Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 616 Mr. Jiang, You Can't Bully Me From Now On

Chapter 616 Mr. Jiang, You Can’t Bully Me From Now On (Big Chapter)
"Gao Mi, what's the matter with you?"

Zou Kai turned his head to look, and frowned when he saw the person who stopped him.

"Gao Mi?"

Jiang Chen was a little familiar when he heard the name, so he looked over immediately.

The next moment, a beautiful woman appeared in his sight.

"It really is her."

The moment he saw this woman, Jiang Chen had already recognized her.

Almost at the same time as seeing the woman, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

"I felt it when Mr. Meng agreed to my shareholding." Jiang Chen felt that Meng Zhiyuan agreed to his shareholding last year because it was for him to check and balance Shen Yingshu's natal family.

"Yifan, this is Guben Peiyuan Soup, you take one bowl first, and the other bowls in the next few days." Jiang Chen took out several bowls of Guben Peiyuan Soup and handed it to Chen Yifan, then said: "This Strengthening and Peiyuan Soup can improve your physique and allow you to practice better."

Jiang Chen nodded and watched Zou Kai leave.

"Of course." Tiffany didn't deny it.

After a moment.

"Is it pretty? Then what are you waiting for?" Chen Yifan came to Jiang Chen.

"So, people from the Su family must not influence Su Mingyu."

A quarter of an hour later.

It only needs to make Zhongcheng Group's incident happen next year, and Su Mingyu will become his other white glove like Wang Mingyu and Wang Hui.

In the play, Gao Mi only knew about it after she got married.

"Yifan, your Tai Chi is not good." Jiang Chen came to Chen Yifan and said.

Is this a gap?
"In fact, this kind of thing can be understood after careful consideration, but Mr. Su, you are mine, and I hope that one day you will remain neutral when other shareholders of Zhongcheng Group struggle internally." Jiang Chen was talking about other shareholders , but if someone wants to deal with him, or drag him into the water, then Su Mingyu has no choice.

And it was easier for him to get it done.

"If you tell me such a big secret now, you won't be afraid of me telling others." Chen Yifan looked at Jiang Chen and said.

Of course, before subduing Chen Qiufeng, Jiang Chen will get Chen Yifan and Xue Chunyu.

This is why Zou Kai and Jiang Chen cooperated.

Now taking Guben Peiyuan Decoction, the appearance looks younger.

"I want to take a look." Chen Yifan left Jiang Chen's embrace and retreated to the side.

Therefore, if Star Technology wants to take the lead in development, it must either sign up to obtain the 7-nanometer chip process technology within one year, or the Star Lab has developed the 7-nanometer chip process technology.

"It can be, but Mr. Zou has someone he likes, and they have liked each other for ten years." Jiang Chen said.

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said his name, and then said to Zou Kai: "Mr. Zou, let's go to a nearby coffee shop to chat."

However, Gao Mi's criteria for finding a boyfriend, he is completely suitable.

"It's a pity that we have to return to Shanghai today, otherwise, we can still enjoy it today." Jiang Chen murmured.

"This..." Zou Kai looked at Jiang Chen.

It's a pity that Meng Zhiyuan just wanted to use Su Mingyu.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the company's financial statement for the first quarter." Du Qiankang, general manager of Xingchen Technology, handed a document to Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang, I think Mr. Meng will thank you." Su Mingyu said.

"So Zou Kai, you have a plan?" Jiang Chen asked.

This is a prerequisite for his deal with Tiffany.

Didn’t the Indian farmer in his previous life still have children in his nineties?

"Because Zou Kai's mother doesn't like Wang Yu, whom he likes, she wants Zou Kai to marry someone else and have children. Faced with the pressure from his mother, Zou Kai wants to find someone to marry and have children, divorce and then be with Wang Yu." Jiang Jiang Chen said.

Have someone you like?Isn't she hopeless?

"This business card..." Seeing that there was only one name and one phone number on the business card, doubts flashed in Gao Mi's beautiful eyes.

It's just that ordinary people don't know it.

"It's been a while." Zou Kai nodded.

In fact, Jiang Chen also thought about whether to let Chen Yifan, like Wu Shiyi, come to her after he cultivated to a second-rate martial artist. However, last night Chen Yifan had expressed his thoughts, so he gave up his own. idea.

After all, they are old.

"Really?" Mei Daoyuan looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"The finances are good. How is the production of 10nm chips now?" Jiang Chen was very satisfied with the first quarter financial report of Xingchen Technology.

"Jiang Chen?"

"That's why I thought of cooperating with Mr. Jiang." Zou Kai said.

At this moment, he thought of something in the play.

"In the play, Gao Mi and Zou Kai got married in a flash, and they should have just met now."

"Is it true? You will know in half a year. I believe that Mr. Mei also has this ability." Jiang Chen knew that Mei Daoyuan's health was very good. If he hadn't been passionate, he might have been able to find a woman to have a child.

But at this time, Jiang Chen didn't think too much, but set his eyes on the female lead who had signed in.

In the play, the relationship between Gao Mi and Zou Kai has almost gone through a process of quantitative change to qualitative change, and this has played a big role with the seven aunts and eight aunts of the Gao family.The most realistic one is Gao Mi's mother, who completely bought her off with just a bracelet, and completely recognized this wealthy son-in-law.At the same time, in the play, Gao Hongqi tore up Xiaosan with his hands and made a scene at the wedding, making the Zou family lose face.And Yang Guang's stalking and intercepting like a voyeur also lowered the grade of Gao Mi's relatives.

"It's a pity that you are one step late. If it had been a few months earlier, maybe you could have joined, but now..." Jiang Chen understood Tiffany's thoughts.However, even a few months earlier, he would not have invited the DU Group.


Tiffany smiled lightly.

Jiang Chen didn't ask for Gao Mi's phone number.

Those laws and so on only concern ordinary people.

"I can prove that what I said is true." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen kissed Chen Yifan, then got up to wash and practice.

Jiang Chen glanced at Tiffany, but didn't ask any further questions.

If it wasn't for his presence, she would have had coffee with the Prince Charming in her mind.

"Then I don't know why Mr. Zou is looking for me?" Jiang Chen originally thought that Zou Kai was looking for him for the Sioux City skyscraper project, but if it was the Sioux City skyscraper project, Zou Kai only needed to find Chen Yifan.Therefore, now that Zou Kai is looking for him, there must be something else.

"This is my business card. If it's a fake, you can call me and ask me about it." Jiang Chen took out a business card while speaking.

Jiang Chen glanced at Zou Kai, opened it and looked.

"At that time..." Su Mingyu was stunned.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Chen Yifan didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen.

Although she accepted Jiang Chen just now, she was ready to follow Jiang Chen without any name or distinction, but at this moment, she found that she was thinking too much, and Jiang Chen gave more.

He had already said what he had to say.

Last time, after Jiang Chen's treatment and taking the medicine prescribed by Jiang Chen, his wife began to get better.For him, this was already a great gift from heaven, he never expected that now Jiang Chen actually said that he could recover.

This means deep affection and righteousness.

As for not accepting having many girlfriends?
At that time, she couldn't help but not accept it.

"Ready to go public?" Su Mingyu glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"It's not important that Meng is always thanking me. I just hope that I can get more dividends by the end of this year." It is also good for Jiang Chen to make Zhongcheng Group stronger.

Yes, absolutely not.

It's definitely not because of Gao Mi's good looks.

"Besides, Jiang Chen looks so young, and..." Gao Mi thought about Jiang Chen's appearance in her mind.

"Being lip balm eaten by the boss, Mr. Chen, how do you feel?" What Jiang Chen wanted was the stimulation of this kind of relationship.This can also increase the fun for two.

Chen Yifan became the eighth member of Jiang Family No.30.

"Cultivation method? Like those in martial arts novels?" Chen Yifan said.

"Let's discuss it with Chen Yifan today."

"Do you believe it now?" Jiang Chen looked at Chen Yifan with a smile.

Jiang Chen pondered.

35 is a bit older, but having kids is fine.


"Just met, a flight attendant." Zou Kai said casually.

Now that he heard Zou Kai's words, Jiang Chen felt that he could integrate the resources under the Xingchen Group.

A quarter of an hour later.

"As long as Li Weiwei leaves Linglong Wedding Dress Company, then I will definitely complete our deal." Jiang Chen looked at Tiffany and said, "But if you don't satisfy me, I think you should know the consequences."

This made Jiang Chen feel like he was an emperor in ancient times.

Only at this time did she realize that Jiang Chen might be Zou Kai's subordinate.

Star Technology.

"Mr. Jiang, why do you think Zhongcheng Group is going to go public?" Su Mingyu couldn't help asking.

However, he also knows that with the emergence of Star Technology's 10-nanometer chip process technology, other companies will also speed up their research.

"You also put the medicinal soup and body-strengthening pills of these body tempering formulas in the space bracelet. I also told you the usage just now." Jiang Chen took out the medicinal soup and a batch of body-strengthening pills for practicing body tempering formula.

"Today I will show you what real kung fu is." Jiang Chen said.

"No hurry." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Next, I will teach you the exercises first."

Chen Yifan slowly stretched out his hand.

The next day, Jiang Chen woke up from his sleep, looked at Chen Yifan in his arms, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After playing a set of Piaoxueyunpiercing Palm, Jiang Chen looked at the dumbfounded Chen Yifan.

"I missed you, so I came here." While speaking, Jiang Chen put his arms around Chen Yifan.

However, Su Jinbei's backtracking did not give herself up early like Gao Mi did.


"it is good."

"I won't tell you anymore." Chen Yifan didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so shameless, and he could ask such a question, but why is his heart so sweet?

Even if Chen Yidu knew about the deal between him and Tiffany, it would be fine, but in the future, he and Chen Yidu would have to fight each other.

Gao Mi looked at Jiang Chen's business card, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

After cooperating with Xingchen Real Estate, he realized how low-key Jiang Chen, the president of Xingchen Group, is.

"Don't worry, I know what I know." Tiffany said.

Su Mingyu still has abilities. If there is no drag from the Su family, she might be able to become an excellent professional manager.

Even though Shancheng Fashion Week is still half a year away, but you need to prepare to participate, and half a year is not much time.Tiffany's reminder was very useful to him.

Immediately, Jiang Chen and Zou Kai left.

Gao Mi rolled her beautiful eyes and made a decision.

"Mr. Zou, who is this?" Gao Mi looked at Jiang Chen.

The pie of the genius designer competition is so big, and now they don't even have enough points.

Most importantly, Gao Mi is young.

"Isn't it possible to impersonate anyone?"

"Tiffany, you DU Group doesn't want to hold some kind of event, does it?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Zou Kai and Gao Mi got married on May 16, 5."

"Mr. Jiang, then I will take my leave first." Su Mingyu said.

"What do you mean?" Gao Mi asked puzzled.

"I thought he was Zou Kai's friend." Jiang Chen glanced at Zou Kai, and finally officially confirmed that Zou Kai and Gao Mi had just met.

"Mr. May."

"Huo Xiao?" Jiang Chen smiled.

But thinking of the scenes of acquaintance and love with Jiang Chen, she still agreed.

Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "However, after Mrs. Mei recovers, it's better not to tell him about Mei Heng. Besides, you take this prescription and give it to Mrs. Mei. It only takes half a year. I promise Mrs. Mei will You can have another child." While speaking, Jiang Chen gave Jiumei Daoyuan a prescription.

Carambola a few days ago, Chen Yifan yesterday.

"President Su, how is the situation of Zhongcheng Group?" Jiang Chen looked at Su Mingyu and asked.

But now in a hurry, Jiang Chen only has a vague idea.

Chen Yifan was right.

Zou Kai continued: "If I don't meet Mr. Jiang today, I will contact Mr. Jiang through Mr. Chen (Chen Yifan)."

"Thank you for the reminder." Jiang Chen remembered it.

"I really didn't think about it, okay?" Jiang Chen pulled Chen Yifan into his arms: "I've given you time to think about it, and it's been a long time, how long do you want me to wait? Yifan, now that I've can not wait anymore."

But Zou's mother's worry is actually superfluous.

As expected of a costume designer.

"Sorry, I have something to do right now." Zou Kai refused.

Gao Mi looked at Jiang Chen.

For Chen Yifan, the word "believe in you" completely broke her heart.

"In addition, I have a piece of information here, which may be useful for the development of Zhongcheng Group." Jiang Chen opened the briefcase, took out a document and handed it to Su Mingyu.

However, Jiang Chen is not sure whether Meng Zhiyuan will deal with him before Zhongcheng Group goes public.

Before getting married, there must be a lot of Yingying Yanyan around.

Just now Chen Yifan took as much initiative as he wanted.

Jiang Chen directly hugged Chen Yifan by the waist, and walked towards Simmons' big bed.

"What did you hit just now?" Chen Yifan asked.

It was also at that time that he knew that there was Gao Mi in Sucheng.

So after hearing Jiang Chen's words, it was a little hard to accept.

If Gao Mi's appearance is not good-looking, he will definitely help her marry Zou Kai and make her happy.

However, in Jiang Chen's view, it is normal for Meng Zhiyuan to want to prevent the expansion of the Shen family's influence in the Zhongcheng Group.But Meng's family only has one son. Although Xiao Meng's ability in the play is not bad, but Meng Zhiyuan dealt with the arrogant warrior, and it was always a mistake not to let Su Mingyu marry Xiao Meng.

"Now that Gao Mi is looking for Zou Kai, it's because she's chasing after her, and it's because she just met her?"

"Are you willing to teach me?" Chen Yifan asked.

"Mr. Jiang, you..." Chen Yifan looked at Jiang Chen.

As for Jiang Chen having many girlfriends.

After half an hour, Chen Yifan came out of the shower.

"It seems that I underestimated Mr. Jiang." Tiffany realized Jiang Chen's reaction, smiled and said, "However, Mr. Jiang, I think your company can also prepare for the second half of the mountain city fashion week." gone."

It's been a while, but Tiffany is still so fashionable.

For Jiang Chen now, whether it is Meng Zhiyuan or Su Mingyu, they are all his targets.

I don't know if what the DU Group is planning now has anything to do with the plot in the play.However, even if there is a relationship, the impact is not great.The only thing he should pay attention to is Chen Yidu.

"Go to the coffee shop? Then can I..."

Zou Kai is the chairman of Kaiyuan Real Estate and doesn't even have a private jet, but Jiang Chen has a private jet. What does it mean?
This means that Jiang Chen is richer than Zou Kai.

Under his leadership, a French enhanced version of the victory ended.

a long time.

Chen Yifan kissed Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang, you can't bully me in the future." Chen Yifan was hesitant just now. After all, her relationship with Jiang Chen is a bit awkward. There were rumors outside before that De Group was annexed by Xingchen Group because she and Jiang Chen were together. reason.If she and Jiang Chen were together, the rumors would come true, and those people really didn't know what they would say about them.

Jiang Chen, she didn't know him.

"Proof? How do you prove it?" Chen Yifan asked.

"That's good."

However, before Jiang Chen finished speaking, Chen Yifan covered Jiang Chen's mouth.

Chen Yifan agreed.

"Tiffany, you should know the purpose of my meeting you, right?" Jiang Chen looked at Tiffany.

"Mr. Zou, who is this?" Jiang Chen asked knowingly.

"Okay, then I'll wait for good news from Mr. Jiang." Zou Kai nodded.

For Jiang Chen, the most he can't see a beautiful woman being hurt by others.

"Yangcheng, building materials factory?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

The influence of Kaiyuan Real Estate in Sioux City is not small, but the influence in other places is too small.

"It's April 16th, 4."


"What project?" Jiang Chen asked.

Although Li Shuhan and Ni Na are from the police station, they may not be as powerful as Chen Yifan who is proficient in Tai Chi.

The martial arts that Jiang Chen knows now include: Elementary Taijiquan, Basic Swordsmanship, Basic Swordsmanship, Yueshan Bajiquan, Qingfeng Swordsmanship, Wood Burning Swordsmanship, Wind and Thunder Fan Method, Crouching Tiger Palm Method, Flowing Cloud Flying Sleeves, Loosing Wind Sword Technique, Piaoxue Piercing Cloud Palm, Kunlun Thirteen Swords, Mo Ke Finger Jue, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Jiang Chen and Su Mingyu chatted for half an hour before they left the coffee shop.

Because Chen Yifan drank Guben Peiyuan soup, he needed to take a bath.

High income?Star Group is stronger than Kaiyuan Real Estate.

"I..." Chen Yifan looked at the top glass jadeite bracelet, hesitating.

tall?He is 1.8 meters five, and Zou Kai is only 1.7 meters eight, which is also a spike.

"Okay." Chen Yifan nodded, and took a bowl of Guben Peiyuan Soup.

Of course, there are other reasons why Zou Kai cooperated with Jiang Chen.

He felt that with this method of shrinking tendons and bones, he would be able to do certain things in the future without any disadvantages.

In fact, it's not just Mei Daoyuan, Jiang Chen also wants to subdue Chen Qiufeng when he comes out of prison.

Su Mingyu frowned, not understanding what Jiang Chen meant.

Mei Daoyuan's house.

Gao Mi was silent.

On the other side, the tea house.

"I think Mr. Su, you should understand what this means?" Jiang Chen said.

"Why, is your company also interested?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"If you can……"

"Gao Mi, are you okay?" Jiang Chen looked at Gao Mi.

Well, Chen Yifan is more beautiful now than when he saw her last year.

Chen Qiufeng only has two daughters, and he has been imprisoned, so there is a high possibility of taking him in.

Compared with other gold-worshiping women, Gao Mi was undoubtedly successful. Although the injuries suffered in the process were shattered, but in the end she was the young mistress of the Zou family, and she had a child, which made Zou Kai change her mind and even got her mother-in-law. recognition.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, but bowed his head and kissed.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.


"To develop the Star Group is to develop the family and increase the fortune of the family. However, we will work together in the future." Jiang Chen said.


"Mr. Jiang, I will not harm your interests." Su Mingyu said.

The key to the plot is Zhao Meilan's death.

"You just need..." Jiang Chen said.

Now Jiang Chen can taste it from her report?

"Piaoxueyunyun Palm." Jiang Chen said, "Do you want to learn?"

After watching Su Mingyu leave, Jiang Chen thought about the plot of "Everything is Fine".

"Mr. Jiang, I'll take my leave first," Zou Kai said.

In "Dear Life", Du Di's mother has children in her fifties.

"Yifan, follow what I say next." Jiang Chen said.

Sioux City is different from Shanghai.

But having someone you like is completely different from liking someone for ten years.

Last year, most of the intelligence network of Mr. Li of the Shangjia Group that he received was in Sioux City, so in Sioux City, his influence was relatively the largest.After suspecting Huo Xiao last time, he has already arranged many people.

Anyway, except for one Wu Shiyi, the others were fortunate when they were not second-rate warriors.What's more, in his opinion, as long as the Jiang family develops greatly in the future, the impact of being lucky if you don't reach second-rate warriors should not be great.

Therefore, Jiang Chen looked forward to Chen Yifan's cultivation even more.

Yes, they are Zou Kai's subordinates.

"Jiang Chen, who are you?" Gao Mi saw it, knowing so many things about Zou Kai, she was definitely not Zou Kai's subordinate.After all, if it was Zou Kai's subordinate, he would never say that about Zou Kai.

Jiang Chen liked this feeling.

How could it be cheaper for others?

"Inquire about Mr. Zou's situation? Gao Mi, you don't like Mr. Zou, do you?" Jiang Chen asked knowingly.

"Mr. Jiang, I know your purpose, but you don't need to worry." Tiffany looked at Jiang Chen with a smile and said, "Because what I promised you will definitely be done."

"Mr. Jiang."

In the play, she is a flight attendant, lively and cheerful, brave and proactive.On the plane, he fell in love with the noble son Zou Kai at first sight.Started the crazy backward pursuit mode, and successfully entered the palace of marriage through his own intelligence and wisdom.He and Zou Kai are a flash marriage couple.

He knew Chen Yifan would agree.

It's his woman anyway, and he can enjoy it whenever he wants.

"Who the hell is he?"

Is there such a simple business card in this world?
"Gao Mi, I'll take my leave first."

"Yes." Chen Yifan hugged Jiang Chen and nodded, "I will."

"Special channel?"

"I want you to be one of my women." Jiang Chen took out a top-grade glass jadeite bracelet and said, "Put it on, and you will be my Jiang Chen's woman."

Jiang Chen felt that if Gao Mi had known in advance, she would definitely not have married Zou Kai.

"Hmph." Chen Yifan didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen, as if he was embarrassed by what he did just now.

It's a pity that he only knew that Gao Mi was a flight attendant, but he didn't know the specific situation.

Highly educated?He may not be as good as Zou Kai, but now he is an honorary professor of Yenching University and Jiangcheng University. Now he is proficient in financial investment, computer proficiency, etc. He is a business administrator, senior fashion designer, senior construction engineer, and certified public accountant. Civil engineering super engineer, etc.

"Mountain City Fashion Week?" Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he said, "If I remember correctly, Mountain City Fashion Week is October NO.15, right?"

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen and Zou Kai walked out of the coffee shop.

Casting saint clan certification, bestowing the body of a young envoy.

But did she reveal this meaning in what she said just now?

"The supply is still in short supply, even if the company operates in three shifts and operates 24 hours a day, the supply is still in short supply," Du Qiankang said.

"Set up a building materials company?" Chen Yifan came to his senses.

But Jiang Chen didn't chat with Chen Yifan for too long.

Jiang Chen opened it and looked.

When she reported the situation of Zhongcheng Group to Jiang Chen, she only reported the basic situation of Zhongcheng Group. For things like letting Zhongcheng Group go public, she only heard Meng Zhiyuan mention it, but because there is no confirmed news , She didn't tell Jiang Chen either.

But in Jiang Chen's view, Gao Mi is far behind Su Jinbei.

Meng Zhiyuan's agreement to let Jiang Chen become a shareholder of Zhongcheng Group has already shown Jiang Chen that Zhongcheng Group is about to go public?

If it wasn't for Su Yushan's confrontation with Song Rin, he would definitely not have invited the Jinling Han Group and Shenghong Group.And now Su Yushan's invitation, isn't it offending other companies?

"However, it is also good to form a building materials company. Only when a complete business system is formed can we develop better..." Chen Yifan has been in the business world for many years and has rich experience, so he quickly discussed with Jiang Chen.

According to the introduction of the system, this method of shrinking tendons and bones is contained in the second half of "Nine Yin Scriptures". This method is originally the lowest level of kung fu. Shrink the muscles and bones of the whole body into a very small ball, just like a hedgehog and a porcupine curl up when encountering an enemy.In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Guo Jing was bound to the gang of beggars because of the bandit's framing, so he used this method to remove the shackles from his hands and feet, thus narrowly escaping death. In "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", Zhang Wuji was trapped in a cave by the traitor Zhu Changling, and he escaped safely after practicing this skill.

Su Mingyu opened it, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"If the Tendon Shrinking Technique is combined with the Elementary Disguise Technique, Changing Magic Voice, God-Level Lockpicking, Hairstyle Evolving Technique, etc., wouldn't it be possible to enter anywhere in this world?"

"Why are you here?" Chen Yifan was a little surprised to see Jiang Chen.

"Wang Yu is already 35." Jiang Chen knew that Gao Mi was born in 1994 and Zou Kai was born in 1988, so now Gao Mi is 22 and Zou Kai is 28.The current Gao Mi is the same age as Shi Chuchu, only older than Bei Weiwei and Liang Shuang.

"Mr. Zou, as far as I know, there are quite a few building material factories under Kaiyuan Real Estate, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"Shrinking tendons and bones?"

Then he is still polite?
At that moment, Jiang Chen bowed his head and kissed.

"Mr. Jiang, I want to be your man, completely your man." Chen Yifan looked at Jiang Chen and said.

Even though Xiao Meng was always interested in Su Mingyu in the play, he didn't get her.

"Can't you?" Gao Mi said.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, as long as the matter between Gao Mi and Zou Kai is ruined, it is not difficult to get Gao Mi.

Obviously, DU Group has other plans.

"Mr. Zou, haven't we seen each other for a while?" Jiang Chen remembered that the last time he met Mr. Zou was when the Jingyan Group withdrew from the Sioux City skyscraper project and they distributed the benefits.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

At this moment, Gao Mi came over.

"Get up and practice."

Life was too short, and she didn't want to miss another one.

"It seems that Meng is always going to let Zhongcheng Group go public." Jiang Chen's eyes flashed.

According to the plot, before Zhongcheng Group goes public, that is, next year, Meng Zhiyuan's biggest move is to clean up the influence of Meng Tai, Shen Yingshu and others in Zhongcheng Group.

"Mr. Jiang, is this true?" Chen Yifan felt the message from the space bracelet, and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Among the many martial arts, Jiang Chen chose Piaoxueyunyunzhang.

If he were Meng Zhiyuan, he would definitely find a way to make Su Mingyu completely sever ties with the members of the Su family, and then let Su Mingyu marry President Xiao Meng.As long as the two get married and have children, Su Mingyu will cut off ties with her natal family, and she must be Mr. Meng's right-hand man.

"Yifan, I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow. If it's your first time, why don't I..." Jiang Chen wanted to spend a few more days with Chen Yifan during her first time.

"I came out of the special passage five or ten minutes ago, you can check it out yourself." Jiang Chen left after speaking.

"If this is the case, you must make a big move." Chen Yifan said.

By then, Mei Daoyuan and Chen Qiufeng will be his crouching dragon and young phoenix.

"The Star Group does not have a cement factory or a building material factory. If you say I want to integrate them, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said.

Why can't she feel it?

Gao Mi is just a stewardess, so he didn't dare to introduce her randomly.

Although she fell in love with Zou Kai at this time, she didn't love her to death.

Young women are capital.

"Aren't you willing? But, if you don't want to, it's too late. In this life, you, Chen Yifan, can only be my woman." Jiang Chen said while holding Chen Yifan's hand.

Among so many heroines in the first film and television fusion world, Chen Yifan's strength is the strongest (referring to before practicing basic breathing techniques and other martial arts skills), because Chen Yifan has practiced Tai Chi for several years, even five Eleven may not be comparable to Chen Yifan.

For Meng Zhiyuan, it was to prepare for his son.

Chen Yifan is only 28 this year, and he is already very beautiful.

Chen Yifan and Jiang Chen separated.

Now the rich and capable people, which one doesn't have many girlfriends?

Bi Nan and the others are not bad in appearance, and so is Gao Mi.


"Mr. Zou has someone he likes? A childhood sweetheart?" Gao Mi's expression changed.

"En." Jiang Chen nodded.

As soon as the end of this year, other companies will develop 10-nanometer chips. At that time, Star Technology will lose its advantage.

Su Mingyu started to report.


"So your plan is about to succeed? Li Weiwei is leaving Linglong Wedding Dress Company?" The purpose of Jiang Chen looking for Tiffany is because of what Tiffany said before to let Li Weiwei leave Linglong Wedding Dress Company.

Because Gao Mi's family members are all wonderful.

"You can inquire about it. I don't think it is difficult to inquire about the news. However, if you continue to pursue, Zou Kai will definitely agree to marry you." Jiang Chen said.

This is why Jiang Chen treated Mrs. Mei, sent Chen Qiufeng in, attacked Chen Yifan, and kept Xue Chunyu by his side.

"What do you mean? Are you not satisfied with my performance just now?" Jiang Chen whispered in Chen Yifan's ear.

In the play, Zou Kai married Gao Mi because of his mother, but in actual actions, Gao Mi was misunderstood because of his good self-cultivation, making Gao Mi, who originally only wanted to marry into a wealthy family, mistakenly think that she met true love.Therefore, Gao Mi, who didn't fully know the truth, took up the posture of her Mrs. Zou to build momentum, but she was inadvertently injured.

Gao Mi, the second female lead in "You Going Upstream".

Jiang Chen made a decision in his heart.

At this time, the professional attire looks very good on the body.

"Yes." Tiffany nodded.

"President Jiang, you want me." Chen Yifan looked at Jiang Chen and said.

If Jin Yiwei, Plum Blossom Internal Guard, and Fox Hunter were allowed to practice the method of shrinking tendons and bones, they might be able to better fulfill their duties.


"Zou Kai from Kaiyuan Real Estate invited you to set up a building materials factory in Yangcheng?" Chen Yifan was taken aback.

I don't know how long it took, but when Chen Yifan came back to his senses, he realized that he was hugged by Jiang Chen and sitting on the sofa in the bedroom.

After becoming a shareholder of Zhongcheng Group last time, Jiang Chen has not seen Su Mingyu, and it has been almost three months now.There were only a few phone calls during the period.This time when he came to Suzhou City, Su Mingyu happened to be in Suzhou City, so Jiang Chen naturally wanted to ask Su Mingyu about the Zhongcheng Group.

"Okay." Su Mingyu nodded.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to meet at this critical moment."

"Okay." Zou Kai nodded.

"I know Mr. Meng is your master, but you have to understand that Mr. Meng is also a traditional person." Jiang Chen said meaningfully.

"Then watch carefully." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen smiled.

The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Chen said, "Yifan, to be honest, your Tai Chi just now is not good."

"Nonsense, since when did I become your woman?" Chen Yifan firmly denied it.

When Jiang Chen treated Mrs. Mei before, he was still a junior Chinese medicine doctor, and now he is an intermediate Chinese medicine doctor. In addition, he brought back a lot of medicinal materials in the second film and television fusion world, so now there is a cure for Mrs. Mei. hope.

Jiang Chen was very happy.

Jiang Chen walked out of Mrs. Mei's room, and said to Mei Daoyuan: "Mrs. Mei's condition is very stable, and I believe it won't take long for her to recover."

As long as it is a fashion company with vision, it will definitely take action after seeing the success of the talented designer competition, and the same is true for their DU Group.

After half an hour.

"Private jet, Jiang Chen..."

"Then I'll replace wine with tea, and toast you." Jiang Chen picked up the teacup.

Jiang Chen remembered that Saint-Gobain, one of the largest building materials factories, had sales of US$18 billion in 493 and had nearly 17 employees worldwide.Now there are many cement plants in Star Real Estate, but there is no systematic integration.

I also like this kind of life.

It can be said that the establishment of a building materials factory will be very profitable in the next few years.

"But Mr. Zou, you should also understand that there are many real estate companies eyeing the Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Experimental Zone. Moreover, there are already many building materials factories in Yangcheng. It may not be easy to intervene at this time." Jiang Jiang Chen did not deny Zou Kai's words. Judging from the situation in his previous life, the emergence of the Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone has brought great benefits to the construction industry in Yangcheng.Even if there are some changes in this film and television fusion world, it will only be better.

In this case, not to mention that Zou Kai and Gao Mi are only in a contractual marriage relationship, even a true love combination with a emotional foundation cannot stand up to relatives who are so unwilling.

In Gao Mi's eyes, Zou Kai is a son of a wealthy family, and it's normal to have someone he likes.

"Definitely." Mei Daoyuan nodded.

But she knows Zou Kai's identity.

"Mr. Jiang, if this is the case, my future life will be yours." There is no one who does not want an offspring, and the same is true for Mei Daoyuan, but he has a deep affection for his wife.

"How about it, my kung fu is not bad, right?" Jiang Chen walked over with a smile.

It is said that Wang Yu in the play is 35.

"How is this possible, he is not with Wang Yu..." Gao Mi was shocked.

"Zou Kai likes to be older..." Gao Mi was dumbfounded.

Looking at Mei Daoyuan, Jiang Chen continued: "As long as there is a child, Mrs. Mei will transfer her love for Mei Heng to the child, and then the situation will get better and better."

At present, most of the cement and building materials factories of Xingchen Group are purchased from Yinghai Group, and only a small part is purchased from the former Mingde Group and Shangjia Group.

"Yifan, you are so beautiful." Jiang Chen looked at Chen Yifan.

"Mr. Jiang, you are my boss, do you think you are good?" Chen Yifan did not answer Jiang Chen's words.

"At that time, I will need Mr. Mei to help me with my advice." In Jiang Chen's eyes, Mei Daoyuan is equivalent to the existence of a military adviser. He treated Mrs. Mei in order to make Mei Daoyuan work for him.

Gao Mi was taken aback for a moment, and then hurried back to the airport.

"Okay." Chen Yifan said while putting the things into the space bracelet: "Mr. Jiang, you really have a lot of secrets. Compared with these secrets of yours, the Xingchen Group is nothing."

"Boss Su, go slowly, call me anytime in the future." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, let me..." Chen Yifan raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, but facing Jiang Chen's deep gaze, he could no longer speak the following words.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully signed in, and obtained the method of shrinking tendons and bones. 】

"Miss me? I don't think you would have come to see me if you didn't have something to do." Chen Yifan didn't believe Jiang Chen's words.

"You've already felt it, so it's true." Jiang Chen nodded and explained about the Qiyun family: "This is the biggest secret of our Jiang family. I am now the head of the Jiang family. And you are my woman , so it’s a minor envoy.”

(omit hundreds of thousands of words).

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded, and explained the general situation.

Although he has not yet had a showdown with Li Weiwei, in Jiang Chen's view, Li Weiwei is his man, how could he let Huo Xiao touch Li Weiwei?

As long as Gao Mi is not that kind of love brain, she will not marry Zou Kai.And with her business card, Gao Mi will get in touch with her herself.

"Mr. Jiang, please." Tiffany picked up the teacup.

"What?" Chen Yifan asked.

Therefore, if possible, he also wanted to change Gao Mi's fate.

"I believe in you." Jiang Chen said.

Doesn't seem to be there?
"President Su, I think you know better than me about the listing of Zhongcheng Group. However, when I became a shareholder of Zhongcheng Group last year, I said that I would not participate in the management of Zhongcheng Group. What did you do before?" What to do in the future." Jiang Chen said.

As the nominee for the shares of Jiang Chen Zhongcheng Group, it is her duty to report to Jiang Chen.

"Of course." Tiffany nodded: "This month at the earliest, and next month at the latest, Li Weiwei will definitely be able to leave Linglong Wedding Dress Company. At that time, President Jiang only needs to place her in Shanghai."

"Mr. Zou, I'll think about this matter, but I will give you an answer within three days." Jiang Chen looked at Zou Kai's plan.From Zou Kai's plan, Zou Kai has already made full preparations.

What he wanted to teach Chen Yifan were the basic breathing technique, light cloud technique, and body tempering technique.

Chen Yifan's heart trembled, his beautiful eyes twinkled, and then he closed his eyes.


The plot of "Everything is Good" is 17, that is, it will start next year.

"However, are your words true?" Gao Mi asked Jiang Chen.

"Of course." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "Piaoxueyunyunzhang can only be practiced by members of my Jiang family. You are also my woman, so naturally you can."

I have some complaints in my heart.

After sleeping with Chen Yifan last time, although he didn't do anything to Chen Yifan, Jiang Chen already felt that Chen Yifan had been captured.Now what Chen Yifan said was not acting like a baby?
It took a long time for Jiang Chen and Chen Yifan to separate.

I do not know how long it has been.

After the two chatted for a while, Tiffany said, "Mr. Jiang, there's a lot of noise about the talent designer competition."

"Yes." Zou Kai nodded and said, "However, most of Kaiyuan Real Estate's building material factories are located near Sucheng, and the impact on other places is limited. After all, the transportation cost is too high. Therefore, if you want to develop in Yangcheng, you must start a new one. .”

At this moment, all hesitation and anxiety are gone.

"Zhongcheng Group..."

"That's right."

"Mr. Jiang, I'm going to invest in a building materials factory in Yangcheng. I wonder if you're interested in taking a stake." Zou Kai said.

"Really?" Mei Daoyuan was surprised, delighted and unbelievable.

Jiang Chen remembers that the encounter between Zou Kai and Gao Mi in the play originated from a flight. The stewardess Gao Mi felt that Zou Kai met her golden standard of "high income, high education, and tall man" in choosing a mate, so she did not hesitate to take the risk of making a mistake and being punished. Locked in the toilet, thus obtained the other party's contact information and successfully attracted the other party's attention.She took the initiative to investigate Zou Kai's preferences and tried her best to get close to her, thinking that it was her own beautiful woman... The trick worked, but Gao Mi who bumped into the door by mistake also happened to meet Zou Kai's marriage criteria.One is for money, the other is for children, that's why they are together.

"Mr. Jiang should know about the Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Experimental Zone. Now that this economic development zone has emerged, I believe that the building materials factory will have a good development prospect." Zou Kai said.

"No, similar ones are useless, but..." At this point, Tiffany didn't continue.

In particular, the cement plant and building material plant in Sioux City had problems last year.

In the play, Su Jinbei is also chasing backwards.

At this time, when teaching Chen Yifan the basic breathing technique, Jiang Chen also discovered very keenly that Chen Yifan learned very quickly.

The top floor of Mingde Building.

"Mr. Jiang, you have to be careful of Huo Xiao, otherwise, he might do something that you regret for the rest of your life." Tiffany reminded.

"Not bad." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a project in my hand. I don't know if you are interested." Zou Kai said.

But this is the end of the matter, he can only come to Sioux City when he has time in the future.

"Mr. Zou, can I... Can I buy you coffee?" Gao Mi said.

"Mr. Jiang, you can take a look at this." Zou Kai took out a document and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang, do you have any ideas?" Chen Yifan asked.

What's more, Jiang Chen also made it clear before that he has many girlfriends.She will not get the only love if she follows Jiang Chen.

Therefore, relatively speaking, Wang Yu is older, and the risk of having a child is greater.

"Hmph, I know your Tai Chi is better than mine, but you can't say my Tai Chi is bad." Chen Yifan snorted.

"Let's talk about the company." Jiang Chen said: "I asked Tang Xin to take two pieces of land in Yanjing. If there is no accident, Tang Xin should be able to take it. Then you just need to deal with the follow-up matters That’s fine. In addition, today I met Zou Kai from Kaiyuan Real Estate, and he invited me to set up a building materials factory in Yangcheng, what do you think of this matter?”

Except that Zou Kai knew him earlier than him, and he had more girlfriends, he was better than Zou Kai.

Jiang Chen smiled.

"it is good."

If Meng Zhiyuan really makes a move, even if there is only a slight hint, he will drive Meng Zhiyuan out of Zhongcheng Group without hesitation.

More importantly, refreshed.

"I want to ask you about Mr. Zou's situation." Gao Mi said.

"very nice."

"Yifan." Jiang Chen slowly approached Chen Yifan.

So, what if you don't let Zhao Meilan die?
In the play, once Zhao Meilan died, Su Mingyu and the Su family forgave them after going through ups and downs.If Zhao Meilan didn't die, Su Mingyu and the members of the Su family would never get in touch with each other.

Resource integration involves the interests of all parties.

Well, take down Xue Chunyu next time, Chen Xi, and then...

Even older than Yao Lan.Zou Kai's mother was worried that she would not be able to have children, so she did not agree and let Zou Kai marry someone else.

After all, he is a good man full of justice.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, and waited quietly for Chen Yifan's choice.

Half an hour later, another coffee shop.

Letting Su Mingyu hold the shares on behalf of him is the first step in controlling Su Mingyu.

"This is a good time for the company's development. Mr. Du, what are your plans for the future?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mr. Jiang, I have formulated the Four-Elephant Plan." Du Qiankang took out a document and handed it to Jiang Chen, and said at the same time: "The Four-Elephant Plan is to build four fabs, and at the same time..."

Soon, Du Qiankang explained the Four Elephant Project, but he hesitated to speak at the end.

"Did you encounter a problem with this plan?" Jiang Chen asked while reading the document.

(End of this chapter)

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