Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 355 Tong Wei: Thank you Mr. Jiang

Chapter 355 Tong Wei: Thank you Mr. Jiang

"Mr. Jiang, it's not convenient for me to live here."

Before Tong Wei could speak, Li Na couldn't help but speak.

This kind of mansion makes your legs feel numb. Wouldn't it be terrible to live here?

Although she has been to such mansions as Green City Taohuayuan, those mansions are not comparable to this mansion at all.


"I live here, but you, as a secretary, don't live here? What's the matter for me to come by myself?"

Jiang Chen said angrily.

What is a secretary?

Not only to solve his work needs, but also to arrange for him in life.

What's more, Li Na will follow Nie Xingchen in the future.

Although there is some gap with Nie Xingchen now, Jiang Chen believes that this day will not be too far away.

"I, but..."

"It's just a house, it's empty if you don't live there, why waste it?"

Jiang Chen's mood now is completely different from when he bought Grand Hyatt last year.

When he bought Grand Hyatt last year, because it was his first house, he was very excited.

Not only the full amount, but also in his personal name.

In his view, only this is his home.

But with more and more properties, Jiang Chen didn't have so many ideas.

The house is becoming less and less important.

When he came here before, he was very curious, but now he has calmed down.

"Alright then!" Li Na hesitated and nodded.

This mansion is impossible if you don't want to live in it.

If she refuses today, I'm afraid she won't be able to live for the rest of her life.

"Secretary Li, go to the hotel to pack your things and move them here." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Li Na replied.

"Mr. Jiang?" Tong Wei looked at Jiang Chen.

"Tong Wei, if you don't want to, I won't force you." Jiang Chen actually wanted Tong Wei to move here, although he knew he wouldn't be able to stay in New York for a long time, but if he was close to the water, something might happen.

But he also knew that if he forced it, it would be counterproductive.

But speaking of it, he was also testing Tong Wei just now.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Tong Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not comfortable living here, and, she and Jiang Chen are in a cooperative relationship, if others know about it, it is easy to be misunderstood.


Jiang Chen shook his head.

After Li Na left, Jiang Chen and Tong Wei sat on the sofa and chatted.

"Mr. Jiang, this place seems to have just been built this year, and this top floor is the most difficult to buy. How did you get it?" Tong Wei asked.

"The architect of 432 Park Avenue is Raphael Vinoli, and I know him well," Jiang Chen said.

This is also the arrangement of the system.

According to the systematic arrangement, he met Rafael Vignoli, the architect of No. 432 Park Avenue, and then, when Raphael Vinoli designed No. 432 Park Avenue, he bought this building for him from the United States. mansion.

By the way, the skilled senior construction engineer he signed up before is also related to Raphael Vinoli. According to the arrangement of the system, the two are friends who are both teachers and friends.

Jiang Chen didn't know why the system arranged it like this, but this explanation saved him a lot of trouble.

"Raphael Vinoli? A famous architect?" Tong Wei was shocked.

Of course she knew who Raphael Vinoli was.

Never expected that Raphael Vinoli and Jiang Chen knew each other.

"Yes, I know Raphael Vignoli, and I bought this mansion through Raphael Vignoli. This mansion is not bad." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Tong Wei had black lines all over her hair.

Is this mansion not bad?
However, Jiang Chen became more and more mysterious in her eyes.

"Tong Wei, we may have a lot of cooperation in the future. If we are in New York, we will talk about work here." Jiang Chen said.

"It's an honor." Tong Wei said.

An hour later, Li Na came back.

"Let's put your luggage first. You take a rest first. We'll go to the restaurant of the apartment for dinner later. By the way, Secretary Li, come over and have your fingerprints taken." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang." Li Na did not refuse.

Half an hour later, the three of Jiang Chen came to the private dining room.

"As expected of a private restaurant."

Jiang Chen picked up the menu and ordered more than a dozen dishes, then asked, "Do you want to order anything else?"


Li Na and Tong Wei shook their heads.

Such a high-end restaurant can only be enjoyed by them following Jiang Chen.

"That's all." Jiang Chen handed the menu to the waiter.

The restaurant serves food very quickly.

"Well, not bad." Jiang Chen was very satisfied.

"Mr. Jiang, there don't seem to be many people living in this apartment." When Li Na entered and left the apartment, she didn't meet anyone.

"The construction has just been completed this year, so naturally there are not many."

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "However, being on the top floor of this apartment seems to be in a heavenly palace, which makes people feel ecstatic."


Li Na and the two girls nodded approvingly.

Jiang Chen looked at the two girls and smiled.

There is a saying that it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant and difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Although Li Na and Tong Wei are not gold diggers, after entering the mansion, they are naturally grown up. In this case, there is an advantage in wanting to get closer.

After dinner, Tong Wei was leaving.

"Tong Wei, I told the property owner, you come directly tomorrow morning." Jiang Chen said when Tong Wei left.

"Okay." Tong Wei nodded.

After Tong Wei left, Jiang Chen and Li Na came to the mansion on the top floor.

At this time, New York is brightly lit.

Jiang Chen stood at the window and looked at it, feeling like he could see all the mountains and small things at a glance, and the whole world was under his control.

"Mr. Jiang, standing here is a bit scary." Li Na walked over and said.


Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Just get used to it."

"It's hard to get used to it. I'm worried that if I can't sleep, it will affect my work tomorrow." Li Na said.

Can't sleep, I'll sleep with you...

Jiang Chen almost said this sentence.

However, he finally held back.

"Secretary Li, you don't know your blessings when you are in the midst of blessings. How many people in this world can live here? You can't even enter this apartment." Jiang Chen said.


Li Na turned her head to look at Jiang Chen.

It would be fine if the person who bought this mansion was a top rich man, but in the case of Xingchen Group, it is obviously impossible.

Therefore, now that Jiang Chen bought this mansion, it can only show that he has other assets.

This made her even more impenetrable.

"Li Na, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, no..." Li Na recovered, her face flushed slightly.

"No? What are you thinking?" Jiang Chen walked up to Li Na.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about work tomorrow." Li Na naturally wouldn't say what she was thinking.

"Work? This time in the United States can't be completed in a short period of time. So, I'm afraid you will have to stay in the United States for a while." Jiang Chen said.

"It's okay." Li Na shook her head.

"Besides what we need to do with Tong Wei, there is one more thing I need you to deal with." Jiang Chen said.

"Boss Jiang, what's the matter?" Li Na asked.

"I ordered a private jet from Boeing, and I need you to deliver it." Jiang Chen said.

What Jiang Chen was talking about was the private jet that he got when he checked in.

Private jets are not lithography machines, so the system arrangement was ordered from Boeing a year ago.

"..." Li Na.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mr. Jiang, is it really a private jet?" Li Na didn't know how to describe it.

What used to be a luxury cruise ship is now a private jet.

Jiang Chen, how many more secrets do you have?

This wealth is really mind-numbing.

"Yes, I will give you the relevant information tomorrow. After the delivery, you can contact the airports in Shanghai, Yanjing, San Francisco, New York, and Paris to open air routes." Jiang Chen said.

"Does Jiang always ask me to open it right away?" Li Na asked.

"it's out of the question."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and said, "You first open the flight route from Shanghai to New York. Others will be contacted slowly later."

"Okay." Li Na nodded.

Jiang Chen changed the subject and chatted with Li Na.

In the president's office, Jiang Chen was not very familiar with Li Na.

When Li Na was first recruited, whether she was going to Shenzhen City or Suzhou City, Li Na was very wary of him, as if she was afraid that he would sneak her away.In contrast, although Li Qian was eccentric, he didn't have that much thought.

So, this was the first time Jiang Chen and Li Na chatted not for work.

Speaking of which, when he first went to Quan Jing's law firm, he wanted to get Li Na.Unexpectedly, Li Na didn't take any action by his side for several months, and Jiang Chen himself admired this endurance.

However, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry.

Li Na is always by his side, and sooner or later it will be his.

After chatting for an hour, Jiang Chen said: "It's getting late, go to rest early. Except for the master bedroom, you can choose any room you want."


After watching Jiang Chen enter the master bedroom, Li Na chose a room and walked in.


At noon the next day, Jiang Chen and the others were about to go to the restaurant for dinner after discussing a project.

Just then, a luxury car stopped in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, a young man came out.

"Xie Xiaofei?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback when he saw the young man.

"Mr. Jiang knows?" Tong Wei asked.

"The son of the Xie Group." Jiang Chen didn't expect to meet Xie Xiaofei here, but, as the person who got Tong Wei in the play, Jiang Chen didn't have any affection for him.After all, this is his potential enemy.

Speaking of which, the death of Tong Wei's parents is related to Xie Xiaofei's father.

Although it is said to be a suicide later in the play, the Xie Group is the company involved, and it would be impossible if there is no relationship.Maybe it was designed by the Xie Group behind the scenes.After all, shopping malls are like battlefields, and it is normal to use intrigue.

Otherwise, Xie Xiaofei's father would not prevent Xie Xiaofei and Tong Wei from getting married.

Even in Jiang Chen's view, it was said in the play that Tong Wei's parents committed suicide because the editor wanted Xie Xiaofei and Tong Wei to be together.This is the same as the setting between Tan Jing and Nie Yucheng in "This Life With You".

At the same time, Jiang Chen thought of the Xie Group in Shanghai.

I don't know what is the relationship between the Xie Group in Shanghai and the Xie Group in the United States in this film and television fusion world.

Will Xie Xiaofei and Xie Hongzu be...

"The son of the Xie Group? You mean the Xie Group among Chinese Americans?" Tong Wei was taken aback.After all, she works in Modu and often comes to New York, so she knows both the Modu Xie Group and the American Xie Group.

"Yes, it's the Xie Group in the United States, not the Xie Group in Shanghai." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "I only saw him once, and he didn't know me. As far as I know, this is an unruly Unruly people."

"Rebellious?" Tong Wei glanced at Xie Xiaofei.

"I've heard people say it all. But I have nothing to do with the Xie Group, and the details are not very clear. Let's go!" Jiang Chen has no interest in staying longer, let alone contact with Xie Xiaofei.

But Jiang Chen was thinking, could he investigate the death of Tong Wei's parents?
Whether it's the truth in the play or the truth of this film and television fusion world, as long as the investigation is found out, Tong Wei, a senior negotiator, may not be accepted.

Well, it means to be his subordinate, not to take down and be his woman.

After all, Tong Wei is not the kind of person who agrees with her body.

And in this first film and television fusion world, Jiang Chen is not prepared to marry first and then fall in love.

"Okay." Tong Wei didn't know Xie Xiaofei now, so she didn't think much about it.

"Mr. Jiang, does the Xie Group have a good relationship with the Kewan Group?" Li Na asked from the side.

"Kewan Group?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Li Na was a little surprised why she asked such a question.

"That's right, when I was in Sioux City, I had contact with Kewan Group." Li Na nodded.

"If I guess correctly, the chairman of the Xie Group and the chairman of the Kewan Group are good friends." Jiang Chen replied.

At this moment, Jiang Chen thought of Zhao Chenxi, the eldest lady of Kewan Group.

In the play, Zhao Chenxi has always liked Xie Xiaofei.

It's a pity that Xie Xiaofei doesn't have her in his heart.

I don't know if Xie Xiaofei will choose polygamy in this film and television fusion world.However, this is related to the Xie family's family business, and it is impossible for the Xie family to agree.

And now because of his relationship, there are some changes in the play. I don't know if Zhao Chenxi and Xie Xiaofei will meet on the plane in the future.

"Friend?" Li Na was taken aback.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"The Kewan Group is already very strong in the real estate industry. If the Kevan Group cooperates with the American Xie Group, isn't our competition with them..." Li Na said.

"Kewan Group..."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed.

The Jingyan Group has not yet solved it, and the Kewan Group has also appeared.In addition to companies such as Jane's Group in Hangzhou, it has to be said that in this world of film and television integration, there are many real estate companies.

But when talking about Kewan Group, Jiang Chen thought of one thing.

In the play, Xie Xiaofei wants to develop a piece of land in Sioux City into an original ecological tourism industry.

This is also the reason why he went to Shanghai later.

It was also the beginning when she and Tong Wei didn't know each other.

And Xie Xiaofei's purpose is to prepare for the fight for family property.

Do you want to intervene?

Now that he has established Xingchen Real Estate, in his eyes, Sioux City is the site of Xingchen Real Estate.

What's more, in this world of film and television fusion, even if he doesn't intervene, will real estate companies such as Jingyan Group intervene?

"There is no need to worry about the Kewan Group and the American Xie Group. What's more, if they really want to unite, it is useless for us to worry." Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Let's go to the front for dinner. , I'm hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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