Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 548 Shi Yi, who are you talking to?

Chapter 548 Shi Yi, Who Are You Talking To (Da Chapter)

"Yan Shu?"

Jiang Chen turned his head and saw Li Yanshu.

This surprised him very much.

He never expected to meet Li Yanshu here.

Li Yanshu is here, didn't he see him eating Zhou Fang lipstick just now?

Li Yanshu looked at Jiang Chen with a complicated expression.

"Just now……"

Jiang Chen hesitated, and said, "Yan Shu, let's find a place to talk."

This is the entrance of Da Ivo's Italian magic mirror afternoon tea, and it is not convenient for people to come and go.


"Let's go."

Before Li Yanshu finished speaking, Jiang Chen took her hand and walked forward.

"Jiang Chen..."

Li Yanshu was stunned.

In other words, she didn't expect Jiang Chen to hold her hand.

The moment Jiang Chen held her hand, she was in a daze, forgot to struggle, forgot to speak, and let Jiang Chen hold her hand.

"Yan Shu, did you see what happened just now?" Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, did you break up with Shi Yi?" Li Yanshu came back to his senses and asked.

However, when she said these words, she was a little happy and a little sad.

Happily, Jiang Chen broke up with Shi Yi, and she had a chance.Sadly, Jiang Chen broke up with Shi Yi, but got together with Zhou Fang, which made her feel like being cut by a knife in her heart.

"Shi Yi and I didn't break up." Jiang Chen said.

"Ah?" Li Yanshu was dumbfounded.

Didn't break up with Shi Yi?
She didn't break up with Shi Yi, why did she do the same with Zhou Fang?
Could it be that the red flag at home is not down, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside?

Is Jiang Chen such a person?

"There's something you might not know. I'm not the only girlfriend with Shi Yi." Jiang Chen was very surprised to meet Li Yanshu today, but even though it was an accident, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

After all, if he wants to pursue Li Yanshu, he must let her accept the fact that he has many girlfriends.

He never had a chance to say it.

Now is the chance.

"Isn't Shi Yi the only girlfriend?" Li Yanshu was stunned.

She thought of thousands of possibilities, but she didn't think of this possibility.

What does more than a girlfriend mean?
It means that Jiang Chen is a scumbag.

This simply subverted Jiang Chen's image in her heart.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded: "And Shi Yi knows about this. Zhou Fang is also what I am pursuing, and in the future, he may also be my girlfriend."

"Jiang Chen, how could you do this?" Li Yanshu couldn't bear it.

"Do you think I'm a scumbag?" Jiang Chen said.

Li Yanshu didn't speak.

It's no longer a question of yes or no.

Simply a scumbag.

"In my opinion, those who are irresponsible are scumbags, and those who are in charge are not scumbags. I am not looking for girlfriends to play with them, but to like them sincerely, and I want to marry them all." Jiang Chen Said.

"But..." Li Yanshu didn't know what to say, because she always felt that it was wrong.

"Yan Shu, you need to know that polygamy is allowed in this world, as long as you really love each other, you can also marry together in the future." Jiang Chen said.

"Polygamy..." Li Yanshu then remembered that there was such a law.

However, because she is a girl, she has always hated this law.

I didn't expect to hear it from the mouth of the man I like today.

Jiang Chen stopped, looked at Li Yanshu, and said, "Yanshu, there is actually one thing I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't know whether I should say it or not. But today, I think I can tell you."

"What's the matter?" Li Yanshu asked.

"As early as the first time I saw you in Paris, France, I have fallen in love with you. Since this time, I have always wanted to confess to you, but I am a person with many girlfriends. I don't know whether I should I should confess to you."

Jiang Chen looked at Li Yanshu, and said affectionately: "Since you already know that I have many girlfriends today, I think it's time to tell you the things that are hidden in my heart."


Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Li Yanshu only felt a bang, and his mind went blank.

She didn't expect Jiang Chen to confess his love to her.

It was even more unexpected that Jiang Chen would confess his love to her in this way.

"Yan Shu, I like you, and I want to pursue you, so I don't know if you can accept me?" Jiang Chen looked at Li Yanshu and said.

Just like Zhao Mosheng knew that Li Yanshu liked him, Jiang Chen already knew about Li Yanshu's feelings for him.

It's just that there needs to be a suitable time to break through.

And now the time has come.

If Li Yanshu can't accept it, then he will attack slowly in the future.

If Li Yanshu accepts it, everyone will be happy and enjoy the blessings of all people.

"I..." Li Yanshu looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, not knowing how to answer.

At this time, Jiang Chen hugged Li Yanshu into his arms, then bowed his head and kissed.

"..." Li Yanshu was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and stunned.

I do not know how long it has been.

Jiang Chen let go of Li Yanshu.

"Yan Shu, if you don't refuse, you agree. From now on, you will be my girlfriend." Jiang Chen said.

"I..." Li Yanshu couldn't recover.

Do you agree if you don't refuse?
How can there be such a reason in the world?
Also, how could Jiang Chen eat her lipstick without his consent?
Isn't this taking advantage?
"Aren't you willing to be my girlfriend?" Jiang Chen asked in a low voice.

"I am willing..." Li Yanshu replied subconsciously.

Li Yanshu didn't realize it until the words were finished.

He actually agreed to Jiang Chen?

"Yan Shu, although I have many girlfriends, if you are really willing to be my girlfriend, I will definitely treat you well. I will definitely not let you down." Jiang Chen said.

"I..." Li Yanshu looked at Jiang Chen and nodded gently.

"Let's go." Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

Li Yanshu's agreement was unexpected.

Although he knew that Li Yanshu liked him, liking him and accepting that he had many girlfriends were two different things.

However, this is a good thing.

Among so many girlfriends, it was the first time that he had successfully conquered it so smoothly.

"En." Li Yanshu was a little apprehensive.

She didn't know what was going on with her, but she agreed by accident.

However, seeing Jiang Chen's affectionate eyes, the uneasiness in his heart disappeared, and there was only ease and peace of mind.


A while later, Jiang Chen brought Li Yanshu to the park.

"Yan Shu..."

Jiang Chen took Li Yanshu's hand and said: "Actually, when we met for the first time in Paris, France last time, Shi Yi was one of my girlfriends, but this kind of thing cannot be told to others, so, I didn't tell you."

"During the fashion designer competition, I liked you a little bit. When I was in Jinling before, my heart broke when I saw you being wronged..."

Jiang Chen talked a lot.

In a word, it is expressing my feelings for Li Yanshu.

"Jiang Chen, do Meili and Meiyan know about your girlfriend?" Li Yanshu asked.

"They didn't know about it before, but during the Chinese New Year, I took Shi Yi and the others to meet my parents, so they also knew about it." Jiang Chen replied.

"To meet your parents?" Li Yanshu was stunned.

Jiang Chen actually brought his girlfriends to meet the parents?
Is he that bold?


Jiang Chen nodded and said: "Although polygamy is allowed, there are very few people who implement this system, and it is even a bit shocking to the world in the eyes of most people. So, apart from my parents and my girlfriends, Besides, none of the others know about it. But in the future, I will definitely convince my father-in-law and mother-in-law one by one."

"Do you think they will agree?" Li Yanshu felt that Jiang Chen was thinking wildly.

"Will you agree, you can only know if you try it. I know it is difficult, but I don't want to be sneaky, this is the only option. But except for my family and my father-in-law, other people I I didn't want them to know."

Jiang Chen paused, and continued: "Yan Shu, you also know that we are warriors, and warriors are different from ordinary people. Ordinary people may only live for a few decades, and we may live for hundreds of years..."

"Is that why you find so many girlfriends?" Li Yanshu said.

"I just don't want to make the people I love and those who love me sad." Jiang Chen looked at Li Yanshu and said, "From today onwards, our big family will have one more you."

"Jiang Chen, my mind is in a mess right now." Li Yanshu said.

"I know, this matter is too sudden, you have to have time to accept it." Jiang Chen looked at Li Yanshu and said, "I will also give you time to think about it, if you really don't want to be with me If so, I will never force it."

Li Yanshu looked at Jiang Chen, and suddenly hugged him.

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"Jiang Chen..." Li Yanshu looked up at Jiang Chen, and there was a signal in his beautiful eyes.

Jiang Chen's heart moved, he lowered his head and kissed.

I do not know how long it has been.

Jiang Chen let go of Li Yanshu.

"Jiang Chen, I have liked you for a long time, but you are Shi Yi's boyfriend, and you are very kind to me. Jiang Meili, Jiang Meiyan and the others have a good relationship with me. I can't destroy your relationship. Now... although your affairs are somewhat Unexpected, I can't accept it, but I still want to be with you." Li Yanshu murmured.

What does it feel like to have a crush on someone?
Li Yanshu didn't know before.

But after she had a crush on Jiang Chen, she realized how painful it is to have a crush on someone.

Originally, she thought that this secret love would accompany her for the rest of her life.

I never expected that the peak will turn around today.

Although it was different from what she expected, she felt that maybe this was the best choice.

Because she didn't want to lose Jiang Chen.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Jiang Chen said.

"Well, your words are enough." Li Yanshu murmured while hugging Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, crisis is opportunity, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

Holding Li Yanshu in his arms, Jiang Chen thought of Luo Shiniang.

I don't know what is the difference between the two.

"Yan Shu, let's go to the movies." Jiang Chen said.

"En." Li Yanshu nodded.


Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Li Yanshu walked into the box of the cinema.

The furnishings of the box are very simple, with a screen, a three-seater sofa, and a projector, like an "upgraded" home theater.

"What do you want to see?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I, I listen to you." Li Yanshu said.

"OK then."

At that moment, Jiang Chen found a movie and played it.

"I haven't seen this movie yet, so I don't know if you like it or not. If you don't like it, we'll change it." Jiang Chen came to Li Yanshu and sat down.

"En." Li Yanshu nodded.

With Li Yanshu in his arms, Jiang Chen watched a movie while saying various pleasant words.

An hour and a half passed quickly.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be so bad." Li Yanshu said while arranging his clothes.

"Am I bad?" Jiang Chen looked at Li Yanshu and said, "Now that you are my girlfriend, do you still have to be polite in front of you? I can't do that."

"But, is this your reason for bullying me?" Li Yanshu felt a little embarrassed when he thought of what happened just now.

"Don't you like me treating you like this?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I won't tell you." Li Yanshu gave Jiang Chen a blank look, and walked out.

Jiang Chen smiled and walked out.

After a while, Jiang Chen took Li Yanshu's hand and walked out of the cinema: "There is a restaurant in front, let's go there."

"We only eat." Li Yanshu said.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen smiled.

The restaurant for couples only eats?
is it possible?

After arriving at the restaurant, Jiang Chen asked for a private room, and then ate and chatted with Li Yanshu.

"Jiang Chen, don't tell Jiang Meili and the others about our affairs." Li Yanshu suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to Jiang Chen.

"Why?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Li Yanshu and Zhao Mosheng are different from her other girlfriends, so after pursuing them, he didn't think about hiding it.

"I'm not ready yet." Li Yanshu and Jiang Meili Jiang Meiyan were good sisters now, but suddenly they became their sister-in-law, even she herself couldn't accept it.

In other words, she also wanted to be calm and calm now.

"I'll listen to you." Jiang Chen didn't refuse, it's not a problem.

"However, I ask you out in the future, you can't refuse." Jiang Chen said.

"Do you have time?" Li Yanshu asked.

"Why not? You are my girlfriend, no matter how busy I am, I can't miss the time to date you. When you are ready, I will introduce Shi Yi and the others to get to know you." Jiang Chen said.

"But, I..." Li Yanshu thought of Shi Yi.

She felt like she stole Shi Yi's boyfriend.

What I fear most is facing Shiyi.

"Yan Shu, I know your worries, but you just need to leave it to me, and I will take care of it." Jiang Chen shook Li Yanshu's hand and said, "You are not stealing someone else's boyfriend. , I pursued you."

Li Yanshu glanced at Jiang Chen and nodded.

An hour later, Jiang Chen and Li Yanshu walked out of the restaurant.

"Yan Shu, let me take you back." Jiang Chen said.

"I'd better go back by myself." Li Yanshu refused.

Although she also wanted to send Jiang Chen back, she was worried that Jiang Meili and the others would find out.Because if she returns to Tangchen Yipin together with Jiang Chen, she will feel like a light is on her back.


"Jiang Chen, listen to me." Li Yanshu said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen took Li Yanshu's hand and said, "Then be careful on your own way."

"Yes. I'll go first." Li Yanshu nodded.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Chen called out to Li Yanshu.

"Is there anything else?" Li Yanshu asked.

"I think..." Jiang Chen looked at Li Yanshu with a smile.

"What?" Li Yanshu asked knowingly.

Jiang Chen put his arms around Li Yanshu's waist, and then exerted strength with his hands.

Li Yanshu fell into Jiang Chen's arms.

Jiang Chen bowed his head and kissed.

a long time.

"Before saying goodbye, it should be like this." Jiang Chen let go of Li Yanshu and said.

"You are so annoying." Even though he said that, Li Yanshu was still very happy to see Jiang Chen treating him like this.

After a while, Li Yanshu left.

"I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains."

"I used to think that it would take a few months to successfully attack Li Yanshu."

"However, it has something to do with Li Yanshu liking himself."

"Li Yanshu is the first... No, it's the second..."

Jiang Chen thought of Tian Tian.

Tian Tian was the first person to take the initiative to like him.

Even Tian Tian is more proactive than Li Yanshu.

"It would be great if there were more women like this."


Two hours later, Huazhou Junting, Villa No. [-].

"Mo Sheng, are you awake?"

Jiang Chen was sitting on the sofa working with a notebook, and when he heard footsteps, he looked towards the stairs, and saw Zhao Mosheng walking down the stairs.

"Brother Chen? Where is this place?" Zhao Mosheng asked, rubbing his head with some headaches.

"This is Huazhou Junting."

Jiang Chen put down the laptop, and said: "Before you were drunk, I originally wanted to send you to Tangchen Yipin, but if you don't want your affairs to be known by Meili and the others, it would be inappropriate to send you to Tangchen Yipin , and it is close to Huazhou Junting, so I brought you here."

"This is Brother Chen's house?" Zhao Mosheng came to the sofa and sat down.


Jiang Chen stood up, went to the kitchen and took a bowl of porridge and handed it to Zhao Mosheng: "This is the porridge I made just now, you drink some to nourish your stomach first. I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you later."

"Thank you." Zhao Mosheng did not refuse.

"Why are you being polite to me? Here is your own home." Jiang Chen said.

Zhao Mosheng paused.

"It's already ten o'clock in the evening, you should stay here today." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Zhao Mosheng nodded.

Jiang Chen didn't disturb Zhao Mosheng's porridge, but picked up his laptop and continued working.

When not teasing girls, Jiang Chen concentrates on work whenever he has time.

Same now.

However, it wasn't that he didn't want to flirt, but that he didn't want to push too hard.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing?" Zhao Mosheng asked.

"Oh, I'm designing blueprints." Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Design drawings? What drawings?" Zhao Mosheng asked.

"The architectural drawings of the Star Group's headquarters building," Jiang Chen said.

"The headquarters building of Xingchen Group? Isn't it the Huanyu Building?" Zhao Mosheng was taken aback.

"Huanyu Building is the current headquarters of Xingchen Group, and the blueprint I am designing now is the headquarters building that I want to build next." Jiang Chen explained.

"The Xingchen Group headquarters building to be built? Brother Chen, do you want to change Xingchen Group's headquarters building?" Zhao Mosheng was stunned.In her opinion, Huanyu Building is already very good as the headquarters building of Xingchen Group.


Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "The relevant land has been bought, and I'm designing the blueprints now. When the blueprints are designed, the construction will start."

"Brother Chen, did you design the drawings yourself?" Zhao Mosheng asked.


Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "I am a senior construction engineer and a civil engineering super engineer, and I also have inspiration. Therefore, I am going to design the headquarters building of the Star Group myself."

Jiang Chen's design for the headquarters building of Xingchen Group integrated the design concepts of many headquarters buildings in the past 22 years.Moreover, after measuring the land, what he built was not a headquarters building, but a complex of headquarters buildings.

"Design by myself..." Zhao Mosheng couldn't help asking: "Brother Chen, how many vocational skills certificates have you passed?"

"I don't know, there seem to be many..." Jiang Chen didn't make a specific calculation.However, in his opinion, the more these professional skills, the better.Only in this way can we avoid detours when developing the family.

"I really don't know how you learned it." Zhao Mosheng said.

"I also want to be an ordinary person, but I just can't do it." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Zhao Mosheng.

She suspected that Jiang Chen was pretending, but unfortunately there was no evidence.

"Mo Sheng, you have been practicing the basic breathing technique for a while. You should also feel that after practicing the basic breathing technique, your spirit and other aspects have been greatly improved, and it is easier to learn everything in normal times. And I have practiced for a long time, plus my own hard work, so I can learn a lot." Jiang Chen can only explain in this way.

After all, no one can say anything about system check-in.

"That's right." Zhao Mosheng nodded.

"However, I also harmed you." Jiang Chen said.

"Killed me?" Zhao Mosheng was taken aback, what does this have to do with her.

"Yeah, now that you have just practiced the basic breathing technique, you can feel the benefits. It will be easier for you to learn in the future. Even if you are a postdoctoral fellow, or what a brick is called a beast, you may be able to do it in related The other side despises them." Jiang Chen said.

"Isn't that good?" Zhao Mosheng said.

"In that case, apart from me, there is no man you can admire in this world." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Zhao Mosheng.

"Mo Sheng, I bought you clothes, you go take a shower first." Jiang Chen took out a handbag and handed it to Zhao Mosheng.

"The clothes you bought?" Zhao Mosheng was taken aback.

"Well, I remember your size, so it should be suitable." Jiang Chen said.

"Then I'll take a shower first." Zhao Mosheng walked towards the bedroom with a handbag.

After arriving at the bedroom, Zhao Mosheng opened the handbag.


Zhao Mosheng discovered that Jiang Chen had bought all her clothes, inside and out, including pajamas.

"Brother Chen..."

Zhao Mosheng's gaze was a bit complicated.


After half an hour.

"Mo Sheng, you are so beautiful..."

Seeing Zhao Mosheng walking down the stairs, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

It's not like he hasn't seen Zhao Mosheng in pajamas before, but Zhao Mosheng at this moment gives him a different feeling.

"Brother Chen, don't look at me like this." Zhao Mosheng couldn't bear Jiang Chen's gaze, well, it felt like wearing the emperor's new clothes.

"Mo Sheng, it seems that I have a good eye, this dress suits you. However, I will design a better one for you in the future to ensure that you can wear it comfortably." Jiang Chen said.

"Design one for me..." Zhao Mosheng's heart trembled.

This is pajamas.

Jiang Chen designed it for her, wouldn't it be...

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "I promise to show your beauty when the time comes, um, but you can only wear it for me to see."

"..." Zhao Mosheng.

"I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you." Jiang Chen walked towards the kitchen while speaking.

Zhao Mosheng looked at Jiang Chen and sighed faintly.

She knew Jiang Chen's thoughts, but, although she was a little confused about the future of herself and He Yichen, the current her could not accept Jiang Chen's pursuit.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen walked out of the kitchen.

"Mo Sheng, come and eat."

"smell good."

Zhao Mosheng only drank a bowl of porridge just now, but now he smelled the aroma, his stomach growled.

"There are not many ingredients in the kitchen, so I just cooked a bowl of Sanxian noodles." Jiang Chen put a bowl of noodles on the dining table.

"Enough." Zhao Mosheng nodded.

"Eat slowly, don't burn it." Jiang Chen said, and then went to work again.

In fact, Jiang Chen wanted to watch Zhao Mosheng eat.

However, in that case, Zhao Mosheng might feel uncomfortable.

After eating the noodles, Zhao Mosheng said: "Brother Chen, I'm going to rest first."


Jiang Chen looked at Zhao Mosheng and said, "Mo Sheng, you can continue to sleep in the master bedroom today. I haven't slept in the master bedroom before."

"But, you..." Zhao Mosheng looked at Jiang Chen, hesitant to speak.

"It's fine for me to sleep in the second bedroom. After all, you just slept in the master bedroom, so it's a bit embarrassing for me to go to sleep. Of course, if you don't mind..." Jiang Chen said this on purpose.

"I'm sleeping in the master bedroom." Zhao Mosheng said quickly, "Brother Chen, I'm going to rest first."

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Chen knew that Zhao Mosheng couldn't sleep now.

The reason why she wanted to rest was just because she was embarrassed to face him.

After Zhao Mosheng left, Jiang Chen continued to work.

Originally, he was preparing for Nanya's side today.No matter how bad it is, he still wants to go to Nie Xingchen and Li Na, but now because of Zhao Mosheng, he has to change his plan.

but.With one night, there are many things that can be done.

In addition to the design of the headquarters building of the Star Group, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Especially when he plans to produce electric cars next.

In the case that the production of electric vehicles is not under the banner of Emerald Battery, a new company must be formed, and if you want to form a new company, you must have a detailed plan.

So now, after designing the blueprint for an hour and digging out all the inspiration, Jiang Chen started to write the electric vehicle development plan.

A few hours passed quickly.

Just when Jiang Chen was concentrating on his work, Zhao Mosheng's voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Chen, are you still awake?"

"Mo Sheng? Why are you up?" Jiang Chen looked at the time and said, "It's already two o'clock in the morning, what are you doing up?"

"I'll come out to get a glass of water. Brother Chen, you won't be working all the time, right?" Zhao Mosheng asked.

"Get a plan, I forgot the time." Jiang Chen replied.

"Brother Chen, you are busy with work, but you should also pay attention to your health." Zhao Mosheng said.

"It's enough for me to sleep three or four hours a day now. After all, I'm a warrior. My physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people." Jiang Chen said.

"It can't be compared with ordinary people." Zhao Mosheng thought of those few nights in the Sandalwood Palace during the Chinese New Year.At that time, Jiang Chen also went to bed very late.The only difference is that at that time, Jiang Chen was not working.

"Can't you sleep?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Well, I slept for too long in the afternoon, and I can't sleep now." Zhao Mosheng said.

"Then let's chat." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Zhao Mosheng did not refuse.

"Are you feeling better now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's much better." Zhao Mosheng nodded.

Borrowing wine does not necessarily relieve sorrow, but it can also relieve the mood.

"That's good, I'm really afraid that you won't be able to get out of it." Jiang Chen said.

"Actually, I don't know what to do." Zhao Mosheng was a little confused
"I don't know what the relationship between you and He Yichen was like back then, but I think what you're feeling now may be the pain of a broken relationship." Jiang Chen said.

"The pain of falling out of love?" Zhao Mosheng was stunned.


Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "You are the same as a broken-hearted person. According to the statistics of relevant departments, 20% of college students fall in love when they graduate from college, and about 10% of those who go their separate ways after graduation can remove about 80%. There are not many of them. And those who did not talk about college graduation are naturally in the lovelorn of the first love in college. Therefore, the 90% must have a lovelorn. To sum up, the rate of first love in college is about 90%. .If you didn’t go abroad, you might not be in the [-]%.”

From Jiang Chen's point of view, Zhao Mosheng is a bit stupid.

In the United States for so many years, he has not forgotten He Yichen.

Are there no good men in this world?
"Even in society, falling in love is normal. Just like me..." Jiang Chen continued.

"But you and Wang Manni have reconciled." Zhao Mosheng said.

"It's not that you don't know about my situation. It's not that I've been thinking about reconciliation. After all, Wang Manni and I were separated for more than two years. In the past two years, many things have happened. I With Wang Manni again, I already have many girlfriends. The relationship has changed." Jiang Chen said.

Just like what Jiang Chen himself said when he first time traveled.

Originally, Wang Manni was his only one, but after being together again, she was no longer the only one.

Zhao Mosheng nodded.

Jiang Chen's situation is different.

Jiang Chen is scum.

It's just that Shi Yi, Jiang Nansun, Nie Xingchen and the others are all very good women, so they can't all be blind, right?
That's why she didn't understand.

"Mo Sheng, are you thinking that I'm a scumbag?" Jiang Chen said.

"No." Zhao Mosheng denied it flatly.

"Actually, I can feel it even if you don't tell me. It's a normal thing. Besides, I can't change it in my life. If I knew you a few years earlier, fell in love with you earlier, and fell in love with you , I might not be like this, but unfortunately, I didn't know before." Jiang Chen did not forget to express his love for Zhao Mosheng at this time.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, once this kind of thing becomes a habit, the relationship between Zhao Mosheng and him will gradually be affected.

"..." Zhao Mosheng.

Jiang Chen glanced at Zhao Mosheng, and said: "You and He Yichen just liked each other deeply, so they didn't forget it. In my opinion, you can have a better relationship after experiencing a failed relationship. "

From Jiang Chen's point of view, Zhao Mosheng, Wen Nuan, and even Tan Jing are all the same.

The only difference is that because of Zhao Mosheng's father and mother, plus the foreshadowing of the previous four months, he and Zhao Mosheng have an inherent advantage.

If you can't handle Zhao Mosheng, doesn't it mean that you can't handle Warmth and Tanjing in the future?
"I also hope to be able to come out." Zhao Mosheng murmured.

"I'm going to Jiangcheng tomorrow, why don't you follow me to Jiangcheng to relax?" Jiang Chen felt that Pei Yin could relieve Zhao Mosheng.As for whether his relationship with Pei Yin would be exposed, he was not worried at all.After all, Pei Yin is the last thing Zhao Mosheng wants to know about their relationship.

Maybe Pei Yin can help him attack Zhao Mosheng.

"No, I didn't go to work today, and I still have a lot of work to do." Zhao Mosheng shook his head and refused.

"Okay, you can make up your own mind, but if there's anything you don't want to fight alone. If you don't want to talk to me about something, you can talk to my mother." Jiang Chen said.

"Aunt Jiang..." Zhao Mosheng thought of Mother Jiang.

If Mother Jiang knew about this, she would definitely persuade her to follow Jiang Chen.


Zhao Mosheng couldn't help but glance at Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "I know that you and your mother don't have a good relationship, and there are some things you can't talk to her if you want to, so you can talk to my mother about some things."

Zhao Mosheng nodded.

She had to admit that Mother Jiang treated her better than her mother.

"It's getting late, let's go to rest." Jiang Chen stood up and stretched out his hand to Zhao Mosheng.

"it is good."

Zhao Mosheng responded subconsciously, but as soon as she said the words, she realized that something was wrong.

Because she answered like this, as if she was a young couple.

Immediately, Zhao Mersheng blushed.

"Mosheng, you're so pretty." Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he came to Zhao Mosheng, staring at her intently.

"I... I went to rest."

Zhao Mosheng left in a panic.

Unexpectedly, he walked too hastily, staggered and fell to the ground.

"Be careful."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pulled it.

next moment.

Zhao Mosheng leaned straight into Jiang Chen's arms.

"Are you OK?"

Jiang Chen hugged Zhao Mosheng and asked.

"I..." Zhao Mosheng was about to say something when he looked up and saw Jiang Chen.

To be precise, he saw Jiang Chen's eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was looking at her with affectionate eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Mosheng's heart trembled.

Jiang Chen didn't speak either, just looked at her like this.

A special atmosphere formed between the two.

Jiang Chen hesitated, and kissed her.


Zhao Mosheng was stunned.

At this moment she stopped thinking.

Just staring blankly at Jiang Chen
She never thought that Jiang Chen would...

I do not know how long it has been.

Jiang Chen let go of Zhao Mosheng.

"Brother Chen, you..." Zhao Mosheng was ashamed and annoyed.

"Mo Sheng, I'm sorry, I didn't hold back." Jiang Chen hugged Zhao Mosheng and said, "But I don't regret it, because I like you. Mo Sheng, give me a chance to pursue you, okay?"


"Don't reject me." Jiang Chen hugged Zhao Mosheng by the waist while speaking.

"Brother Chen, you..." Zhao Mosheng was taken aback, thinking that Jiang Chen wanted to...

"I'll take you back to your room, don't worry, I'm just taking you back to your room."

Jiang Chen carried Zhao Mosheng to the bedroom.

After putting Zhao Mosheng on the bed, Jiang Chen kissed her on the forehead.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

After speaking, Jiang Chen left.

"Jiang Chen..."

Zhao Mosheng looked at Jiang Chen's leaving back with a complicated expression.


Second bedroom.

"Zhao Mosheng..."

Jiang Chen knew that the present Zhao Mosheng did not accept him.

However, in his opinion, it is not impossible to win Zhao Mosheng.

The next step is to pursue violently!

Even if you are not in Shanghai, you can still arrange for people to send flowers and gifts.

It can also let Mother Jiang communicate with Zhao Mosheng more often to help him with the strategy.

"That's it."

Jiang Chen didn't think it was bad to spoil He Yichen and Zhao Mosheng's feelings.

In his opinion, a woman like Zhao Mosheng would be a fool if she gave it up to someone else.

The next day, when Jiang Chen woke up to practice, Zhao Mosheng hadn't gotten up yet.

"Is it because you are afraid of seeing yourself? You don't want to get up on purpose?"

Jiang Chen didn't care either. After practicing, he prepared breakfast for Zhao Mosheng, left a note and left.


Star Group.

"Bring me all the documents that I need to deal with today. Also, Secretary Wei, come here." Jiang Chen said when passing by the president's office.


After a while, Wei Wei walked into Jiang Chen's office with a large pile of documents.

"Secretary Wei, how is the construction of the Xingchen Laboratory in Jiangcheng?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The work started on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year this year, and I'm planning to visit it in the next few days." Wei Wei replied.

"You don't have to go these few days. I'm going to Jiangcheng today. I'll go and have a look." Jiang Chen said to Wei Wei: "Now you should deal with the matter of Tengyun Electric as soon as possible. In addition, you and Nie The secretary and the others urge the Human Resources Department to control the spring job fair."

"Okay." Wei Wei nodded.

"In addition, I want you to investigate the relevant data on the production and sales of electric vehicles." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Wei Wei didn't understand why Jiang Chen wanted to investigate the production and sales data of electric vehicles, but she didn't ask too much.

"Go to work." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Wei Wei glanced at Jiang Chen.

But he saw that Jiang Chen was also looking at her.

That look is exactly the same as when she ate her lipstick in Bart Manor.

This made her heart tremble.

In a panic, she hurriedly left the office.


Jiang Chen smiled.

He did it on purpose just now.

Having close contact with the secretary at work may improve work efficiency.

If it weren't for the many things that need to be dealt with, maybe it can go further.


Half an hour later, Yuan Ruilang came.

"President Yuan, sit down." Jiang Chen pointed to the seat in front of him, and after Yuan Ruilang sat down, he asked, "President Yuan, is there any news from Rongding Capital?"

Jiang Chen was talking about sending Yuan Ruilang to Rongding Capital to recruit people after the acquisition of Jingyan Group at the end of last year.

"Mr. Jiang, many people at Rongding Capital have already been tempted." Yuan Ruilang said.

"So there are still many people who refuse?" Jiang Chen said.

Yuan Ruilang nodded.

"Now the general manager of Rongding Capital Magic City is Yan Fei, right?" Jiang Chen asked.


"Yan Fei, insidious, arrogant, and exquisite, was airborne from the headquarters of Rongding Capital, and it must be incompatible with Rongding Capital Magic City's acquisition of local factions. Do you think it is possible to be on this side when poaching people?" How about an interview?" Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, I think it's okay." Yuan Ruilang nodded.

"Besides, among the diggers, the most important one is Qi Yu." Jiang Chen said.

"Qi Yu?" Yuan Ruilang was taken aback.

"Qi Yu is Fang Yubin's childhood sweetheart, and he is also someone who likes Fang Yubin. You can tell Qi Yu that if you want to be with Fang Yubin, you don't have an inherent advantage in the same company. It is only possible if you are far away." Jiang Chen has now made no secret of his purpose.

"Fang Yubin?"

Yuan Ruilang's heart skipped a beat.

Fang Yubin and Yan Fei are incompatible in Rongding Capital Modu Company.

Is Jiang Chen's arrangement now to make Fang Yubin and Yan Fei fight more fiercely?
Poaching Qi Yu and cutting off Fang Yubin's influence in the finance department?So, Jiang Chen was optimistic about Fang Yubin, and felt that Fang Yubin's strength was strong enough, so he looked for an opportunity to break Fang Yubin's arm?
So, Jiang Chen's purpose is to seize Rongding Capital?
Thinking of this, Yuan Ruilang was full of fighting spirit.

When he left Rongding Capital, it was impossible for him to have no resentment in his heart.It would be great if one day we can re-enter Rhodium Capital as an acquirer.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will definitely recruit Qi Yu." Yuan Ruilang said.

"Okay, Mr. Yuan's words are enough." Jiang Chen was a little surprised by Yuan Ruilang's reaction, but he didn't think too much about it.Instead, he said: "Mr. Yuan, I want you to investigate the Nantong Bao Group. I want a detailed information."

Nantong Bao Group is the family business of Bao Yifan's family in "Ode to Joy".

According to the introduction in the play, the value of the Bao Group is no less than tens of billions.

Because it is a family business, most of the shares are in the hands of the Bao family.

The Jiuyuan plan is inseparable from the acquisition of the Red Star Group, so there must be contacts with the Bao family and the Bao Group.

According to his investigation, when Yuan Ruilang was at Rongding Capital, he had dealt with the Bao Group.

That's why he's arranged this way now.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang." Yuan Ruilang nodded.


A quarter of an hour later, Li Qian walked into the office.

"Mr. Jiang, George Lin from the Dress Magazine is here and wants to see you." Li Qian said.

"Let him come in." Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Although George Lin was assigned to work in the fashion media department of Star Group, the fashion media department has not yet been established, and George Lin is currently on vacation due to his own reasons.

Why is he here at this time?

After a while, George Lin walked into the office.

"Mr. Jiang."


Jiang Chen pointed to the position in front, and said, "Editor Lin, I don't know what you want from me?"

"Mr. Jiang, I was planning to go on vacation, but I think I need to report to you about some things about the magazine," George Lin said.

"About the magazine?" Jiang Chen looked at George Lin in confusion.

"Mr. Jiang..." George Lin handed a document to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen opened it and looked.

After a moment.

"Editor Lin."

Jiang Chen looked at George Lin and said, "This document is very important, don't worry, I will not let them leave the magazine, I will only train them in my own way."

In George Lin's documents, there are mainly introductions about the intricate relationships within the dress magazine.

At the same time, the abilities of these people in the magazine are also marked.

Obviously, George Lin was worried that he would fire the people from the magazine for something.

But obviously, George Lin's worries are unnecessary.

Having watched the drama, he knows the situation of those people better than George Lin.

"Then I'm relieved." George Lin said.

"Editor Lin, you can go on vacation with peace of mind. After your vacation is over, you can continue to work. Although you will work in the fashion media business department in the future, the work in the fashion media business department will definitely be better than that of the fashion magazine. The work is heavier." Jiang Chen said.

In the future, there will be at least two magazines and two publishing houses in the Fashion Media Division under the Star Group.

In addition, in the next period of time, he will also acquire other companies in the media industry.

"Okay." George Lin nodded.


At ten o'clock in the morning, outside the Jiale community.

"Jiang Chen, why did you ask me to come out at this time?" Shi Yi came to Jiang Chen and asked.

"Today is the Lantern Festival."

Jiang Chen looked at Shi Yi and said, "Didn't you say before that you moved the house and opened fire today? So, I came here to see if there is anything that needs my help."

"Jiang Chen, my parents are here today, you..." Hearing this, Shi Yi quickly pulled Jiang Chen aside: "Don't show up, okay?"

"But I'm your man, I can't just watch you move without any reaction, can I?" Jiang Chen understood Shi Yi's meaning, but he was not reconciled: "Uncles and aunts don't even know that I have other girls. It's about friends, so as long as you don't tell them, it should be fine."

"No." Shi Yi said.

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If you lied to them at the beginning, I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome in the future showdown." Shi Yi and Shi Bojin Jiancong have lived for more than [-] years, and they have a relatively good understanding of Shi Bojin's temperament.

"Is this the reason?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yeah." Shi Yi nodded.

"Then I'll show up as your suitor." Jiang Chen felt that Shi Yi's worry was not unreasonable, after all, Shi Bo Jin Jian was never Shi Yi, and when facing them, it seemed that he had nothing to do but persuade them There is a way.

"You really..." Shi Yi looked at Jiang Chen helplessly.

When Jiang Chen said that, it was obvious that he did not give up.

However, although she felt helpless, she was also very happy.

Apart from having a lot of girlfriends, Jiang Chen is impeccable in other aspects.

If it was in her previous life, this would not be a problem at all, but in this life, it is too shocking to the world.

"I really don't want to miss it. For you, I came back from Germany early." Jiang Chen said while holding Shi Yi's hand.

"Do you think I believe it?" Shi Yi gave Jiang Chen a white look.

Jiang Chen's pursuit of girlfriends is stronger than ordinary people, but his pursuit of career is stronger, but he is looking for a girlfriend while pursuing career.

"Hey." Jiang Chen smiled: "Didn't I look for you the first time I came back? Are you not satisfied with my service?"

"..." Shi Yi.

It's not straight anymore.


Just as Shi Yi was about to say something, at this moment, a voice came from the side: "Shi Yi, who are you talking to?"

(End of this chapter)

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