Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 320 Shi Yi: This Is Hong Xiaoyu's Boyfriend

Chapter 320 Shi Yi: This Is Hong Xiaoyu's Boyfriend
At this time, Jiang Chen walked out of the bathroom, heard what they said, and said: "There are some materials in it, and there is nothing you think about."

"Jiang Chen, why are you eavesdropping on us?" Shi Yi said dissatisfied.

"No, I just came out." Jiang Chen felt that he was wronged too much.

How could he possibly eavesdrop?

If he wants to listen, he always chooses to listen in an open and honest manner.

It's just that he didn't expect Shi Yi and Hong Xiaoyu to say such things.

"Shi Yi, are you still at work today?" Jiang Chen asked knowingly.

"Come on, I'll go to work later." Shi Yi nodded and said, "So, you can go back after a short rest."

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded.


There was doubt in Hong Xiaoyu's eyes.

When she was at the airport before, she seemed to hint.

Jiang Chen shouldn't understand, right?
So, what's going on now?

However, after three hours, Hong Xiaoyu finally knew the reason.

"Jiang Chen, are you still not going back?" Shi Yi pushed Jiang Chen and said, "I'm going to work, what are you still doing here?"

"Go to work? You go to work, I'll talk to Xiaoyu about something." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Shi Yi.

How could she go to work today?
She just wanted Jiang Chen to leave quickly.

"What are you talking about with Xiaoyu?" Shi Yi asked.

"You want to know?" Jiang Chen looked at Shi Yi.

"If you don't want me to know, you don't have to say it."

Shi Yi felt that what Jiang Chen was looking for was an excuse, but she would not let Jiang Chen succeed.

Well, not only Shi Yi thinks so, but also Hong Xiaoyu.

From Hong Xiaoyu's point of view, Jiang Chen knew that Shi Yi wasn't going to work today, so he deliberately used this excuse to stay.

"There's nothing you can't say."

Jiang Chen glanced at Hong Xiaoyu and asked, "Xiaoyu, you are a reporter from a TV station, so I don't know what you think of traditional media and new media."

"Traditional media and new media?" Hong Xiaoyu was taken aback.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Regarding the transformation of fashion love magazine, he still decided to ask Hong Xiaoyu for his opinion.

Hong Xiaoyu is here today, he will naturally not miss it.

"Traditional media and new media...Jiang Chen, why are you asking this?" Hong Xiaoyu asked.

"I bought a magazine before, but now with the impact of the Internet, the magazine is also facing the transformation from traditional media to new media, so I would like to ask your views on traditional media and new media." Jiang Chen didn't hide it, although Fang Tianna and the others mistook him and the planning director of Fashion Love magazine as boyfriend and girlfriend, but that was a misunderstanding.

Therefore, whether it is Hong Xiaoyu or Shi Yi, it is not a problem to know that the fashion love magazine belongs to him.

"You bought a magazine? What kind of magazine?" Hong Xiaoyu was very surprised.

"Fashion Love magazine." Jiang Chen replied.

"Fashion Love magazine? You wait."

Hong Xiaoyu walked into his room.

After a while, she came out with a magazine.

"Is it this?" Hong Xiaoyu asked.

Jiang Chen glanced at it and nodded, "That's it."

"Jiang Chen, isn't your company engaged in investment? Why did you buy a magazine again?" Hong Xiaoyu was very surprised. Fashion Love magazine is very famous. Their TV station subscribes to almost every issue, and she also Watch all episodes.

"You also said that I am engaged in investment, and investing in magazines is also an investment." Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Now the Internet is getting more and more developed, so in my opinion, new media is the mainstream of the future, as long as you grasp it Direction can make a lot of money.”

"Then what do you want to ask?" Shi Yi was a little surprised by Jiang Chen's acquisition of Fashion Love magazine, but he didn't care.

"It is not so easy to transform from traditional media to new media. Even if I am the boss, it is impossible to transform the fashion love magazine with a single sentence. Xiaoyu is a reporter. Relatively speaking, the traditional media and new media Some understanding, so I want to ask her opinion." Jiang Chen explained.

"Jiang Chen, in fact, I only did my job, and I don't know much about traditional media and new media." Hong Xiaoyu said.

"Xiaoyu, I just want to hear your opinion, it doesn't matter how much you know, I'm just brainstorming." Jiang Chen thinks that he can actually go to the Dress Magazine to find out about the situation of the Dress Magazine .

Even if you can't recruit Chen Kaiyi from Dress Up Magazine, you can still see the similarities or differences between Dress Up Magazine and Fashion Love Magazine.

"Okay then, I'll just tell you my opinion." Hong Xiaoyu started talking after hearing the words.

Jiang Chen listened silently, asking a few questions from time to time.

Finally, the two talked about traditional media and new media.

Jiang Chen has some opinions from his previous life. Relatively speaking, he has a more comprehensive understanding of new media than Hong Xiaoyu.However, Hong Xiaoyu went to see the new media as a reporter, which also gave Jiang Chen a refreshing feeling.

As for the timing next to it.

Forgot by Jiang Chen and Hong Xiaoyu.

But Shi Yi wasn't angry.

After all, Jiang Chen and Hong Xiaoyu were talking about things, not about love.

Jiang Chen and Hong Xiaoyu talked for an hour, then suddenly looked at Shi Yi, and said unexpectedly: "Shi Yi, aren't you going to work? Why are you still here?"

"I, I asked for leave just now." Shi Yi had no choice but to make excuses.

Hong Xiaoyu secretly laughed in his heart.

Jiang Chen's method is superb.

"Then let's cook, I'm hungry." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Shi Yi responded before realizing: "You still want to stay for dinner?"

"Xiaoyu and I haven't finished talking yet. If you go to work, I'm going to order takeaway, but since you don't go to work, go cook." Jiang Chen said naturally.

"..." Shi Yi.

Finally, Shi Yi went to cook.

"Jiang Chen."

Hong Xiaoyu gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up.

Jiang Chen smiled, and continued to chat with Hong Xiaoyu.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen asked: "Xiaoyu, you are a reporter, have you ever thought about being a self-media?"

"We Media?" Hong Xiaoyu was stunned.

"Yes, I think you reporters can do self-media by yourself. After the self-media becomes bigger and stronger, it is also a very good profession." Jiang Chen nodded.

Since the launch of Weibo in 09, it has caused a wave of self-media on social platforms.In 12, the WeChat public account was launched, and self-media developed to the mobile terminal.Immediately afterwards, major portal websites, video, e-commerce platforms, etc. have set foot in the self-media field, with diversified platforms.

And starting from this year, with the emergence of Douyin, live streaming, and short videos, etc., it has become a new hot spot for self-media content entrepreneurship.

According to what he and An Qinghuan learned yesterday, quite a few Douyin users have begun to cash in and make money.

"Can self-media really form a business model?" Hong Xiaoyu didn't know much about self-media.

"Of course." Jiang Chen nodded, and then explained.

The business model of self-media can be roughly divided into two categories.

One is pure online operation, that is, after gathering a certain number of fans through media content management, find suitable advertisers to advertise on the platform to realize advertising revenue.

The other is to imitate the practices of stars, celebrities, CEOs of large companies, etc., relying on the popularity and personal influence accumulated in the self-media in the early stage, and realize it through offline channels.

Of course, there are many ways to realize this offline, such as book publishing, speech training, business consulting, and even consider opening an online store to sell books, etc.

Of course, if offline monetization is to develop into a routine and stable business project, the media founder generally needs to have a certain social identity, such as best-selling author, university professor, media reporter, etc.

Hong Xiaoyu is a TV reporter, so it can be said that he has a natural advantage.

"...According to what I said, you can organically connect online and offline resources to maximize economic benefits." Jiang Chen finally said.

"Jiang Chen, I'm moved by what you said." Hong Xiaoyu said.

"Although journalists are free, if you use the self-media to achieve financial freedom, you will be even more free." Jiang Chen loves the house and Wu, and Hong Xiaoyu is Shi Yi's best friend, so he naturally wants to help.

If it wasn't for Hong Xiaoyu's work in a TV station, maybe he would have lured her to Fashion Love Magazine.

"That's true." Hong Xiaoyu nodded in agreement.

"Are you two alright? Have dinner." Shi Yi's voice sounded.

"Come on, let's go eat."

Jiang Chen and Hong Xiaoyu stood up and walked towards the dining table.

Four dishes and one soup.

"Shi Yi, you are becoming more and more like a good wife and mother." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Eat your meal, don't talk too much." Shi Yi filled Jiang Chen with a bowl of rice and handed it to him.

"I'll listen to Madam." Jiang Chen was also hungry, so he took the meal and started to eat.

"Go back early after dinner." Shi Yi chased people away again.

Jiang Chen ignored Shi Yi.


It is impossible to leave.

Finally got a chance, how could he leave?

"Jiang Chen..."

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Shi Yi still didn't understand what he meant.

This made her very helpless.

Three hours later, Hong Xiaoyu found an excuse and went back to her room, while Jiang Chen coaxed Shi Yi into her bedroom.

"Today, you finally got your wish, right?" Shi Yi said angrily.

Jiang Chen smiled.

If Hong Xiaoyu stays today, he will have more chances in the future.

Seeing Shi Yi who was close at hand, Jiang Chen reached out and hugged her in his arms, and said in a low voice, "I want you."

"Yeah." Shi Yi nodded.

(Hundreds of thousands of words omitted)

The next afternoon, Shi Yi was awakened by a knock on the door.

When she opened the door in a daze in her pajamas and saw Shi Yuanyuan and the three outside the door, she was a little dazed: "Why are you here so early?"

"Morning? Sis, it's already three o'clock in the afternoon." Shi Yuanyuan knew that Shi Yi usually didn't go to bed until late at night due to work, so when she came to Shi Yi's place, she only came in the afternoon.

But what is going on today?

Why does Shi Yi look like he hasn't woken up?
"It's already three o'clock in the afternoon?"

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, and quickly let Shi Yuanyuan and her grandparents into the room.

"Sister, you haven't slept all night, have you?" Shi Yuanyuan asked.

"Shi Yi, although work is important, so is your body." Grandma Shi Yi said.


Shi Yi didn't know how to answer, so he could only change the subject: "Grandpa, Grandma, please sit down for a while, I'll go change clothes."

"Go." Grandpa Shi Yi nodded.

After a while, Shi Yi changed his clothes and came out.

"Sister, what are these?" Shi Yuanyuan's voice sounded.


Shi Yi walked over and found the handbag that Shi Yuanyuan had opened.

"Jiang Chen forgot to take it away?"

Shi Yi reacted.

But her grandparents are here, so it can't be said that Jiang Chen left behind, right?
"Hey, there's still an invitation here."

Shi Yuanyuan opened it and began to read: "Invite Jiang, the honorary professor of Yenching University Law School... How is it possible, sister, come and see."


Shi Yi walked over and saw the invitation letter.

Now, Shi Yi was dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen, honorary professor of Law School of Yenching University?
Jiang Chen is an honorary professor?

Who would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?
"Sister, is this true?" Shi Yuanyuan asked.

"It's real." Although Shi Yi didn't understand, she could tell that the invitation was real.

"Brother-in-law is actually an honorary professor." Shi Yuanyuan was a little dazed.

"What brother-in-law?"

Grandma Shi Yi asked next to her.

Shi Yuanyuan looked at Shi Yi pitifully.

She knew she had said the wrong thing.

Shi Yi glared at Shi Yuanyuan, thinking about how to explain.

At this time, Hong Xiaoyu came back.

Shi Yi's eyes lit up: "Xiaoyu, you came back just in time, and you forgot to bring back your boyfriend's things, you can put them away."


Shi Yuanyuan was stunned.

When did Jiang Chen become Hong Xiaoyu's boyfriend?


Hong Xiaoyu was dumbfounded.

She just came back to get something.

Why do you suddenly have a boyfriend?
Why didn't she know that she had a boyfriend?

But when she saw Jiang Chen's handbag and Shi Yi's grandparents, she understood.

Shi Yi, this is trying to use her as a shield.

"Hurry up and put it away." Shi Yi put the invitation letter and materials back into the handbag, and handed it to Hong Xiaoyu.


Hong Xiaoyu took Jiang Chen's handbag into his bedroom, then took the documents, greeted Shi Yi and the others, and left.

"I didn't expect that Xiaoyu already had a boyfriend. Xiaoyu's mother wanted to introduce a boyfriend to Xiaoyu before, but now it seems that there is no need for it." Grandpa Shi Yi said after Hong Xiaoyu left.

"Shi Yi, Xiaoyu already has a boyfriend, how about you? How did you get along with Jiang Chen, who was on a blind date with you last time?" Grandma Shi Yi asked.

"That's it." Shi Yi said perfunctorily.

Shi Yuanyuan has already reacted at this time.

Jiang Chen was not Hong Xiaoyu's boyfriend, Hong Xiaoyu was Shi Yi's shield.

This made her chuckle secretly.

Jiang Chen's things are here, last night, or the night before, Jiang Chen must have spent the night here.

Shi Yi said it was still the same.

Really duplicity.

"Shi Yi, now that Xiaoyu has a boyfriend, it's inconvenient for you to live with her, why don't you live in another place?" Although Grandpa Shi Yi is old, he still knows about young people.In case Hong Xiaoyu and his wife couldn't resist doing something, it would be too embarrassing for Shi Yi to live here.

"Grandpa, no need."

Shi Yi shook his head and said: "I have already bought a flat on the Bund, and it is being renovated now, and I can move there in a few months."

(End of this chapter)

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