Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 203 Zhu Suosuo's Suggestion

Chapter 203 Zhu Suosuo's Suggestion
Jiang Chen took Xu Huiyang, accompanied by Qian Xiaoyan and Zhang Xu, to visit Nebula Security.

"Instructor Xu, although Nebula Security has not been established recently, I am confident in developing Nebula Security. To develop Nebula Security, we need an instructor like you."

Jiang Chen said as he walked: "You, like Qian Xiaoyan, served as an instructor at the Shenying Security Company before, so I won't say much about the specifics. As long as it is beneficial to the development of Nebula Security, I will definitely agree to it unconditionally." support."

The arrival of Xu Huiyang means that more and more suitable instructors can be found through him.

For a security company, an excellent instructor is like an excellent teacher in a school.

The reason why teachers have grades is because it is related to their education level.

And the instructor is the same.

The quality of the instructor directly affects the development of the security company.

Now that Xu Huiyang is here, he will be responsible for training the male security guards, while Qian Xiaoyan will be responsible for training the female security guards.

Although the ratio of men to women in Xingyun Security is very different now, he still wants Xu Huiyang to introduce other instructors, so that the problem can be completely solved by then.

As for whether Qian Xiaoyan would feel that his rights were reduced, that was beyond his concern.

If Qian Xiaoyan is capable, she can defeat Xu Huiyang as the chief instructor.

"Instructor Xu, I will fulfill the conditions I mentioned earlier. However, I need you to find several instructors for Nebula Security and recruit personnel at the same time." Jiang Chen said.

"no problem."

Xu Huiyang did not refuse.

This is also in his expectation.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen left Nebula Security.


"I hope Xu Huiyang won't let me down."

If Xu Huiyang fails to show his due ability in a short period of time, he will definitely take back everything he gave to Xu Huiyang.

After all, he was no philanthropist.

After leaving Xingyun Security, Jiang Chen did not return to the company, but came to Huanyu Building again.

Jiang Chen's purpose is also very simple, just want to see the situation of Huanyu Building again.

"Mr. Jiang?"

Just then, a voice sounded.

"You are...Meng Lanzhi?"

Seeing the figure not far away, Jiang Chen was very surprised.

"Mr. Jiang, it's really you. I thought I was wrong." Meng Lanzhi trotted over.

"Long time no see, how is Miss Meng?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I've already signed with Tianfeng Entertainment, thanks to Mr. Jiang's introduction." After Meng Lanzhi joined Tianfeng Entertainment, he always wanted to inquire about Jiang Chen's identity, but unfortunately, he couldn't find Jiang Chen in Tianfeng Entertainment identity of.

I didn't expect to meet Jiang Chen unexpectedly here today.

This surprised and delighted her.

Although she didn't know Jiang Chen's identity, but based on Nanya's reaction at Tianfeng Entertainment, she knew that Jiang Chen must be a big boss.

"Ms. Meng was able to join Tianfeng Entertainment because you believed in me, Ms. Meng. If Ms. Meng doesn't believe me..." Jiang Chen didn't continue when he said this.

Meng Lanzhi was given the choice at the beginning because he wanted to test Meng Lanzhi.

Unexpectedly, Meng Lanzhi really joined Tianfeng Entertainment.

With Meng Lanzhi's performance in the play, now Jiang Chen is also looking forward to what she will bring to Tianfeng Entertainment next.

"Mr. Jiang, may I buy you a cup of coffee?" Meng Lanzhi invited.

"Okay." Jiang Chen is fine now, so he agreed immediately.

"There is a coffee shop in front, let's go there." Meng Lanzhi said.

Jiang Chen nodded.

The two entered a coffee shop.

"I want a cappuccino, what does Mr. Jiang want?" Meng Lanzhi asked Jiang Chen.

"Have a cup of latte." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, wait a minute." The waiter left after hearing this.

"Mr. Jiang, I don't know what you do yet." Meng Lanzhi said.

"Is Miss Meng going to inquire about me?" Jiang Chen looked at Meng Lanzhi with a smile.

Meng Lanzhi was wearing casual clothes today, but she couldn't resist her youthful beauty.

Although it lacks the charm and maturity in the play, it has a unique scenery.

Seeing Meng Lanzhi now, no one would think of her future achievements, right?

"no no……"

Meng Lanzhi shook her head quickly, blaming herself for her recklessness.

Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person, she is so reckless, offending him is not good for her.

"Miss Meng, don't be nervous."

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "As for my identity, it's not the time to tell Ms. Meng yet. In the future, Ms. Meng will naturally know when she should know."

"Well, I see." Meng Lanzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Meng, joining Tianfeng Entertainment can only be said to be the beginning of your entry into the music scene. Whether you can succeed in the music scene in the future depends on Miss Meng's own ability."

Jiang Chen looked at Meng Lanzhi, and said, "I hope that Miss Meng will one day be the queen of the music scene, but if she wants to get it, she has to give. If you don't work hard, Miss Meng, Tianfeng Entertainment can't help you."

Jiang Chen didn't want Meng Lanzhi's singing career to be changed because of his intervention.

I also hope that Meng Lanzhi will become a queen one day.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, the current Meng Lanzhi only looks a little better.

He has met a lot of beautiful women, and Meng Lanzhi doesn't have much attraction to her, but if Meng Lanzhi becomes a queen one day, then this attraction can add points.

"Is President Jiang optimistic about me?" Meng Lanzhi asked.

"It's good, but it's useless if you don't have the strength to look at it." Jiang Chen smiled.

Meng Lanzhi seemed very scheming when he asked this question.

However, Jiang Chen was not disgusted.

It is impossible to mix in the workplace without scheming, let alone the entertainment industry where fish and dragons are mixed.

Without scheming, and without the protection of a benefactor behind him, he will only be eaten so that there are not even bones left.

"I will not disappoint Mr. Jiang," Meng Lanzhi said.

Jiang Chen smiled.

What Meng Lanzhi said was level.

It seems that there is more than speculation about his identity.

"Tianfeng Entertainment will resist those troubles for Ms. Meng, and I hope Ms. Meng can show me your strength." Jiang Chen smiled, Meng Lanzhi is so smart, he doesn't mind helping her.

Meng Lanzhi's light flashed.

Just as Jiang Chen thought, she has been guessing Jiang Chen's identity and the relationship between Jiang Chen and Tianfeng Entertainment, so she just said that, now it seems that she is betting on the right treasure.

No matter what Jiang Chen's status is, if she can use Jiang Chen's protection to break through in the entertainment industry, she will be very lucky.

As for what Jiang Chen wants, she will definitely be satisfied.

After all, she has already decided to venture into the entertainment industry, and she is mentally prepared.

The two drank a cup of coffee, chatted for a while, and left the coffee shop.

"Mr. Jiang, I'll take my leave first." Meng Lanzhi shook hands with Jiang Chen while speaking.

However, when they parted, her fingers slid across Jiang Chen's palm.

"There will be a period later."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Meng Lanzhi did not disappoint him.

If you take her to the hotel today, you may refuse, but it should be easy to get the benefits.

However, this woman is like wine and should be savored slowly.

In the evening, Jiang Chen met Nie Xingchen at the Grand Hyatt Mansion.

The two are better off than newlyweds.

(Omit hundreds of thousands of words).

Jiang Chen put his arms around Nie Xingchen and said, "When, let me meet your parents."

"Meet my parents?"

Nie Xingchen was stunned.

"Of course, it's time to see them." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "After all, you are mine, and I should have an explanation to my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Although he and Nie Xingchen are not boyfriend and girlfriend, they are his first woman and his confidant after all.If he gets married in the future, he will also give Nie Xingchen a title.

Well, the system that integrates the world of film and television is better.

As for divorce, it is not in his consideration.

If he does get married, he will only lose his wife.

However, because he can travel through different film and television fusion worlds, he may not necessarily get married.

"What capacity are you going to meet them with?" Nie Xingchen asked.

"Your man." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you." Nie Xingchen was very excited.

With the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen didn't go to see her parents, she wouldn't be able to say anything.Now that Jiang Chen said that, she felt heartwarming.

"Go to sleep."

Jiang Chen patted Nie Xingchen.


Nie Xingchen hugged Jiang Chen tightly and slowly fell asleep.


The next day, early in the morning, Jiang Chen came to Shengle Community.

"Dong dong dong."

After knocking on the door, Zhu Suosuo opened the door.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?"

Zhu Suosuo was very surprised to see Jiang Chen, but suddenly remembered something and blushed: "You are here to find Nansun, right? Nansun is still sleeping now. I will call her for you."

"No, I'm here to find you." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Looking for me?" Zhu Suosuo was stunned.

What to do with her?
"Let's go in and talk." Jiang Chen said.

"Oh, good." Zhu Suosuo nodded, and welcomed Jiang Chen in.

After the two sat down on the sofa, Jiang Chen said, "Suosuo, I want to ask you to help you."

"What's the matter, tell me." Zhu Suosuo said hastily.

To Jiang Chen, Zhu Suosuo was extremely grateful.

If it wasn't because Jiang Chen was Jiang Nansun's boyfriend, maybe she would chase him back.

Don't ask her to help now, even if she wants to do other things, she is willing.

"That's how it is. Do you know the Huanyu Building in Shanghai?"

Jiang Chen sorted out his thoughts and said, "I'm going to buy Huanyu Building, but I need someone to negotiate the price, so I thought of you."

"Buy the Huanyu Building? Talk about the price?"

Zhu Suosuo was stunned.

She thought Jiang Chen wanted her for something.

Didn't expect this to be the case.

Before Jiang Chen bought a building from Jingyan Group, and now he wants to buy Huanyu Building, isn't this too crazy?
"This is the information on Huanyu Building." Jiang Chen took out a document and handed it to Zhu Suosuo.

"Jiang Chen, let me take a look first." Zhu Suosuo said.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Zhu Suosuo opened the file and looked at it.

At this time, Jiang Nansun's bedroom opened.

Jiang Nansun came out yawning again and again.

"Nan Sun."

Jiang Chen stood up.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?"

Jiang Nansun was surprised and delighted when he saw Jiang Chen.

"I missed you, so I'm here." Jiang Chen smiled and walked over, holding Jiang Nansun in his arms.

"Don't make trouble, the lock is locked." Jiang Nansun said in a low voice.

"Didn't I miss you?" Jiang Chen laughed.

So what if Zhu Suosuo is here?
He just hugs.

At that moment, he pulled Jiang Nansun to the sofa and sat down.

"What is Suosuo doing?" Jiang Nansun couldn't do anything about being teased by Jiang Chen, but he hadn't seen Jiang Chen for two days, and he missed him very much.

"I have something to ask her for. I wanted to come at night, but I was afraid that you would lose your mind." Jiang Chen said.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Nansun was taken aback for a moment, but he reacted immediately.

Shamed and annoyed, she couldn't help pinching Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen hugged Jiang Nansun and chatted with her.

Until Zhu Suosuo looked up.

Well, although Jiang Nansun lowered his voice just now, Jiang Chen didn't.

What's more, in this living room, even if the voice is lowered, it can still be heard.

If it wasn't because he was looking at the documents, maybe Zhu Suosuo would have fled in despair.

"Ready?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, do you really want to buy it? It will cost billions." Zhu Suosuo said.

"What billions?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"Huanyu Building." Zhu Suosuo said.

"The Huanyu Building next to the Huangpu River?" Jiang Nansun knew the Huanyu Building.

"Yes, it is the Huanyu Building. This is a profitable business." Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo knew about Xingchen Investment and Xingchen Group, but they didn't know how many subsidiaries the Xingchen Group had.

"Now the developer of Huanyu Building is asking for [-] square meters. This price is too high, so I want to ask Suosuo to help me negotiate the price." Jiang Chen said: "This Huanyu Building was obtained from Anjia Tianxia. Yuan, so when negotiating the price, the people who settle down in the world must also be there."

"The location of Huanyu Building is good, and it will be expensive if you want to win it." Zhu Suosuo said.

"Below [-] square meters, I can accept it, but it's hard to say how much we can talk about." Jiang Chen said to Zhu Suosuo: "Being by my side, that is, Suosuo, you are selling houses in Jingyan Group. Experience in this area, so, I want you to speak on my behalf."

"Jiang Chen, I, I'm afraid I can't..." Zhu Suosuo hurriedly shook his head.

She doesn't have the ability to negotiate billions of dollars.

"Really not?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, I really can't do it. Although I'm in the sales department of Jingyan Group, I'm not good at this kind of negotiation." Zhu Suosuo shook her head, if she could help Jiang Chen, she would definitely help.But she really didn't dare to accept such a big order.

"Forget it then." Jiang Chen was a little disappointed when he heard that.

"Jiang Chen, I think you can find a professional." Zhu Suosuo said.

"Professionals?" Jiang Chen looked at Zhu Suosuo suspiciously.


Zhu Suosuo nodded and said, "When I was in the sales department of Jingyan Group, I heard about an organization that seemed to be able to solve this problem."

"What institution?" Jiang Chen asked.

"CAEA (International Negotiation Agency)." Zhu Suosuo replied.

"CAEA (International Business Negotiation Agency)?" Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, this organization seemed somewhat familiar, where had he heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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