Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 344 Gu Jia: Jiang Chen, you are here!

Chapter 344 Gu Jia: Jiang Chen, you are here!
"Mr. Jiang, is it really you?"

Zhu Xing came over.

"Zhu Xingxian, long time no see."

Jiang Chen smiled and greeted Zhu Xianxing.

Speaking of which, he and Zhu Xingxian haven't seen each other for several months. Zhu Xingxuan's appearance has not changed, but there is more sadness between his brows.

"Mr. Jiang, this is..." Zhu Shanshan's eyes fell on Jiang Meili.

"This is my sister Jiang Meili, you can just call her by her name." After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he said to Jiang Meili: "This is Zhu Xianxian, who is from Anjia Tianxia Agency. I bought a house in their store before, um , Huanyu Building was purchased through them."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen thought of Grand Hyatt Mansion.

Jiang Meili and the others don't know about the Grand Hyatt mansion now, so Zhu Xianshan shouldn't expose it to him, right?

"Hello." Jiang Meili and Zhu Xianxian greeted each other.

"Zhu Xingxian, are you out shopping alone? Not with your boyfriend?" Jiang Chen remembered that Zhu Xingshan's boyfriend in the play was a rational, wise, but emotionally focused new-age engineering man named Ji Mingliang.

This time Ji Mingliang gave him the feeling that a suit with framed glasses is also full of elegance and elegance, and it doesn't look like the annoying type.

"Mr. Jiang, I don't have a boyfriend yet." Zhu Xian said.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Chen didn't expect that Ji Mingliang hadn't appeared yet, but he didn't think too much about it. Ji Mingliang was just a small character: "But you're frowning, did you encounter any difficulties?"

"I..." Zhu Xianxian didn't know whether to say it or not.

"Is it because of Fang Sijin?" Jiang Chen understood in his heart.

"It's her..." Zhu Xixian chattered when she heard Jiang Chen's words.

Jiang Chen smiled and listened.

Zhu Xingxian used to be the mascot of Jingyi store, but unlike Xing Yun TIG game company, Zhu Xingxian is content with the status quo, while Xing Yun wants to work hard.

Jiang Meili looked at Zhu Xianxing curiously.

Although Zhu Xingxuan didn't say that she was the mascot, she could hear it, but she didn't understand Zhu Xingxuan.

Shouldn't you work hard?
If you don't work hard, isn't it a salted fish?
What is the difference between salted fish and dead fish?
"Zhu Huanshan, if you were Fang Sijin, how would you manage the Jingyi store?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I..." Zhu Xian shook her head, she hadn't thought about it, because she felt that this matter was too far away from her, and it would never be possible.

"Both Store Manager Fang and Store Manager Xu have their own management methods, but you are the only one who can change your life." Jiang Chenke remembers that Zhu Xianxian, who had limited family conditions, slept in the closet since childhood, so she had the "Closet Princess". title!
It's impossible if she doesn't want to change her situation.

Don't look at her laughing and joking every day, she also has her own thoughts deep in her heart.

Zhu Xian was stunned for a moment, thoughtful.


After chatting for a while, Jiang Chen and Jiang Meili bid farewell to Zhu Xianshan.

"Brother, did Zhu Xianxuan not work actively in the real estate agency just now?" Jiang Meili asked.

"It's a bit of a princess disease, far worse than their store manager Fang Sijin." Jiang Chen said.

"What is Fang Sijin like?" Jiang Meili asked.

"Fang Sijin is not an ordinary person. She was rejected by her parents when she was born, and she was regarded as a loser. The unfortunate life in her childhood made her especially persistent in learning. In her heart, learning is the only way to change her life. In her Under the protection of her grandfather, she was admitted to the established 985 Jianghai University. However, when she thought that the bright future of life was coming, her mother tore up her admission notice..."

Jiang Chen sorted out his thoughts and said, "Of course, the continuous cruel encounters did not destroy her hope for the future. I heard that as a real estate agent, she climbed 28 floors in three days, going up and down three times, just to Sell ​​a house!"

"Are you working so hard?" Jiang Meili was stunned.

"If you want to change your own destiny, how can you succeed if you don't work hard?" Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Meili thought of Jiang Chen.

Fang Sijin is just a store manager of a real estate agency, so he needs to work so hard. Doesn't Jiang Chen need to work harder to establish the Xingchen Group?Compared with Jiang Chenfang Sijin and the others, her efforts now seem nothing.

"Is elder brother familiar with Fang Sijin?" Jiang Meili asked.

"Xingchen Group has a real estate management department. Originally, they wanted to dig a house and come here, but it's a pity that she didn't agree." Jiang Chen said.

"Why don't you agree? I heard from Li Qian that Xingchen Group's treatment is very good." Jiang Meili said.

"The real estate agency gets a high commission for selling houses." Jiang Chen replied.

The real estate agency's agency fee is not low, and there may not be a few million a year for gold medal sales like Fang Sijin.Unexpectedly, what was made by her mother in the play was only a few hundred yuan and would be squeezed out.

I really don't know what Fang Sijin is thinking.

If it is him, there are solutions.

The next day, Jiang Chen sent Jiang Meili to the airport.

"Beautiful, be careful on the road, call me if you need anything." Jiang Chen said to her.

"Yeah, I got it, brother." Jiang Meili nodded.

"In addition, you can tell me about the situation with third uncle at any time. I will go to the United States in a few days to see if there is any good doctor." Jiang Chen said.

"Then it's troublesome brother."

"You girl, don't say thank you in front of me from now on, what troubles are there?" Jiang Chen tapped Jiang Meili's forehead.

"Goodbye, brother."

Jiang Meili pulled the suitcase and left.


An hour later, Jiang Chen came to a cold drink shop.

Gu Jia called him last night and asked him to meet Gu Qingyu today.

So, after sending Jiang Meili away, he came.

As soon as he entered the cold drink shop, Jiang Chen saw Gu Qingyu and Gu Qingyu sitting in the corner.

"Gu Qingyu, Gu Jia."

Jiang Chen walked towards the two girls with a smile on his face.

Gu Qingyu and Gu Jia were wearing casual shirts today, and the two of them sat together. Their similar looks and different temperaments made people's eyes shine.

"If these two people embrace left and right..."

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he felt that his wish might not be impossible to realize.

"Jiang Chen, you're here." Gu Jia quickly stood up.

Gu Qingyu glanced at Jiang Chen and turned his head away.

"Gu Jia."

Jiang Chen greeted Gu Jia with a smile, then sat down beside Gu Qingyu: "Qingyu, long time no see."

Well, in front of Gu Jia, he is pursuing Gu Qingyu, so if he is more intimate, Gu Jia will not doubt it.What's more, after kissing Fangze at Gu Qingyu's house last time, Jiang Chen still misses her very much.

After all, the current Gu Qingyu is in charge.

He can also come blatantly in front of Gu Jia.

Wouldn't it be a pity if I gave up?
It's better to be cheaper than others.

"What are you doing here?" Gu Qingyu said coldly.

"Of course I want to see you." Jiang Chen grabbed Gu Qingyu's hand.

"Let go." Gu Qingyu broke free directly.

"Qingyu, I bought this in the United States, and I'm giving it to you now." Jiang Chen took out a box.

"I don't want it." Gu Qingyu flatly refused.

"Gu Jia, this is a gift from me." Jiang Chen took out another box and handed it to Gu Jia.

Well, the contents of the two boxes are different.

However, Jiang Chen's intentions are the same.

He wanted Gu Qingyu, and even more Gu Jia.

"Mine?" Gu Jia was taken aback.

"It's just a small gift." Jiang Chen said to Gu Qingyu while speaking: "Qingyu, don't think too much, this is a gift from a friend, you can see that Gu Jia has accepted it, you have to accept it, right?" ?”

"Gu Qingyu, just accept it." Gu Jia reacted.

This is because Jiang Chen was worried that Gu Qingyu would not accept him.


"It's just a gift, why are you so out of touch?"

Jiang Chen summoned the waiter and ordered ice cream.

"Jiang Chen, I..." Gu Jia wanted to leave.

Jiang Chen looked at Gu Jia and shook his head slightly.

He didn't want Gu Jia to leave now.

Gu Jia is also his target.

If Gu Jia left at this time, wouldn't it be a lost opportunity?
Gu Jia was taken aback.

Jiang Chen, what does this mean?
Could it be that Gu Qingyu was worried that after she left, Gu Qingyu would leave?
"Qingyu, are you busy with work now?" Jiang Chen asked Gu Qingyu.

"Why are you asking this?" Gu Qingyu asked.

"I'll introduce you to the project." Jiang Chen said.

"It's no use."

Gu Qingyu doesn't want to have contact with Jiang Chen at work.

Well, neither do I want to in life.

That kiss from Jiang Chen last time made her unable to sleep for a long time,
"To be precise, I want to help me buy a company's stock through your company." Jiang Chen looked at Gu Qingyu and said, "I didn't introduce you because I want you to be my girlfriend."

"Don't you own an investment company? Why do you want Aimeng to buy it?" Gu Qingyu asked.

Gu Jia also looked at Jiang Chen curiously upon hearing this.

Because she didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen didn't answer, but asked Gu Qingyu rhetorically.

"I..." Gu Qingyu thought about it carefully, and then realized: "Do you want to buy it secretly?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "You can think about this matter. When I come back from the United States next time, you can tell me the decision. During this period, your mobile phone, WeChat, and my Keep it clear. Don't add me to the blacklist."

"..." Gu Qingyu.

Is Jiang Chen looking for an excuse?
Gu Jiamei's eyes lit up.

Different from Gu Qingyu's guess, Gu Jia now believes that this is just Jiang Chen's excuse.

It seems that Jiang Chen is not without means, so I don't know if Gu Qingyu can handle it.

Alas, it would be fine if it was in ancient times, as long as Jiang Chen and Gu Qingyu cooked the raw rice and cooked it, but now don't say that the raw rice is cooked and cooked, even if they have children, they should be separated as usual.

"We can only talk about business affairs." Gu Qingyu said.

"Gu Qingyu, you..." Gu Jia hated iron for being weak.

Is it important to talk about business and love?

Isn't it just a kiss?Just resist like that?
Alas, now Gu Qingyu doesn't know it's better to be a woman.

"Okay, from now on we will talk about business matters on the phone and on WeChat, and private matters when we meet." Jiang Chen looked at Gu Qingyu with a smile and said, "Qing Yu, have you thought about me during this time?"

"Do you think it's possible?" Gu Qingyu asked back.

"Why is it impossible? Didn't I leave a deep impression on you last time?" Jiang Chen's eyes fell on Gu Qingyu's lips.

Hmm, I don't know if Gu Qingyu's lipstick is still the same as last time.

When are you going to try it again?
"I, I left beforehand." Gu Qingyu knew what Jiang Chen was thinking when he saw Jiang Chen's eyes.

This impression really made her too deep.

It was so deep that she couldn't stay any longer.

"Qing Yu, Gu Jia didn't leave... Besides, do you really have something to do today? Don't you want to see me?" Jiang Chen grabbed Gu Qingyu who was about to stand up.

"Gu Qingyu, it's rare for us to be together today, let's chat!" Gu Jia said.

"Gu Jia is right, let's chat." Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

The benefits of Gu Jia staying here are reflected.

I really want to thank her with a kiss.


Gu Qingyu was helpless.

Why is she avoiding Jiang Chen?

It's because she hasn't adapted yet.

Now that Jiang Chen and Gu Jia said that, she really didn't know what to do.

"Let's just chat, nothing else." Jiang Chen said.

"Really?" Gu Qingyu asked.

"Really, I promise." Jiang Chen said.

"Then let me go." Gu Qingyu said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen let go of Gu Qingyu, and started chatting.

For Jiang Chen, it was not difficult to find a topic.

While chatting, Gu Jia brought the topic to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, what did you go to America for a while ago?" Gu Jia asked after getting Jiang Chen's answer.

Gu Qingyu also looked at Jiang Chen.

"The company has some business in the United States, and it will go to the United States again in a few days." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "By the way, do you have anything to buy in the United States, I can help you buy it."

"I..." Gu Jia was about to say something when she noticed Jiang Chen's eyes.

Jiang Chen, what does this mean?
Is it...

Gu Jia's eyes fell on Gu Qingyu, and she asked, "Gu Qingyu, what do you want to buy? Why don't you find Jiang Chen."

"I haven't." Gu Qingyu said.

"I have something I want Jiang Chen to buy, if you have something, we will go together."

Seeing what Gu Qingyu wanted to say, Gu Jia whispered in her ear: "Help me, if I ask him to buy it alone, Xu Huanshan might think too much."

"Well, okay..."

Gu Qingyu knew how much Gu Jia loved Xu Huanshan, and also understood what kind of person Xu Huanshan was, so he nodded after a moment of hesitation.

"Jiang Chen, let Gu Qingyu send you the list when the time comes." Gu Jia said to Jiang Chen.

"No problem." Jiang Chen gave Gu Jia a thankful glance.

It is indeed an assist.

However, he also had a reason to contact Gu Jia.

Half an hour later, Gu Qingyu left.

"Gu Jia, thank you today. If it wasn't for you, Gu Qingyu probably wouldn't have met me today." Jiang Chen and Gu Jia walked out of the cold drink shop.

"This is what I should do, and I'm also doing it for the good of Gu Qingyu." Gu Jia heard the words and said: "However, Jiang Chen, you must take advantage of the victory and pursue it. You can't take face into account when chasing girls. I will help you too."

"I will, next I..."

Just as Jiang Chen was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed, and he pulled Gu Jia into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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