Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 753 An Xin, Shi Chuchu, Zhou Nannan, Mary Zhang

Chapter 753 An Xin, Shi Chuchu, Zhou Nannan, Mary Zhang (big chapter)
"Yanqing, I knew you were still at home when I saw your car was still there, so I came here to ask when I have time to go for a beauty treatment together. Well, there is a new beauty shop in Shenzhen called Yirenfang recently. Very good."

A beautiful female voice sounded at the door.

Jiang Chen turned his head to see it, and frowned.

"is her?"

The moment he saw the other party, Jiang Chen recognized him.

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, the sign-in was successful, and the Wei Wuzu training card was obtained. 】

"Wei military pawn training card?"

"It's not a bad sign."

Jiang Chen felt that when he was still able to sign in and get training cards, he should collect more training cards. In this way, he could use them no matter which world he was in.

At the same time, Jiang Chen looked at the sign-in hostess.

An Xin, the second female lead in "A Lady's Character".

In the play, she is a typical female elite in the workplace.Her IQ and EQ are both online, and her outstanding performance in the workplace is appreciated by her boss, and she even has a high salary as a headhunter.An Xin suffered a setback in her marriage, but she did not give up on herself because of it. Instead, she knew how to find problems in the failure, so she went to a new chapter of life with a more positive attitude. In the end, she had a good career and love, and became a winner in life.

"I didn't expect it to be An Xin."

"The plot of "A Lady's Character" begins in 23 years."

"There are still seven years left."

"So, An Ning is about the same as the Xu Wen I met before, um, at least 35 or six years old, and the oldest is no more than 37."

In the play, An Xin not only has great personal ability, but also has a strong resource background. His husband is Jiang Hongkai, a well-known boss in the industry, and everyone calls him Mr. Jiang when they meet.Regardless of Jiang Hongkai's current prosperity, he also started from scratch at the beginning, and An Xin accompanied him all the way from scratch, and one can imagine the hardships he endured.Therefore, the two of them can be regarded as model couples in the industry. Anyone who sees them should say a word of love between husband and wife and praise their happy marriage.

Although An Xin had a good life, she did not give up her job. Not only did she not give up, her strength was also very good. However, Jiang Hongkai's halo behind her was too heavy, and she personally looked very lightly, so Everyone tends to overlook her abilities.However, An Xin, who has good looks, figure, and ability, also encountered an emotional crisis. His husband, Jiang Hongkai, had someone behind her back, and he had a child. Let people not be ashamed.

Jiang Hongkai and An Xin had agreed not to have children, so they chose DINK. However, as Jiang Hongkai's career grew bigger and bigger, he felt that someone needed to inherit his mantle, but at this time, An Xin had already passed the time of childbearing. Age, so Jiang Hongkai couldn't help being tempted. He had another woman outside, and instead of having a child, his wife could be changed, but the child was his own, so Jiang Hongkai planned to divorce An Xin.

However, An Xin accompanies him from scratch, and the career he is working on now not only has An Xin's shares, but also the joint property of the husband and wife. If he frankly divorces, An Xin will definitely not show mercy, and will take all of him away at that time. Lots of property.Therefore, Jiang Hongkai took a company under his name to create the illusion of going bankrupt, and then, on the grounds of protecting An Xin's property so that she would not run out of money, he lied about a fake divorce with An Xin and transferred her shares out. In this way, if he goes bankrupt, it will not affect An Xin.

In this way, An Xin was coaxed into divorce, and she was prevented from dividing a large amount of property. It can be said that it is a good strategy that kills two birds with one stone. It has to be said that Jiang Hongkai's methods are both ruthless and nasty, and An Xin almost believed his nonsense.From the scent on Liu Qing's body and the reminders from Yao Wei and others, An Xin has already noticed something, and she will know the truth soon.However, the truth is the cruelest for An Xin.

"Another DINK."

"Song Ziyan, Bai Canlan..."

"The DINKs all end up having children."

Jiang Chen thought of Song Ziyan and Bai Canlan, and felt a little bit emotional about what happened to these women, they actually believed in the dink of Westerners.

"Okay." Chen Yanqing responded.

"Yan Qing, do you have guests?" An Xin saw Jiang Chen.

"This is my friend Jiang Chen."

An Xin introduced: "Jiang Chen, this is my neighbor An Xin."

"Miss An, hello." Jiang Chen walked over.

"Hello." An Xin was a little surprised, she didn't expect that Jiang Chen's surname was also Jiang.

"Sister Xin, come in." Chen Yanqing said.

"Don't bother me?" An Xin finally realized at this time that Chen Yanqing was already divorced, and in the event of a divorce, there was a man at home this early in the morning, and it was probably Chen Yanqing's boyfriend.

This made An Xin feel a little reckless in coming to Chen Yanqing.

"Sister Xin, it's okay." Chen Yanqing dragged An Xin in while speaking.

After An Xin was seated, Chen Yanqing poured An Xin a glass of water.

"Jiang Chen, are you from Shenzhen?" An Xin asked Jiang Chen.

"No, I'm from Jingkou." Jiang Chen replied.

"Speaking of which, Jiang Chen and Mr. Jiang (Jiang Hongkai) still have the same surname, what a coincidence." Chen Yanqing said from the side.

"Really? Then what does Miss An's husband do?" Jiang Chen asked knowingly.


Chen Yanqing glanced at An Xin and said, "An Qing Capital belongs to sister Xin's husband."

"So, Ms. An also belongs to Anqing Capital?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, I work for the Seed Star Group." An Xin said.

"The Seed Star Group? I thought Ms. An was a full-time wife." Jiang Chen thought about An Xin in the play.

In addition to marital problems, An Xin in the play was gradually emptied of power by her superior Cao Da at work.And Lu Zeyu is a chess piece used by Cao Da to contain An Xin.Of course, Cao Da, as An Xin's superior, always targeted An Xin because he was jealous of An Xin's ability;But An Xin has a family, and she doesn't want to be in trouble with Cao Da, so in the end Cao Da will deliberately embarrass An Xin.

Fortunately, Lu Zeyu has a clear distinction between public and private, and has a kind nature, otherwise he would have tried every means to force An Xin to quit.However, regardless of Anxin's status as a competitor, Lu Zeyu helped Anxin deal with work problems and life chores many times.

In the end, Lu Zeyu took advantage of An Xin's divorce and boldly confessed.However, Lu Zeyu's love for An Xin is more about the admiration of the younger brother for the older sister.After all, An Xin was a man of the school before.

And An Xin was no longer that simple-minded, innocent little girl, so she resolutely rejected Lu Zeyu's overtures.But at the end of the play, An Xin and Lu Zeyu were still together and had a baby.

"Jiang Chen, what about you?" An Xin looked at Jiang Chen with a trace of curiosity.


Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I also run a company, well, the company is called Xingchen Group."

"Star Group? The Star Group in the capital city?" An Xin looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

"Yes, it's the Star Group of the Devil's City." Jiang Chen nodded,
When meeting Xu Wen in "A Lady's Character" at Siguan Investment Company, Jiang Chen also introduced himself in this way, and now in front of An Xin, Jiang Chen has not concealed it.

However, thinking of Xu Wen, Jiang Chen thought of Xu Wen's son Mike.

In the play, Mike is the buyer of Anxin's luxury car. The two have a lot of jokes because of their different ideas and experiences.However, Mike is rich, handsome, and humorous, and it's hard for An Xin not to be tempted.The most rare thing is that Mike treats his feelings very sincerely and reports everything, which gives An Xin a great sense of security.And because An Xin fell in love with Mike, she instantly regained the girlish feeling buried in her heart.However, due to the large age difference between the two, different living habits, and different ideas and concepts, An Xin finally chose to break up.

In addition, An Xin can also vaguely feel Mike's feelings for her, which is more of a love...mother...feeling... complex.Therefore, Mike's love for An Xin was not pure, and in the end Mike and An Xin ended with regret.

"I didn't expect you to be the CEO of Xingchen Group." An Xin naturally knew about Xingchen Group.

The performance of Star Group in the investment banking industry last year was very famous in the industry.In addition to the financing of Douyindu Company, Jiang Hongkai is also in the investment banking industry, so he is naturally very concerned about it. It is difficult for An Xin not to know.

"Are you surprised?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's really a surprise." An Xin's eyes flickered.

After Chen Yanqing resigned to enter the investment banking industry, her career has flourished. This is probably the reason why Jiang Chen supported her behind her back, right?

After the three of them chatted for a while, Jiang Chen said: "Sister Qing, Miss An, you guys talk, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first."

"Then Jiang Chen, you should deal with the matter first." Chen Yanqing said.

"Mr. Jiang, go slowly." After An Xin knew that Jiang Chen was the CEO of Xingchen Group, he also changed his name to Mr. Jiang.


"I didn't expect An Xin and Chen Yanqing to live in the same community."

"However, with Anxin's net worth, it's normal to live in Tianlu, the Eastern Overseas Chinese Town."

While driving to the hotel where Yuan Ge was staying, Jiang Chen was thinking about An Xin and Chen Yanqing.

Now that An Xin has also signed in, when will I go to see Yao Wei.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen arrived at the Shangri-La Hotel.

At this time, Yuan Ge was already waiting at the door.

Seeing Jiang Chen driving over, Yuan Ge quickly opened the car door and got in.

"Mr. Jiang, where are we going today?" Yuan Ge asked.

"Let's go to Ounuo Group first." Jiang Chen said.

"Ouluo Group?" Yuan Ge was taken aback.


Jiang Chen went to the Ounuo Group for the purpose of becoming a shareholder of the Ounuo Group.

After seeing Yu Jiajie last time, he proposed to invest 5000 million shares in the Ounuo Group, but the Ounuo Group has not responded. He thought that this matter was gone. Unexpectedly, a few days ago, Yu Jiajie called him , agreeing to Star Capital's shareholding.

Therefore, this time Jiang Chen came to Shenzhen City, and he was also going to deal with this matter.


Gull Group.

"Mr. Jiang, you are finally here."

When Yu Jiajie saw Jiang Chen and Yuan Ge, she rushed up to meet them.

Yu Jiajie, the character in "This World Doesn't Look at Faces", in the first film and television fusion world, Yu Jiajie is an alumnus of Chen Shan in "Perfect Companion", and she met in Shanghai before.

"Miss Yu, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful, I almost can't recognize you anymore." Jiang Chen shook hands with Yu Jiajie, then looked at Qiu Zhijie: "This is Mr. Qiu, right?"

In Jiang Chen's eyes, Qiu Zhijie is a ruthless character.

In the play, five years before the start of the plot, that is, the night before Lian Sheng and Yu Jiajie's wedding, Lian Sheng got drunk.In the new house, a woman slept with him, and this scene was witnessed by Yu Jiajie and her relatives and friends.

Yu Jiajie wanted Streak to give her an explanation.

Lian Sheng said that he didn't know this woman at all, and he didn't know what was going on.

Yu Jiajie left Streak in a fit of anger, ten years of companionship, ten years of relationship, just like this came to an end.

It was for this reason that Yu Jiajie and Qiu Zhijie were together.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, it would have been impossible if Qiu Zhijie hadn't been behind this incident.

After the plot of the play started, Lian Sheng returned to China and met Tao Xiaoting.When Qiu Yingshu broke the news about Lian Sheng's disgraceful past, Tao Xiaoting believed that Lian Sheng was innocent.She told Lian Sheng, I have no time to participate in your past, and I will accompany you to the end in your future.

It stands to reason that Yu Jiajie's education is higher than Tao Xiaoting's, and she has more knowledge than her, and she and Lian Sheng have been in love for ten years. Why can Tao Xiaoting believe in Lian Sheng, but Yu Jiajie doesn't believe him?

Because Yu Jiajie is smarter than Tao Xiao.

Smart people are often the ones who are most likely to be proud. Such people are often self-righteous, and she only believes in her own judgment.Lian Sheng knew that Yu Jiajie was such a person, so he never explained his behavior from the beginning to the end, because he knew that even if he explained, Yu Jiajie would not believe him.

"Mr. Jiang, welcome." Qiu Zhijie shook hands with Jiang Chen, and then said, "Mr. Jiang, please come in."

Led by Qiu Zhijie, Yu Jiajie and others, everyone came to a meeting room.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Qiu Zhijie said, "Mr. Jiang, let's get straight to the point."

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded.

An hour later, Jiang Chen and Qiu Zhijie reached an agreement, and Star Capital acquired 6000% of the shares of Ounuo Group with a capital of [-] million.

Although it was 5000 million more than the 1000 million proposed by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen won a lot of rights in the board of directors of the Oulun Group.These rights seem useless, but after the plot begins, it will show its claws.

What's more, at the finale of the play, SJ company also wanted to acquire a large amount of shares of the Ouluo Group for 50 billion to become the largest shareholder of the Ouluo Group. Now that he has moved ahead a few years, he can make a lot of money by then.

"Mr. Jiang, we have a happy cooperation." Qiu Zhijie stood up and held out his hand to Jiang Chen.

"Happy cooperation." Jiang Chen and Qiu Zhijie shook hands.

"Mr. Jiang, I have asked someone to book a box at a nearby restaurant. Let's go have dinner together," Qiu Zhijie said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen and Yuan Ge parted ways with Qiu Zhijie and the others.

"How is it? Do you want to take a break?" Jiang Chen asked Yuan Ge.

"No, I didn't drink much," Yuan Ge said.

"Yuan Ge, you have to remember, when you come out with me in the future, drink as little as you can, and don't drink as much as you can," Jiang Chen said.

"However, they have to drink a toast." Yuan Ge drank a lot of wine under the toast of Yu Jiajie and others today.

"What's the matter? You represent the Xingchen Group. Although the current Xingchen Group is not as good as big companies such as Ali and Penguin, it is almost the same. Those companies that cooperate with the Xingchen Group are looking for us to cooperate, not us. We asked them to cooperate. What's more, even if we ask them to cooperate, we don't need to pay too much attention." Jiang Chen knew that wine table culture was unavoidable, but he didn't want his prospective girlfriend to get drunk.

After all, in business, anything goes.

Now that An Qinghuan and the others have practiced, they can use the space bracelet to drink fake wine, but prospective girlfriends like Yuan Ge don't have space bracelets.

"I see." Yuan Ge nodded.

"Come on, let's go to Guardian Express." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Yuan Ge responded, and took out the car keys.

"Let me drive." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, you've been drinking too," Yuan Ge said.

"Do you think I look like I'm drinking?" Jiang Chen is really worried about Yuan Ge driving while drinking. As for checking drunk driving, Jiang Chen doesn't need to worry at all, because he can completely blow away the smell of alcohol.

Before Jiang Chen said in front of others that he could not drink and drive, in fact, it was just an excuse for others to hear.

"Mr. Jiang, you..." Yuan Ge took a closer look at Jiang Chen, and found that Jiang Chen's situation is really much worse than hers.

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of myself." Jiang Chen said.

"Alright then." Yuan Ge handed the car keys to Jiang Chen.

Soon, Jiang Chen and Yuan Ge drove away.

"Yuan Ge, after dealing with the issue of Guardian Express, you should investigate the situation of the cosmetics market in Shenzhen. However, you don't need to rush this matter. We have enough time this time. And I have other things to do. "Jiang Chen said while driving.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang." Yuan Ge replied.

"We will travel a lot with me in the future, just get used to it." Jiang Chen chatted with Yuan Ge.

In fact, Yuan Ge is also very chatty.

Although she is not a strong woman like in the play now, Jiang Chen still sees the potential of a strong woman in Yuan Ge.


Guardian Express.

"Mr. Jiang."

Wang Yulian greeted Jiang Chen to the office, and then reported the situation to Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Wang, now that Tiantian Express has been acquired, the most important thing is to integrate with Tiantian Express. This is the top priority in the second half of this year..." Jiang Chen chatted with Wang Yulian after listening to the report.

It is not easy to integrate the two express companies, because it involves many interests.

Therefore, in the process of integration, how to grasp and how to maximize the benefits, etc., all need to be studied and dealt with.

When he was in Shanghai before, Jiang Chen also discussed with Jiang Meili, and the head office of Xingchen Group also sent a special team during this time.

Three in the afternoon.

"President Wang, I will leave the rest of the matter to you." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will definitely handle the matter well," Wang Yulian said.

"I trust Mr. Wang."

After chatting with Wang Yulian for a while, Jiang Chen and Yuan Ge left.

"Yuan Ge, let me take you to the hotel." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, then Mr. Jiang, I will drive this time." Yuan Ge knew that he was a secretary, so he had to fulfill his duties as a secretary.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

After sending Yuan Ge to the Shangri-La Hotel, Jiang Chen went to the golf villa in Shenzhen.

The purpose of Jiang Chen going to the golf villa is to buy a villa.

An hour and a half later, Jiang Chen walked out of the golf villa contentedly.


Oriental Boyue Community.

"Jiang Chen, you're here so early." Bai Kao'er was very surprised to see Jiang Chen.

"I'm done with today's business, so I'm here." Jiang Chen came to sit next to Bai Kao'er, then rubbed the cat in her arms, and said, "You don't go to work today, so I naturally want to accompany you more."

"Jiang Chen, you're so kind." Bai Kao'er knew that she couldn't stay by Jiang Chen's side for a long time, so she especially cherished the opportunity to be with Jiang Chen: "Today I asked for leave."

"En." Jiang Chen kissed Bai Kao'er, then handed her a bag.

"What is this?" Bai Kaoer asked.

"The golf villa villa, I bought it for you." Jiang Chen said.

"You bought it so soon?" Bai Kao'er was very surprised.

"En." Jiang Chen nodded.

For him, buying a villa only needs the right price and the right location.

"Next they will do the real estate certificate, and you can get it when the time comes. After the transfer, you can move in directly with your bags. Well, the real estate certificate of this villa is 877 square meters, and the entire area is about 4500 square meters. Hydraulic elevator with a usable area of ​​about 4000 square meters, a living room with a hollow height of 7.8 meters, and indoor brand-new Versace and Hermès series custom decorations. A 3500-square-meter garden with a private tennis court, a private large swimming pool, and a water playground for children outside.” Jiang Chen introduced .

"It's too big, how can I live alone?" Bai Kao'er was stunned.

"If you want to buy it, buy the big one." Jiang Chen said.

"This villa is still under my name?" Bai Kao'er was even more stunned after reading the contract.

"What's the matter, yours is not mine, your whole body is mine." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Bai Kao'er thought about the Qiyun family.

It seems that this villa is nothing compared to the things of the Qiyun family.

"By the way, Kao'er, I will arrange a bodyguard for you." Jiang Chen said.

"Arrange bodyguards?" Bai Kao'er was taken aback.

"To be exact, it's not a bodyguard, it's a bodyguard and assistant nanny. You can't live alone in such a big villa, can you? Cleaning and so on need people." Jiang Chen nodded and said: "In addition, this time You bought a villa and sent a few cars, and you can let her be the driver in the future."

The bodyguard Jiang Chen mentioned was Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei has now completed his training.

Jiang Chen is going to arrange bodyguards and drivers for those women who are outside.

Of course, these royal guards are all women.

"Is this too high-profile?" Bai Kaoer asked.

"Don't worry, I will arrange it, it's not high-profile." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Bai Kao'er nodded.

"I'll cook for you." Jiang Chen said.

"No, I want a hug." Bai Kao'er stretched out her hand.

"Okay, I'll give you a hug." Jiang Chen held Bai Kao'er in his arms.

"I think..." Bai Kao'er looked up at Jiang Chen and closed his eyes at the same time.

Jiang Chen chuckled, ready to bow his head and kiss.

Just then, the doorbell rang.


Jiang Chen and Bai Kao'er looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I'll open the door."

Bai Kao'er stood up and walked towards the door.

Soon, Bai Kaoer opened the door.


"Kao'er, I went to the TV station and heard that you asked for leave, so I came over to take a look." Yingzhi's voice sounded.

"Well, come in quickly." Bai Kao'er said.


Jiang Chen also saw Yingzhi walking in.

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen muttered in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, the sign-in was successful, and three hundred copies of Bigu Dan materials were obtained. 】

"Three hundred parts of Bigu Pill ingredients?"

"That's a good sign."

Although the Bigu Pill is common, the value of three hundred ingredients is still good.

At the same time, Jiang Chen looked at the sign-in hostess.

Li Yingzhi is the third female lead in "If You Can Love This Way".

Li Yingzhi in the play is Bai Kaoer's best friend, she keeps her own life without competing with the world.No matter what difficulties Bai Kaoer encountered, Li Yingzhi always stood firmly by her side to solve her problems.Li Yingzhi's marriage was not happy, she hoped that her husband would not only focus on his career, but wanted him to spend more time with his son; her husband didn't understand, so Li Yingzhi finally chose to divorce him.

"Li Yingzhi."

"Last time I signed on Milan at Bai Kaoer's house, but I didn't expect to sign on Li Yingzhi today."

"The three major heroines in the play have all signed in."

Li Yingzhi in the play is a good wife and mother, and she is also very kind to her friends.After getting married, she became a housewife, because her husband would not let her go out to work. Zhang Qianshan (Li Yingzhi’s husband) is very machismo. He thinks that letting his wife go out to work is a slap in the face. He has to rely on his wife to show up and go to work. His request to Li Yingzhi is to take care of the family and not let him be distracted, but Zhang Qianshan doesn't care about family affairs, and even rarely cares about his son's education.

However, Li Yingzhi's life is not happy at all. Zhang Qianshan sometimes doesn't go home for a week because of work, and his children often don't see their father for a long time. He doesn't care about his son's school affairs.

This is not the worst, Zhang Qianshan seems to be sick, he often vents his anger at work on Li Yingzhi, and he also has a tendency to domestic violence, as long as Li Yingzhi says something that makes him unhappy , he lost his temper, and even attacked Li Yingzhi.

"To a certain extent, Yingzhi is similar to Huang Yunling from Shengji Hospital."

"Both of them are enduring."

"But they all got divorced in the end."

In Jiang Chen's view, it's normal for a man to have many girlfriends, and masculinity is also normal, but domestic violence by a man is not good.

"Someone is here." Li Yingzhi saw Jiang Chen.

"He is my boyfriend, Jiang Chen." Bai Kao'er introduced: "Jiang Chen, this is my girlfriend Yingzhi, whose surname is Li."

"Miss Li, hello." Jiang Chen stood up and greeted Li Yingzhi.

"I've heard that Kao'er has a boyfriend for a long time, but I just didn't have the chance to meet him. I finally met him today." Li Yingzhi looked at Jiang Chen.

"Do you feel disappointed?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Seeing Li Yingzhi, Jiang Chen thought of Li Bailing in "Days Related to Youth", Ding Huiru in "Our 80s", Tao Ziran in "Gone With the Snow", and Shen Xin in "The Waves".

Relatively speaking, Li Yingzhi's appearance can be considered average.

Of course, this is the reason why Jiang Chen sees so many beauties.

"This is not enough."

While Li Yingzhi was speaking, she saw the contract that Bai Kaoer put on the coffee table just now.

"This is?" Li Yingzhi looked at Bai Kao'er.

"Jiang Chen bought me a house." Bai Kao'er didn't hide anything.

"Buying a house? Ready to get married?" Li Yingzhi's eyes lit up.

"Forget it..." Bai Kao'er didn't know if he and Jiang Chen would get married, although according to the situation of the Qiyun family, she is also a member of Jiang Chen and the Jiang family, but there is no wedding yet. .

The three chatted for a while, and Li Yingzhi said, "It's getting late, and it's time for me to say goodbye."

"Yingzhi, why don't you stay and have dinner together." Through the chat just now, Jiang Chen no longer called Ms. Li.

"No, Qianshan will go home today." Li Yingzhi refused.

"Then I'll see you off." Bai Kao'er said.

"Okay." Li Yingzhi also had something to say to Bai Kaoer alone.

After Bai Kaoer and Li Yingzhi left, Jiang Chen went to the kitchen to cook.

A quarter of an hour later, Bai Kao'er came back.

"It smells so good." Bai Kaoeryi said at the kitchen door.

"If it smells good, eat more later." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, are you cooking? Why do I feel that you are playing art." Bai Kaoer looked at Jiang Chen who was cooking, her beautiful eyes sparkled.

"Cooking, isn't it an art?" Jiang Chen said.

After dinner, Jiang Chen and Bai Kaoer embraced and chatted on the sofa.

For Jiang Chen, this is an opportunity to develop a relationship with Bai Kaoer.

a few hours later.

"I'm going to work tomorrow." Seeing Jiang Chen carrying herself into the bedroom, Bai Kao'er said, "I can't ask for leave tomorrow."

"Are you going to work in the afternoon tomorrow?" Jiang Chen asked.

"En." Bai Kao'er nodded.

"I understand." Jiang Chen quickened his pace.


The next day, Yangcheng, Hengye Bank.

"Mr. Jiang?"

Shi Chuchu was very surprised to see Jiang Chen.

Shi Chuchu, a character in "Good Words and Freehand".

"Miss Shi, I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet you here." Jiang Chen hadn't met Shi Chuchu for a long time, and he remembered that the last time he met Shi Chuchu was at the Hengye Bank annual meeting.

"Are you here to find my dad?" Shi Chuchu asked.

"Yes, but is the executive director here?" Jiang Chen came to Yangcheng from Shenzhen City today just to see the executive director.

If it wasn't for the 500 billion US dollars from the chief executive last time, how could he have earned so much when the United Kingdom left the European Union?
If it wasn't for some reason, he might have given Chief Executive a big red envelope.

Seeing Shi Chuchu now, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that it would be nice to take care of Shi Chuchu for the rest of his life.

"My dad is in the office." Shi Chuchu looked at Jiang Chen.

"Miss Shi, do I have a question?" Jiang Chen looked at Shi Chuchu puzzled.

"Mr. Jiang, you haven't finished what you said to me before." Shi Chuchu said.

"Miss Shi, I also said before that the heavenly secrets must not be leaked, do you think I will tell you?" Jiang Chen said.

"Boss Jiang, isn't it bad for you?" Shi Chuchu frowned.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"..." Shi Chuchu.

What's wrong?
This is half the talk, what could be wrong?
"Miss Shi, if you want to know, come to Xingchen Group for an internship next year." Jiang Chen said.

"Go to Xingchen Group for an internship?" Shi Chuchu was taken aback.

"Yes, it's to go to Xingchen Group for an internship." Jiang Chen nodded.

Letting Shi Chuchu go to Xingchen Group for an internship is also a promise made to the CEO earlier.

However, there is still half a year left, and Jiang Chen is not in a hurry.

"Why?" Shi Chuchu asked.

"Why can't I tell you." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, do you know that you are annoying like this?" Shi Chuchu said.

"It doesn't matter, Ms. Shi and I just know each other. If you hate me, I have nothing to lose." Jiang Chen said.

"Hmph, believe it or not, I told my dad to ignore you?" Shi Chuchu said.

"I believe it, but Chief Executive would not do that." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Shi Chuchu.

Well, now that she is a college student, she really can't influence her father.

"Miss Shi, I'm going to find President Shi, I won't talk to you anymore." Jiang Chen said.

"Go, go, I don't want to see you either." Shi Chuchu said.

Jiang Chen smiled, turned around and walked into Chief Executive's office.

"It's abominable."

Shi Chuchu is the proud daughter of heaven.

When have you ever been treated like this?

At noon, Jiang Chen left Hengye Bank.

"Jiang Chen?"

"Zhou Nannan?"

Hearing someone calling him, Jiang Chen turned his head and saw Zhou Nannan.

The moment he saw Zhou Nannan, Jiang Chen thought of the accident at Zhou Nannan's house last time.

"Zhou Nannan, are you going home?" Jiang Chen walked over.

"No, I'm going to eat. Auntie in the cafeteria is on leave today, so I can only go out to eat." Zhou Nannan replied.

"Go to eat? Then let's go together." Jiang Chen said.

"Well, okay." Zhou Nannan nodded.

"Go, take my car."

Jiang Chen said.

After a while, Jiang Chen and Zhou Nannan came to a restaurant.

"This restaurant should be good." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, any restaurant will do," Zhou Nannan said.

"That's it."

Jiang Chen walked in with Zhou Nannan.

After the food was served, Jiang Chen and Zhou Nannan chatted while eating.

"Jiang Chen, when did you come to Yangcheng?" Zhou Nannan asked.

"I came to Yangcheng today." Jiang Chen asked here: "Zhou Nannan, how about you?"

"It's [-] to [-]... every day is going to work and taking care of the children." Zhou Nannan said.

"I asked you to do research before, are you studying now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If I have time, I'm studying." Zhou Nannan hesitated and said, "But you also know that because of Zhou Xiaoyang, I don't have much time to study."

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

He knew about Zhou Nannan's situation.

"Jiang Chen, what about you?" Zhou Nannan asked.

"Me? I've been busy working on the company's affairs." Jiang Chen said.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Zhou Nannan left the restaurant.

"Zhou Nannan, you don't go to work until two o'clock in the afternoon? Do you want to find a place to rest?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, you should take me to Hengye Bank." Zhou Nannan said.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen responded, and led Zhou Nannan to the parking lot.

at this time.

"Ah yo."

Zhou Nannan snorted softly.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen stopped and asked.

"I stepped on a stone and sprained my ankle." Zhou Nannan frowned.

"Let me see."

Jiang Chen squatted down while speaking.

After a while.

"It's not a big injury, go to the car and I'll rub it for you...you can recover after rubbing it." Jiang Chen stood up and said.

"Really?" Zhou Nannan asked.

"Of course, I won't lie to you. Well, let me help you there." Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Zhou Nannan nodded.

However, as soon as he took two steps, Zhou Nannan frowned.

"I'll take you over there."

While speaking, Jiang Chen didn't wait for Zhou Nannan to speak, and hugged her by the waist.

"Jiang Chen..."

Caught off guard, Zhou Nannan quickly put his arms around Jiang Chen's neck.

"We're in the parking lot now."

Jiang Chen walked quickly to the parking lot.

Zhou Nannan looked at Jiang Chen, his beautiful eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, Jiang Chen sent Zhou Nannan into the back seat of the car, and then, Jiang Chen got into the back seat from the other side.

"Come on, let me help you take a look."

Jiang Chen is an intermediate Chinese medicine doctor, and it is easy to treat sprained ankles.

However, when treating Zhou Nannan, Jiang Chen couldn't help thinking of Xia Qing and Hong Xiaoyu back then.

Back then, Xia Qing was taken down step by step because of treating her sprained ankle.

In order for Zhou Nannan to recover as soon as possible, Jiang Chen used his internal strength.

It was also for this reason that Zhou Nannan made a special sound.


Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Nannan.

Only then did Zhou Nannan come to his senses, and turned his head, not daring to look at Jiang Chen.

"Okay, if you try it, does it still hurt?" Jiang Chen said.

"All right?"

Zhou Nannan retracted his feet and tried.

"Really okay?"

Zhou Nannan was very happy.

"I know Chinese medicine, so it's easy to treat." Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Nannan.

"Jiang Chen, thank you..."

Zhou Nannan turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, but happened to meet Jiang Chen's gaze.

Zhou Nannan's expression froze.

A special atmosphere gradually rose between the two.

Jiang Chen slowly approached Zhou Nannan.

When Zhou Nannan realized it, Jiang Chen had already kissed her.

I do not know how long it has been.

Jiang Chen let go of Zhou Nannan.

"Jiang Chen, how could you do this." Zhou Nannan lowered his head and dared not look at Jiang Chen.

"Nan Nan."

Jiang Chen hugged Zhou Nannan, speaking sweet words.

When he was at Zhou Nannan's house last time, Jiang Chen naturally didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because he was disturbed by Zhao Chunhua.

"We can't be sorry for Shi Yi." Zhou Nannan felt that he was too sorry for Shi Yi.

Because Jiang Chen is Shi Yi's boyfriend.

But facing Jiang Chen.

With the previous accident, now she is even more... at a loss.

"Nannan, I'm not just Shi Yi's girlfriend, and Shi Yi knows about this." Jiang Chen said in Zhou Nannan's ear, "As long as you don't mind, we can be together."

"You're not just Shi Yi's girlfriend?" Zhou Nannan was stunned.

what is this?

"Yes, Shi Yi knows about this matter." Jiang Chen said.

"You... Shi Yi..." Zhou Nannan really didn't know what to say.

Because of this kind of thing, this kind of situation is something she never thought of.

"Jiang Chen, take me to work." Zhou Nannan's mind was in a mess, and he urgently needed to calm down.


Jiang Chen was a little disappointed.

But he didn't force it, knowing that Zhou Nannan still couldn't accept it in a short time.


The entrance of Hengye Bank.

"Jiang Chen, I, I'm going to work." After speaking, Zhou Nannan opened the car door and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Chen quickly called Zhou Nannan to stop.

"Jiang Chen, what happened just now was an accident, forget about it." Zhou Nannan left after speaking.

"Zhou Nannan."

Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Nannan's leaving back, and sighed slightly in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly realized that it was not easy to win Zhou Nannan.

"Let's talk about it later."

After leaving Hengye Bank, Jiang Chen drove to inspect the situation of several companies in Yangcheng, and then returned to Shenzhen City.

"It's eight o'clock in the evening..."

"Bai Kao'er is still at work."

"Well, let's go eat something first."

Now that Liang Shuang is back home on vacation, he can only look for Bai Kaoer in Shenzhen City.

No, there are Bi Nan and the others.

When will Bai Kaoer and Bi Nan meet up?

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen came to a restaurant.


At this moment, a voice entered Jiang Chen's ears.


Jiang Chen turned his head and saw Mary Zhang, and also Mary Zhang's son, Lin Bao.

At this time, Lin Bao looked at Jiang Chen bouncing around.

"Lin Bao."

Mary Zhang's face darkened.

It's been such a long time, Lin Bao is still called Jiang Chen?

It's really embarrassing.

"Mary Zhang."

Jiang Chen walked over.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry." Mary Zhang was a little more than confronting Jiang Chen.

"Kids don't care about it."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand: "Lin Bao, give me a hug."

"Papa, hug..." Lin Bao rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"..." Mary's face darkened.

Is this son his own?

So easy to recognize father?
It was an accident last time.

It's not an accident this time.

"Mary Zhang, is it just you and Lin Bao? Let's eat together." Jiang Chen said to Mary Zhang holding Lin Bao.

"This..." Mary Zhang hesitated.

However, seeing Lin Bao who was happy in Jiang Chen's arms, she could only agree.

The reason why she brought Lin Bao out to eat today was because Lin Bao had been making a fuss at home for a long time.

Jiang Chen called the waiter and added two dishes.

"Mary Zhang, thank you very much for what happened last time." Jiang Chen was talking about the Fengsheng Bank loan. Although it was only 100 billion, he used the 100 billion to make a lot of money.

"Mr. Jiang, it was really early for you to pay back the money last time," Mary Zhang said.

"It was originally a short-term loan." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Mr. Jiang, can you tell me what the money is for now?" Mary Zhang asked.

"It's related to Brexit." Jiang Chen finished.

"You mean..." Mary Zhang understood.

"It's good that you know, this matter is a secret." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret." Mary Zhang nodded.

"Mary Zhang, why did you come to the restaurant with Lin Bao so late today?" Jiang Chen asked while teasing Lin Bao.

"It's not because he is too noisy to stay at home." Mary Zhang said.

"Lin Bao is very obedient." Jiang Chen said.

"..." Mary Zhang.


In Jiang Chen's arms, Lin Bao was very obedient.

Unfortunately, in her arms, Lin Bao was noisy.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen walked out of the restaurant with Lin Bao and Mary Zhang in his arms.

"Mr. Jiang, give me Lin Bao." Mary Zhang said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen didn't refuse.

Unexpectedly, Lin Bao didn't give Mary Zhang face at all, and hugged Jiang Chen tightly: "I want papa, I want papa..."

"..." Mary's face darkened.

She decided to let Lin Bao know what maternal love is when she goes back.

"Mary Zhang, did you come here by car?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, Lin Bao is too noisy today, I came here by taxi." Mary Zhang didn't understand why Jiang Chen asked such a question, but she still answered truthfully.

"How about this, you drive my car, go to your house first, and I will leave after Lin Bao falls asleep." Jiang Chen said.

"This..." Mary Zhang hesitated and nodded.


Deli District.

"Mary Zhang, your home is not bad." Jiang Chen looked at Mary Zhang's home.

Last time he just sent Mary Zhang to the gate of Deli Community, so he didn't know the situation of Mary Zhang's home.

"Mr. Jiang, I think compared with your residence, my place can only be regarded as a dwelling place." Mary Zhang said.

"That can't be said like that." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Mary Zhang, isn't your nanny here today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Well, she has something to do today, and she won't come to work until tomorrow morning. Lin Bao, come, come to mom." Mary Zhang came in front of Lin Bao.

"No." Lin Bao turned his head away from her.

"..." Mary Zhang.

"Mary Zhang, Lin Bao can't sleep now, why don't you go take a shower first. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for you when I leave." Jiang Chen said.

"This..." Mary Zhang hesitated.

After all, Jiang Chen is at her house.


"Lin Bao, let's go play, shall we?" Jiang Chen said to Lin Bao.

"Okay." Lin Bao cheered.

"..." Mary Zhang hesitated and walked into the bedroom.

"Come on, Lin Bao..."

As senior babysitters, Jiang Chen and Lin Bao had a great time.

However, Lin Bao is only over one year old after all.

I fell asleep after playing for a while.

Jiang Chen saw that the door of the second bedroom was open, and there was a small bed inside, so he knew it was Lin Bao's bed.

Immediately, Jiang Chen walked over and put Lin Bao on the small bed.

"Lin Bao is asleep?" Mary Zhang came out at this time.


Jiang Chen glanced at Mary Zhang.

At this time, Mary Zhang was wearing a pajamas, and Jiang Chen's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Mary Zhang, let's go outside, don't wake up Lin Bao." Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Mary Zhang nodded, and exited the bedroom with Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you today." Mary Zhang said.

"It's a little effort, not to mention Lin Bao is so cute." Jiang Chen said.

"What's so cute, he..." Mary Zhang really didn't know what to say.

Jiang Chen is not her man, and Lin Bao's name is Papa.

It was so embarrassing for her.

If Jiang Chen took it seriously, wouldn't it be...

"Kids, don't worry too much."

Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Mary Zhang, it's getting late, and it's time for me to leave."

"Wait a minute," Mary Zhang said.

"Is there anything else?" Jiang Chen's heart moved.

Is Mary Zhang going to keep him?

Then she should refuse?Or should I agree?
"Mr. Jiang, someone gave me this tea, you..." Mary Zhang took a pot of tea and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

Jiang Chen took the tea leaves and left Mary Zhang's house.

A while later, Jiang Chen drove out of the Deli community.

"Where to go next?"

"To find Bai Kao'er, or..."

Jiang Chen was thinking while driving.

At this moment, a figure appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

"is her……"

(End of this chapter)

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