn't care about Fengshui at all, but even such things as time travel exist, who can tell him that Fengshui is non-existent?If you go to the fantasy world where film and television are integrated in the future, maybe you can find some treasures according to Feng Shui.

Now that Mr. Zheng came, he wanted him to make a decision.Secondly, this factor is also considered.

Following Su Dayu to the inside, Jiang Chen heard the indistinct conversation coming from inside.

"Mr. Jiang, today the teacher invited a person who has a unique view on the layout of the courtyard for reference." Su Dayu explained when he saw Jiang Chen's doubts.

"Unique opinion?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"Yes, although she is not very old, even my teacher was very surprised by the layout of the courtyard house. When the teacher repaired the courtyard house in other places, he used her as a reference. It's a pity that the other party is only right. The layout is insightful, and I don't want to inherit the teacher's mantle." Su Dayu showed admiration in his eyes while speaking.

"The person who can surprise Mr. Zheng must be extraordinary. I can't wait to meet him." Jiang Chen seemed to be familiar with the voice.

"Boss Jiang will see you soon." Su Dayu led Jiang Chen inside while introducing the repair situation of the courtyard house.

"So, the repair of the courtyard house can be completed within a month at most?" Jiang Chen was very surprised.

"Yes." Su Dayu nodded.

During this period of time, his teacher's thoughts were all on repairing the quadrangle, and Jiang Chen used the best materials, etc., and spent a lot of money without any hassle, so the progress was so fast.

When he and his teacher repaired courtyard houses for others before, even if it was a piece of huanghuali wood, they had to think about it for a while.

"Let's go see Mr. Zheng."

Jiang Chen nodded.

For him, the sooner the renovation of the courtyard house is completed, the better.

When his woman moves in, wouldn't he be able to flip his cards like an emperor?
Thinking about it, Jiang Chen was a little excited.

Soon, Jiang Chen and Su Dayu walked into the middle courtyard.

"Mr. Jiang, you are here."

Old Zheng has white hair and wears reading glasses, but his body is very healthy. After seeing Jiang Chen, he hurriedly walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Old Zheng."

Jiang Chen walked up.

He still respects Mr. Zheng very much.

Moreover, it seems that Mr. Zheng's technique is better than he imagined.There are fewer and fewer people like this now, even if he has taken in apprentices, with the departure of their elders, the next generation will definitely not be as good as theirs.

"Old Zheng, please slow down." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Haha, I'm in good health." Elder Zheng said with a smile.

"Old Zheng, I know you're doing well! You can tell at a glance that you are a person with a long lifespan. Even after twenty years, you will still be walking like flying." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Now the development is getting better and better, and the nutrition is getting richer and richer. Coupled with various reasons, people's life expectancy has also increased.

In Jiang Chen's previous life, many people lived to be over a hundred years old.

It's obviously the same in this fusion world of film and television.

"Mr. Jiang, today I found a little friend who has unique insights into the layout of the courtyard. You came at a good time, and I will introduce you to you. Maybe I can give you a refreshing feeling about the layout of the courtyard." Zheng Lao said.

"Really? Then I'll thank Mr. Zheng first." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Come on, let me introduce you."

Elder Zheng led Jiang Chen into the main room.

However, Jiang Chen showed surprise when he saw the people in the room.

"Mr. Jiang, let me introduce you, this is..."

Mr. Zheng introduced from the side: "...This is my little friend Shi Yi. Although she is a girl, even I can't compare with some layouts in the courtyard. The one next to her is her friend. Hong Xiaoyu."

"Old Zheng, I know Shi Yi." Jiang Chen said.

"Know?" Elder Zheng was taken aback.

Jiang Chen looked at Shi Yi: "Where in life do we not meet again, Shi Yi, I never thought we would meet here."

Jiang Chen also didn't expect to meet Shi Yi here.

In the play, Shi Yi has no opinion on the layout of the courtyard house.

However, in this world of film and television fusion, changes have occurred, which is also reasonable.Besides, Shi Yi is a person with past life memories.In her previous life, she was a rich and noble daughter and the future princess, so she was very particular about where she lived.

It may also be for this reason that she has unique insights into the layout of courtyard houses.

"Why did you come here?" Shi Yi asked.

When Elder Zheng was talking to Jiang Chen outside, she felt that Jiang Chen's voice was somewhat familiar.When she saw Old Zheng bringing Jiang Chen in, she realized that she had heard correctly just now.

However, Jiang Chen's appearance was unexpected to her.

meet again.

Is this fate?
"This is my home." Jiang Chen replied.

"Shi Yi, you threw yourself into a trap and came to his house." Hong Xiaoyu whispered into Shi Yi's ear, "Besides, you have met twice in the past two days. There is really no saying that you are destined for each other." .”

Before Jiang Chen and Shi Yi had a coincidence, although she believed it, she also had some doubts whether Jiang Chen had grasped Shi Yi's whereabouts, but at this moment, she had no doubts at all.

"..." Shi Yi.

"Miss Hong, I haven't seen you for two days, you are getting more and more beautiful." Jiang Chen greeted Hong Xiaoyu with a smile.

If you want to pursue the right time, how can you get less assists from others?
As Shi Yi's best friend, she is the target of assists.

"Mr. Jiang, it's great that you know each other." Mr. Zheng realized from the side.

"Old Zheng, Shi Yi and I are fellow villagers and friends." Jiang Chen said to Elder Zheng.

"That's great. Ms. Shi Yi has a unique opinion on the layout of the courtyard house. Let's discuss it." Elder Zheng said.

"For the layout of the courtyard, the most important thing is warmth. Of course, the key is to like the hostess in the future." Jiang Chen's eyes swept over Shi Yi.

The hostess, of course, refers to her.

It's time to be silent.

Hong Xiaoyu touched Shi Yi with his hand.

She could tell that Jiang Chen meant something else.

"Shi Yi, can the layout of this courtyard house meet the requirement of warmth?" Jiang Chen looked at Shi Yi with a smile and asked.

"As long as you feel warm." Shi Yi said.

"For those who give advice on the layout, if you don't even feel it yourself, it will be difficult for others to feel it." Jiang Chen asked Mr. Zheng: "Old Zheng, if you don't even feel warm when you make the layout, can you? Didn't meet the basic requirements?"


Elder Zheng didn't know about Jiang Chen and Shi Yi, so he nodded after hearing Jiang Chen's words.

"So, for the reference given by Miss Shi Yi today, the first requirement is to meet the warmth in Miss Shi Yi's heart." Jiang Chen looked at Shi Yi: "I think, only if the warmth in Miss Shi Yi's heart is achieved, the future of my courtyard The hostess will also feel warm."

Jiang Chen's every sentence has something else to say.

Both Shi Yi and Hong Xiaoyu could hear it.

At this moment, Shi Yi has the urge to leave immediately.

Meeting Jiang Chen here was something she didn't expect, and it was also something she didn't want to see.What's more, Jiang Chen's words made her feel like she couldn't even think about it.

"Boss Jiang is right."

Elder Zheng said beside him: "Shi Yi, you can do it according to your own feelings."

"I..." Shi Yi hesitated.

"Elder Zheng, don't worry, let's let Shi Yi think about it." Jiang Chen said from the side: "It just so happens that I come here once in a while, so Elder Zheng can help me introduce the situation of the courtyard house."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang will follow me."

Elder Zheng led Jiang Chen outside.

When leaving, Jiang Chen glanced at Shi Yi.

People like Shi Yi can't be pushed too fast.Otherwise it will just be counterproductive.


After Jiang Chen and the others left, only Shi Yi and Hong Xiaoyu were left in the room.

"What do you feel?"

Hong Xiaoyu asked.

"What is that feeling?" Shi Yi didn't react.

"Set up your own home." Hong Xiaoyu said.

"What about your own home, Xiaoyu, don't talk nonsense." Shi Yi reacted and glared at Hong Xiaoyu angrily.

"This is not nonsense. However, you and Jiang Chen are really destined. Could it be that he is your destiny?" Shi Yi said with emotion.


Shi Yi didn't know how to answer.

Can she admit that the two of them are not destined to meet each other again and again?
"You, don't think so much. Just do whatever you are here for today, just treat Jiang Chen's words as that... just let it go." Hong Xiaoyu couldn't say that word, he could only use that to describe it.

Shi Yi thinks about it too.

"However, this Jiang Chen is really not simple. This courtyard is so big, it is impossible without nine digits." Hong Xiaoyu continued: "Young and rich, knowledgeable, if you don't think about it, others will grab it."

"I'm..." Shi Yi wanted to say that I wouldn't think about it, but she didn't continue after she said two words.

Fate is really hard to say.

After experiencing what happened in the film and television city, she once suspected that Jiang Chen was his life.

And, those doubts aside.

Jiang Chen is also the most outstanding person she has met.

But, she still couldn't accept it.

Even after more than twenty years, it is still difficult to accept a person.


Jiang Chen and Mr. Zheng walked around the courtyard.

Under the introduction of Mr. Zheng, Jiang Chen also had some understanding of some of the situation when Mr. Zheng repaired the courtyard house.

Although Jiang Chen didn't understand the repair of the courtyard house.However, what Old Zheng said made him feel refreshed.

Back in Shi Yi's room, Jiang Chen said, "Shi Yi, let's discuss the layout of the courtyard."

Shi Yi glanced at Jiang Chen and nodded.

"The first requirement for the layout of the courtyard house, as I have already said, is to be warm." Jiang Chen glanced at Shi Yi, and continued: "The second condition is that the courtyard house must conform to the Fengshui layout, and the third..."

Jiang Chen said a few conditions.

After Yu Qingqing passed on Nie Xingchen's words before, he was also thinking about the courtyard house these days.

Now he just speaks his mind.

"Jiang Chen, you also believe in Fengshui?" Shi Yi asked.

"I'd rather believe in its existence than in its non-existence." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "These things have existed for thousands of years. If they really don't exist, why do they exist? Moreover, I not only believe in Feng Shui, but also believe in past and present lives. "

Jiang Chen was talking about his time travel.

"Past life and present life?" Shi Yi was taken aback, and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"How can this life be without a past life? However, the past life is the past life, and this life is the present life. No matter what happened in the past life, this life is a new beginning..." Jiang Chen knew what Shi Yi was thinking, but he would not say that the past life and the present life are related , and won't say anything else.He just wanted Shi Yi to bid farewell to his previous life.

"Old Zheng, can these requirements of mine be met?" Jiang Chen asked Elder Zheng.

"This request is not difficult, we can discuss it." Zheng Lao said.

"Yes." Jiang Chen looked at Shi Yi: "In terms of layout, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"I will." Shi Yi has already recovered, she understands that it's useless to get angry with Jiang Chen, since that's the case, it's better to face it calmly.

"Then let's discuss it."

Jiang Chen also didn't want to waste time, even if he wanted to have a romantic relationship with Shi Yi, he could do it after the courtyard problem was resolved.

Immediately, the three discussed it.

At this moment, Jiang Chen also understood that Shi Yi's layout of the courtyard, especially the layout of the flowers and trees, was the layout she saw in the family, in the palace, and in the palace in her previous life.

Compared to them, Shi Yi is an ancient man, and some things cannot be imagined by just thinking about them.

During the discussion, Jiang Chen also understood that Shi Yi met Mr. Zheng when he was in college.Because of their understanding of ancient architecture, the relationship between the two has reached the level it is today.

This time, Shi Yi was in Yanjing, and after receiving a call from Mr. Zheng, he agreed to come for reference.

It's just that the only thing I didn't expect was that I met Jiang Chen here.

The three discussed for an hour, and finally settled on the final plan.

Jiang Chen said: "Old Zheng, Miss Shi Yi, and Miss Hong, Gong Su... It's getting late, I invite you to a nearby restaurant for dinner."

 Today, there are three consecutive chapters, please subscribe.You can leave a message if you want to integrate film and television dramas.

(End of this chapter)

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