Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 520 Jiang Nansun: What should I do?

"What do you think?" Jiang Nansun asked.

Zhu Suosuo also looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

"I made an announcement before that I wanted to liquidate the shares of Jingyan Group. I think you still remember this?" Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo nodded.

Of course they remember this.

Especially Zhu Suosuo, because he works in Jingyan Group, understands the impact of this incident.

"The announcement has already been issued, so the shares of Jingyan Group must be sold, but when I buy Jingyan Group, I will definitely not let the shares fall into the hands of others." Jiang Chen looked at the two women and said: "So, I want to sell The shares are in your name."

"In our name?" Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo were stunned, and didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant for a while.

"Yes, it is under your name. To put it bluntly, it is to let you hold the shares on behalf of you through transactions. In this way, you are clearly shareholders of Jingyan Group." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Can this be done?" Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo were stunned.

Share holding?

They are not professional in finance, so this is the first time I have heard of them.

"It's normal to hold shares on behalf of others. Nowadays, the shares of many companies are held on behalf of others. The purpose is to hide assets. Before that, Nansun's aunt held shares on behalf of Ye Jinyan. Ye Jinyan thought If you want to use the shares as a proxy to return to the Jingyan Group one day, it's just destroyed by me." Jiang Chen explained.

"Jiang Chen, don't you own Xingchen Real Estate? After the acquisition of Jingyan Group, it is absolutely possible to merge Jingyan Group into Xingchen Real Estate." Zhu Suosuo thought of Xingchen Real Estate. In her opinion, the merger of Xingchen Real Estate and Jingyan Group , then, as Jiang Chen said before, she can work in Xingchen Group.

"Yes, Jiang Chen, why didn't you do this?" Jiang Nansun also asked.

"Because the tree attracts the wind."

Jiang Chen said: "It's easy to merge into Xingchen Real Estate, but if Xingchen Real Estate merges with Jingyan Group, it will inevitably cause disputes, which is not conducive to the development of the company. So, after much deliberation, I can only arrange it this way."

Another reason is to decentralize and hide assets.

As long as they registered their marriage with Jiang Nansun's two daughters, even if it was discovered that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, they would not make this matter public.

In the future, if you want a marriage certificate, you just need to use a few more tricks, and no one will find out that Jingyan Group and Jiang Nansun's two daughters are related.

"According to my idea, all the [-]% of the shares in my hand will be handed over to you to hold on your behalf. Nansun will be in charge of [-]%, and Suo Suo will be in charge of [-]%. After a few months , Jingyan Group's stock price has rebounded, and you will sell some of them as tradable shares." Jiang Chen continued.

"Jiang Chen, I can't do it." Zhu Suosuo said hastily.

She and Jiang Chen are just friends, how could it be possible to hold so many shares for Jiang Chen?
in case……

Thinking of something suddenly, Zhu Suosuo's heart thumped.

"It's not impossible, I think you can think about it." Jiang Chen trusted the two women very much. In his opinion, Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo were his women, so there was no need to worry about their betrayal.

"Jiang Chen, Suosuo is currently working in the Jingyan Group, so she will be in the Jingyan Group after doing this..." Jiang Nansun said.

"Suosuo, I want her to be the deputy general manager." Jiang Chen said, "My aunt (Dai Qian) will be the general manager, and you will be the chairman."

"Auntie?" Jiang Nansun was a little surprised.

Zhu Suosuo was even more shocked.

Did she know that Dai Qian never took Jiang Chen seriously, even though she was Jiang Nansun's aunt, her relationship with Jiang Chen was incompatible.

Jiang Chen also said just now that Dai Qian once held shares for Ye Jinyan.

What's going on now?

Could it be that Jiang Chen has subdued him?

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Chen, this won't work, I still have to go to graduate school, if this is the case, wouldn't it be..." Jiang Nansun didn't finish his sentence, but he understood it very well.

"Nan Sun, I understand your worries, but this does not affect your study. Not only that, you can connect theory with practice, and the knowledge you learn from school can be verified by Jingyan Group." Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said: "And , before you graduate, I don’t want to need to make any plans, the usual daily work will be handed over to your aunt and Suo Suo, and I will take care of the other things.”

"However, if this is the case, will it affect the development of Jingyan Group? After all, Suosuo and I are very young, and it will be fine after two years, but now..." Jiang Nansun felt that Jiang Chen's method was not appropriate.

At the beginning of the year, Jingyan Group was a listed company worth tens of billions. What if it messed up?
"This is also..."

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "How about setting up an investment company first, all the shares of Jingyan Group will be controlled by the investment company, and the shareholders of this investment company will be held by you and Suosuo on the surface."

"Why is it on the bright side? Do we need to hold the shares of the investment company?" In Jiang Nansun's view, Jiang Chen can completely control the shares of the investment company.

"Because I don't want others to know."

Jiang Chen said: "This investment company is called Xingyi Investment Company. The actual owner of Xingyi Investment Company's shares will be me, but you are the superficial holders. At the same time, Suo Suo will be the assistant of my aunt (Dai Qian) first. , After one year, he will serve as the deputy general manager of Jingyan Group, and Nansun will talk about it after graduation. Normally, I have time to study at Jingyan Group.”

Jiang Chen has a Hongguang Jiawen Company in his hands.

He planned to use Hongguang Jiawen Company to take charge of Xingyi Investment Company, and let Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo be the general manager and deputy general manager of the company.

In the future, he can use Hongguang Jiawen Company and Xingyi Investment Company to invest and hold other companies, so as to open up another source of income besides the Star Group.

"This, okay!" Jiang Nansun did not refuse.

"Then it's settled." Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo agreed, and the operation will be more convenient: "Suosuo, you can go back to work in a few days."

"Yeah." Zhu Suosuo was a little dizzy.

Although this is just a proxy, if it wasn't for Jiang Chen's trust, could it be a proxy?
At this moment, Zhu Suosuo really wanted to give everything.

She feels that only in this way can she display her dedication.

After the three of them chatted for a while, Zhu Suosuo said, "Jiang Chen, Nansun, I'm going to my uncle's place, and I won't be coming back tonight."

"Suo Suo." Jiang Nansun blushed.

She understood what Zhu Suosuo meant.

Zhu Suosuo smiled, and left with the gifts bought for Luo Jiaming and the others.

"It's all you." Jiang Nansun vented his dissatisfaction on Jiang Chen.

"Everything is me?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Don't you want to?"

"Hmph." Jiang Nansun snorted coldly, and said, "I'm not you, I know this all day long."

"You are so beautiful, how could I not want to." Jiang Chen hugged Jiang Nansun in his arms, and then said: "When I saw you at the airport just now, I wanted to eat you."

"Then I'm not here these days, who are you eating?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"This..." Jiang Chen broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

Jiang Nansun's question went straight to his heart.

"Answer." Jiang Nansun looked at Jiang Chen.

"Who can I eat?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"I'm not by your side, you must be looking for someone else..." Jiang Nansun actually had doubts in his heart, but Jiang Chen hid it too well.However, this time in Sanya, after calming down and thinking about it, I felt that Jiang Chen must be more than just her girlfriend.

After all, Jiang Chen is a man, and she is not with Jiang Chen every day.

"Nan Sun..."

Just as Jiang Chen was about to say something, Jiang Nansun interrupted him: "Jiang Chen, I want to hear the truth, and I don't want you to hide it from me."

"I... ok."

Jiang Chen hugged Jiang Nansun and sat on the sofa, then said: "You are right, I have other people besides you."

Jiang Nansun's face was pale.

She was just guessing before, but now it has been confirmed.

At this moment, she felt her heart ached.

At this moment, she wished she could leave here, and never see Jiang Chen again.

However, at this moment, she seemed to have lost all her strength, unable to leave even if she wanted to.

"However, Nansun, I like you." Jiang Chen continued: "Actually, I have wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I have never had the chance. Since you asked today, I can only tell you you."

"Why?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"Because I'm not an ordinary person." Jiang Chen made an excuse for himself.

"I know, you are the president of Xingchen Group, you are a rich man, that's why you are?" Jiang Nansun said.

"It's not for this reason." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Nansun looked at Jiang Chen.

"Have you ever watched martial arts dramas? They are martial arts dramas in film and television dramas. I am the kind of person who cultivates." Jiang Chen said: "So, my ability is stronger than ordinary people. The reason for sleeping all day, and the ability in all aspects is increasing with practice every day..."

"I don't understand what you mean." Jiang Nansun said.

"How about this, I'll teach you how to practice first." Jiang Chen felt that no matter how much he said, it was not important to experience it personally, so he taught Jiang Nansun the basic breathing technique.

after an hour.

"Basic breathing technique is the beginning of cultivation, and it's because I practiced it, so..." Jiang Chen didn't say what he said later, because it was indescribable.

"So, you...can't be satisfied, so you find other women?" Jiang Nansun said.

"This is one of the reasons. I don't go to clubs, so I can only find people I like. However, I never like the new and dislike the old." Jiang Chen did not deny it, but said: "What's more, in this world There is polygamy, and I am not breaking the law."

To put it bluntly, it is dissatisfaction.

However, if you want a showdown, you must find an excuse.

And when I was lucky with Jiang Nansun before, it was just to make excuses.

Is this cheating Jiang Nansun?
No, what he said is also one of the facts.

After all, he has the strength to be the king of the sea.

"I think you are making excuses yourself." Jiang Nansun stared at Jiang Chen.

"It's an excuse, but it's also the truth." Jiang Chen didn't deny the excuse, but this only shows that he loves more.

After all, he is a person who wants to spread his love all over the world (a world where many movies and TVs are integrated), and he is also a person who likes to give warmth to beauties.

After a pause, Jiang Chen continued: "Nan Sun, I know you won't be able to accept it for a while, but I will let you accept it slowly. I will not let you leave me, even for millions of years. I want you to accept me."

"Millions of years? Is it possible?" Jiang Nansun said.

"It's impossible for ordinary people, but if you practice cultivation, it may not be impossible." Jiang Chen said: "At that time, our family may be able to be together forever."

Whether the luck family can live forever, Jiang Chen doesn't know, but with the cultivation and the improvement of the family level, the lifespan is likely to increase.

"Jiang Chen, I..."

Just as Jiang Nansun was about to say something, Jiang Chen kissed her.

a long time.

Jiang Chen let go of Jiang Nansun.

"Nan Sun, you are mine for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen's tone was firm, and his mother looked suspicious.

"You..." Jiang Nansun sighed faintly, and said, "Jiang Chen, do you remember what I said before I went to Sanya?"

"Before going to Sanya..."

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "When you went to Sanya before, you once said that you wanted to surprise me."

"Yes, originally, I felt that I couldn't satisfy you by myself, and wanted to introduce someone to you, but I didn't expect you..." Jiang Nansun said.

"Introduce someone to me? Who is it?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Could it be Zhu Suosuo?

"I don't want to introduce you now, and you don't need to ask." Jiang Nansun said.

"..." Jiang Chen.

If I had known earlier, there would be no showdown today.

Doesn't it mean that I have missed a person who can be fortunate?
What a pity.

Is it Zhu Suosuo that Jiang Nansun wants to introduce?
If it is, it will be fine, at most it will be a little later, if it is not, maybe it will be a big loss.

Jiang Nansun glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Tell me the truth, besides me, how many women do you have now?"

Jiang Chen stretched out two fingers.

"Two?" Jiang Nansun's heart sank.

"There are eleven in this world." Jiang Chen said.

Well, even if the second film and television fusion world is said now, other than Wu Shiyi, no one else will believe it.

"How much?" While speaking, Jiang Nansun pinched Jiang Chen's waist fiercely.

"Eleven." Jiang Chen wasn't going to lie to Jiang Nansun, not to mention, if he didn't say it now, it would be even more troublesome in the future.

"You..." Jiang Nansun stared at Jiang Chen.

The surprise she gave Jiang Chen was to introduce someone to him.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen had already found eleven times the surprise.

This is really...

"In the future, I will introduce you to each other." Jiang Chen said.

"According to what you mean, are you going to marry them all?" Jiang Nansun said.

"Yes." Jiang Chen did not deny it.

However, this marriage is not to get a marriage certificate, but to use the Zhusheng clan for certification.

This is more useful than a marriage certificate.

After all, the Jiang family will dominate the world of many film and television fusions in the future, and no law can restrain the Jiang family.What's more, he is the head of the Jiang family, unparalleled in the world.

"..." Jiang Nansun.

"Nan Sun, I don't want to lie to you, so I'll tell you everything." Jiang Chen said.

"Sooner or later, you will die suddenly," Jiang Nansun said.

"No." Jiang Chen smiled.

How could he die suddenly?

What he wants to do is the biggest sea king in the world.

No, it should be the biggest sea king in the heavens and the world.

The sea is boundless, and the king of the sea is boundless.

"Nan Sun, do you forgive me?" Jiang Chen said.

"Impossible, I won't forgive you." Jiang Nansun ignored Jiang Chen, and now she was in a mess and didn't know how to face it.

"Then I can only use my love to make you forgive me." While speaking, Jiang Chen picked up Jiang Nansun by the waist and walked towards the bedroom.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Jiang Nansun struggled.

"I want you..." Jiang Chen said.

"No, I haven't eaten yet, you want to starve me to death?" Jiang Nansun said.

"So, you forgive me?" Jiang Chen said.

"..." Jiang Nansun.

Is it a matter of forgiving or not?
"I'll cook." Jiang Chen was actually just putting on a show, so after putting Jiang Nansun on the bed and kissing him, he said, "Nansun, take a rest."

After speaking, Jiang Chen turned and left.

"Jiang Chen, what should I do?" Jiang Nansun didn't know how he was feeling.


or something else?


After half an hour.

"Nan Sun, it's time to eat." Jiang Chen walked into the room.

"Jiang Chen, I want to have a good talk with you." Jiang Nansun said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

He went to cook just now, in fact, to let Jiang Nansun think calmly.

I don't know what Jiang Nansun is thinking now.

"Jiang Chen, if I want to leave you, what will you do?" Jiang Nansun said.

"Will you leave me?" Jiang Chen asked back first, and then said: "Even if you really want to break up with me, I will chase you back again. In this lifetime, you can only be mine. "

Jiang Chen absolutely does not allow himself to be hated.

If Jiang Nansun leaves him, he will be alone for the rest of his life.

Looking for someone else?
Sorry about that.

"You are a strong man." Jiang Nansun stared at Jiang Chen.

"Am I really a strong man?" Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Nansun.

"Scumbag." Jiang Nansun said.

Jiang Chen said: "Actually, I also thought about not telling you, but I don't want you to follow me inexplicably, but I was worried that you would leave me, so I didn't tell you. So even if you don't ask today, I will I'll let you know when I find the time."

If he wasn't too greedy, Jiang Chen felt that no matter how many women he had, he could still make them not even know about each other's existence.

However, if you are greedy, you can enjoy the blessing of being equal to others.

"Now you only concealed me?" Jiang Nansun said.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded, "At the beginning, I also concealed a few things, but during this period of time, I told them one after another. In my eyes, you are all my family, a family."

Of course, the matter of concealing Shi Yi and the others cannot be said now.

"..." Jiang Nansun.

"Why am I the last to know?" Jiang Nansun said.

"I dare not say it, I care too much about you, what if you don't forgive me." Jiang Chen took Jiang Nansun's hand.

"But, you lied to me. At the beginning you said you wouldn't lie to me." Jiang Nansun said.

"I didn't lie to you. When I first pursued you, I didn't have a girlfriend. I didn't say that you were my only girlfriend." Jiang Chen said.

"So, you cheated..." Jiang Nansun said.

"..." Jiang Chen.

So to speak.

However, he will never admit it.

He is sending warmth.

"Jiang Chen, it would be great if I could leave you." Jiang Nansun murmured.

I have known Jiang Chen for more than a year.

During this time, her heart has long since sunk.

Moreover, she herself thought about finding a helper.

Jiang Pengfei, Dai Yin, and even her grandma said that a person like Jiang Chen cannot be owned by her alone.

If she hadn't loved her so deeply a few months earlier, she might have been able to leave, but now, she couldn't make up her mind several times.

"In this life, you can only be mine." Jiang Chen hugged Jiang Nansun into his arms, saying endless sweet words.

"I'm hungry." Jiang Nansun said.

"Let's go eat." Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

When Jiang Nansun said this, he was accepting the facts.

Although there may still be pimples in my heart, they can be slowly resolved.


after an hour.

"Come on, drink this." Jiang Chen poured Jiang Nansun a bowl of Guben Peiyuan Soup.

"What is this? Jiang Chen, I'm not sick, why are you giving me medicine?" Jiang Nansun frowned. Ever since she was a child, she was most afraid of taking medicine.

"This is the Guben Peiyuan Decoction, which is good for your body. Moreover, after drinking the Guben Peiyuan Decoction, it will be easier to practice in the future." Jiang Chen said.

"Cultivation...is it really like in your martial arts dramas?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"Maybe you can keep your youth forever and prolong your life." Jiang Chen said.

"It's impossible." Jiang Nansun couldn't believe it.

"You can tell by looking at me. I was born in 86, and now I look only twenty-five or six years old. It's because of cultivation. Maybe I won't change in a few decades. If you don't drink If you don't, maybe you will become a yellow-faced woman in a few years." Jiang Chen said.

"I'll drink it." After Jiang Nansun practiced basic breathing, his worldview changed, so he didn't doubt Jiang Chen's words.If she really becomes a yellow-faced woman, maybe Jiang Chen will abandon her, so she won't have such a day!


After half an hour.

"Jiang Chen, isn't this Guben Peiyuan Soup not only making cultivation easier?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"Guben Peiyuan Decoction is to expel the impurities in your body." Jiang Chen explained: "Isn't it easier to cultivate by expelling the impurities?"

"Are they practicing too?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"How many people have practiced, and how many people haven't practiced yet." Jiang Chen replied,

Shi Yi, Jiang Tianlan, Wang Manni, Gu Jia, and Pei Yin haven't practiced yet.

"So, they are more important than me?" Jiang Nansun looked at Jiang Chen with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.


Jiang Chen shook his head, and said, "In my eyes, you are the same. They practiced first, and there are other reasons."

Jiang Chen doesn't want to say that you are more important than others just because he wants to please Jiang Nansun.

After all, they will all meet in the future.

When there is a conflict, it is he himself who suffers.

"Other reasons? What reason?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"Because there is no Consolidation and Peiyuan Decoction, it is slow to cultivate, and I didn't have much time to teach you before." Jiang Chen said.

Although the basic breathing technique is the foundation.

But the younger the age of practice, the better the effect.

He had already felt this after the girls practiced.

And after taking Guben Peiyuan Decoction, the effect of practicing is much stronger.

"What do you mean? Is there any difference in Guben Peiyuan Soup?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"Guben Peiyuan Decoction is made from thousand-year-old ginseng, thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and other precious medicinal materials. I only got some medicinal materials this month. If you didn't go to Sanya, I would have let you take it." Jiang Chen said .

"Really?" Jiang Nansun asked.

"I don't need to lie to you." Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Nansun was identified by him.

Regardless of whether Jiang Nansun accepts him after the showdown, the final outcome is the same.Therefore, if Jiang Nansun was in Shanghai, he would have made her drink Guben Peiyuan soup long ago.

"Guben Peiyuan Decoction, you only need to drink it for three to five days, depending on the person's physical condition." Jiang Chen said to Jiang Nansun.

"After practicing, can I..." Jiang Nansun couldn't continue speaking.

"The effect is better, but it's limited." Jiang Chen understood Jiang Nansun's meaning, but it was confirmed by Nie Xingchen and Li Na.

"So, you are a scumbag." Jiang Nansun said.

"I have some things...but I won't mess around. I only choose people I like, and we will be a family from now on." Jiang Chen said.

"To explain is to cover up." Although Jiang Nansun said so, she had to admit that Jiang Chen was right.

If Jiang Chen goes to the club or something, she really can't control it, and more importantly, it's not safe.

"I'm just telling the truth."

Jiang Chen said: "After a while, I'll introduce you to each other."

"You really want us to know each other?" Jiang Nansun said.

"Of course, they are a family, and they will live together in the future." Jiang Chen nodded without hesitation.

"Do you regard yourself as the emperor?" Jiang Nansun gave Jiang Chen a blank look.

What is an emperor?I am better than the emperor.

However, Jiang Chen would not talk about this matter. At this moment, he just said: "After a while, I will take you to meet my parents."

"See..." Jiang Nansun was startled: "Jiang Chen, I'm not ready yet, don't mess around, no... I haven't forgiven you yet."

"Do you really not forgive me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I..." Jiang Nansun didn't know.

She didn't want to forgive Jiang Chen, but... she had already accepted it in her heart.

After all, she was already mentally prepared.

"Nansun, it's getting late." Jiang Chen didn't say much, but directly picked up Jiang Nansun by the waist, and walked towards Simmons' big bed.

Jiang Nansun looked at Jiang Chen and sighed faintly.

(omit hundreds of thousands of words).


The next day, Star Group.

"Miss Wen."

Jiang Chen looked at Wen Rou who was sitting opposite, and asked, "I wonder if you brought me good news when you came to see me today?"

"Mr. Jiang, after careful consideration, I have decided to join the Star Group." Wen Rou said.

"Really?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"Yes." Rou Rou nodded and asked, "I just don't know what position Mr. Jiang gave me?"

"Deputy Chief Financial Officer." Jiang Chen said.

Now the chief financial officer is Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is an old man who follows the Star Group and does her best, so even if she is optimistic about Wen Rou's ability, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to make Wen Wen the chief financial officer.

"Deputy Chief Financial Officer?" Gentle nodded and said, "Okay, I agree."

"Do you want to hear about the treatment?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, I trust Mr. Jiang." Gentle shook his head.

Jiang Chen dialed the internal number: "Secretary Li, come here."

After a while, Li Qian came.

"Boss Jiang, are you looking for me?" Li Qian's eyes fell on Wen Rou while speaking.

She saw it when Wenrou came, but she was a little curious about Wenrou's identity.

Could it be Jiang Chen's girlfriend?
"This is Miss Wen Wen. You take her to the Human Resources Department to go through the entry procedures. She will be the deputy director of finance in the future." Jiang Chen said to Li Qian.

"Okay." Li Qian's heart trembled.

Deputy Finance Director?

Although it bears an adverb, this position is definitely not something that one person can take casually.

What does it mean that Jiang Chen has suddenly arranged a deputy financial director in the financial center?
Could it be that Jiang Chen is planning to reform the financial center?
Various thoughts flashed through her mind, Li Qian smiled and said to Rou Rou: "Miss Wen, please follow me."

"Okay." Rou Rou nodded to Li Qian.

Not long after the two women left, Nie Xingchen came.

"Mr. Jiang, who is this Wenrou?" Nie Xingchen asked curiously.

"Gentle? A very well-known investor in the financial world, you can find out by looking it up. I met her at the Huaxing Securities annual meeting before, and I invited her to be the deputy financial director." Jiang Chen smiled, and then took out the A document was handed over to Nie Xingchen, "Deal with this matter as soon as possible."

"Jingyan Group's share transfer?" Nie Xingchen opened it, and said unexpectedly, "Is the matter of Jingyan Group settled?"

"already solved."

Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "Now transfer the shares of Jingyan Group, and Jingyan Group and Xingchen Group will have nothing to do in the future."

"Is Xingyi Investment Company Mr. Jiang's company?" Nie Xingchen asked.

"Xingyi Investment Company belongs to Hongguang Jiawen Company, and Hongguang Jiawen Company is my company registered in the United States." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I understand, I'll deal with it right away," Nie Xingchen said.

"Outsiders don't need to know about this." Jiang Chen said to Nie Xingchen.

The so-called outsiders refer to people other than his women.

In the headquarters of Xingchen Group, Nie Xingchen and Li Na are not outsiders.

"Okay." Nie Xingchen nodded.

"Go and call Xia Qing from Star Capital." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Nie Xingchen left the office.

A quarter of an hour later, Xia Qing came.

"Mr. Jiang, are you looking for me?"


Jiang Chen looked up at Xia Qing and said, "I want to ask about the Green Treasure battery. How did you investigate the matter last time?"

"I have already investigated, and Pan Zhiyong not only contacted MH Investment Bank, but also contacted Jinchen Capital." Xia Qing replied.

"Jinchen Capital?"

Jiang Chen frowned, and asked, "Do you know who Jinchen Capital is contacting with Pan Zhiyong?"

"I don't know about that." Xia Qing shook her head.

"If you want to drive Pan Zhiyong out of the Green Treasure Battery, do you think the time has come?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mr. Jiang, unless Pan Zhiyong does not get the support of MH Investment Bank and Jinchen Capital, otherwise... it is impossible to drive Pan Zhiyong out of Green Treasure Battery in a short time." Xia Qing said.

"Yuan Shuai of MH Investment Bank is a difficult character. He has a connection with Pan Zhiyong, so he will definitely not let the green treasure battery fall into our hands. I only know Wu Kezhi of Jinchen Capital, and now Wu Kezhi is Jinchen Capital's investment Manager, but his ability is beyond doubt. If he is the one who contacts the Green Treasure Battery, it will be a little troublesome." Jiang Chen had already investigated Wu Kezhi's identity after meeting Wu Kezhi before, and now he has confirmed him He is the investment manager of Jinchen Capital.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a question." Xia Qing said.

"What question?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Why did you buy the Green Treasure Battery?" Xia Qing asked.

"Green Treasure Battery has an independent production line. I want to produce batteries." Jiang Chen looked at Xia Qing and said, "I have membrane-free battery technology in my hand, so I want to produce membrane-free batteries through Green Treasure Battery."

Membraneless battery technology?
Xia Qing was shocked.

She had already investigated the relevant situation when she purchased the Emerald Battery, so she naturally knew what the membraneless battery technology meant at this time.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a way to get rid of Pan Zhiyong." Xia Qing said.

"What way?" Jiang Chen asked.

"We just need..." Xia Qing said.

After a moment.

Jiang Chen asked: "Are you sure?"

"At least [-]% sure." Xia Qing said.

"Sixty percent sure?" Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said, "If that's the case, then give it a try. You are fully responsible for this matter, and I will arrange relevant personnel to cooperate with you. I only have one request, the team of Green Treasure Battery Can't disperse."

"I see." Xia Qing nodded.

"How is the Jiangzhou Group going?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The affairs of the Jiangzhou Group are progressing very slowly." While speaking, Xia Qing reported the situation of the Jiangzhou Group.

"The key to Jiangzhou Group is Su Mu." Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said, "I want to use the shares in Jiangzhou Group to intensify the conflicts between Su Mu, Su Jin, and Su Hao."

In the play, because of her mother, Su Jin hated this family that could only bring her sadness and humiliation.The stepmother looked down on her, and even habitually raised her hand and hit her when she met her.Her half-brother looked down on her and always felt that her existence was an obstacle to his future inheritance of the family property.The father wants to accept her, but the resistance of his wife and son, as well as the negative news about Su Jin that appear in newspapers and hot searches from time to time, all make this father-daughter relationship more complicated and confusing.

Jiang Chen felt that now that the plot had already started, he should add fuel to the flames and make the people of the Su family into an incompatible situation.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean..." Xia Qing had investigated the Jiangzhou Group and knew the situation of the Su family, so after hearing Jiang Chen's words, she immediately understood what he meant.

"The key lies in Su Hao."

Jiang Chen said: "Su Hao is Su Jin's eldest brother, but he has always been in conflict with Su Jin, so we can find a breakthrough from him."

From Jiang Chen's point of view, in the play, Su Jin, Su Hao, and Su Mu resolved their conflicts and coexisted peacefully. They were simply joking.

Twenty years of grievances and grievances, so easy to resolve?

Brother and sister?Father-daughter love?
Is this really there?
Judging from the situation at the beginning of the play, the two sides are basically incompatible.

Just like Li Qian and Li Jingfan's family.

Li Jingfan, father and son were extremely kind to Li Qian, but it was also difficult for Li Qian to accept their kindness.

Jiang Chen and Xia Qing talked for a quarter of an hour and confirmed the Jiangzhou Group.

"Manager Xia, that's all the matter, you should go and solve it first." Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said, "Today is the [-]th, even if it can't be solved a year ago, the related work must be arranged."

"I understand." Xia Qing stood up and left Jiang Chen's office.

Jiang Chen looked at the back of Xia Qing leaving, his eyes flickered.

At this moment, he thought of eating lipstick before.

Xia Qing refused before, and she doesn't know when she can taste it again.


Dress Magazine.

"Who are you looking for?" the front desk lady asked.

"I'm looking for your editor-in-chief George Lin." Jiang Chen said.

"Do you have an appointment?" the receptionist asked.

"No." Jiang Chen said, "However, you can tell him that I am from the headquarters."

"From the headquarters?" The receptionist gave Jiang Chen and Li Qian an unexpected look.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Wait a minute." The front desk lady didn't know if what Jiang Chen said was true, but when she heard that it was from the headquarters, she didn't dare to neglect her, and quickly picked up the phone.

After a moment.

"Come with me," said the front desk lady.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Led by the lady at the front desk, Jiang Chen and Li Qian came to the editor-in-chief's office.

"you are?"

At this time, the editor-in-chief of Dress Magazine was George Lin.

Seeing Jiang Chen, George Lin frowned.


Jiang Chen and George Lin greeted each other, and then asked the front desk lady to go out first.

After the front desk lady went out, Jiang Chen took a document from Li Qian and handed it to George Lin: "Editor Lin, you can take a look at this."

George Lin took the file and read it.

Jiang Chen looked at George Lin.

George Lin is the editor-in-chief of a costume magazine. In the play, he is capable and under pressure, so he suffers from depression. Xiang Tingfeng used "Festive Dresses" to cash in, and his ideal was shattered. Under the influence of multiple factors, George Lin committed suicide by jumping off the building.

In the play, Xiang Tingfeng is the publisher of "Best Dresses" in the Asia-Pacific region, and he is a partner and good brother with George Lin. He told Xiang Tingfeng the news that he was suffering from depression, but in the end Xiang Tingfeng actually used His weakness hurt him.

In order to achieve financial freedom, Xiang Tingfeng wanted to use "The Best Dressed" to cash out, so he tricked George Lin to gamble and let him borrow money. In the end, he designed a trick to let him borrow usury. Later, he found someone to frame George Lin for bribing public officials. Because of this, "Great Dress" was audited, George Lin collapsed and chose to jump off the building.

Now Jiang Chen uses Star Capital to directly buy from?
??The headquarters of the costume magazine purchased the costume, thus avoiding the situation that appeared in the play.The acquisition of Shengzhuang has been concealed all the time, but Jiang Chen also knows that this will not be hidden for long, and he does not want George Lin to jump off the building because of depression, so he came to Shengzhuang ahead of schedule.

The plot begins with George Lin committing suicide by jumping off a building.

It should be after the New Year.

However, he bought the costumes in advance, George Lin should not have borrowed usury, right?
"You bought the Dress Magazine?" George Lin looked shocked.

"That's right, I bought the costume magazine from the headquarters of the costume magazine, and now I am the only owner of the magazine." The reason why Jiang Chen was able to take down the costume silently is because he started from the headquarters of the costume magazine, and, He didn't care about money, and a huge amount of money was spent, even Xiang Tingfeng couldn't interfere.

Even Xiang Tingfeng only knew about it at the time of the acquisition. After all, Xiang Tingfeng also owns shares.

However, Xiang Tingfeng is a person who pursues interests, so as long as there are enough interests, the acquisition is not difficult.

"The only owner of the costume..." George Lin's expression changed.

"Editor Lin."

Jiang Chen looked at Lin Qiaozhi and said, "A costume is a costume, it's just a different headquarters."

"Which headquarters was changed?" George Lin looked a little strange.

"My name is Jiang Chen, the president of Xingchen Group." Jiang Chen said.

"Star Group?" George Lin's expression changed.

In Modu, can he not know about Xingchen Group?

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "There is also a magazine under the Star Group, called Fashion Love Magazine. I think you have heard of Editor Lin. Dressed under the Star Group, the Star Group not only supervises the financial and operational conditions, It will not arrange for anyone to enter the costume magazine. It will not interfere with the work of the costume magazine. Editor Lin, you are still the editor-in-chief and continue to manage the costumes. But..."

Having said that, Jiang Chen glanced at George Lin and said, "Although I am the president of Xingchen Group, I am also a Chinese medicine practitioner. Editor Lin, I want to ask, how long can you last?"

Li Qian glanced at Jiang Chen unexpectedly.

Jiang Chen is a Chinese medicine doctor?
Are you kidding me?
Are you still studying Chinese medicine?

However, although there were doubts in her mind, she did not doubt Jiang Chen's words, because Jiang Chen knows too much, so it is not surprising that he knows Chinese medicine.

"What does Mr. Jiang mean?" George Lin's expression changed.

"Editor Lin, your depression is very serious." Jiang Chen said.

"You..." George Lin showed signs of depression.

"Editor Lin, take your medicine first, and then we'll continue talking." Jiang Chen said.

George Lin did not refuse.

After Lin Qiaozhi took the medicine, Jiang Chen said: "Editor Lin, now is the critical moment for the transition from traditional media to new media. I want to know if you can afford the transformation of costumes based on your situation?"

Lin Qiaozhi didn't speak, but thought about Jiang Chen's question.

"Editor Lin, the ideal of costumes is not measured by money. The reason why I bought costumes is because I am optimistic about costumes. This is also the reason why I bought FashionLove magazine before." Jiang Chen continued.

What is ideal?

Jiang Chen didn't know, what he was interested in was the layout of the Star Group in the fashion industry.

"What does Mr. Jiang mean?" George Lin asked.

"Editor Lin, your current situation requires cooperation with treatment, and at work, you are a person who hopes to be perfect, so high-intensity work will affect your treatment, so I hope you can recommend someone from the magazine Share your work." Jiang Chen said.

If it wasn't for George Lin's depression, Jiang Chen wouldn't want to do this at all.But it was because George Lin had depression that he had to guard against it. If George Lin was stimulated by depression and committed suicide, it would affect the reputation of costumes.

"Who does Jiang always think is suitable?" George Lin said.

"You, Chen Kaiyi, Lu Binbin, Qin Min and other nine people are the first batch of employees recruited by "Fashion" magazine in the mainland, so we can only choose from among them." Jiang Chen looked at Lin Qiaozhi and said: "I What is needed is the steady development of the dress, I can allow the high-level executives of the dress to compete with each other, but the premise is to protect the interests of the dress. Whoever hurts the interests of the dress is the black sheep.”


Jiang Chen took a look at Lin Qiaozhi, and continued: "For costumes, what I want is that the content is king, and what I want is quality. If there is a need for funds, the headquarters can allocate funds. But the quality of the content of the costumes is never allowed to have problems. For the costumes, If you want to do it, you have to do your best. I have read the last two issues of the magazine, but I found that there are many problems in the recent content, and..."

With the skill of senior editor, Jiang Chen can be regarded as an insider in the industry.

Before he came to dress up, he had already prepared.

He also understands that in front of George Lin, talking about interests is better than talking about ideals, and talking about ideals is better than talking about content.

"Mr. Jiang is also proficient in this area?" George Lin was very surprised.

"Before I was bored, I passed the exam for a senior editor." Jiang Chen said.

"..." George Lin.

"..." Li Qian.

Too bored, have you passed the exam for a senior editor?
Shouldn’t current senior editors have a bachelor’s degree or above, or a bachelor’s degree or above, and have been engaged in news gathering and editing for five years after obtaining the title of chief reporter or chief editor?

"Editor Lin, let's get down to business, let's talk about costumes." Jiang Chen said.

"I think Chen Kaiyi, deputy editor-in-chief, is suitable," Lin Qiaozhi said.

"Chen Kaiyi?" Jiang Chen glanced at Lin Qiaozhi.

In the play, Lin Qiaozhi and Chen Kaiyi appear to be competitors on the surface, but in fact they both admire and cherish each other.

Some people even think from a few details that Chen Kaiyi's real love is not Lei Qitai but Lin Qiaozhi.

The first detail is that shortly after George Lin fell from the building, Chen Kaiyi, who had always refused to marry Lei Qitai, suddenly proposed to marry him.This is Chen Kaiyi's performance of giving up on George Lin.

Second, sitting in the office, Chen Kaiyi suddenly recalled the party when celebrating the first anniversary of the Fashion Festival, and couldn't help but burst into tears.It shows that her relationship with George Lin is not only a colleague relationship, but also an admiration relationship.A person can only be extremely sentimental if he loves another person deeply.

Third, Chen Kaiyi went to visit George Lin at the cemetery on George Lin's birthday.People who even remember George Lin's birthday clearly, especially those of the opposite sex, feel that it is by no means as simple as a colleague relationship.

Jiang Chen didn't know the authenticity of this matter, but now George Lin recommended Chen Kaiyi, so he couldn't let him not think about it.

"Yes." George Lin nodded.

"Editor Lin, not many people know about your situation, but there is no guarantee that others will not use this to deal with you." Jiang Chen looked at Lin Qiaozhi and said, "So, I am worried that Chen Kaiyi will be promoted. Someone is going to use your depression against costumes."

George Lin's complexion changed, and he said, "Mr. Jiang, I know it well."

"You're good to know."

Jiang Chen said: "Then you can ask Chen Kaiyi to come over."

"Okay." George Lin picked up the phone and was about to call Chen Kaiyi over, when there was a knock on the door.

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