Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 498 He Fanxing: Don't even think about it

Chapter 498 He Fanxing: Don't even think about it (big chapter)
It was none other than Xia Linxi who appeared at the door of the office.

Hearing Xia Linxi's voice, Professor Shi turned his head and waved to her.

Xia Linxi walked in with doubts.

But when she saw Jiang Chen sitting in front of Professor Shi's desk, Xia Linxi was stunned.

Jiang Chen, she met yesterday.

Only one day has passed, so naturally I will not forget it.

However, she never expected that Jiang Chen would appear here.

Why is Jiang Chen here?
Xia Linxi's eyes subconsciously fell on the document in front of Jiang Chen.

"This is……"

After reading the information, Xia Linxi understood.

The information is a problem for the School of Computer Science.

This puzzle was discovered two months ago.

Neither the students nor the professors in the School of Computing have been able to solve this conundrum.

What is Jiang Chen doing now?
Are you solving this puzzle?

When he was at Shi Feng's house before, Shi Feng only introduced Jiang Chen's name, but did not introduce Jiang Chen's identity.

Could it be that Jiang Chen is a computer expert?Does he know Professor Shi?
Also, isn't Jiang Chen's speed too fast?
Jiang Zhenghan and the others don't have this speed.

What Xia Linxi didn't know was that Professor Shi was more surprised than her at this time.

In his opinion, it would take half an hour even to read this problem for Jiang Chen, and it would take an infinite amount of time to come up with ideas for solving the problem. Think of the idea of ​​solving the problem.

What Professor Shi doesn't know is that this is the benefit of computer proficiency, ten lines at a glance, memory and advanced comprehension.

If it wasn't for these few skills, Jiang Chen would never have come up with the idea of ​​solving the problem so quickly.

It was because of these few skills that Jiang Chen couldn't keep a low profile.

after an hour.

"All right."

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head.

The problem that Professor Shi put forward was really difficult, but it was finally solved.

"Okay? Let me take a look." Professor Shi walked over.

Jiang Chen hurriedly stepped aside.

"Jiang Chen." Xia Linxi greeted Jiang Chen.

"Xia Linxi." Jiang Chen was a little surprised to see Xia Linxi, but he immediately remembered that in the play, Professor Shi supported Xia Linxi and Jiang Zhenghan together, and now Xia Linxi is a junior , doesn't this mean that the plot is about to end?
How can he cut off the beard?

Such a youthful and beautiful Xia Linxi, it would be a pity to make Jiang Zhenghan cheaper.

However, Jiang Chen didn't think too much at this time, but nodded to her with a smile.

After a moment.

"Jiang Chen, how did you come up with it?" Professor Shi asked.

"Professor Shi, I think so..." Jiang Chen said.

With computer proficiency and advanced comprehension, it is not troublesome for him to come up with ideas to solve problems.

After hearing Jiang Chen's explanation, Professor Shi said, "Jiang Chen, are you interested in joining our School of Computer Science? Serving as an honorary professor of our School of Computer Science?"

"Well, Professor Shi, I'm now an honorary professor of the School of Computer Science, Jiangcheng University." Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that he would be so popular.

Xia Linxi was taken aback.

Jiang Chen is an honorary professor of the School of Computer Science, Jiangcheng University?

Does Professor Shi like Jiang Chen so much?
"So what? I can also nominate you. What's more, you just need to help us solve problems when we need you." Professor Shi said.

Honorary professor only.

A capable person can serve in multiple universities at the same time.

The existence of such honorary professors is also beneficial to the school.

"Yes, you are also an honorary professor of Law School of Yenching University. Relatively speaking, Yenching University is your home." Professor Yang said.

Jiang Chen looked at Professor Yang speechlessly.

Did you say that?

"Professor Shi, because of my status, I can't come to the school to teach." Jiang Chen said.

"It's okay, as long as it's like today, if there is any problem that needs to be solved, I can call you over and help solve it." Professor Shi and Professor Yang have talked about Jiang Chen, so they also know some of Jiang Chen's situation.However, having Jiang Chen as an honorary professor is also beneficial to the School of Computer Science.

"Then respect is worse than obedience." Jiang Chen was just being humble just now, after all, the benefits of having an additional honorary professor status are obvious.

"I'm going to get the form." Professor Shi said.

Jiang Chen looked at Xia Linxi: "Xia Linxi, aren't you from the Department of Economics and Management?"

The Department of Economics and Management is the Department of Economics and Management, and the majors offered include economics and management.Economics majors include economics, finance, finance, international economics and trade, insurance, etc. Management majors include business administration, marketing, accounting, financial management, human resource management, enterprise management, international business, and cultural industries management, tourism management, etc.

Jiang Chen knew that although Xia Linxi took the exam in the Department of Economics and Management, she still liked mathematics very much.

However, he could only ask knowingly.

"I'm from the Department of Economics and Management, but the Department of Computer Science is my elective major." Xia Linxi was a little shocked at this moment.

Jiang Chen, who looks young, is already an honorary professor of the School of Computer Science of Jiangcheng University and the School of Law of Yenching University. Now that Professor Shi invited him again, wouldn't he have three honorary professorships?
It seemed that among the people she met, no one was comparable to him.

"The Department of Economics and Management is good." Jiang Chen thought of his skills as business administrator, certified public accountant, senior auditor, senior human resources manager, senior international business negotiator, and registered senior trade compliance officer.

These seem to be related to the Department of Economics and Management.

Doesn't it mean that Xia Linxi and Xia Linxi have a common topic?
By the way, now he will also be an honorary professor of the School of Computer Science, Yenching University, can he help Xia Linxi, and then...

"Jiang Chen, do you know Xia Linxi?" Professor Shi came over and was surprised to see Jiang Chen and Xia Linxi talking.

"I know." Jiang Chen nodded.

Not only did he know Xia Linxi, but he also wanted to find a chance to meet Xia Linxi.

However, he will not speak out until he has achieved his goal.

"Jiang Chen, please fill out the form." Professor Shi handed the form to Jiang Chen, and then said to Xia Linxi, "Xia Linxi, what do you want from me?"

"Professor History..."

Xia Linxi came to ask a question.

After hearing Professor Shi's words, he spoke up.


Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Professor Yang left the School of Computer Science.

"Professor Yang, thank you." Jiang Chen said to Professor Yang.

Professor Yang has contributed a lot to becoming an honorary professor of the School of Computer Science, Yenching University today.He even felt that Professor Yang did it on purpose.Although he didn't know the reason why Professor Yang did this, it was obvious that it was a good thing for him.

"Jiang Chen, I'm optimistic about you." Professor Yang said.

"I will not let you down." Jiang Chen looked at Professor Yang and nodded.

Back at Yenching University Law School, Jiang Chen chatted with Professor Yang in the office for a long time before leaving.

"Today is a surprise."

Jiang Chen knew that the identities of these honorary professors were amulets.

At the same time, this identity can also be used to get closer to Yenching University and attract talents to the Star Group.

"More importantly, in film and television dramas, there are quite a few heroines studying in universities like Yanjing University, signing in, and even being lucky..."

Jiang Chen could think of several heroines who might appear in Yenching University.

Well, even if you don't count the heroines who haven't signed in, it will take a long time to win Tan Jing and Xia Linxi, so the number of times you come to Yenching University may not be less.


An hour later, the restaurant.

"Fanxing, I miss you so much."

When Jiang Chen entered the box, he saw He Fanxing in the box, and walked over immediately, holding her in his arms.

"Mr. Jiang, don't..." He Fanxing felt uncomfortable.

"Let me hug you." Jiang Chen didn't let go, but said: "When I saw you at the company today, the pain of lovesickness in my heart was a little hard to suppress, and it's been very hard to bear it until now."

"I don't believe it." He Fanxing said.

"Don't believe it? Then I'll let you believe it." Jiang Chen lowered his head and kissed it.

Last night, he ate the lip balm of carambola, but he just tasted it slightly.

Facing He Fanxing today was different.

a long time.

Jiang Chen let go of He Fanxing.

"Mr. Jiang, you are too bad." He Fanxing said while leaning into Jiang Chen's arms.

"I just like being mean to you." Jiang Chen hugged He Fanxing and said sweet words.

"I think you are acting for private interests. Even if Douyin needs financing, you don't need to come to Yanjing so early." He Fanxing said.

"Didn't I want to see you earlier? I haven't seen you for a long time." Jiang Chen said hastily.

Well, it's true to see He Fanxing, besides, Yang Tao, An Qinghuan, and even Tan Jing, Simeng, Wendy would also like to see them.

After all, he is a good person and the one who likes to send warmth the most.

But in front of He Fanxing, even if He Fanxing knew that he had a girlfriend, he could only say so now.

A gleam of joy flashed across He Fanxing's beautiful eyes.

Women like to hear such words, not to mention that He Fanxing has no experience in this area.

"Come, let's eat." Jiang Chen said.

"En." He Fanxing nodded, wanting to leave Jiang Chen's arms.

"Just hug you like this, I want to hug you like this." Jiang Chen said.

"But, it's not good to be seen by others," He Fanxing said.

"Don't worry, no one can come in." How could Jiang Chen let go of He Fanxing, this is one of the ways to increase feelings.

He Fanxing gave Jiang Chen a blank look.

She could more or less guess Jiang Chen's ghostly thoughts.

The dinner was spent among you and me.

An hour later, Jiang Chen and He Fanxing left the restaurant.

"Shall we go for a walk, or watch a movie?" Jiang Chen asked He Fanxing.

"Let's go." He Fanxing felt that if he went to the movies, maybe Jiang Chen would start messing around again.

"Okay, then let's take a walk to digest food." Jiang Chen nodded, and pulled He Fanxing for a walk on the sidewalk.

In fact, what Jiang Chen wants to do most now is to take He Fanxing to the hotel.

After all, An Qinghuan and Li Qian are also in Brownstone Garden now.

He wouldn't have taken He Fanxing in Brownstone Garden without taking down the two of them.

However, Jiang Chen also knew that it was impossible to take He Fanxing to the hotel.

He Fanxing is still a little wary of him now.If it's An Qinghuan, maybe she can...

"Fanxing, shall we go to the Xishan Meishu Pavilion today?" Although Jiang Chen knew that He Fanxing didn't want to go to the hotel, he also thought of the Xishan Meishu Pavilion that he signed in earlier.I think it is okay to use the Xishan Meishu Pavilion to come to the Golden House to hide the beauty.

"What are you doing at Xishan Meishu Pavilion?" He Fanxing didn't realize it for a while.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen asked meaningfully.

"I... can't, don't even think about it." He Fanxing came to his senses.

"But, there is An Qinghuan in Brownstone Garden, what should I do if I miss you?" Jiang Chen stopped, came to He Fanxing, and hugged her in his arms: "Fanxing, today you just..."

"I said no." He Fanxing flatly refused: "Mr. Jiang, if you want that kind of thing, we'll..."

"Okay, I don't want to." Jiang Chen interrupted He Fanxing, and said, "I will respect your choice, as long as you don't want to, I won't force it."

"Won't you force it?" He Fanxing gave Jiang Chen a blank look.

When eating lip balm, did she agree?
It doesn't seem to be there, does it?

"I'm not talking about eating lip balm."

Jiang Chen knew what He Fanxing was thinking, and said, "Now I want to eat, do you agree?"

"I disagree, don't you want to eat?" He Fanxing asked.

"No." Jiang Chen exerted force on his hand, bringing their bodies closer together: "Because, this is a way of expressing that I like you."

"You're making unreasonable words." He Fanxing said.

"I want it right now..." Jiang Chen approached silently.

He Fanxing closed his eyes.

It took a long time before Jiang Chen let go of He Fanxing.

"Then let's continue walking?" Jiang Chen said to He Fanxing.

"Yes." He Fanxing nodded.


Two hours later, Jiang Chen and He Fanxing returned to the top-floor villa in Brownstone Garden.

Why is it successive?
According to He Fanxing, it was to avoid being noticed by An Qinghuan and the others.

Although Jiang Chen felt that he was trying to cover up, but it was best to conceal the relationship between the two of them now. When An Qinghuan and He Fanxing took it down successively, in the future, he would enjoy the blessing of being equal when he came to the top-floor villa of Brownstone Garden.

Well, Jiang Chen felt that it might not be too far to achieve this goal.

Either the end of this year or the beginning of next year.

No matter how long it takes, Jiang Chen can't wait.

Jiang Chen returned to the top-floor villa in Brownstone Garden a quarter of an hour later than He Fanxing.

When Jiang Chen opened the door, Li Qian and the three daughters were chatting on the sofa.

"Mr. Jiang, why did you come back so late?" Li Qian asked when he saw Jiang Chen entering the door.

"Me? I'm on a date." Jiang Chen said.

When He Fanxing heard Jiang Chen's words, a look of nervousness flashed in his eyes.

This villain, I told him not to speak out just now, is he going to speak out now?

"Dating? Do you think I'll believe you?" Li Qian looked disdainfully.

Yesterday Jiang Chen said that he was dating three girlfriends, and today he went on a date again. Does every place have girlfriends?
"Why don't you believe it?"

Jiang Chen sat down on the small sofa next to the three girls and said: "If someone asks me, what am I doing now? I will definitely tell him that I am dating now, and there are three girlfriends on the opposite side."

"..." An Qinghuan and the three daughters.

However, An Qinghuan and the three girls all felt that Jiang Chen was joking.

Because none of them felt that Jiang Chen had thoughts about them.

"By the way, Mr. An."

Jiang Chen took out a document and handed it over: "I have reached an agreement with the School of Computer Science of Yanjing University. From now on, the School of Computer Science of Yenching University will send five to ten interns to douyin and Xingchen live broadcasts for internships every year. Campus recruitment of Peking University, Douyin and Xingchen Live will give priority to participation.”

"A deal with the School of Computer Science, Yanjing University?" An Qinghuan picked up the document and read it.

"Yes, I was lucky today. I got an honorary professor title at the School of Computer Science, Yenching University. The relevant certificates should come out in half a month." Jiang Chen said.

"Honorary professor of the School of Computer Science, Yanjing University? Mr. Jiang, are you joking?" An Qinghuan looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, a little unbelievable that Jiang Chen would get the honorary professorship.

"Mr. Jiang, are you worthy?" Li Qian asked.

Jiang Chen had black lines all over his head.

"Would you like to go to Yenching University and ask tomorrow if I am worthy?" Jiang Chen looked at Li Qian angrily.

Is this looking down on him?
He is a systematic man.

What is impossible?
"It doesn't matter. If everyone in Yenching University is blind, they won't be able to ask." Li Qian said.

"..." Jiang Chen.

An Qinghuan and He Fanxing took a surprise look at Li Qian.

They never imagined how Li Qian would talk to Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang, do you mean that the company will strengthen its cooperation with Yenching University?" An Qinghuan asked.

"Yes, it is beneficial for us to cooperate with Yenching University now." Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "Yanjing University has a lot of research results, and we can get patent authorization by cooperating with them."

"I understand." An Qinghuan nodded.

"There is still one more day tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is the time for financing." Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said, "Boss An, come with me to the study, there are some things I want to tell you."

"Okay." An Qinghuan nodded.

Jiang Chen picked up the laptop and came to the study.

After a while, An Qinghuan also came to the study.

"Close the door." Jiang Chen said.

An Qinghuan closed the door and asked, "Boss Jiang, what do you have to explain?"

Jiang Chen didn't speak, but came to An Qinghuan and hugged her.

"Mr. Jiang, you..." An Qinghuan looked at Jiang Chen.

"I miss you." Jiang Chen said.

When An Qinghuan heard this, her whole body softened.

Because she also misses Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen bowed his head and kissed it.


I don't know how long it took before Jiang Chen left An Qinghuan.

"Mr. Jiang, you are really greedy." An Qinghuan said.

"If you don't come back early after the last World Internet Conference, you will be mine now." Jiang Chen said.

"Hmph, I'm escaping from your clutches." An Qinghuan snorted.

"The palm?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Since it's the clutches of the devil, you can't escape. Believe it or not, you're here today?"

"You dare." An Qinghuan glared at Jiang Chen.

"Why didn't I dare?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"..." An Qinghuan.

Yes, why didn't Jiang Chen dare?
Jiang Chen is a bold person.

Jiang Chen hugged An Qinghuan, sat on the sofa, and talked sweetly.

"Mr. Jiang, it's almost time. He will be suspected." An Qinghuan thought of Li Qian and He Fanxing outside.

"Don't worry, no one will bother us." Jiang Chen said.

"Please." An Qinghuan didn't want He Fanxing and the others to know.

"Then you will benefit me." Jiang Chen said.

"You're so naughty."

An Qinghuan didn't know what Jiang Chen meant, so she kissed her right away.

After a moment.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Jiang Chen said.

"Is something really wrong?" An Qinghuan was taken aback.


Jiang Chen nodded and said: "This time Douyin's financing involved a lot of capital, and I also asked Xingchen Capital, a subsidiary of Xingchen Group, to participate, but this time we only took out [-]% of the shares for financing, so let I have ideas about how much capital will participate and how much capital will be excluded.”

While talking, Jiang Chen opened the laptop, pointed to the capital side on it, and spoke to An Qinghuan one by one.

After half an hour.

"I prepared this document for you, you can take it and have a look, but don't take it to the company." Jiang Chen took out a document.

"Okay." An Qinghuan took the materials and left the study.

Jiang Chen turned on the computer and checked the gold futures.

In the next few years, it will be a gold bull market.

Therefore, in his personal account, Jiang Chen wants to use [-] billion to go long on gold futures.

Three billion, five times leverage.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Jiang Chen didn't take his eyes off the laptop.

"Mr. Jiang."

Li Qian walked in.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I want to ask, what do you need." Li Qian said.

"Make me a cup of coffee." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Li Qian nodded.

Five minutes later, Li Qian made a cup of coffee and walked in.

"Mr. Jiang, coffee." Li Qian put the coffee beside Jiang Chen, and then looked at the laptop.

"En." Jiang Chen nodded, and glanced at Li Qian: "Interested?"

"Mr. Jiang, are you gold futures?" Li Qian asked.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Gold futures are almost at the bottom, and you can go long in the next few years. If you have funds, you can pay attention. However, you must keep it secret."

"Do more?" As the secretary of the president's office, Li Qian naturally knew Jiang Chen's investment ability, so she didn't believe Jiang Chen's words.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then I'll give it a try. But Mr. Jiang, I don't have much money." Li Qian glanced at Jiang Chen when he said this.

"What are you looking at me for? Do you mean you want to mortgage yourself to me?" Jiang Chen looked Li Qian up and down and said, "Although you want good looks and a good figure, I can still reluctantly accept your mortgage." of."

"..." Li Qian's face darkened.

Does she want someone who has no figure, no looks?

Also, when did she say she was going to mortgage?


Li Qian snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Jiang Chen smiled and continued to operate the account.

With three billion funds and five times leverage, it is naturally impossible to invest all at once.

Even if it is international gold futures, it cannot flow in so much at once, because this is to attract the attention of those capitals, even if he is opening a foreign account now.

Jiang Chen plans to use one to two months to buy all three billion gold futures.


The next day, Jiang Chen came to practice in the park near Brownstone Garden.

Originally, Jiang Chen wanted to give An Qinghuan and He Fanxing a drink of Guben Peiyuan Soup, but they haven't been lucky enough yet, and Li Qian is also there, so he decided to talk about it later.

"Jiang Chen?"

Just when Jiang Chen finished training and returned to Brownstone Garden, a voice stopped him.

"Li Dongye?"

Jiang Chen turned his head to look, and saw that the person who spoke was none other than Li Dongye.

"Jiang Chen, it's really you, long time no see." Li Dongye walked over.

"Yeah, long time no see." Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

He and Li Dongye only met each other when they met in Brownstone Garden.

The last time we met was before I met Xiao Qing, and it has been almost half a year now.

It's just, is it okay for Li Dongye to live in Brownstone Garden?

If he guessed correctly, he probably lived in Brownstone Garden because of An Qinghuan.

"Jiang Chen, I heard that Douyin managed by An Qinghuan is about to raise funds." Li Dongye said.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Are you interested in Douyin's financing?"

"Douyin's financing is very important to An Qinghuan, so I pay more attention to it." Li Dongye said.

pay attention to?

Jiang Chen glanced at Li Dongye, guessing in his heart what Li Dongye was planning.

"Li Dongye?"

At this time, An Qinghuan, who was running in the community, ran over: "Why are you here?"

"I happened to meet Jiang Chen, let's chat casually." Li Dongye said.

"Yeah, Li Dongye is paying attention to Douyin's financing, so let's chat casually." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, what do you do?" Li Dongye asked.

"I, I opened a small company by myself." Jiang Chen was taken aback when he heard Li Dongye's words. He didn't expect that Li Dongye didn't know his identity, but if Li Dongye didn't know, he wouldn't reveal it.

"Small company?" Li Dongye asked, "What kind of company?"

"Lizhi Advertising Company." Jiang Chen replied.

"Lizhi Advertising Company?"

Both Li Dongye and An Qinghuan were stunned.

Li Dongye was stunned because he had never heard of the name of Jiang Chen's advertising company, but An Qinghuan didn't understand why Jiang Chen had another advertising company in his hands.Is it an industry under the Star Group?
"Yes, my company is not big. I operate on a small budget and can earn about one million a year." Jiang Chen replied.

An Qinghuan's hair was black.

Jiang Chen earns one million a year?

The gifts I gave her this year are in the millions.

Although the Star Group has some funding problems.

But as the general manager of Douyin, she knows that this is just a superficial phenomenon.

"If Douyin raises funds, An Qinghuan, as the management team, must have shares." Li Dongye said meaningfully.

"That's great, then I can have a soft meal." How could Jiang Chen not understand what Li Dongye meant?This is to tell him that after Douyin's financing, he and An Qinghuan are not in the same household.

"..." Li Dongye.

He was just reminding Jiang Chen.

He never expected that Jiang Chen would admit to being soft.

An Qinghuan also has black hair.

If Jiang Chen has been reduced to the point where she eats soft food, doesn't it mean that she is going to beg for food?
"Jiang Chen, that's not what I mean, I think you should work hard." Li Dongye said.

"An Qinghuan, do you think I should work hard?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Li Dongye's words, but threw the topic to An Qinghuan.

"We should work hard." Can An Qinghuan say not to work hard?

"Then try harder." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, An Qinghuan and I are young, so I hope she gets better."

Li Dongye said: "I have always seen that An Qinghuan is a capable person since I was a child. Now Douyin is booming under her leadership. This is her ability. If you didn't start early, maybe she might not I'll take a fancy to you."

"..." An Qinghuan really wanted to tell Li Dongye about Jiang Chen's true identity.

Although she is the general manager of Douyin, Douyin has developed step by step according to Jiang Chen's arrangement, and Jiang Chen even has technical support for Douyin.

It can be said that without Jiang Chen, she would not be where she is today.

Now Li Dongye praised her in front of Jiang Chen, which made her feel ashamed.

"Li Dongye, it's getting late, you can go back." An Qinghuan didn't want Li Dongye to continue talking, because she also felt embarrassed for Li Dongye.

"You're not married yet, so you want to protect him?" Li Dongye said.

An Qinghuan glared at Li Dongye.

Li Dongye just left.

"Qing Huan, your hair is really..." Jiang Chen looked at An Qinghuan, and said, "However, even though she is your boyfriend, you still have to keep a distance."

If it is a girlfriend, there is no need to keep a distance.

Best to introduce him.

Well, after all, he is a selfless person who likes to send warmth.

"President Jiang is jealous?" An Qinghuan said.

"I want to eat lipstick." Jiang Chen said.

"I won't give you food." An Qinghuan snorted and walked towards the unit building.

Jiang Chen looked at An Qinghuan, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

If An Qinghuan really didn't have the time to take into account the need to raise funds in the next few days, she might have eaten her right now.

However, that day is not too far away.


After An Qinghuan and He Fanxing went to work, Jiang Chen took Li Qian and left Brownstone Garden.

"Mr. Jiang, where are we going?" Li Qian asked.

"Go to Shengji Hospital." Jiang Chen said.

"Shengji Hospital? President Jiang, are you sick? Is it serious? Cancer?" Li Qian asked.

"..." Jiang Chen.

"Li Qian, can you really be lawless in front of me?" Jiang Chen stared at Li Qian fiercely, this girl, curse him for cancer?

"No, Mr. Jiang, I'm concerned about you! The diseases of the richest people nowadays are basically cancer." Li Qian explained, but the sly look in his eyes betrayed her.

"I want to send you to the obstetrics and gynecology department." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Li Qian.

"Didn't you go out the night before yesterday? Maybe you already..." Jiang Chen looked at her meaningfully and said.

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was obvious.

"Mr. Jiang, you..." Li Qian glared at Jiang Chen.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that Jiang Chen had never been so hateful.

How could she be such a person?
"Let's drive." Jiang Chen closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

"Okay." Li Qian started the car.


Shengji Hospital.

"Come with me."

Jiang Chen said to Li Qian.


Li Qian didn't know why, but followed Jiang Chen into Shengji Hospital.

Jiang Chen observed while walking.

In "Dear Life", Shengji Hospital is a tertiary hospital.

Now he owns [-]% of the shares in Shengji Hospital.

I don't know if we can win the entire Shengji Hospital.

In the previous life, it would have been impossible for such a tertiary hospital to become a private hospital, but in this world of film and television fusion, the impossible becomes possible.

Taking Li Qian for a stroll, Jiang Chen felt very satisfied.

"Let's go back." Jiang Chen said to Li Qian.

"..." Li Qian.

Are you really here for a walk?
Jiang Chen couldn't be sick, right?


If you come to Shengji Hospital for a visit, you may not only be sick, but also seriously ill.

"Li Qian, what do you think about the acquisition of Shengji Hospital?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"Mr. Jiang, are you joking?" Li Qian looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Did you come to Shengji Hospital today for an inspection?
Purpose Want to acquire Shengji Hospital?
What kind of weird idea is this?
The demon boss really wants to come out as soon as possible.

With such a boss, why didn't the Xingchen Group go bankrupt?
"Do you think I'm joking?" Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, this Shengji Hospital is not a private hospital, is it?" Li Qian said.

"Yes, there are some shares that are not in private hands. It is the most difficult to acquire this part of the shares." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "What I want to solve is this problem."

"Mr. Jiang, if you want to buy it, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it in a short time." Li Qian said.

"That part of the shares that are not in private hands is almost [-]%." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "As long as you buy this part of the shares, it will be easy to buy other shares."

"Mr. Jiang, do you have shares in Shengji Hospital?" Li Qian heard another meaning of Jiang Chen's.

"Yes, I have [-]% of the shares of Shengji Hospital in my hand, but this share is not listed under the Xingchen Group. So, as long as you know it, no one in the company should say anything about Shengji Hospital .” Jiang Chen nodded.

Li Qian was taken aback.

This Shengji Hospital is a top three hospital.

Jiang Chen took [-]% of the shares without anyone noticing?

Why is this devil boss buying Shengji Hospital in such a good manner?Just play around... aren't women bad?

"President Jiang, don't worry, I won't tell anyone else." Li Qian said.

"That's fine."

Jiang Chen nodded, and continued to walk forward.

At this time, a doctor in front came over.

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, the sign-in was successful, and you have obtained Villa No. [-] of Dragon City Forte Dongshan International. 】

"Forte Dongshan International Villa No. [-]?"

"A mansion in Dragon City."

"not bad."

Jiang Chen thought of the chain store of Chenxi Hotel in Longcheng.

With the existence of this luxury house, there will be a place to live when I go to Dragon City for inspection in the future.

Forte Dongshan International is surrounded by three-dimensional traffic networks such as Longcheng Ring Expressway, Dongfeng Road, and Taihang Road. The upper-class people living here can not only enjoy the unique ecological scenery of Dongshan area.At the same time, it perfectly combines the overall building layout with the elevation difference and the slope of the surrounding roads to form a unique terrace building settlement in the form of relatively independent and interrelated groups.

In order to ensure the perfect lighting and viewing effect of the residential area, Forte Dongshan International also reasonably adjusted the building orientation, and at the same time combined different architectural forms such as townhouses, duplex villas, garden houses, supporting businesses and hotel-style apartments, and adopted a cohesive model. The enclosed layout presents a well-organized architectural skyline.

At the same time, it inherits the neoclassical architectural style, integrates the essence of modern craftsmanship and traditional art, and turns the intensive study of every space scale into a classic architectural aesthetics.Whether it is the calm and orderly three-stage facade, the restrained and heavy stone veneer, or the exquisite and elegant Mengsha-style sloping roof, dormer windows and exquisitely carved pillars, Forte Dongshan International has rigorous and delicate material selection standards and construction The construction method creates a stable and luxurious mansion.

In addition, it also adopts French classic gardening techniques, through the "one ring and three axes" landscape layout concept, with tall and straight rare tree species layout axes, emphasizing the sense of spatial order and rhythm, highlighting the sense of ritual and respect of the palace garden sense.At the same time, through the ingenious combination of tall trees, shrubs and green plants and artificial sculptures, a multi-level viewing space is created. There are scenery to enjoy all year round, giving the garden more aesthetic interest and creating a strong French style.


"not bad."

Jiang Chen looked at the hostess who signed in while accepting the message.

Huang Yunling.

The female number three in "Dear Life".

In the play, Huang Yunling, who is only 40 years old, is already the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department of Shengji Hospital and a doctoral supervisor. She still holds a scientific research project in her hand. She gave birth to one child during her master's degree and is currently pregnant with her second child.Colleagues and friends all think that Huang Yunling is a winner in life, married and had children at the right age, her career is at its peak, and her family and career are both proud.However, behind her seemingly perfect life, there are hidden family problems that are not well known.

"I didn't expect it to be her."

Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Seeing her, Jiang Chen thought of Tian Tian.

Huang Yunling is the same as Tian Tian, ​​her husband is a domestic violence man.

Like Tian Tian, ​​Huang Yunling never disclosed her husband's domestic violence to anyone. Even if Wu Congrui found out that she was injured and asked repeatedly, she refused to tell the truth.And Lu Yu's domestic violence against her was not once or twice, but had lasted for several years.This man, his career is mediocre, and he can't see that his wife is better than him. He is a typical incompetent and narrow-minded person.

But it is such a man, Huang Yunling not only endured not to divorce, but also gave birth to a second child, why is this?

That's because Huang Yunling felt that on the one hand, she felt that all this was temporary, as long as he figured it out and his career improved, he would change.On the other hand, she really wants her children to grow up in a healthy environment, so try to be patient as much as possible.

This point is actually similar to Tian Tian.

In the play, after Huang Yunling filed for divorce, her husband, Lu Yu, not only did not reflect on himself, but even further locked her at home, prevented her from contacting the outside world, and forced her to take medicine by saying that she had depression.This series of creepy methods was the catalyst for Huang Yunling's complete disappointment in this marriage, and it was also the sobering agent for her complete awakening.

"Huang Yunling was forty years old at the beginning of the plot."

"I don't know how old I am now."

"It is possible to infer the plot based on Huang Yunling's age."

"However, the current Huang Yunling is much younger than in the play."

A while later, Jiang Chen saw relevant information at Shengji Hospital.

"Thirty-four-year-old Huang Yunling."

"There are still six years left in the plot."

"It's 16 years now... No, the Chinese New Year will be in one month, so Huang Yunling will be thirty-five in one month, and there should be a little more than five years before the plot starts, that is, it will start around July 21 of."

Jiang Chen thought of Tian Tian.

Because of him, Tian Tian escaped from Cao Shuangyin's clutches.

This Huang Yunling is younger than Pei Yin, do you want to help me too?
"When the plot started, Emperor Du was only twenty-nine years old. Now Emperor Du is only twenty-three years old, and he will be twenty-four years old a month later."

"Well, about the same age as Jiang Nansun, Li Qian, and Yu Qingqing."

"Du Di in the play is a doctor of undergraduate and master's degree, and then entered Shengji Hospital to work. Therefore, Du Di is still studying now, and he will not graduate until he is at least [-] years old."

Jiang Chen remembered that at the beginning of the plot, Li Junxiao and Du Di had been in love for five years, that is to say, Li Junxiao and Du Di hadn't fallen in love yet?
Li Junxiao in the play is the attending physician, with a confident and generous appearance and strong communication skills.I liked Wu Congrui when I was in college, but because I was from a rural area, I was actually sensitive and inferior because of my background, so I chased Du Di. Du Di has always worked very hard because his family values ​​boys over girls, and wants to prove it through his own efforts For himself, Li Junxiao was machismo, and wanted Du Di to be a housewife, get married and have children, and eventually the two broke up.

"In five years, it is possible to get a first-hand Du Di."

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he said to Li Qian, "Let's leave."

"Okay." Li Qian nodded.

"Mr. Jiang?"

At this moment, a voice stopped Jiang Chen.

"you are?"

Jiang Chen turned his head and saw an old man calling out to him: "Are you the director of Shengji Hospital?"

"Yes." The old man nodded.

"You are Dean Liu." Jiang Chen recognized it, and after getting relevant information from Shengji Hospital, he still knew Dean Liu of Shengji Hospital.

In the plot, Tian Yunshan is competing for the vice president, and Huang Yunling seems to have followed him after the divorce.

"Mr. Jiang, are you here at Shengji Hospital?" Dean Liu asked.

"I just came to take a look." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, why don't you go to my office?" Dean Liu said.


Jiang Chen did not refuse.

It's okay if you don't meet it.

Now that he met, he was too embarrassed to just leave like this.

At that moment, Jiang Chen took Li Qian and followed Dean Liu to his office.

"Dean Liu, you should call me by my name." On the way, Jiang Chen said to Dean Liu.

Now he doesn't want to reveal his identity.

If other shareholders of Shengji Hospital found out, it might be a problem.

"Okay." Dean Liu understood what Jiang Chen meant, and immediately agreed.

Soon, the three arrived at Dean Liu's office.

After arriving at the office, Jiang Chen chatted with Dean Liu.

As a shareholder of Shengji Hospital, Jiang Chen has the right to know the situation of Shengji Hospital, so he asked Dean Liu about the situation of Shengji Hospital.

"President Liu, how is the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shengji Hospital?" Jiang Chen knows that all top three hospitals have Departments of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Traditional Chinese Medicine..." Dean Liu introduced.

The reason why Jiang Chen wants to learn about Chinese medicine is because he has elementary Chinese medicine skills.

If possible, he also wants to improve his level of Chinese medicine.


An hour later, Jiang Chen and Li Qian left Dean Liu's office.

"How do you feel about Shengji Hospital?" Jiang Chen asked Li Qian.

"This Shengji Hospital is a third-class hospital, and generally speaking, it is very good." Li Qian replied.


Jiang Chen nodded and said, "If I can acquire it, I will definitely manage it better."

Jiang Chen will not give up on the acquisition of Shengji Hospital.

It is normal to want to build a consortium and control several private hospitals.

If there is no stake in Shengji Hospital, it will be fine.

But now that he has the shares of Shengji Hospital in his hand, he can't give up no matter what.

At the same time, Jiang Chen thought of Yenching University International Hospital.

Yanjing University International Hospital is the hospital in "Emergency Doctor", and it is also in Yanjing. I don't know how it compares with Shengji Hospital.

By the way, Yenching University International Hospital is affiliated to Yenching University, and now I am an honorary professor of the School of Law and Computer Science of Yenching University, so, can I contact Yenching University International Hospital in this capacity?

Also, where Du Di is studying now, can he find out, get to know him in advance, and even make friends in advance.

After all, in another month, Emperor Du will be twenty-four years old, and he is not too young, so he can send warmth.

"Mr. Jiang, I think we can buy the shares from other people first." Li Qian said.


Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "However, the acquisition needs to be done step by step. In the next period of time, you can help me collect relevant information about Shengji Hospital."


Li Qian wanted to refuse, but as a secretary, could he refuse?
"Let's go, it's getting late, I'll treat you to dinner." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't you know that the meal expenses can be reimbursed during the business trip?" Li Qian said.

"Is there such a thing?"

Jiang Chen blinked and said, "Then I'll treat you, and the company will pay for it, so it's cheaper for you."

"..." Li Qian.



"Mr. Jiang, where are you going this afternoon?" Li Qian asked.

"I'm going to Yenching University in the afternoon." Jiang Chen said.

"Yenjing University? Mr. Jiang, aren't you going to Douyin?" Li Qian asked.

"Boss An has already prepared everything that should be prepared." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "So it's useless for me to go to Douyin, not to mention, I have already arranged the itinerary for the afternoon."

"Alright then." Li Qian nodded.

"However, you don't have to go."

Jiang Chen took a look at Li Qian and said, "Shengji Hospital is not in a hurry, so you can go to Douyin and follow Mr. An to understand the arrangements before the financing, and even help me collect the detailed information of the capital parties participating in the financing." Douyin is the first financing for a company under our Xingchen Group, and Internet companies like Pinxixi will raise funds in the future, so now you need to have relevant experience and information in advance, which may be useful in the future.”

"Okay, then I'll go to Douyin." Li Qian heard another meaning in Jiang Chen's words.

"You arrange the specific situation yourself, and besides..." Jiang Chen confessed.

The time passed while the two ate and chatted.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Li Qian, you said before that you don't have a boyfriend, isn't he your boyfriend?"

(End of this chapter)

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