Chapter 308 Nan Sun, I Miss You

"Spring rain?"

When Jiang Chen saw the person blocking the front, he heard the system prompt.

"Sign in."

[Congratulations to the host, successfully signed in and obtained [-]% of the shares of Jiangzhou Group]

Jiangzhou Group?

Jiang Chen thought about it carefully.

Isn't this Jiangzhou Group the same as the Jiangzhou Group in "Gold Medal Investor"?

Is the company of the heroine Su Jin's father Su Mu?

Taking [-]% of the shares of Jiangzhou Group, isn't it to intervene in the struggle between the Su Jin brothers and sisters?

However, no matter what, the shares of the Jiangzhou Group are still valuable, and the big deal is to sell them.

"I am a shareholder of Mingde Group, and now I am requesting to convene a board meeting." Jiang Chen looked at Chun Yu.

In his opinion, Chun Yu should look better than Chen Yifan.

After coming to Sioux City last time, he thought that Chun Yu could be added to his list of secretaries.

no way.

Not only must you be smart and capable, but also have an outstanding appearance and a good figure.

"Are you a shareholder?" Chun Yu's expression changed.

"You can take a look." Jiang Chen nodded to Li Na.

Li Na took out a document and handed it to Chun Yu.

When Chun Yu opened it, her expression changed.

"Go and inform Liu Nian." Jiang Chen walked towards the conference room after speaking.

Chun Yu hurried to call Liu Nian.

An hour later, in the meeting room.

"Everyone, the reason why I called the shareholders meeting is to re-elect the president of the company."

Jiang Chen's eyes swept over Liu Nian, Chen Yifan, and several other small shareholders: "However, before that, I have one thing to tell everyone, that is Liu Nian's transfer of assets abroad."

Jiang Chen threw a document on the table while speaking.

"Everyone, take a look."

"Mr. Jiang, you..." Liu Nian looked at Jiang Chen with a livid face.

"Liu Nian, Chen Qiufeng has already entered the patrol room." Jiang Chen said.


Liu Nian, Chen Yifan, and Chun Yu's expressions changed drastically.

"President Li of Shangjia Group has also been arrested, suspected of murder..." Jiang Chen continued.

"Mr. Jiang, is this your method?" Liu Nian looked at Jiang Chen with bitterness in his heart.

He has always been on guard against Jiang Chen, but he never expected that Jiang Chen would kill him with one blow.

Is Mr. Li of Shangjia Group so vulnerable in front of Jiang Chen?
Now that Jiang Chen came to Mingde Group, did he want to annex Mingde Group?

"Liu Nian, I can buy your shares at the current market price." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, even if you have Chen Yifan's support, the shares in my hand are enough to control." Liu Nian said coldly, "So, I can still control Mingde Group."

"Liu Nian, you forgot that you gave Mei Daoyuan some shares before, but unfortunately, these shares are in my hands now." Jiang Chen took out a document and put it on the table.

Liu Nian's face changed, and he quickly picked up the file and read it.

"I don't think even your teacher Chen Qiufeng knows about the shares given to Mei Daoyuan?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

" could it be..." Liu Nian lost his mind.

The kindness back then has become his ultimate move?
"Chen Yifan, do you really support President Jiang?" Liu Nian looked at Chen Yifan.

"Yes." Chen Yifan nodded.

This is a deal between her and Jiang Chen.

"You have won." Liu Nian said.

"Liu Nian, don't think I don't know what you and Chen Qiufeng want to do." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "However, it's meaningless to say these things now."

As for the Mingde Group, Jiang Chen had already figured out how to win it a few months ago.

Taking advantage of Mei Heng's death, he reached an agreement with Chen Yifan, then took over the shares held by most of the minority shareholders, and then took over the shares that Liu Nian gave to Mei Daoyuan a few years ago, which could completely kick Liu Nian out of the game.

As for the Shangjia Group, they used Mr. Li's criminal evidence to send him into the police station, and then bought other people's shares at a high price.In the end, Mr. Li's family was used to buy the shares in his hands.

After controlling the two groups, he then merged Mingde Group and Shangjia Group to form Xingchen Real Estate.

In this way, with the capital investment of Xingchen Group, the shares in Chen Yifan's hands can be diluted.

If Chen Yifan is ignorant of current affairs, Chen Yifan can also be kicked out.

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't expect that because of the Mingde Group and Shangjia Group, there would be a real estate storm in Sioux City, so that his plan was delayed for several months.

Of course, the emergence of real estate storms is not without benefits.

During this period of time, Jiang Chenming repaired the plank road and secretly bought several real estate companies. Although the scale is only tens of millions, it will be merged into Xingchen Real Estate under the Xingchen Group in the future, which will also help the company's development.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Chen was able to complete this plan was because he had the criminal evidence of Mr. Li and Chen Qiufeng of the Shangjia Group, which allowed them to be arrested by the patrol room immediately.

Liu Nian was disturbed by his father's affairs, and Chen Yifan and Mei Daoyuan were affected by Mei Heng's death.At the same time, when the financial market was in turmoil, he raised the purchase price, and it was impossible for those shareholders not to sell their shares.

It can be said that all this is the right time, place and people.

Liu Nian's expression changed.

Jiang Chen nodded to Li Na.

Li Na took out a document and handed it to Liu Nian.

"Mr. Liu, you can think about it." Jiang Chen said.

"I have no choice." Liu Nian glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "However, one day, I will get it back."

"I am waiting."

Jiang Chen didn't kill Liu Nian completely.

Not because he didn't want to kill the grass.

It was because of Mei Daoyuan and Chen Yifan.

This is also a choice to stabilize them.

Otherwise, without Chen Yifan's support, it would be difficult to win the Mingde Group.As for the future, if Liu Nian really wants to trouble him, he will not show mercy.


Liu Nian signed the document, turned and left the meeting room.

"Mr. Chen." Jiang Chen looked at Chen Yifan and said, "Next, Mingde Group and Shangjia Group will carry out a strategic reorganization. The company's new name will be Xingchen Real Estate. From now on, you will be the general manager of Xingchen Real Estate."

"Okay." Chen Yifan glanced at Jiang Chen and nodded.

"Chun Yu, come here." Jiang Chen said to Chun Yu.

Chun Yu hesitated for a moment, and followed Jiang Chen to the CEO's office.

"Chen Yifan has met you, right?" Jiang Chen looked at Chun Yu and asked.

As Liu Nian's secretary, Chun Yu is serious and responsible, and does everything in detail. In the play, whether it is participating in the auction for Liu Nian, reporting to Liu Nian, holding meetings for Liu Nian to appease shareholders, or handing Liu Nian a cup of hot milk when he is upset, To help Liu Nian investigate Liu Qingyang, he covered everything.

Can be said to be a capable secretary.

"What does Mr. Jiang want to say?" Chun Yu's expression changed.

"I know you like Liu Nian." Jiang Chen said.

Chun Yu looked at Jiang Chen and didn't speak.

"I'll give you two choices now. First, don't contact Liu Nian and work for me for three years." Jiang Chen looked at Chun Yu and said, "I can guarantee that I won't kill Liu Nian, as long as he has the ability, even if he makes a comeback. At the same time, I can also guarantee that Chen Qiufeng will come out within three years."

In the play, Chun Yu betrayed Chen Qiufeng and Liu Nian because of her conscience. It can be said that she is not bad in nature.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen chose to trade with her.

For Chun Yu, Chen Qiufeng and Liu Nian are her two most important men.

"Second, if you resign and leave, let's pretend we haven't seen each other." Jiang Chen took out a document while speaking, and handed it to Chun Yu: "However, before you choose, please read this document first."

Chun Yu took the document and read it.

At a glance, Chun Yu's face kept changing.

"Is this true?" Chun Yu raised his head and asked.

"Is it true? The police station will investigate clearly." Jiang Chen showed Chunyu what Chen Qiufeng and Liu Nian jointly did. "Chen Qiufeng even sacrificed his own son-in-law. And her feelings. If one day, you can also be sacrificed? Liu Nian is his pawn. And you, the one he sent to Liu Nian to monitor Liu Nian, is just a pawn."

If he wants to subdue Chun Yu, he must let him understand the grievances and resentments between Chen Qiufeng, Liu Nian, and Mei Daoyuan.

The reason why I didn't see Chun Yu before was that I didn't want to startle Chen Qiufeng.

"You can think about it." Jiang Chen didn't let Chunyu reply as soon as possible: "If you choose the first option, then first help Chen Yifan reorganize Mingde Group and Shangjia Group."

Chun Yu glanced at Jiang Chen, turned and left.

"Chun Yu, I don't know what choice you will have."

Jiang Chen only remembers the former star who played Chun Yu as the pure and kind Su Meng in the unforgettable non-Beijing-style children's drama "Under the Zhengyang Gate".

It's a pity that there should be no drama "Under the Zhengyang Gate" in the fusion world of film and television he travels through.


The fact that Xingchen Group took control of Mingde Group and Shangjia Group, with Mingde Group and Shangjia Group as the core, merged several real estate companies to form Xingchen Real Estate caused a storm in the entire real estate industry.

No one expected that this incident would come so suddenly.

On the day they got the news, Jingyan Group, Kewan Group and other real estate companies held emergency meetings.

As for the person involved, Jiang Chen returned to Shanghai after staying in Sucheng for two days.

For Jiang Chen, this trip to Sioux City came to a successful conclusion.

Although only signed on Tiffany and Chunyu, Mingde Group and Shangjia Group merged and reorganized to form Star Real Estate, which marked that Star Group officially entered the real estate industry.

Back at Xingchen Group, Jiang Chen immediately summoned Yu Qingqing, Director of Legal Affairs, and Zhang Yi, Director of Finance.

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Zhang, the legal department and the finance department will send personnel to Suzhou Xingchen Real Estate as soon as possible."

Jiang Chen said to Yu Qingqing and Zhang Yi: "The legal department and financial department of Mingde Group were fine before, but the legal department and financial department of Shangjia Group are places where dirt is hidden, so when you send people to , Fire that should be fired. In addition, I need you to cooperate with Chen Yifan when Xingchen Real Estate merges and reorganizes."

"Okay." Yu Qingqing and Zhang Yi nodded.

"How much money was used in total for the acquisition of shares in Sioux City this time? Including the funds from other real estate companies acquired before?" Jiang Chen asked Zhang Yi.

"Acquisition of Mingde Group's shares cost a total of [-] billion, Shangjia Group spent a total of [-] billion, and several other real estate companies, a total of about [-] million." Zhang Yi replied.

"That is to say, it cost five or six billion before and after?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"Yes, but Shangjia Group, Mingde Group and other companies still have a lot of projects in their hands, and the funds for some projects have not been recovered, and there are also a lot of land, so if there is no financial market turmoil, we will not lose in the end. .” Zhang Yi nodded.

"After the merger and reorganization of Xingchen Real Estate, I want a detailed report." Jiang Chen said to Zhang Yi.

According to Jiang Chen's calculation, after the merger and reorganization of Xingchen Real Estate, Xingchen Group holds [-]% of the shares, Chen Yifan holds [-]%, and other small shareholders hold [-]%.

However, Jiang Chen planned to buy the shares of those small shareholders and hand them over to Chen Yifan, as compensation for Chen Yifan.

Without Chen Yifan's support, he could only become the second shareholder of Mingde Group, and it is impossible for Mingde Group to be included in the merged Star Real Estate.

"Okay." Zhang Yi nodded.


Shengle District.

"Nan Sun, do you miss me?"

Jiang Chen hugged Jiang Nansun, bowed his head and kissed.

In the past few days in Sucheng, although he met Li Weiwei and other girls, to Jiang Chen, he was a monk.So, after dealing with the company's affairs today, he came to Shengle Community immediately.

It's summer vacation now, except for Jiang Nansun's occasional visit to Shanghai University, he is either at home or in Shengle Community.However, after the last quarrel with Jiang Pengfei, Jiang Nansun didn't have much time to go home.

Jiang Nansun responded.

It took a long time before Jiang Chen let go of Jiang Nansun.

"Jiang Chen, I miss you."

As someone in love, Jiang Nansun naturally wanted to be with Jiang Chen, but she would not disturb Jiang Chen when he was on a business trip.

"Today I will accompany you well." Jiang Chen showed a smile to Jiang Nansun.

Jiang Nansun blushed.

Jiang Chen's smile is so familiar, how could she not understand?
"Now that the lock is not here, we..." Jiang Chen couldn't wait.Only after eating meat did I know the hardship of being a monk.

"Suosuo is coming soon." Jiang Nansun said.

"Suosuo leaves work so early now?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"There is no new real estate in Jingyan Group now. The old real estate is almost sold out, and now Suo Suo spends most of his time learning management." Jiang Nansun said.

Jiang Chen was not surprised when he heard this.

Let Zhu Suosuo learn management, or his suggestion.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhu Suosuo came back.

"Jiang Chen, you're back from Suzhou City?" Zhu Suosuo blurted out when he saw Jiang Chen.

"How do you know that I came back from Sucheng?" Jiang Chen was taken aback, he didn't even tell Jiang Nansun about going to Sucheng.

"Boss Ye said it."

Zhu Suosuo changed his shoes and walked over: "Mr. Ye said that you have annexed several real estate companies in Sioux City during this time and established Xingchen Real Estate. Now Xingchen Real Estate is a real estate company worth tens of billions."

"A real estate company with tens of billions of dollars?" Jiang Nansun looked at Jiang Chen unexpectedly.

During this period of time, Jiang Chen went to do such a big thing?
"Ye Jinyan is really well-informed." Jiang Chen knew that the news could not be concealed, let alone Ye Jinyan who had been staring at him, and immediately said: "It's just an acquisition and reorganization, it's not a big deal, but, Suosuo, is there another reason why Ye Jinyan told you this?"

(End of this chapter)

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