Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 608 Bei Weiwei: Jiang Chen, what do I want you for?

Chapter 608 Bei Weiwei: Jiang Chen, what do I want you for? (big chapter)

The person who appeared in Jiang Chen's sight was none other than Maria.

Maria in "The Ideal City".

Last time, Jiang Chen met Maria at the breakfast shop near Huazhou Junting, and signed on her.

At that time, Jiang Chen felt that Maria was either living in Huazhou Junting, or living in a high-end villa near Huazhou Junting.

I didn't expect to see Maria in Huazhou Junting today.

Obviously, this Maria lives in Huazhou Junting.

"It seems that the villa where Maria lives is not far from my own villa."

Jiang Chen's villa in Huazhou Junting is Villa No. [-], and according to the current situation, Maria either lives in Villa No. [-] or Villa No. [-].

As the human resources director of Yinghai Group, her husband Yu Rong is a shareholder of Yinghai Group and a member of a big family. It is not surprising that Maria lives in Huazhou Junting.But what is Maria's identity?
In other words, what is Maria's life experience.

Even if it wasn't for Guan Yuqing's words, he wouldn't have said it.

"Yes." Bi Nan and the others responded.


After a while, Jiang Chen said: "Miss, well, you can try it." While speaking, Jiang Chen put on high heels for Maria.

After half an hour.

"This time the effect is not bad."

"Okay, let's go shopping."

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Guan Yuqing came to a movie theater.

"Mr. Jiang, you..." Guan Yuqing really didn't know what to say.

"Would you like to say hello now?"

"I, I don't know." Bei Weiwei couldn't stand Jiang Chen's gaze.

"Myanmar is not any other place, so I asked Wu Shiyi to go on a business trip together. Wu Shiyi was my bodyguard before, and now he is the person in charge of Xingyun Security. He is very powerful. In addition, Bi Nan and the others are also very skilled. They can protect us." Jiang Chen said.

"Really?" Bei Weiwei was very happy.

When Jiang Chen and the others went to the auction just now, Guan Yuqing and the others were preparing to go to Myanmar, including buying cars and preparing supplies.

on the street.

A while later, Jiang Chen walked out of Huazhou Junting, and came to the breakfast shop last time.

"We're...not dating!" Guan Yuqing whispered.

"Bi Nan, how much time is left to take off?" Jiang Chen asked.

Guan Yuqing didn't speak, just leaned against Jiang Chen's arms.

In order to eliminate the tension and uneasiness of the girls, Jiang Chen also prepared a barbecue in advance.

"Thank you, by the way, what's your name?" Maria asked.

Guan Yuqing and the others were also very surprised.

"Shengxuan Group, Jiang's Group, Bojue Group... These group companies in Shanghai are all gathered together because of Xu Feng's nine-investment plan. Therefore, in the next period of time, Xu Feng will be our biggest opponent .Today, I’m here to find out.” There are some things Jiang Chen can’t say, so now he can only explain in this way.However, in his opinion, this explanation is enough.

"I don't know that Xu Feng knows that Chen Xin is not dead, and he not only ate her lipstick, but also took off her clothes before...he doesn't know what will happen."

"I don't want you. You're going to Spring City at noon. It's too far to send me to Shanghai University. Maybe it will affect your flight." Bei slightly shook his head.

"The hatred of taking his wife, Xu Feng will definitely..."

"Huazhou Junting? Also?" Maria was taken aback.

He had found an excuse to take Guan Yuqing away before.

"Now my woman and personal maid will know the Four Absolute Sword Formation. If the Five Element Formation is used, the Jin Yiwei can use it, thereby improving the strength of the Jin Yiwei."

"I won't play tricks on you." Bei Weiwei said.

The girls were taken aback, and Yu Qingqing asked, "Mr. Jiang, is there something special about this Xu Feng?"

"Of course, when revealing, you may say that you are despicable and shameless, forcing... Chen Xin..."

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

Jiang Chen squatted down and took off the high heels for Maria.

Bi Nan, aren't they flight attendants?
"Bi Nan and the others have undergone special training. They are pilots and flight attendants, but they are also part-time bodyguards. When I go abroad, they are my bodyguards." After Jiang Chen explained, "I will take care of the safety this time." We will do our best to guarantee it. Of course, you don’t have to go to Myanmar.”

An hour later, Xianyunju arrived.

Jiang Chen was very satisfied.

"By the way, Yu Rong didn't return to China in the play, and the timeline is about two or three years. Does this mean that Maria and Yu Rong have already separated, and there is only a relationship of interest between them?"

"Brother Long will definitely know about the relationship between Chen Xin and Xu Feng."

"Mr. Jiang, don't talk about us." Guan Yuqing said to Jiang Chen before getting off the car.

"Why not? I like you, you like me, isn't it a date now?" Jiang Chen said.

Before Guan Yuqing finished speaking, Jiang Chen blocked her.

Jiang Chen thought of the video of that beauty surnamed Zhang and Mr. Lu in the 22 years of his previous life.

After Chen Xin's accidental death, Wang Haili also married Xu Feng as she wished, and with her support, Xu Feng became a financial giant in the industry.However, because of Chen Xin's death, there was always a rift between the two of them. No matter what she did, they couldn't reach Xu Feng's heart.

Various thoughts flashed in his mind, Jiang Chen looked at the sign-in hostess.

If Jiang Chen hadn't brought more than a dozen women, she wouldn't have gone to see Jiang Chen. She didn't expect Jiang Chen to be the president of Xingchen Group.

He just wanted to make Wang Haili sad and desperate.

"Chen Xin, are you still alive?" Xu Feng was surprised, delighted and surprised.

"You can choose the rooms you like." Jiang Chen felt that if Xianyun lived in Shanghai, he would not need to purchase Dongjiao No. [-] as his base camp.

"It's just that Zheng He's treasure ships are too few."

Jiang Chen smiled, turned around and left.

In his opinion, there should be more training cards like this.

According to the introduction of the system, this Chaohu navy training card is exactly the same as the one you got when you signed in last time, that is, you can train a 5000-man navy within a month, and the combat power can reach the peak of the Chaohu navy.

The auctioneer said on the auction platform: "5000 million for the first time, 5000 million for the second time, 5000 million for the third..."

"Mr. Jiang, I'm not afraid." Yu Qingqing said.

The leader is none other than Xu Feng.

"Give me five minutes."

"I bought it a long time ago. The weather in Spring City is good, suitable for vacation. We can come and play when we have time in the future." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen has never been a soft-hearted person.

"Bi Nan and the others..." Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge were taken aback.

Therefore, in the mall, she can be flexible and decisive, detour when she should, and be ruthless when she should be ruthless, but facing Xu Feng, even if she is as low as the dust, she still can't get his warmth.

"Director Yu, Secretary Yuan, let me introduce you, this is Bi Nan, the flight attendant..." Jiang Chen introduced Bi Nan and the others, and said, "It's like being at home on the plane, everyone can do whatever they want."

After a moment.


As the financial director of Xingchen Group, Yu Qingqing understands what this opponent means very well.

"Me too." Jiang Chen kissed Bei Weiwei.

"You live in Huazhou Junting Villa No. [-]?" Maria was very surprised.

"You are crazy, 600 million." Wang Haili's expression changed.

"Yes, I'm going to work, Jiang Chen... you can add me on WeChat! I'll thank you some other day." Maria said.

"Mr. Jiang, you still know how to come back." Wu Shiyi looked at Jiang Chen with a smile.

Because he saw a woman.

"Mr. Jiang, there are no more boxes."

"Yes, Chen Xin is still alive. So, you don't need to look at the photos in that small box on your desk every day. After all, those photos are Chen Xin's photos from a few years ago. Compared with a few years ago, now , Chen Xin has changed a lot." Jiang Chen was talking about the situation in the play, and he felt that this matter would not change in this film and television fusion world.

"Alright then." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "Wei Wei, be careful on the road."


Various thoughts flashed in my mind.

"Mr. Jiang, this auction..." Yu Qingqing and the others looked at Jiang Chen puzzled.

"Yuqing, I love you, I like you." Jiang Chen looked at her affectionately.

"I also heard from Mr. Jiang. Well, Mr. Jiang said it last year when Mr. Jiang and I and Secretary Li were eating barbecue at the food stall." Yu Qingqing replied.

"Chaohu Naval Training Card?"

Jiang Chen nodded, and brought Bei Weiwei to the commercial street.

Markets are like battlefields.

Jiang Chen sat behind the desk and said to the two women.

"Do you want me to see you off?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Xu Feng proposed the Nine Funding Plan?" Yu Qingqing was shocked when she thought of the confrontation between Jiang Chen and Xu Feng just now.

So at the beginning of the plot, Xia Bing was still alone.

Originally, he wanted to see Bei Weiwei again after returning from Spring City, but in that case, the time interval between seeing Bei Weiwei was too long.Now he is only pursuing Bei Weiwei, and he hasn't completely won it yet, and with the presence of Xiao Nai at Shanghai University, he must prevent accidents from appearing.

Bei closed his eyes slightly.

Jiang Chen actually wanted to hug Maria, but in order not to arouse Maria's disgust, he still resisted the urge to hug her.

"Really?" Jiang Chen looked at her with a smile.

"Director Yu knows that Jiang always barbecues?" Huang Jia asked.

"So we are neighbors! Maria, now you have recovered and can go to work." Jiang Chen's goal of getting to know Maria has been achieved today, so naturally he will not continue to entangle.

"What are you going back for?" Jiang Chen asked back: "I'm fine today, so I naturally want to accompany you well."


"According to the map, there are no towns nearby. If we don't continue our journey, we may have to spend the night outside." Wu Shiyi said.

Only by hiding from women who are not his women can he attack them one by one.

"Eleven, according to the plan, we will go to Myanmar tomorrow afternoon, and I will trouble you then." Jiang Chen said to Wu Eleven.

"Yes, we lived in Xianyunju when we were in Spring City." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Twenty-one million." Xu Feng's expression changed.


There was a commotion.

"I don't like..."

"it is good."

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

However, it is impossible to tell Bei Weiwei the truth now.

According to the introduction of the system, the five-element array comes from the Shiliang School in "The Sword of Jade Blood", and it is the ancestral martial arts of the Shiliang School.The formation is round and round, without revealing any flaws, and contains the principle of the five elements' growth, restraint and change.One person also strikes, causing the opponent to attack, showing their own weaknesses, and the other four immediately go up, attacking the opponent's weaknesses, and the enemy will either die or be captured, never ending.

"Okay." Wu Eleven nodded.

Maria hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "It's troublesome."

"Director Yu, do you know the company's Jiuyuan plan?" Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Chen is her boyfriend.

After sitting down on the seat, Jiang Chen looked at the auction site.

"Have you seen me?"

"Tomorrow, that is, April [-]th, you two will go to the Spring City Charity Auction with me first. After participating in the Spring City Charity Auction, we will go to Myanmar to discuss cooperation with Myanmar's Greenwood Trading Co., Ltd." Jiang Chen Said to the two women.

For him, calculating Xu Feng is enough.

Although he knew Maria, Maria didn't know her.

"I didn't expect it to be her."

"Hmph, I think you're clearly making excuses." Wu Shiyi didn't believe Jiang Chen's words!In her opinion, this is just an excuse for Jiang Chen's unscrupulousness.

If you want to go to Myanmar to find Green Forest Trading Co., Ltd., you must go to Lao Cai Market in Myanmar.Although it is still possible to drive on the road after dark, Jiang Chen does not want to take risks on the road at the border.

"Mr. Jiang, are we not going back to eat?" Guan Yuqing asked.

Chen Xin asked Jiang Chen to participate in the auction because of Mr. Xiaoguang's paintings.


Jiang Chen nodded and said, "We will prepare lunch in an hour. Director Yu and Secretary Yuan, please come to the office with me first."

"Let's get on the plane!" Jiang Chen glanced at the three girls.

"Yeah, I don't have time to accompany you anymore." Jiang Chen nodded, he was busy with all kinds of things, not only busy with the fusion of two film and television worlds, but more importantly, he had many girlfriends.Although Bei Weiwei is very beautiful, she is only one of his many girlfriends.

Can he and Xia Bing also make videos?Of course, I took pictures for myself!

The last time Jiang Chen was able to treat sprained ankles for Xiao Qing and others when he only had elementary Chinese medicine skills. Now that he has intermediate Chinese medicine skills, it is easier for him to treat sprained ankles.

"Sixteen million..."

"is her."

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen.

"He is the CEO of Xingchen Group." Xu Feng said.

Jiang Chen looked at Bei Weiwei with piercing eyes.

"Why, don't you believe me?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge nodded.

"Okay." Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge nodded.

Xia Bing, the female lead in "Leverage".

Jiang Chen smiled, and took Guan Yuqing's hand to stroll around Spring City.

After shopping for two hours, Jiang Chen and Guan Yuqing came to a restaurant.

Of course, in Jiang Chen's view, such Xu Feng is a fool.

"Mr. Jiang still eats food stalls?" Xing Lu showed surprise.

Just as Jiang Chen and the others walked out of the auction venue, a voice came from behind.

after an hour.

"The ships that were signed in before all stay in the second film and television fusion world. I don't know if I can sign other ships before going to the third film and television fusion world."

"Go and call Bi Nan, I can't handle it alone..." Wu Shiyi said.

Unfortunately, no one is perfect.

In the play, Xia Bing is heroic, domineering, decisive, dignified, and full of maturity... the charm of a woman.

Xianyunju was signed by Tang Jiayu when he was in the United States.

Xu Feng's face changed drastically.

"Wei Wei, you are getting more and more beautiful..." Jiang Chen looked at Bei Wei Wei and said.

The two women sat on the chairs opposite Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded to her with a smile.

Xia Bing was taken aback when he saw Jiang Chen's smile.

"Maria, Maria, this is obviously a western name..."

"Jiang Chen, why are you looking at me like that?" Bei Weiwei couldn't bear Jiang Chen's gaze.

"I will be lucky to see her next time..." Jiang Chen murmured.


For him, watching movies is not the purpose, the purpose is how to use watching movies to increase the relationship between the two.

"I..." When Maria saw Jiang Chen, she realized that Jiang Chen was someone she didn't know.

"I signed into the Four Absolute Sword Formation before, but now I have signed into the Five Elements Formation."

After all, this is not the first time.

Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge followed Jiang Chen to the office.

Jiang Chen nodded, opened the file and read it.

In fact, it was to protect Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge.

She found herself becoming less and less able to resist in front of Jiang Chen.

After 1 minute, a dog barking came from outside.

"I didn't expect it to be another Chaohu Navy training card."

The previous date with Jiang Chen in Shanghai is not counted, today is the happiest day of her life.


"Really." Bei Weiwei didn't dare to look Jiang Chen in the eyes.

Sixteen people, two tables are just right.

If it wasn't because he was going to Myanmar tomorrow, he would definitely be lucky enough to meet Guan Yuqing today.

"Come on, let's go eat."

"I understand." Yu Qingqing nodded.

The four girls were puzzled, but they followed Jiang Chen and left the auction venue.

She is Xu Feng's wife in the play.Taurus, born in a wealthy family, with a cold personality and strong self-esteem, is a strong career woman with fragile feelings and life.Although he got Xu Feng's marriage, he didn't conquer Xu Feng's heart, and lived in Xu Feng's polite respect forever.

"You, you are too bad..." Bei Weiwei couldn't understand what it meant to eat you.

"Mr. Jiang, are we going to live here?" Seeing Xianyunju, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Because I'm your boyfriend. My property is our property." Jiang Chen said.

With joy in Jiang Chen's eyes, he stood up and walked out of the breakfast shop.


To be exact, use god-level dog training skills to let a dog chase and bite Maria.

But at the same time, Jiang Chen felt that he still had too few houses in Shanghai.

If you want Jiang Chen Maria at close range, but you can't be too abrupt, you can only use means.Therefore, Jiang Chen thought of the god-level dog training technique.

"You really live in Huazhou Junting..." Maria finally understood what Jiang Chen meant when he said he had met: "I live in Villa No. [-]."

Wu Shiyi's voice brought Jiang Chen back to his senses: "Eat outside, divide into two tables."

"A business trip to Spring City?" Bei Weiwei asked.

"I didn't expect it to be her."

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen gathered Bi Nan and others who came out, and a group of people went to Xianyunju in a mighty manner.

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you." Bei snorted slightly.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang."

[Congratulations to the host, the sign-in was successful, and the five-element formation was obtained. 】

"Xu Feng, goodbye."

At the same time, it is also destroying the relationship between Xu Feng and Wang Haili, so that Wang Haili can know Xu Feng's true face earlier.

Seeing the change in Xu Feng's expression, she knew what Jiang Chen said was true.

This made Jiang Chen feel that he should buy some apartments for himself and his new girlfriends.


Now that Wu Shiyi is his woman, he doesn't know when Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge will be able to win her.

"Jiang Chen, are you still busy during this time?" Bei Weiwei asked.

After a while, Jiang Chen and Wu Shiyi came to a courtyard.

"Mr. Jiang."

"Xu Feng is the person in charge of the Nine Capital Project... I wonder if we can get rid of him?"

"Okay." Yuan Ge nodded.

Bi Nan, Huang Jia, and Zhou Yawen welcomed Jiang Chen into the plane.

Jiang Chen wasn't that perfect either.

"Yeah." Wu Eleven nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, how is your level?" Zhou Yawen asked.

After all, only this kind of training card can develop rapidly in other film and television fusion worlds.

For her, there is nothing more satisfying than being complimented by her boyfriend.

This Mr. Xiaoguang has such a great value?
What is Jiang Chen doing?
"You..." Xu Feng's expression turned ugly.

"What is Maria's real identity?"

The same is to eat lip balm, with and without the feeling is different.

"sit down."

In fact, as early as in Spring City, Jiang Chen already knew that because of the departure in the afternoon, they would not be able to make it to the old market before dark, so they prepared enough food.

"The fundamental purpose of coming to the auction this time is to meet Xu Feng." Jiang Chen said when he saw the puzzled eyes of the four girls.

As Xu Feng started quoting, people started quoting one after another.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt that Maria's identity might be the key to the drama "Yinghai Group".

"Then I'll show it to you." Jiang Chen slowly approached Bei Weiwei.

Because they are members of the patrol room, to a certain extent, they can be compared with Ni Na and Li Shuhan.

"Fifty one million." Xu Feng quoted.


Jiang Chen is so bold, he obviously has a girlfriend who is still chasing her, why would he be worried about this?
She is the one who is worried.

"Let's go, let's continue shopping." To be honest, in the first film and television fusion world, Jiang Chen has never had the luck of a young woman like Bei Weiwei.If it wasn't for going to Spring City later, maybe Jiang Chen would like to take Bei Weiwei to try today.

She felt that if Bi Nan and others found out that she had become Jiang Chen's girlfriend, then she would be ashamed to face others.

"What did you say?" Xu Feng's expression changed.

"Why can't I take you out alone?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"There must be a way."


"Okay." However, even though he said that, Jiang Chen's expression revealed his thoughts.

Wang Haili, the third female lead in "Leverage".

Of course, Jiang Chen's words were said and heard by Wang Haili.


"Overall, this check-in was not bad."

Wang Haili didn't speak, but a flash of pain flashed in her eyes.

"What do you think?"

Who prevented her from leaving Jiang Chen?
"Eleventh, it's getting late..." Jiang Chen moved his hands up and down while speaking.

"bring it on."


"Yuqing, don't worry, I will treat you well in this life. Although I have other girlfriends, my heart for you will never change." Jiang Chen said.


"Then I'll give it a try." Maria walked two steps with Jiang Chen's support, and found that she was really well.

Such a boyfriend, if there is no other girlfriend, is perfect.


"Sign in."

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

"Okay." Maria nodded.

"The counterpart of the Jiuyuan Project is the Jiuzi Project, and the founder of the Jiuzi Project is Xu Feng." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen..." Xu Feng looked at Jiang Chen with cold eyes.

However, Jiang Chen's mind is not on the movie.

It took a long time before Jiang Chen let go of Guan Yuqing.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Bei Weiwei's beautiful eyes flashed, and she closed her eyes.

Guan Yuqing shuddered, and said, "Me too."

"You sprained your ankle, do you want me to help you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I can't help it, I can't help being bad when I see you." Jiang Chen said with his arms around Bei Weiwei.

The reason why he told Xu Feng this was to make Xu Feng lose his sense of proportion.

A quarter of an hour later, everyone set up camp on a hillside.

"Good stuff, it's useful no matter in the second world of film and television fusion or in the third world of film and television fusion."

For a big family, the most important thing is to be well-matched.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the information I collected." Yuan Ge handed a document to Jiang Chen.


"Bi Nan, tonight you will be in groups of three and take turns keeping watch." Jiang Chen said to Bi Nan and the others.

"Let's go." Jiang Chen stood up.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's eyes flickered.

Everyone in the auction hall was stunned.

"Eleven million?"

Yuan Ge didn't speak, but her eyes were firm and she expressed her meaning.

Jiang Chen only glanced at it, and continued to eat breakfast.

Although Bi Nan and the others showed up in a simple black and white outfit, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up when he saw them.

"Can you really cure it?" Maria asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry." Wu Shi nodded.

"Let me hug you." Jiang Chen stepped forward and hugged Bei Weiwei.

"You went out with Guan Yuqing, right?" Wu Shiyi said.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, Guan Yuqing and others are prospective girlfriends.

Soon, the auction begins.

Everyone in the auction venue looked at Jiang Chen.

Mr. Xiaoguang's paintings are worth 5000 million?

Jiang Chen also understood this.

"The next auction is Mr. Xiaoguang's painting..." the auctioneer said, taking out Mr. Xiaoguang's painting.

Wang Haili is the daughter of Haiyi Group and has great financial ability. When she first met Xu Feng, she was attracted by his talent and humor.After learning that he had fallen out with his master, she took the initiative to come to invest in him, because at that time she had already fallen in love with Xu Feng.

Only he would bring a dozen women to swagger through the market.

However, is this not enjoyment?

There are 42 large and small patios and 214 houses. The houses are row upon row. Couplets, every step is a sketch landscape.

Well, although it may be dangerous, for Jiang Chen, this is also a trip.After all, Guan Yuqing and the others participated in Korchak's training card training, even if he and Wu Shiyi didn't make a move, Guan Yuqing and the others were enough to protect them.

"I still have three years... No, why should I help you." Bei Weiwei realized that Jiang Chen was saying that he belonged to him in a disguised form.

"Bi Nan, pack up and follow us." Jiang Chen said to Bi Nan.

"The founder of the Nine Capital Project, do you think I don't know?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Could it be that there is a big family behind Maria?"

"Of course it's true. Seeing you so beautiful, I just want to eat you." Jiang Chen said.

Although he agreed to Chen Xin's auction to get Mr. Xiaoguang, he didn't want to.

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen smiled.


She likes it too.

"By the way, Wang Haili..."

"You just sprained your ankle, so I have a way to cure you. However, if you don't want to, you can only call 120." Jiang Chen was not surprised by Maria's rejection, after all, they just met by chance.

"Miss, are you okay?" Jiang Chen came to Maria's side and asked in a concerned tone.

Jiang Chen pointed to Wang Haili, and said, "This is Wang Haili, the daughter of Wang Zhendong of Haiyi Group. After you return to Shanghai, collect relevant information about Haiyi Group and Wang Haili."

While talking, Jiang Chen picked up Wu Shiyi by the waist, and walked towards the bedroom.

As for why Guan Yuqing was chosen?
It was because among the women he brought with him this time, only Guan Yuqing could take him down quickly.

Yu Qingqing and the others wouldn't think too much about it, but as his women, Wu Shiyi and Bi Nan couldn't fail to guess his purpose.

"Mr. Jiang, did you leave just like that?"

Yu Qingqing is the legal director, and Yuan Ge is the secretary of the president's office, both of whom are trustworthy.And Wu Shiyi and Bi Nan are both his women, so he didn't hide it either.

The moment he walked into the restaurant, Jiang Chen's eyes were fixed.

But according to the news disclosed by Chen Xin before, this is also a test for Brother Long to cooperate with him.

"Okay." The four girls nodded.

"Wei Wei, I'm thinking about what happened just now." Jiang Chen thought of Bei Wei Wei's cooperation.

Yuan Ge was also taken aback.

After Guan Yuqing returned to his residence, Jiang Chen also returned to his yard.

"By the way, Xu Feng, the reason why you bought Mr. Xiaoguang's paintings is because of Chen Xin, right? It's been so many years, I never thought you would still miss Chen Xin." Jiang Chen said meaningfully.

"Xu Feng." Jiang Chen turned his head to see Xu Feng and the others, and smiled faintly.

"1000 million." As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, Xu Feng began to bid.

"This...no need." Maria shook her head and refused.

"If it's too late to go back, wouldn't it be..." Guan Yuqing didn't say anything further, but her meaning was already obvious.

Jiang Chen kept silent.

"What does yours have to do with mine?" Bei Weiwei smiled with beautiful eyes.

Jiang Chen turned his head and saw a group of people walking in.

Maria smiled and said, "My name is Maria and I'm married."

"6000 million." For Jiang Chen, buying a necklace for his woman is tens of millions, so 6000 million is not much.

Going up to say hello rashly is not necessarily a good thing.

Xu Feng's expression changed.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully signed in, and obtained the Chaohu Naval Training Card. 】

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen looked at Maria and asked, "Miss, I seem to have seen you before."

After the two exchanged WeChat messages, Maria said goodbye and left.

"Then give it a try." Maria thought about the meeting to be held this afternoon, and if she went to the hospital now, the meeting would definitely not be able to be held.But that meeting was important to her.

"Jiang Chen, then I'll go back first." Bei Weiwei said.

"Do you think I'm worried?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"You are my woman, I will not lie to my own people." Jiang Chen said.

Obviously, in this film and television fusion world, the plot has already been affected.

Although the Jiuzi Project and the Jiuyuan Project have already faced each other in Shanghai, he and Xu Feng have not yet confronted each other. Maybe in the eyes of Brother Long, he is not his own.

"Jiang Chen, I will miss you." Bei Weiwei said.

Not long after Jiang Chen came to the breakfast shop, Maria also came to the breakfast shop.

After a long time, the two separated.

"En." Jiang Chen nodded.

"If you find out Maria's identity, maybe you can..."

Therefore, before leaving Shanghai, he asked Bei Weiwei out.

Of course, biting is not really biting, but to scare her.

"Can't I wait?" Jiang Chen came in front of Wu Shiyi, and put his arms around her.

"Okay." Wu Eleven nodded.

With Jiang Chen's support, after a few minutes, Maria finally sat on the chair.

"So, maybe I will secretly disclose the matter between myself and Chen Xin to Xu Feng."


"Five elements?"

"President of Xingchen Group?" Xia Bing revealed surprise in his eyes.

"I have to go to Spring City at noon today." Jiang Chen said.

At this time, a person beside her said to Xia Bing: "This seems to be the president of Xingchen Group."

Guan Yuqing and the eleven girls were waiting at the door, and when they saw Jiang Chen and the others, they hurriedly went up to them.

Almost at the same time he saw the woman, the system prompt sounded.

"My whole body is yours, what do you think mine has to do with you?" Jiang Chen said while holding Bei Weiwei's hand.


"What if... what if someone finds out?" Guan Yuqing said.

Jiang Chen remembered that in the play, Xia Bing and Xiao Jian were originally lovers, and they had a happy time, but because of Xiao Jian's brother's death, Xiao Jian chose another profession, and the two parted ways.


This is also because Wang Haili fell in love with someone she shouldn't love. After all, Xu Feng's heart has long been filled with Chen Xin, and she can no longer tolerate her.

"Using Wang Haili is also possible."

Like last time, Maria bought breakfast and left.

"No, what do I want you to do?" Bei blushed slightly.


"Okay." Wu Eleven nodded.

"Xu Feng, you..." Wang Haili never expected that Xu Feng would offer 100 million yuan.

"Jiang Chen." Bei Weiwei happily appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"You won't be humble?" Wu Shiyi pinched Jiang Chen.

"Six thousand and one million." Xu Feng said.

"Mr. Jiang, last year, you said that your barbecue is very good. It has been more than half a year now. I can finally eat your barbecue. If it is not delicious, I will definitely criticize you." Yu Qingqing thinks that if If Li Qian was here, he would be very happy today.


Watching Maria leave, Jiang Chen outlined a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then find a safe place." Jiang Chen didn't care about it. In the second film and television fusion world, he had no idea how many times he slept in the open air.

Jiang Chen originally thought that Wang Haili would not appear in this auction as in the play.But now Wang Haili appeared, which had a crucial impact on his plan: "Let's have dinner first, and we will go to Myanmar in the afternoon."

"Let's go! We rarely have time to date." Jiang Chen said.

Are you kidding me?
"Xu Feng, I can't quote anymore." Wang Haili said to Xu Feng quickly.

"It's getting late, let's find a place to rest for the night." Jiang Chen looked at the sky and said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't be like this, watch the movie well." Guan Yuqing said while holding Jiang Chen's hand.

Immediately, the four boarded the plane.

"2000 million." Jiang Chen glanced at Xu Feng and smiled faintly.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Guan Yuqing came to Xianyunju.

At this time, Xia Bing looked at Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang, why don't I come." Ming Zhen said.

After letting go of various thoughts in his mind, Jiang Chen also began to calculate.

"If Xia Bing is captured..."

Beautiful short hair, decent professional attire, and a foreign-sounding name are very attractive.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and others came to a restaurant.

However, in "Jade Blood Sword", the five-element array was passed down to the fifth patriarch of the Wen family. After more than ten years of painstaking research by the fifth patriarch, he created the eight-diagram array as an assistant. Standing in the direction of the eight trigrams, the formation is exactly the same as the five-element formation.Shiliang sent the fifth patriarch of the Wen family to capture Xia Xueyi, the king of the Golden Snake, with this formation.Later, Yuan Chengzhi used the "Golden Snake Cheats" created by Mr. Golden Snake to break the five-element formation.

Jiang Chen bowed his head and kissed.

"Xu Feng..." Wang Haili pulled Xu Feng's hand.

After so many years, even a stone is hot, but she never thought that the person Xu Feng always thought of was her.

What's more, they haven't left the country yet.

"Yuqing, do you like me?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Jiang Chen glanced over the girls.

He didn't need to prove anything to Chen Xin at all.

"Wei Wei, let's go to the movies." Jiang Chen said.

"I live in Huazhou Junting, um, in Villa No. [-] of Huazhou Junting. I seem to have seen you in Huazhou Junting before." Jiang Chen admired his acting skills so much.

Jiang Chen came to Bei Weiwei, put his arms around her waist, and looked at her with piercing eyes.

Dongjiao No. [-] is to build the base camp of the Jiang family, and they cannot live in it before the renovation.

The girls walked into the restaurant under the leadership of Jiang Chen.

"However, we must investigate Maria's detailed information before that." Jiang Chen murmured.

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed.

"Secretary Yuan."


"3000 million." Jiang Chen continued to quote.

"There are so many people here today."

"Mr. Jiang, we're going to enter Myanmar any further." Wu Shiyi said.

"No, I want to go shopping." Bei Weiwei said.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "After going to Spring City this time, I'm going to Myanmar again, um, mainly to discuss cooperation with people. Wei Wei, I really want you to graduate early, and then you can help me .”

"5000 million." Jiang Chen spoke again.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Chen responded, but he didn't listen to Guan Yuqing's words, but continued...

After the movie ended, Guan Yuqing was already lying in Jiang Chen's arms completely powerless.

Beside Xu Feng is a woman.

Zhang Qiuyue and the others looked at Yu Qingqing, with curiosity in their beautiful eyes.

"Mr. Jiang, if you go to Myanmar, will you..." Yu Qingqing hesitated to speak.

Of course, the five-element formation obtained by signing in now is not assisted by the eight-diagram formation, but only the five-element formation.

"500 million." Jiang Chen said directly.

"Mr. Jiang."

"Don't worry. I've already found an excuse, and I won't make it difficult for you to go back. Come on, let's have dinner first, and then go to the movies." Jiang Chen poured Guan Yuqing a glass of wine, and chatted while eating.

After a while, Xu Feng said, "Thirty one million."

Xu Feng didn't speak, but closed his eyes, recalling the scene with Chen Xin in his mind.

"You know me?" Xu Feng frowned.


"Director Yu, you and Secretary Yuan will stay together today. If you want convenience, four or five must be together. Safety first." Jiang Chen said to Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge.

Even though Maria has high abilities, it is not easy to marry into a big family.What's more, judging from the situation in the play, Yu Rong is abroad, and Maria is Yu Rong's spokesperson in Yinghai Group.This means that Yu Rong and the family behind him have great trust in Maria.

When Jiang Chen arrived at the airport, Wu Shiyi, Yu Qingqing, and Yuan Ge had already arrived.

Although she has not been in the Xingchen Group for a long time, she has also heard of the Jiuyuan Project, but she doesn't understand it.

"You don't understand." Xu Feng said.

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something, and his heart moved: "Yes."

How could Jiang Chen know what was on his desk?
Wang Haili looked at Xu Feng.

Half an hour later, in Spring City, on the street.

Jiang Chen hesitated a little.

"Don't worry." Bei nodded slightly.

"President of Xingchen Group? Why is he here?" Wang Haili was a little surprised.

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered.

When he saw this woman, Jiang Chen recognized her.

A capable man should have many girlfriends.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand very gentlemanly: "There is a chair not far in front, let me help you go there."

With this chance encounter, what I want to do next will be much easier.

Only a few people from big families marry ordinary women.

"Going to Chuncheng?" Bei was slightly taken aback, feeling reluctance in his heart.

"100 million for the first time, 100 million for the second time..." The auctioneer looked at Jiang Chen.

"Meet Xu Feng?"

"Sign in."

"Mr. Jiang, you don't waste ingredients, do you?" Xing Lu said.

Yu Qingqing and Yuan Ge responded.

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Okay." The girls nodded.

It took a long time before Jiang Chen let her go.

Various thoughts flashed in his mind, Jiang Chen looked at the sign-in hostess.

For profit, he can do whatever it takes.

"You know how to bully me."

"Mr. Jiang, when did you buy Xianyunju? The environment here is really nice." Wu Shiyi looked at the yard and said.

(omit hundreds of thousands of words).

"Don't think about it." Bei slightly stared at Jiang Chen.

"She will come."

"Have you read the information I gave you before?" Jiang Chen asked.

Guan Yuqing remained silent.

After leaving the breakfast shop, Jiang Chen saw Maria not far away.

"Come on, I'll show everyone today." Jiang Chen said after setting up the grill.

But what could she do about it?
Can only accept.

Guan Yuqing nodded.

"In addition, after entering Myanmar, give each of Guan Yuqing and the others a pistol and thirty rounds of ammunition." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and a wooden box appeared in front of the two of them: "You will give them to them when the time comes."

Jiang Chen himself is stronger than Wu Shiyi.

"Look." Jiang Chen took out the access control card of the gate of Huazhou Junting community.

Various thoughts flashed in his mind, and Jiang Chen also looked away.

"Mr. Jiang, why did you bring me out alone?" Guan Yuqing complained.

In the Five Elements Formation, the moves of the five people defend each other, and the footwork complements each other. When facing the enemy, the five people are still like one person, integrated into one body, and the changes are endless.

"It seems that we will have one more sister." Wu Shiyi said.

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

Yu Qingqing nodded.

Jiang Chen remembered that in the play, Wang Haili did not participate in the auction.

In the box of the movie theater, Jiang Chen watched the movie with his arms around Guan Yuqing.

The next day, Jiang Chen brought Yu Qingqing, Yuan Ge, Bi Nan, and Wu Shiyi into the charity auction venue in a refreshed manner.

If she wasn't accepting Jiang Chen, how could she tolerate Jiang Chen's unscrupulousness.

After the two chatted for a while, Bei Weiwei left.

"Okay." Bi Nan nodded.

Well, Maria, is the person who entered the list of attracting Cao thieves.

Even so, Bei Weiwei was not angry.

"It's him?" Xu Feng's eyes flashed.

"Wei Wei, it's great to have you." Jiang Chen was very satisfied, after all, different women's lipsticks have different flavors.Bei Weiwei is different from Yao Lan from last night.

Xianyunju is an ancient house located deep in an alley in the center of the ancient city of Spring City. The main building is arranged in three vertical and four horizontal directions.

I don't know how long it took before Jiang Chen and Bei Weiwei separated.

"600 million."

"Miss, would you like me to take a look for you?" Jiang Chen said.

Xu Feng did not answer, but continued to quote.

Three and a half hours later, Spring City, the airport.

"Get ready for the barbecue." Jiang Chen said.

"It won't be long." Jiang Chen nodded.

From Jiang Chen's body, she felt caring and loving.

As the legal director of Xingchen Group, Yu Qingqing had heard about this plan a long time ago.

"You know him?" Wang Haili asked.

"Add WeChat? Okay." Jiang Chen was overjoyed. He also wanted the contact information, but he didn't expect Maria to bring it up first.

"Two ten minutes." Bi Nan replied.

"No, miss, I didn't mean to pursue you, I really think I've met you..." Jiang Chen pondered for a while, then said: "I remembered, do you also live in Huazhou Junting?"


"You bully me." Guan Yuqing stared at Jiang Chen.

"Chen Xin, she's still alive." Jiang Chen said.

"...100 million for the third time..." The auctioneer showed disappointment in his eyes.

In the past, Wang Haili was also a woman with bright eyes and full of confidence, but now, she has become a woman with a sad face and a compromise.It can only be said that Xu Feng was unfair to Wang Haili.

The auction will start tomorrow, so, in Jiang Chen's view, the rest of today is the time to develop relationships with his girlfriend and prospective girlfriend.

"Don't know? Then I'll let you know."

If Maria and Yu Rong really had no relationship, but only a relationship of interest, he would have a great chance of taking her down.

"Mr. Jiang."

Now there is Yao Lan in Huazhou Junting, Zhao Mosheng and the others live in Tomson Yipin, Jiang Tianlan lives in Junyue Mansion, Wu Shiyi lives in Tan Palace, Wang Manni lives in Hongsheng Community, and only the top floor of Lihui Building And Dongjiao No. [-].

Wu Eleven and Fourteen looked at Jiang Chen puzzled.

"Can't I eat food stalls?" Jiang Chen said angrily, "I started my business in Shanghai after graduation. I also lived in a basement. I have worked harder than you."

After a while, a burst of fragrance came out.

"It smells so good." The girls' eyes lit up.

At this moment, Wu Shiyi came over and whispered in Jiang Chen's ear: "Mr. Jiang, an unknown person is approaching..."

(End of this chapter)

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