Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 658 Nantianzhu, Le Yun, Feng Xin'er

"What are you doing with me, let me go."

The one caught by Jiang Chen was a pure-looking, lovely, quiet and smiling woman. At this time, the woman caught by Jiang Chen looked a little panicked, and struggled vigorously.

"Let go of you? Little girl, who gave you the guts to steal from me?"

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

In this film and television fusion world, there are wide cuffs for cover, and it is very convenient to get things from the space ring, so most of his things are placed in the space ring,

But some things cannot be placed in the space ring.

For example, send mother jade.

And teleporting mother jade is a very important thing, to some extent, it is the foundation for him to settle down in this film and television fusion world.Now what this woman wants to steal is teleportation mother jade, even if she is the heroine, he will never tolerate it.

Almost at the same time as Jiang Chen grabbed the woman, a system notification sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and quickly muttered in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully signed in, and obtained the intermediate disguise technique. 】

"Intermediate disguise?"

Jiang Chen was stunned.

After signing in Gu Qingyu and getting the primary disguise, he has been thinking about when to sign the intermediate disguise.I didn't expect to sign in today.

After receiving the relevant information, Jiang Chen knew the difference between the intermediate disguise technique and the primary disguise technique.

To put it simply, the basic disguise technique simply changes the appearance or adds decorations so that people cannot recognize it.Intermediate disguise technique, using the mask made by oneself to put on a camouflage.

Judging from the system introduction, even a grand master can't see through the intermediate disguise technique obtained by signing in.As for the primary disguise technique, if a congenital warrior carefully distinguishes it, there is a possibility that it will be seen through.

"Even the great masters may not be able to see through?"

"This intermediate disguise technique is so powerful? This is really great."

Jiang Chen was very happy.

In this third film and television fusion world, there are many people who know how to make faces, such as Hong Luo from "Splendid Wei Young", A Zhu from "Dragon Ba Bu", etc.If the disguise technique is not strong enough, there is a possibility of being seen through, and the price to be paid will be high.

"With the Disguise Technique, plus if you return the same way to him..."

Thoughts flashed in his mind one by one, Jiang Chen looked at the sign-in hostess.

Nan Tianzhu, a character in "New Youth Bao Zheng".

In the play, she is a heroic and courageous female snitch. As the daughter of Aunt Shui, Nan Tianzhu seems soft and fickle, but in fact she is innocent and lovely.After getting acquainted with Bao Zheng and others, Nan Tianzhu gradually returned to the right path and became a sincere and righteous female heroine. She was like a family relationship with Bao Zheng, fell in love with Gongsun Ce, and became a friend with Zhan Zhao. Realized the beautiful transformation of life.

""New Youth Bao Zheng""

"I didn't expect it to be this drama."

"I don't know if there is any plot of "Youth Bao Qingtian"."

Jiang Chen thought of the heroines in that play.

"Whoever said that I stole something, you have wronged people." Nan Tianzhu quibbled.

"I wronged you? If you want to steal something from me but don't admit it, I think you are impatient." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"If you don't let me go, I'll call someone." Nan Tianzhu slapped Jiang Chen with a palm while struggling.

"Hmph, death is imminent, and I don't know how to repent."

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, with a fierce look in his eyes, and at the same time turned his left palm over, facing her directly.

Floating Snow Piercing Cloud Palm.

The two palms intersected, and a look of surprise flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

Nan Tianzhu is just a female snitch, she didn't expect to have such strength.

"Unfortunately, this strength is not enough in front of me."

A cold look flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, and then he used the orchid blowing hand.

"You, what are you doing, let me go."

Nandian Zhu's expression changed drastically.

"Nantianzhu, do you want to run even in my hands?" Jiang Chen sneered, and the speed of Lanhua's point stroke became faster.

"You, who are you?"

Nan Tianzhu found that he couldn't dodge at close range, and his expression changed drastically.

"Who am I? You don't even know who I am, yet you dare to deal with me? Who gave you the courage?" Jiang Chen touched Nan Tianzhu's acupuncture points, then looked at her coldly, and said, "Believe it or not, I'm now Just destroy flowers with hot hands?"

While speaking, a cold killing intent emerged from Jiang Chen's body.

This is Jiang Chen's killing intent on the battlefield.

This killing intent was not something that the female snitch Nan Tianzhu could resist.

"You..." Nan Tianzhu's expression changed.

Only then did she realize that this person was different from the one she had met before.

"Come on."

Jiang Chen gave a light drink.


Lin Xi and another fox hunter appeared beside Jiang Chen.

"Hold on, if someone saves her, let the person who wants to save her come to see me, if the other party disagrees, kill her." Jiang Chen knew that it was Aunt Shui who could come to rescue Nan Tianzhu.

"Yes." Lin Xi and the two left with Nan Tianzhu.

"Let me go." Nan Tianzhu struggled, but obviously, this struggle was futile.

Jiang Chen sneered.

Fall into his hands, still want to leave?

The reason why he didn't kill her was just to give her a chance to be lucky by him.

"Let's go, let's continue shopping." Jiang Chen said.

"My lord, it was my negligence just now." Zhi Xiang said.

"Just work hard in the future." Jiang Chen didn't care.

He is not the kind of person who is harsh on his personal maid. He is very kind to his personal maid.After all, they are all high-quality housing candidates.

After a while, Jiang Chen saw an attic.

"This is?"

There was a trace of doubt in Jiang Chen's eyes.

"My lord, this is a high-end auction house." Bai Pingting replied.

"A high-end auction house? Let's go in and have a look." Jiang Chen walked over.

Zhi Xiang and Bai Pingting quickly followed Jiang Chen.


When he just walked to the entrance of the high-end auction house, Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Because he saw an acquaintance.


Not far from Jiang Chen, there is a man in white clothes, he is Rong Zhi.

"Master Jiang..." Rong Zhi saluted.

"Rongzhi, why are you here?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised, the plot of "The Phoenix Prisoner" hadn't started yet, why did Rongzhi come to Liu Song?

Is it for layout?

Or is it for the sky as a mirror?
However, nothing is impossible.

After all, Tian Rujing is a descendant of Gu Huan, the owner of Tianji Pavilion, and a descendant of Yunjinshan.

"I'm here to play." Rong Zhi replied.

"How about together?" Jiang Chen pointed to the high-end auction house and invited.

"Okay." Rong Zhi nodded.


After entering the attic, Jiang Chen discovered that there was another universe in the attic.

"Rong Zhi, do you know what is being auctioned in this auction house today?" Jiang Chen asked Rong Zhi as he walked in.

"I don't know." Rong Zhi shook his head and said, "I just arrived in Lake City yesterday, and I heard that there is something auctioned at this high-end auction house, so I came over to have a look."


Jiang Chen couldn't deny Rong Zhi's words, but he was also very curious about the auction in the auction house.

I don't know if the elixir will be auctioned here.

Now the Jiang family's demand for cultivation resources is increasing. If there is an auction, he will buy it at all costs.

"Master Jiang, let's go to the second floor." Rong Zhi said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

After a while, Jiang Chen and others came to the second floor.

At this moment, a figure appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, the sign-in was successful, and the military guard training card was obtained. 】

"Warguard training card?"

Jiang Chen was a little disappointed.

Relatively speaking, the training card of the Wuwei Army is the lowest level among the training cards of the Jiang Family Army.

Now that they have first boarded the battalion to replenish troops for the Wuwei battalion, it doesn't matter even if they don't have a Wuwei army training card.

"Could it be that you just signed in and got the intermediate disguise technique, so it's easy to use it up?"

Jiang Chen looked at the sign-in hostess.

Leng Xingchen, the heroine in "The Illustrated Book of Beauties of Martial Arts Mysteries".

In the play, she was born in a family of doctors, and she can cure illnesses with hands and excellent martial arts.Compared with contemporary women, Leng Xingchen defends the truth, forbears and is firm, so he is denied and isolated.

"Leng Xingchen."

"I and the stars are very destined."

Jiang Chen thought of Nie Xingchen.

My own company is called Xingchen Group, the first woman is called Nie Xingchen, and now Leng Xingchen has come.

If this is not charged.

Wouldn't you give up your good luck?

"Juice Xiang."

Jiang Chen whispered something in Jue Xiang's ear.

Zhi Xiang walked towards Leng Xingchen.

"Master Jiang, do you know him?" Rong Zhi glanced at Leng Xingchen not far away.

At this time, Leng Xingchen was dressed in men's clothes, Rong Zhi thought he was Jiang Chen's friend.

"It seems like I've seen it before, but I'm not sure." Jiang Chen didn't say much, and entered a box with Rong Zhi.

After a while, Juxiang came back.

"My son, it's done."


Jiang Chen nodded.

Soon, the auction begins.


Jiang Chen didn't expect that today's auction was for the singer.

This made him a little disappointed.

Although the people in this high-end auction house said that all the divas here are high-end products that are carefully trained, but is he the kind of person who needs divas?

However, does Rong Zhi really not know what the auction is about?

Could it be that Rong Zhi also wanted to auction off the singer?

Jiang Chen didn't understand Rong Zhi's fundamental purpose until a person appeared.

She is none other than Le Yun.

The character in "The Phoenix Prisoner".

In the play, Meiji, whose identity is unpredictable, is quite beautiful and scheming. Because of her similar appearance to Feifeng General Huo Xuan, she becomes Kang Wang Tuobayun's concubine. Although she is cruel, she can do everything to the one she loves.

"Did Rong Zhi meet Le Yun at this time?"

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered.

Judging from the drama "Phoenix Prisoner and Phoenix", Le Yun is Rong Zhi's pawn hidden in Kang Wang's mansion, and Le Yun agreed to be Rong Zhi's pawn in order to repay Rong Zhi's kindness to his father.Because she had a face exactly like Huo Xuan's, Tuoba Yun fell in love with her deeply when he saw her for the first time.Le Yun obviously knew the reason why he was favored, so he dared to be so presumptuous in front of Tuoba Yun.

In the play, when Le Yun was bullied by Tuoba Yun's two concubines, Le Yun was not only not afraid, but also tore up the two concubines on the spot. His temper was comparable to that of the female general Huo Xuan.After returning to the room, Le Yun saw the cloth Tuoba Yun sent for her and tore it up on the spot, and hearing the sound of tearing the cloth, her heart felt a little happier.And Tuoba Yun also burned all his previous antiques in order to please her, which made Le Yun very happy.

When Tuoba Yun was framed, Le Yun not only helped Tuoba Yun through the difficult time, but also took the initiative to explain his identity to him. doubted her.

During a step-playing game in the palace, Le Yun deliberately flew up to bump into Chu Yu, and seeing Rong Zhi's thoughts on Chu Yu, she deliberately hinted to Tuoba Yun that the reason why Rong Zhi treated Chu Yu badly was probably because of Protect her, and Chu Yu is also Rong Zhi's biggest weakness.

It's a pity that Tuoba Yun is simply an idiot who can't afford to support him.Ability and wrist can't be compared with Rong Zhi at all.However, Le Yun is also a person who gives everything for love, and he is also moved by the love of the other party during his relationship with King Kang. In the end, King Kang chose to pretend to be crazy because he failed to force the palace. The person who took care of Kang Wang, when Kang Wang who pretended to be crazy was finally rescued, it was Le Yun who chose to set fire to commit suicide instead of Kang Wang.

"In general, Le Yun is also a poor person."

"However, Rong Zhi..."

"This Rong Zhi has a deep scheming mind."

"Hanging Huo Xuan while using Le Yun."

"If Feng Ting didn't feel that Rong Zhi was a threat, maybe the regent in Rong Zhi's play would become the real emperor."

At this time, Jiang Chen felt that the reason why Rongzhi rejected Huo Xuan in the play was not because he didn't like Huo Xuan, but because it was not the right time.

But it is.

In the play, Rongzhi is already the regent of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

His wife is Princess Liu Song.

If they get Huo Xuan again, with the support of the Huo family army, the Northern Wei Emperor and Feng Ting will definitely be restless.After all, when you reach Rong Zhi's position, you don't have to retreat whenever you want.Even taking a step back is an abyss.

"This is probably why Feng Ting dealt with Rong Zhi in the play."

"This is Feng Ting's plan for a rainy day."

"So, Gu Huan, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion, approached Huo Xuan, maybe he didn't mean Feng Ting and the Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Maybe Gu Huan was a pawn of Feng Ting."

Various thoughts flashed in my mind.

Jiang Chen suddenly understood that the plot in the play was not as simple as he thought before.

"Master Jiang, are you interested in her?" Rong Zhi's voice came.


Jiang Chen did not deny it.

It would be fine if he didn't meet Le Yun, since he did, he wouldn't let it go.

The roles played by the same actor in the previous life are only similar, but the temperament and other aspects are completely different.But Le Yun and Huo Xuan in the same play are different, almost identical, like twins.

Now that he has got Huo Xuan, if Le Yun falls into Rong Zhi's hands, it will feel awkward.

What's more, Le Yun is a singer.

It will give him a different feeling.

Besides, Le Yun and Huo Xuan have nothing to do with each other in the play.But in "The Phoenix Prisoner", the relationship between Liu Chuyu and Liu Chuxiu may also be the relationship between Le Yun and Huo Xuan.

After all, there are many forces in the play, and some things are easy to explain. Maybe the reason why it is not expressed in the play is just to leave a suspense.And the relationship that is not known in the play may be known in this film and television fusion world.

"Then let's compete fairly." Rong Zhi said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen glanced at Rong Zhi.

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that Rong Zhi was a hero at such a young age.

After all, for a person like Le Yun to stay by his side without moving, this is not something ordinary men can bear.


Half an hour later, Jiang Chen bought Le Yun with 5 taels of silver.

"Master Jiang, you are generous." Rong Zhi said meaningfully.

"I am determined to win, but thank you for letting me go." Jiang Chen also felt that it was expensive, after all, singers in this world are not worth much.

At this time, Le Yun was brought.

"Le Yun, come here." Jiang Chen said.


Le Yun walked over.

As a diva, she is cautious.

Jiang Chen looked it over and said, "Follow me from now on."

"Yes." Le Yun replied.

Rong Zhi took a look at Le Yun, and his eyes swept over Jiang Chen without leaving any trace.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and others left the auction house.

"Master Jiang, I'll take my leave." Rong Zhi saluted Jiang Chen.

"Okay." Jiang Chen saluted back.

After Rong Zhi left, Jiang Chen looked at Le Yun.

"Master, son..." Le Yun felt uncomfortable being watched by Jiang Chen.

"Don't you want to say something?" Jiang Chen asked.


"You only have one chance. If you need any help from me, I can help you. However, if you miss this opportunity, then I won't make a move." Jiang Chen said meaningfully.

"My lord, I want to see my father, he is..." Le Yun glanced at the auction house.

Jiang Chen called a star rider.

"Young Master." Xing Chen rode away from Jiang Chen's side.

"Go, bring Le Yun's father to see me." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." The Jin Yiwei replied.


post station.

"Messenger, you are finally here." Wu Da greeted Jiang Chen when he saw Jiang Chen.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Messenger, we must hurry tomorrow." Wu Da replied.

"Hurry up as soon as possible tomorrow? Why, is it possible that your Shanyin Princess of Liu Song is going to get married early?" Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Da, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

"No, it's just..." Wu Da frowned, and finally said nothing, just said: "Messenger, let's go as soon as possible tomorrow!"

"Yes." Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Da, but did not refuse.

He also wanted to go to the Liu Song Imperial City earlier, so that he could use the family teleportation talisman to go to Guangning City and the Northern Wei Dynasty Imperial City.

Although he was contacted by the best quality Haidongqing during this period, he was still worried.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Wu Da saluted and left.

"Go find that female thief." Jiang Chen said to Zhi Xiang.

"Yes." Jue Xiang replied.

After a while, Nandian Bamboo was brought over.

"You let me go soon." Nan Tianzhu glared at Jiang Chen, if his gaze could kill someone, maybe Jiang Chen would have already been chopped into pieces and hacked into pieces.

"Why did I let you go? Give me a reason." Jiang Chen was a little amused.

Stealing your own things and want to let someone else go?

Where does this make sense?

Are women privileged?


In this third film and television fusion world, only the nobles and the strong have privileges.

"I rob the rich and help the poor." Nan Tianzhu said.

"Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor?"

Jiang Chen sneered: "A thief is a thief, robbing the rich and giving to the poor? What a big reason."

"You..." Nan Tianzhu felt that he was wronged.

Because she is really stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

"What's more, do you know who I am? Steal the rich and help the poor?" Jiang Chen came to Nan Tianzhu, looked her up and down: "Tell me, how should I deal with you? Kill you? Or sell you? "

Nandian Zhu's expression changed.

She had no doubts about Jiang Chen's words.

"Give you two choices."

Jiang Chen looked at Nan Tianzhu, and said: "First, stay with me as my maid for a year, and then I will let you leave safely. Second, sell you to the Qinlou Chu Pavilion."

If he wanted to destroy the flowers with his hands, Jiang Chen would have killed Nan Tianzhu long ago.

However, it is the heroine after all.

It's okay to be a personal maid.

In the future, there will be a Plum Blossom Internal Guard Training Card or a Jinyiwei Training Card. After training, the problem of loyalty will be solved.

It's a good time to be a roommate.

Well, there are more and more training cards now, and Jiang Chen is getting better at using them.

"I won't choose any of them." Nan Tianzhu said.

"Zhi Xiang, contact the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion and sell it to them today." Jiang Chen said to Zhi Xiang.

"Yes." Zhi Xiang replied, turned around and walked out.

"It's still early, maybe you can receive your first guest." Jiang Chen looked at Nan Tianzhu with a smile and said.

"You are despicable and shameless." Nan Tianzhu glared at Jiang Chen.

"Stealing from me, and calling it mean and shameless? Who gave you the guts?" Jiang Chen sneered, and said, "I've already given you face by not handing you over to the Liu Song court. Believe it or not, I only need to be in the Liu Song court One sentence in front of you, you will definitely die."

"Who are you?" Nan Tianzhu asked.

"The envoy of the Northern Wei Dynasty." Jiang Chen said.

"Northern Wei?" Nan Tianzhu's expression changed.

For Liu Song, the Northern Wei Dynasty was a tiger and a wolf.

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance now, I feel even more so.


Jiang Chen looked at Nan Tianzhu meaningfully, and said: "Today you attacked me, it can only be said that you have no eyes."

"I'll choose the first one." Nan Tianzhu said quickly when she saw that Zhi Xiang was about to leave.

"very good."

Jiang Chen stopped Zhi Xiang, and then said: "Take Nantian Zhu down, and unlock her acupuncture points."

"Yes." Jue Xiang replied.

"Are you not afraid that I will run away?" Nan Tianzhu asked.

"You ran away, I'll go find Aunt Shui. At that time, I don't need to do anything, the six doors of the Liu Song court will help me find it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Nandian Zhu's expression changed drastically.

She never expected that Jiang Chen would know about Aunt Shui's existence.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was right.

If Jiang Chen used the six doors of the Liu Song court, they would be hard to fly.


A quarter of an hour later, Leng Xingchen saw Jiang Chen.

"You want to see me?" Leng Xingchen looked at Jiang Chen puzzled.

"Yes, I want to see you."

Jiang Chen looked at Leng Xingchen.

Unlike Xin Chen in "My Love and the Stars", or Ling Xiaoxiao in "Positive Youth", Leng Xingchen gave him a different feeling.

"What do you want from me?" Leng Xingchen was uncomfortable being watched by Jiang Chen.

"Leng Xingchen, have you read the letter your father left you?" Jiang Chen knew that the plot hadn't started yet when he saw Leng Xingchen's appearance.

"A letter? My father?" Leng Xingchen was stunned.

"There is a mechanism under your mother's tablet, you will know when you open it. Inside is the news about your mother left by your father." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen was talking about the situation in the play.

In the play, the heroine Chu Yunxiao noticed that Leng Xingchen's mother had no engraved tablet. It was strange, so she touched the empty tablet. Unexpectedly, the mechanism was triggered, and the bamboo door opened. It was a room that Leng Xingchen had never set foot in.Leng Xingchen also found a string of necklaces inside, and there was only a letter from Leng Xingchen's father, Leng Yuzhu, in the box. The letter said that her mother was a princess from the previous dynasty. , established the Shenshui Palace, and wanted to restore the country, the imperial court ordered the general of the town, Tie Zhongtang, to destroy the Shenshui Palace.He is going to save people.Because she was worried that she would be implicated, she left a letter and left without saying goodbye.

Now that Jiang Chen said that, he wanted to use his foresight to gain Leng Xingchen's trust.

"How do you know?" Leng Xingchen was very vigilant.

"You don't need to know now. After you go to see it, come to Liu Song Imperial City to find me, and I can help you find your mother." Jiang Chen said.

"Really?" Leng Xingchen asked.

"Miss Leng, I'm not joking with you." Jiang Chen nodded.

"You know that I'm a girl..." Leng Xingchen realized at this point, Jiang Chen even knew her father, how could he not know that she was a girl.

"Why did you help me?" Leng Xingchen asked.

"Because you are Leng Xingchen." Jiang Chen said.

"That's it?" Leng Xingchen was very surprised.

"Yes, that's the reason." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Leng Xingchen said.

"Yes." Jiang Chen took out a book and said, "Miss Leng, I know that your medical skills are good, this is a book of medical skills, you can take it back and read."

"Medical skills?" Leng Xingchen was stunned, but still took the book.

"Yes, I don't think my medical skills are worse than Miss Leng's. Then maybe we can discuss medical skills." Jiang Chen is an intermediate Chinese medicine doctor now. Although he can't be said to be a peerless doctor, he is definitely better than Leng Xingchen.

Jiang Chen felt that this was a common topic between himself and Leng Xingchen, maybe he could use it to deepen the relationship with Leng Xingchen.

"You? Medical skills?" Leng Xingchen couldn't believe it.

"You'll know in the future, it's getting late, if you don't mind, I'll ask the station to arrange a room for you." Jiang Chen said.

"This..." Leng Xingchen hesitated and nodded.


"Le Yun, your father is here, let's chat." Jiang Chen asked Le Yun.

"This... good." Le Yun nodded.

"Call me after talking." Jiang Chen said.

Le Yun's father is an honest man.

Jiang Chen felt that Rong Zhi was kind to Le Yun's father in the play, probably because of this time.

However, after seeing Le Yun's father, Jiang Chen felt that Le Yun and her father were not like father and daughter.

This made Jiang Chen even more curious about Le Yun's life experience.

However, Jiang Chen didn't ask.

Because it is not necessary.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen saw Le Yun and her father again.

"My lord..." Le Yun explained next to Jiang Chen.

It turned out that Le Yun and her father were from Wuchang County. Last year, Le Yun accidentally offended a son-in-law, so the family suffered great changes and was sold.

"Le Yun, you can stay by my side and be a maid in the future. As for your father, I will send someone to send him to Guangning County." Jiang Chen said to Le Yun: "I am the prefect of Guangning County in the Northern Wei Dynasty. After leaving Guangning County, no one will bully him."

"This..." Le Yun hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I'll listen to you, Young Master."

"Take your father to rest." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Le Yun replied.


After a while, Jiang Chen returned to his room.


Zhi Xiang came over and said, "The hot water is ready, you can take a bath."

"En." Jiang Chen opened his hands.

Juxiang stepped forward to serve.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen took a shower and came to the bed.

"My lord, I'm going down first." Zhi Xiang said.

"Come here." Jiang Chen said.

"Ah..." Juxiang exclaimed.

"Unwilling?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, it's not..." Zhi Xiang shook his head, and then came to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stretched out his arms, embraced him, and lay down on the couch.

"My lord, do you want me to serve you?" Zhi Xiang asked.

"I still have to hurry tomorrow, now is not the time for you, go to sleep." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Yeah." Jue Xiang responded, with a look of disappointment flashing in his eyes.


The next day, Jiang Chen sent Leng Xingchen away and arranged for Jin Yiwei to send Le Yun's father to Guangning County before continuing south with the mission.

Compared with before, there are more Leyun and Nandina.

Relatively speaking, Nan Tianzhu is reluctant, and Le Yun is willing.

Three days later, Jiang Chen and others arrived at Liu Song Imperial City.

"Messenger, I'll take you to the station." Wu Da said.

"You arrange for the rest of the mission to go to the inn. I want to buy a yard to live in." Jiang Chen made no secret of his purpose.

Buy a house?

Wu Da was stunned.

"I'm from the Northern Wei Dynasty, can't I buy a house in Liu Song?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This...isn't that true." Wu Da shook his head.

"It's not good."

Just as Jiang Chen was about to say something, a group of people came over in front of him.

The leader is none other than Liu Yikang.

Liu Yikang, the leading actor in "Splendid Nange".

In the play, he has the name of supervising the country, but he has no fledgling in his heart. He has to be wrapped up between the imperial power and the gentry to make a temporary compromise.Liu Yikang, the king of Pengcheng, is actually a good prince who cares about the country and the people, but now he is fledgling and unable to compete with the treacherous officials of the current dynasty; throat.

"I didn't expect him to come."

"I am an envoy from the Northern Wei Dynasty, do I need Liu Yikang to greet him?"

Thoughts flashed through Jiang Chen's mind.

"Your Excellency is Jiang Chen, the emissary of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Jiang Taishou?" Liu Yikang greeted him.

"I've seen King Pengcheng." Jiang Chen recalled Liu Yikang's situation in the play.

In the play, Liu Yikang is nominally the royal family of Liu Song, and is even the supervisor of the dynasty. One person is under one person and over ten thousand people, and he is an extremely human minister.But in the court hall, Lu Yuan controlled most of the court hall. No matter how hard Liu Yikang tried, he couldn't shake Lu Yuan in the slightest. On the contrary, Lu Yuan's arrogance became more and more arrogant.Among the folks, Liu Yikang was even passed on as the source of all evils, which is stupid and cruel.

Fortunately, his half-brother Liu Yixuan, although he has not been clearly trusted, has always stood by his side from the beginning to the end.There is also Concubine Xie, who is not only gentle and virtuous, but also gives him the greatest support in all aspects.However, Liu Yixuan has always been caught between Concubine Sun and Liu Yikang, being constrained everywhere; as for Concubine Xie, she is in the harem and cannot interfere with the affairs of the previous court. No matter how hard she tries, the help she brings to Liu Yikang is very effective.

There is no unparalleled road. When Liu Yikang was in the most difficult time, the chivalrous woman Shen Lige appeared in his world, bringing him love and opening up another life for him.

"Prefect Jiang, I finally saw you today." Liu Yikang saluted.

"King Pengcheng has heard of me?" Jiang Chen said.

"The prestige of Prefect Jiang, I have naturally heard of it." Liu Yikang was very polite to Jiang Chen.

"Prestige." Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Liu Yikang would not be so polite for no reason.

Now he said that, there must be a reason.

Is it because of Jiang Jiajun?

Or did Liu Yikang know about Guangning County and Yeqin?
However, Jiang Chen felt that the latter was more likely.

After all, it has been a long time since the incident, and it is reasonable for the Liu Song court to receive the news.

"The Jiang family army in the hands of Taishou Jiang annihilated Ye Qin's 20 troops. It is very famous, and this king has also heard about it." Liu Yikang's words confirmed Jiang Chen's guess.

"Ye Qin wanted to attack Guangning County, and the Jiang family's army was forced to fight back." Jiang Chen said.

"What Jiang Taishou said is true." The corner of Liu Yikang's mouth twitched.

The forced counterattack was to wipe out 20 Yeqin troops in Heihe County, Yeqin.

If not being forced to fight back, what would be?

At the beginning, he was also very shocked when he received the news.

After all, it is not a lot to win more with less. There are many famous generals in this world, but there are very few who can have the record of Jiang's army.

"Pengcheng King, I want to buy a yard in your imperial city to live in. I don't know if it's possible?" Jiang Chen didn't plan to buy a yard secretly. In his opinion, Liu Song would not dare to buy a yard in a fair manner. Hit him yard attention.

After all, no one would think of the family teleportation talisman unless it was a member of the Jiang family.

"Prefect Jiang, if you want a yard, I can give you a set." Liu Yikang said.

"Then I will thank you very much." Jiang Chen did not refuse.


An hour later, Jiang Chen arrived at a courtyard led by Liu Yikang after arranging the other members of the mission at the station.

"Prefect Jiang, I don't know if you like this courtyard." Liu Yikang said, pointing to the courtyard.

"This yard is not bad." Jiang Chen said after looking around.

"From then on, this yard will belong to Prefect Jiang." Liu Yikang said.

"Pengcheng King will send you off, then I will not be polite." Jiang Chen thanked Liu Yikang.

"Prefect Jiang, I won't disturb your rest today. Well, I've prepared a dinner tomorrow, and I hope you can attend it on time." Liu Yikang said.

"Definitely, definitely." Jiang Chen nodded.

After Liu Yikang left, Jiang Chen asked Zhixiang and the plum blossom inner guards to enter the yard for inspection.

After the previous four plum blossom inner guards were given to Huo Xuan, Jiang Chen transferred another four plum blossom inner guards, so there are still ten plum blossom inner guards around him now.

At the same time, arrange for the star cavalry to be stationed.

"My lord, the yard is fine."

Juxiang came to Jiang Chen's side.

Jiang Chen nodded.

He still believes in the ability of the club's internal defender.

"Live in." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Jue Xiang replied.


Half an hour later, Jiang Chen arranged the teleporter Ziyu, and then came to Guangning City.

"Jiang Chen..."

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Shi Yi and the others were very happy: "Have you arrived in Liu Song?"

"Yes, we arrived at Liu Song Imperial City today."

Jiang Chen nodded, and then asked: "Has nothing happened in Guangning City these days?"

"Guangning City is fine, but according to Jin Yiwei's news, more and more spies from various forces are coming to Guangning City." Li Na replied.

"This is a very normal thing. We are attracting attention, and this time the battle with Ye Qin is even more prominent." Jiang Chen naturally understands the reason, but it is inevitable for spies from various forces: "I What worries me the most is Ouyang Feng's sudden appearance, and now that he doesn't appear, I'm relieved."

"How is Liu Song?" Nie Xingchen asked.

"Liu Song, it's very complicated." Jiang Chen thought of all the forces in Liu Song's court.

Although there were many clans in the Northern Wei Dynasty and the internal fighting was very fierce, the Liu Song court was even worse.

More importantly, the major sects of Liu Song fought endlessly.

However, Shi Yi, Nie Xingchen and others' eyes lit up when they heard about Liu Song's various sects.

Every woman has chivalrous genes, and so do Shi Yi and the others.

After listening to Jiang Chen's introduction, Nie Xingchen asked: "So, we can't go there now?"

"Yes, but I will make arrangements as soon as possible. At that time, you can go there if you want. There are quite a lot of martial arts schools in Liu Song, and you may be able to obtain their martial arts and martial arts at that time." Jiang Chen said.

After everyone chatted for a while, Shi Yi suddenly asked: "Jiang Chen, how many sisters have you found for us during this time?"

Nie Xingchen, Li Na, Feng Xin'er, Li Weiyang, Wu Shiyi and Chu Qiao all looked at Jiang Chen.

They didn't think Jiang Chen would be honest.

Therefore, I am very concerned about how many sisters I have.

"One." Jiang Chen said.

"Only one?" Shi Yi couldn't believe it.

Nie Xingchen and the others also showed surprise.

"One, isn't that enough? I'm on my way." Jiang Chen said.

"Who is it? Juxiang and the others?" Nie Xingchen asked.

"No, it's General Feifeng Huo Xuan." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Feifeng General Huo Xuan..."

Shi Yi looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, and said, "Commander of the Huo Family Army? You actually took her down?"

Huo Xuan, General Feifeng, is a female hero who commands 30 Huo family troops, a heroine.

The difficulty of winning Huo Xuan is similar to that of winning a queen.

The expressions of Nie Xingchen and others were similar to Shi Yi's.

Especially Chu Qiao.

He fought side by side with Huo Xuan in Jingzhou County before, and he was deeply impressed by Huo Xuan.

She even told Jiang Chen that Huo Xuan is her idol.

Idols have become sisters now?

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"You're too..." Shi Yi really didn't know what to say.

"Too much? Who made me, your husband, so attractive." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Shi Yi rolled his eyes.

But now she's numb.

If you can't control it, then don't care.

Well, just turn in your homework on time.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Chen asked, "Is there any news from the White Camel Villa?"

"The Star Caravan has sent the news of the White Camel Villa." Nie Xingchen replied.

"Is there any news about Ouyang Feng?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Ouyang Feng doesn't seem to be in White Camel Villa." Nie Xingchen said.

"Is the news confirmed?" Jiang Chen's heart moved.

"This news is just heard, not confirmed." Nie Xingchen shook his head and said: "The White Camel Villa is heavily guarded, and people from the Star Caravan cannot enter."

Jiang Chen looked at Li Na.

"Jin Yiwei is already thinking of a solution, but the number of Jin Yiwei is too small, so there is no result in a short period of time..." Li Na said.

"Tomorrow, I will arrange for the Jinyiwei who have completed training in the Imperial City of the Northern Wei Dynasty. In addition, Li Na, we can also form a Jinyiwei training camp." Jiang Chen said.

"Jinyiwei training camp?" Li Na was taken aback.


Jiang Chen nodded and said: "There are many countries and wars in this world, so there are many orphans. I think these people can be collected. If you are willing to join the Jinyiwei, you can arrange it in the Jinyiwei training camp. If you don't want to, We can help and let them become the people of Guangning County..."

In Jiang Chen's view, this is a good deed and an investment.

If the Jiang family wants to develop, it needs all kinds of talents.

These people have been cultivated since childhood, and they can become the peripheral talents of the Jiang family.

"It's quite possible. If those orphans don't have help, it will be very difficult for them to survive." Li Na is someone who knows Jiang Chen well, and knows that Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who does things that hurt nature and reason.

"Weiyang, the internal guards of plum blossoms also set up a training camp." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Li Weiyang nodded.

"All kinds of talents in the Star Caravan can also be cultivated by themselves, accountants, shopkeepers, guards... you can set up training camps, and let the old people train newcomers." Jiang Chen said to Shi Yi, Nie Xingchen.

"That's enough."

Shi Yi and the two girls nodded.

Now the development of the star caravan is getting more and more difficult.

For no other reason than they don't have the talent available.


In the evening, Jiang Chen first came to Shi Yi's room.

At this time, Shi Yi had just taken a shower.

Seeing Jiang Chen, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly stepped forward to hug her.

"In such a hurry?"

Shi Yi slapped Jiang Chen: "Didn't your General Feifeng satisfy you?"

"I only stayed in Jingzhou City for a day, and the rest are on their way." Jiang Chen stepped forward to put his arms around Shi Yi, and said, "What's more, don't I miss you?"

"Do you think I will believe it?" Shi Yi gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Don't believe it? I'll show it with practical actions later." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"..." Shi Yi.

What does Jiang Chen mean, how could she not understand?

"Jiang Chen, it's not just because of Ouyang Feng that you sent the Star Caravan and Jin Yiwei to inquire about the White Camel Villa, right?" Shi Yi asked.

"How do you know?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"Because of the location of the White Camel Villa." Shi Yi replied.


Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "The location of the White Camel Villa is too important. If we occupy the White Camel Villa, what we want to do will be easier than Guangning City. The three caves of the cunning rabbit, so I want to use the White Camel Villa as Jiang Chen. The base camp of the Jiang family, and Guangning County is the frontline base of the Jiang family in this world."

When he heard about the White Camel Villa for the first time, and knew that the Daxing Dynasty to the west of the White Camel Villa was also a dynasty in the film and television drama, he wanted to use the White Camel Villa as the base camp of the Jiang family.

"Then Ouyang Feng must be dealt with." Shi Yi said.

"Yes, it's a pity that I haven't thought of a way to deal with Ouyang Feng." If there is a way to deal with Ouyang Feng, he will definitely send Xing Chenqi to level the White Camel Villa.

"There will definitely be a solution in the future, not to mention that our foundation is laid now." Shi Yi said.

"That's right, I went to the last world (the second film and television fusion world) three times before I got Hezhong Mansion. Now we have developed to the current scale, which is stronger than the previous world (the second film and television fusion world) too much."

Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "However, this world is different from the previous one. Because of Jianghu warriors, we are relatively very dangerous now."

"Yeah." Shi Yi nodded, and said, "When my strength breaks through to that of a congenital warrior, I'll go wandering in the rivers and lakes."

"I support you." Jiang Chen said.

"You support?" Shi Yi looked at Jiang Chen and said, "I thought you would refuse."

"Why should I refuse? It's good to go out for a walk." Jiang Chen said: "After a while, I will take you to the Liu Song imperial city and the Northern Wei imperial city to see. No matter how you come to this world, you have to see other places .”

Jiang Chen felt a little guilty.

Shi Yi, Nie Xingchen, and Li Na have not left Guangning City until now because of their strength and position.

Of course, if Shi Yi and the others venture into the rivers and lakes, various protective forces are indispensable.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. Although I haven't left for a while, it's also easier than ever. Moreover, I've stayed with you for a long time." Shi Yi said.


Jiang Chen changed the subject and said, "Shi Yi, it's getting late, we..."

"Then hurry up." Shi Yi looked at Jiang Chen, his beautiful eyes sparkling.

"I'll immediately..." Jiang Chen hugged Shi Yi by the waist, and then...

(omit hundreds of thousands of words).


Feng Xiner's room.

As soon as Jiang Chen walked in, he saw Jun Tao.


When Jun Tao saw Jiang Chen, she felt a little embarrassed.

How could she, who is smart, not know what Jiang Chen is here for.

"Jun Tao, how is your cultivation going?" Jiang Chen came to Jun Tao with a smile.

"I, I'm practicing hard." Jun Tao said with her head down.

"Really?" Jiang Chen hugged Jun Tao, and said, "Let me check it out, young master." After speaking, Jiang Chen lowered his head and kissed.

Jun Tao was taken aback, then closed her eyes.

After a while.

"Go down and rest first, if you break through to Xiantian, tell me as soon as possible, you know?" Jiang Chen patted Jun Tao and said.

Jun Tao lowered her head and left without saying a word.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and came to the inner room.

Feng Xin'er sat on the couch, looking at Jiang Chen with a smile.


Jiang Chen walked over.

"I thought you would meet Juntao." Feng Xin'er said.

"Wait for Juntao to break through her innateness and come back to luck again, don't worry." Jiang Chen put his arms around Feng Xin'er and said, "What's more, my precious Xin'er is the most important right now."

"Then you will have to wait for a while." Feng Xin'er looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Husband, are you going to take Wei Young to the Imperial City of the Northern Wei Dynasty tomorrow?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

Feng Xin'er said: "Husband, I have an idea..."

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