Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 239 Gu Jia Wants to Ask Jiang Chen to Dinner

Chapter 239 Gu Jia Wants to Ask Jiang Chen to Dinner
"what is this?"

Jiang Chen took the file.

"You'll know it when you see it," Nie Xingchen said.

Jiang Chen opened the file suspiciously.

After a moment.

"Is this true?" Jiang Chen's expression was a little serious.

Nie Xingchen nodded.

"I didn't expect that." Jiang Chen put down the file, feeling a little worried.

The document is about the cooperation between Bojue Group and Shengxuan Group.

He remembered that Bojue Group had a relationship with Red Star Group before, so he planned to attack Bojue Group from the side starting from the acquisition of Redstar Group. Unexpectedly, Bojue Group announced to cooperate with Shengxuan Group before his plan started.

"As soon as this incident got out, the situation of the Bojue Group has already begun to reverse," Nie Xingchen said.

"Yan Jing is going to buy Red Star Group." Jiang Chen said.

"Yan Jing bought Red Star Group?" Nie Xingchen was stunned.

From this document, it can be seen that Yan Jing wants to acquire Red Star Group?

"Before I investigated the Shengxuan Group, from various indications, the Shengxuan Group intends to acquire the Red Star Group. You also know the relationship between the Bojue Group and the Red Star Group. At this time, there is no need for the Shengxuan Group to have a relationship with the Bojue Group. Cooperation, unless Bojue Group can bring enough benefits to Shengxuan Group." Jiang Chen explained.

"So, you think Bojue Group is using Red Star Group as a bargaining chip to cooperate with Shengxuan Group?" Nie Xingchen reacted.

Jiang Chen nodded.

In the play, Shengxuan Group was established in August 95.

At the end of November 04, Tan Zongming succeeded the boss of the company.

At the beginning of 16, Tan Zongming invited Andy back from Wall Street.The acquisition of Red Star continued until the middle of 17, when the company’s acquisition of Red Star ended.

From these timelines, it can be seen that with the ability of Shengxuan Group, it is not easy to acquire Red Star Group.And in this fusion world of film and television, there are even more unpredictable variables.

Therefore, it is entirely possible for Shengxuan Group to cooperate with Bojue Group.

"Then what shall we do next?" Nie Xingchen asked.

"Wait." Jiang Chen said.

"Wait?" Nie Xingchen was taken aback.

"Yes, just wait."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Tomorrow is Monday, and the day I've been waiting for might be tomorrow."

"You mean the financial market is in turmoil?" Nie Xingchen reacted.

"There are no eggs under an overturned nest." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "However, we can't do nothing, please help me make an appointment with Tan Zongming, I want to see him."

Jiang Chen can't help it. Dealing with the Bojue Group can't be solved by spending tens of billions like in the novel.

It has only been a few months since his layout, and it is naturally impossible to annex the Bojue Group, which is equivalent to the world's top [-] in the previous life.

"Okay." Nie Xingchen nodded.

"Let's talk about other things together." Jiang Chen also knew that he had been away from Shanghai for about eight or nine days, and there must be a lot of things. This is also the reason why he returned to Shanghai after answering Nie Xingchen's call.

"Mr. Ye from the Jingyan Group has called several times, and besides..." Nie Xingchen said.

It has to be said that there are many things that Jiang Chen needs to deal with now.

Nie Xingchen and the others are secretaries, and they cannot make decisions on many matters.

"How is the company's layout in Southeast Asia?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's almost there, just wait for that day to come, but if it's a few days later, our losses will get bigger and bigger." Nie Xingchen replied.

For stock index futures, a change of one point is worth hundreds of millions of funds.

Now in the Southeast Asian stock index futures market, the company has spent a lot of money.If the stock market does not change, the company's losses will also increase.

"Don't worry, everything is under control." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"I hope so." Nie Xingchen was worried. She felt that Jiang Chen's investment in the Southeast Asian stock index futures market was too large.If you don't do it well, you will lose everything.

"Let's not talk about these things, let's go to the company to deal with other matters tomorrow, the next thing is important." Jiang Chen said.

"What's the business?" Nie Xingchen was taken aback.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen smiled meaningfully.

Nie Xingchen gave Jiang Chen a blank look: "I'll go home later."

"Isn't this your home?" Jiang Chen knew that Li Na and Wu Shiyi had gone to Sucheng.

"Mr. Jiang, dinner is ready."

Jiang Tianlan's voice sounded.

"Eat." Nie Xingchen stood up.

"Yes, eat." Jiang Chen glanced over Jiang Tianlan.

I don't know how Jiang Tianlan's SPA study is going.

After such a long time, you can let her have a try, right?

But today there is no need for Nie Xingchen.

After the meal, Jiang Chen brought Nie Xingchen to the bedroom and asked her to continue reporting on work.

Well, how do you report to work?

That is indescribable.


The next day, Nie Xingchen didn't get up.

And Jiang Chen came to the gym in the community as usual.

"Mr. Jiang, have you returned to Shanghai?"

Gu Jia saw Jiang Chen running on the treadmill and walked over.

"Well, I just came back. Ms. Gu, are you here to exercise too?" Jiang Chen was actually very curious about Gu Jia's appearance in the gym, because he didn't remember that Gu Jia had been to the gym in the play. Could it be because of some influence?
"Yes, I come to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But because I have to take care of Ziyan, I don't stay for long." Gu Jia replied.

"Miss Gu, shouldn't you do yoga?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Wu Shishi is a bodyguard, so it's normal to come to the gym, but it's normal for ordinary women, especially full-time wives like Gu Jia, to do yoga.

"There are yoga teachers in the gym, and there are many companions." Gu Jia replied.

Jiang Chen understood.

Gu Jia's partner is the wife circle.

However, because this world is not only the film and television world of "Thirty Only", but the world of film and television fusion, maybe Gu Jia is now in contact with a larger circle of wives and more scheming.

"Mr. Jiang, when you have time, I would like to treat you to a meal." Gu Jia said.

"Bring me to dinner?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Gu Jia invited him to dinner, did he fall in love with him?

Does he have such a great charm?
"Yeah, when I was in Hangcheng, thanks to you playing with Ziyan, I would like to treat you to dinner and thank you." Gu Jia said.

"In two days, I still have something to do these few days." Jiang Chen felt a little disappointed, but it made sense after thinking about it, Gu Jia is not Zhong Xiaoqin.Zhong Xiaoqin was close to the little milk dog Zhong Xiaoyang when she was not divorced, but everything Gu Jia did was for her family.

Gu Jia Gu's family, that's right.

"Okay." Gu Jia nodded.

After Gu Jia left, Jiang Chen continued to exercise step by step.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I came to the company on time.

"Secretary Li, Secretary Nie has something to do today. He needs to come to work in the afternoon. You are in charge of anything in the morning. In addition, bring all the documents to be processed."

When walking past the president's office, Jiang Chen said to Li Qian.

"Okay." Li Qian replied.

As soon as Jiang Chen sat down in the office, Li Qian came in with a bunch of documents.

"Tell me about the recent situation." Jiang Chen said to Li Qian while processing the documents.

"Mr. Jiang, during this time..." Li Qian reported.

At [-]:[-], the stock market officially opened, Jiang Chen opened the software and looked at it.

Today's stock market opened higher after the market opened, but judging from the trading volume, etc., Jiang Chen had a premonition that the risks were intensifying.

"The Southeast Asian stock index continues to be short, and the position is increased to the maximum."

Jiang Chen immediately gave instructions to the securities investment department.

At half past ten, the stock index rose weakly and began to fall.

"It's finally started."

Seeing those big orders that hit the market, Jiang Chen knew that financial market turmoil was inevitable.

But today is June [-]th, a few days earlier than the previous life.

Moreover, the decline was more violent.

"This situation will be at least until January next year. There will be several circuit breakers in January next year. Although the world of film and television integration has changed, this major event should not change. However, I can't wait for the whole position to fall. In the process China also needs to slowly reduce its positions."

Jiang Chen knew that the company's short sale this time was in the Southeast Asian market, which could easily attract the attention of international capital.

Therefore, the next thing he can do is to reduce the possibility of being noticed as much as possible.

After all, on the Internet, his use of the web blocker is about his information, not that of the Xingchen Group.

The Star Group needs to develop, and it is impossible to be blocked.

It's just that after his information was blocked, those who checked the Xingchen Group's situation could only find out that the Xingchen Group had a mysterious boss.People who don't know Jiang Chen's identity, even if Jiang Chen stands in front of them, they will not be able to recognize him.

Of course, those who already know still know.

However, it has little effect.

"Then it's time to settle Ye Jinyan's matter."

Jiang Chen pondered.

The matter of Ye Jinyan is obviously related to the matter of Su Cheng.

He originally wanted to solve Ye Jinyan's matter after solving Su Cheng's matter, but now he seems to have taken it for granted. No matter what the reason is, Ye Jinyan will not let him procrastinate.

Fortunately, the financial market turmoil has begun, and the stock of Jingyan Group is also falling.

This is enough to distract Ye Jinyan's attention.

But wanting to solve the problem is not enough.

He also thought about having a talk with Ye Jinyan, but he also knew that Ye Jinyan would let it go if he didn't achieve his goal.

"Why don't you follow what Ye Jinyan said and use Ye Jinyan to test the situation in Sucheng?"

Jiang Chen imagined the possibility of this matter.

For him, the most important thing is to worry that Ye Jinyan and Mingde Group, or Shangjia Group will set him up, and his investment in Sioux City will be affected at that time.

Although his total investment in Sioux City is only more than one billion yuan (cement factory, building materials factory and Xingchen Technology), it is negligible compared to the money he made in the financial market.

However, the bigger the company's plate in the financial market, the more difficult it is to operate. Coupled with some reasons, it will not be easy to make money in the financial market in the next few years.

What's more, in Jiang Chen's view, for a company, no business is a loft in the sky.

Now that the property in Sioux City has been arranged for several months, he doesn't want to be affected by accidents.

"Mr. Jiang."

At this time, Xuan Ye walked in.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen came back to his senses.

"Mr. Jiang, this is Wonderful Decoration's renovation plan for Huanyu Building." Michelle Ye handed a document to Jiang Chen.

"Already ready?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang not only asked the company's designer to provide the design, but also found designers from other companies. However, the Huanyu Building is too big. Even if the company moves in, there will still be a lot of free space." Michelle Ye Said.

Jiang Chen opened the file and looked at it: "This plan doesn't work, there are restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, supermarkets and other supporting facilities downstairs in Huanyu Building."

"Rent these places to others?" Ye Xuan was taken aback.

"No, the company runs its own business. As long as you are an employee of the company, you can enjoy the corresponding preferential treatment." Jiang Chen is planning to give the company benefits to increase the sense of belonging of the employees.

Not only that, but other systems of the company should also be established.

Even if the Xingchen Group will be his dictatorship in the future, those systems must be formulated.

"Okay, I'll notify Mr. Zhang right away." Michelle Ye understood.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen met Jiang Lai at the coffee shop near Wanlou Building.

"Miss Jiang, why did you ask me out today?" Jiang Chen was a little dazed when he saw Jiang Lai's phone call just now.

What happened last time, Jiang Lai kept him at a respectful distance, but he didn't expect to take the initiative to ask him out today.

"The market has dropped by two points from today." Jiang Lai said, "So, I want to thank you."

"You don't think this is a bull's head?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

This is probably what most people think now.

"I'm not that naive." Jiang Lai shook his head and said, "For some reason, our Jiang family's investment has not been completely withdrawn, but quite a few have been withdrawn. At least the loss can be reduced."

"Is it because of Jiang Haokun?"

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "Your brother has been in charge of the family for a long time, and he feels that he has a good vision, but this time, when you told him the suggestion, even if you didn't tell him, he would have guessed that it was me. He said it. It's a pity that he doesn't believe me."

Jiang Lai remained silent.

Jiang Chen was right.

Jiang Haokun didn't believe a word of Jiang Chen's words.

If she hadn't argued hard, I'm afraid it would be too late to withdraw now.

"What do you think Chen Qianqian will do now?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Not only will she withdraw, but she will also use this opportunity to make a fortune." Jiang Lai replied without thinking.

"Doesn't this mean that you will no longer be able to hold your head up in front of her?" Jiang Chen was taken aback when he heard this.He didn't expect Jiang Lai's words, but the possibility is very high.

If Chen Qianqian told Chen Bin that he was the one who said that the financial market might be turbulent, Chen Bin would definitely support her without hesitation.

However, this is not a good thing for him.

This is not in line with his original intention.

What he wanted was for the Chen family to lose, not to make a fortune.

"That's why I asked you out." Jiang Lai said.

"Ask me for help?" Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Lai and asked, "Can I still help you with this matter?"

Jiang Lai nodded.

"What do you want me to do?" Jiang Chen was stunned. Could it be that Jiang Lai still wanted him to suppress Chen Qianqian and help her stand out?But based on what she knew about Jiang Lai, Jiang Lai shouldn't do this.

Jiang Lai hesitated, then whispered: "I want you..."

(End of this chapter)

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