Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 781 Surprised Meng Ran, see you many times, Xiao Qing's shock

Ming Zhen looked at Jiang Chen and Xing Lu in the back seat dumbfounded.

She just went to buy mineral water, and Jiang Chen was with Xing Lu?

Is this speed too fast?
"Ah..." Xing Lu woke up when she heard Ming Zhen's words, and quickly pushed Jiang Chen away.

"You guys continue."

Mingzhen came back to his senses, and hastily closed the car door.

"..." Jiang Chen.

Mingzhen came back so soon?
This is clearly a good thing to destroy him.

"Mr. Jiang, what should we do now?" Xing Lu felt ashamed to face others.Before in Shanghai, she told Mingzhen that Jiang Chen would not take a fancy to her, but now Mingzhen actually saw this scene.

"It's okay, I have a solution." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, what can you do?" Xing Lu asked.

"You wait."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he got out of the car.

"Mr. Jiang?"

When Mingzhen saw Jiang Chen, he was very disturbed.

"Did you see it just now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't mean it." Mingzhen said.

"It doesn't matter if you see it, because I am pursuing Xing Lu." Jiang Chen came to Mingzhen and said, "Moreover, I not only want to pursue Xing Lu, but I also want to pursue you."

"Ah, pursue me..." Ming Zhen was stunned.

"Yes, to pursue you." Jiang Chen pulled Mingzhen over, then put his arms around her waist, and said, "I don't know if you want to be my girlfriend."

"Mr. Jiang, is this how you always pursue girlfriends?" Ming Zhen was dumbfounded.

I was still eating Xing Lu's lipstick just now, and now I am confessing to her?
Not even a scumbag is like this.

This is her Mr. Jiang?
"Yes." Jiang Chen did not deny it.

It would be fine if Mingzhen didn't see it just now, but since he saw it, he also wants to try the challenge of pursuing two girlfriends at the same time.

If he succeeds, it means that his skills in chasing girlfriends have improved.

If you fail, break them one by one.

"..." Mingzhen.

"Mingzhen, are you willing to be my girlfriend?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't want to." Mingzhen replied.

"Not willing? Why?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Why don't you want to? No." Mingzhen said.

"Mingzhen, I heard that you girls like to talk ironically, are you talking ironically?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Boss Jiang, do you think it's possible?" Ming Zhen asked back.

"I'll know if it's possible after I try it." Jiang Chen said.

"Try it?" Ming Zhen was taken aback.

"Yes, just to give it a try." Jiang Chen held Mingzhen's chin with his right hand and said, "Will you let me have a try?"


Before Mingzhen finished speaking, Jiang Chen had already slowly approached her.

Ming's heart shuddered.

three centimeters.

two centimeters.

one centimeter.

Mingzhen clenched her hands tightly, showing her panic.

However, seeing Jiang Chen getting closer, Ming Zhen didn't dodge in the end, but closed his eyes.

I don't know how long it took before Jiang Chen let go of Mingzhen.

"From now on, you will be my girlfriend." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, I just said that I don't want to." Mingzhen said.

"Are you really unwilling? If you don't want to, why didn't you hide just now?" Jiang Chen gave Mingzhen a chance just now, but no matter whether he hugged Mingzhen or ate lipstick, Mingzhen didn't dodge, he felt Mingzhen has him in his heart.

"I, I...you are the boss, I can't hide, yes, I can't hide." After meeting Jiang Chen with Xing Lu in Shanghai before, Mingzhen knew that Jiang Chen had started to pay attention to her and Xing Lu So, although I was shocked to see Jiang Chen and Xing Lu eating lipstick just now, it was not surprising.

It's just that she didn't expect Jiang Chen to use this trick on her.

Before Jiang Chen ate the lipstick just now, I was nervous, but when I was ate the lipstick, I didn't resist at all.

"In that case, then listen to me for the rest of your life and be my girlfriend obediently." Jiang Chen said.

"Just a girlfriend?" Ming Zhen asked.

"My girlfriends will marry me and have children, this will not change." Jiang Chen looked at Mingzhen with a smile: "Mingzhen, it seems that you don't have me in your heart."

"I, I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong." Ming Zhen said hastily.

"Come on, let's get in the car."

Jiang Chen pulled Mingzhen into the back seat.

"Xing Lu, Ming Zhen, from today on, you are all my girlfriends." Jiang Chen said while holding Xing Lu with one hand and Ming Zhen with the other.

"..." Xing Lu.

"..." Mingzhen.

"Mr. Jiang, you and Mingzhen..." Xing Lu was dumbfounded.

Didn't Jiang Chen just go and explain?

So Mingzhen was taken down?
Looking for her best friend as a girlfriend under her nose?
This is Jiang Chen's explanation?

"Yes, just like you, she will be my girlfriend from now on." Jiang Chen said with his arms around Xing Lu and Ming Zhen's waist.

Xing Lu looked at Ming Zhen.

"Boss Jiang is all to blame, he is the boss, I can't refuse." Ming Zhen whispered.

"..." Jiang Chen.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault. Since you can't refuse, then don't refuse for the rest of your life. I will be with you all your life." Jiang Chen kissed Mingzhen and Xing Lu while speaking, and then said: "Xing Lu, Mingzhen..."

Jiang Chen chatted with the two girls.

All kinds of sweet words came without hesitation.

At the beginning, he was a little worried about pursuing two girlfriends all at once, but now that Jiang Chen is going all out, he doesn't believe that Xing Lu and Ming Zhen can't be settled.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Joseph P. Baratta has come out, let's go." Jiang Chen said to the two girls.

"Mr. Jiang, it's all your fault..."

Xing Lu and Ming Zhen hurriedly arranged their clothes.

Well, Jiang Chen was not honest just now, so their clothes need to be buttoned.

"Who made you so beautiful." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

After a while, Jiang Chen walked towards Joseph P. Baratta with Xing Lu and Ming Zhen.


two hours later.

"Mr. Jiang, does this count as a successful meeting with Joseph P. Baratta?" Xing Lu asked.

"Well, today's meeting with Joseph P. Baratta was not bad. Let's see what happens tomorrow." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Come on, it's still early today, let's go shopping first."

"Shopping?" Xing Lu thought for a while and said, "I've been tired all day, Mr. Jiang, we want to go back and rest early."

"Go back to rest?" Jiang Chen glanced at Xing Lu's two daughters, and asked, "Aren't you worried about being with me?"

"Nothing." Mingzhen shook his head.


Jiang Chen frowned, and said, "Alright, you guys go to rest, I'll take care of other things."

"Mr. Jiang, do you have anything else to do?" Ming Zhen asked.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.Said: "This time I come to the United States, I also want to investigate the situation of Medtronic (Medtronic, Inc.)."

"Medtronic, Inc.?" Xing Lu looked at Jiang Chen.

"Medtronic, Inc. is the world's leading medical technology company. My private hospital, Shengji Hospital, wants to establish a partnership with Medtronic, Inc., but I haven't decided on the specifics yet." Going to discuss cooperation with Medtronic, Inc., this time in the United States will be longer.

"Then Mr. Jiang, go get busy." Xing Lu said.

"Before you leave, my two girlfriends, shouldn't you..." Jiang Chen held Xing Lu and Ming Zhen's hands and said.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the street." Ming Zhen said.

"Mingzhen, what do you mean, as long as I'm not on the street, I can do whatever I want?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Mr. Jiang, Xing Lu and I are going back first." Ming Zhen didn't answer Jiang Chen's words, but pulled Xing Lu away.

"Xing Lu, Ming Zhen."

Jiang Chen smiled, turned and left.

Next he was going to the New York branch of Medtronic, Inc.


On the way to the hotel.

"Mingzhen, what do you think we should do..." The reason why Xing Lu proposed to go back to rest was because she wanted to calm down and think about her relationship with Jiang Chen.

"Do you think Jiang will always let go?" Mingzhen asked.

"I don't know." Xing Lu shook her head.

"Do you like Boss Jiang?" Ming Zhen asked again.

"I... I don't know either." Xing Lu thought for a while, and said, "Jiang is always a capable person, different from the people I met before, except for having many girlfriends, everything else is pretty good."

"No one is perfect, this may be Mr. Jiang's shortcoming. But I think if you can't find someone better than Mr. Jiang, it's good to follow Mr. Jiang." Mingzhen said.

"No way, Mingzhen, have you really decided?" Xing Lu asked.

"It is impossible for a capable person in this world to have only one woman. In our mainland, there is polygamy. But you have to know that in those countries where there is only monogamy, those capable men are still Not another woman."

Ming Zhen glanced at Xing Lu at this point, and said, "It's just that those people are just like your ex-boyfriend, they hide and sneak around. But I think such people are not as good as Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Chen is so outstanding, even if he doesn't have much contact with him, he can't cover up his brilliance.

Under Jiang Chen's charm, Ming already had his place in his heart.

The last time we met in Shanghai, Mingzhen felt that his chance had come.

Therefore, Jiang Chen wanted her to be her boyfriend just now, although she refused in her mouth, she did not refuse in her heart.

"But..." Xing Lu always felt that there was something wrong.

"What's more, if Mr. Jiang wants to do something to you, will you refuse?" Ming Zhen asked.

"I..." Xing Lu thought about what happened in the car before, as if she had no resistance to Jiang Chen at all.


At six o'clock in the afternoon, the penthouse at 432 Park Avenue in Manhattan.

"Mr. Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Chen's arrival, Meng Ran stood up from the sofa.

"When did you wake up?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This afternoon, but Mr. Jiang, if I wake up so late, will Guan Yuqing and the others find out..." If he hadn't seen the message Jiang Chen left for her, and there was no one at home, Meng Ran might have run away long ago Back to the previous hotel.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Ah... what should I do?" Meng Ran was dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen is the boss.

Guan Yuqing and the others knew that they were with the boss, would they think she was that...bad...woman?
"Don't worry, come on, put this on first." Jiang Chen took out the top glass jadeite bracelet.

"Is this bracelet expensive?" Meng Ran asked.

"This is not measured by money. Meng Ran, then you do as I say." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Meng Ran was a little puzzled, but still nodded.

Casting saint clan certification, bestowing the body of a young envoy.

Meng Ran became the third member of Jiang Family No.80.

A quarter of an hour later.


Meng Ran looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Boss Jiang, are the space bracelets, luck family, and martial arts real?"


Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "These are all true, and this is also our Jiang family's secret."

"But, I only promised to be the girlfriend, and I never thought about marrying you." Meng Ran said.

"If you don't marry me, who else can you marry?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I..." Meng Ran couldn't answer.

"Our Jiang family is a family of luck. We have martial arts and martial arts, which can prolong life, and even live forever... This is also my guarantee to you. I will always treat you well." Jiang Chen said.

"So, all your girlfriends are from the Jiang family?" Meng Ran asked.

"Yes, I either don't find a girlfriend, or if I do, I will be together forever." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then who are your girlfriends?" Meng Ran asked.

"An Ning, Guan Yuqing, Zhang Qiuyue, and Huang Jia who were here yesterday are all my girlfriends," Jiang Chen said.

"Ah..." Meng Ran stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

Tranquility is all.

Guan Yuqing, Zhang Qiuyue, and Huang Jia are all Jiang Chen's girlfriends?

"Besides, Bi Nan is also my girlfriend." Jiang Chen continued.

"..." Meng Ran.

"Among the twelve of us, you have almost won half of it?" Meng Ran was really shocked.

Because they both served Jiang Chen, they spent most of their time together. They never expected that under such circumstances, Jiang Chen would take down so many people one after another.

"En." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I was a sheep that ran into a tiger's mouth yesterday?" Meng Ran said.

"Yes, and you can't escape for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't you want to take all the rest?" Meng Ran thought of Zhou Yawen and others.

"This, I don't know now." Jiang Chen didn't deny it, but he didn't deny it either.

"Mr. Jiang, I find that you are more hateful than other bosses." Meng Ran said.

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Because other bosses want people, but you need heart." The other bosses only deal with the stewardess of the private jet.

"Maybe I'm a traditional person."

Jiang Chen said: "My woman is either not together, or it will last forever."

"So, people like you are really irresistible." Meng Ran said.

"Then let's live together."

Jiang Chen said: "For the Qiyun family, the space bracelet is an identity card. However, this is only known within our Jiang family. In the future, if we want a marriage certificate in front of other people, we will get a marriage certificate. Anyway, a husband Polygamy has no effect on us."

"Now it's yours, and I can only listen to you." Meng Ran said.

"These are cultivation resources. You drink this Guben Peiyuan soup first, and the other cultivation resources..." Jiang Chen took out the cultivation resources for Sudden, and then introduced them.

Meng Ran drank a bowl of Guben Peiyuan Soup, and then put away his cultivation resources.

At this time, An Ning returned.

"Meng Ran, we will be a family from now on." An Ning sensed Meng Ran's space bracelet.

"Miss An." Meng Ran was a little embarrassed.

"You can just call me by my name from now on." An Ning said while holding Meng Ran's hand.

"Yeah." Meng Ran nodded.

"An Ning, how is today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Today's situation is better than yesterday..." An Ning recounted today's harvest.

"It looks like we're making good progress."

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "If there is no problem, a preliminary agreement can be reached tomorrow, and the problem will be resolved by then."

"That's right, Mr. Jiang, the solution you came up with yesterday is useful." An Ning said.

“After the acquisition of Strategic Hotels & Resorts, you formed the Fragrance Group and changed the name of Strategic Hotels & Resorts to Fragrance Hotels and Resorts,” Jiang Chen said.

"Feilong Group?" An Ning looked at Jiang Chen.

"Yes, it's Feilong Group."

Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "From now on, Feilong Pavilion will be hidden in Feilong Group."

Jiang Chen made this arrangement with reference to Mu Xinhui in "Jian Yan's Xia Dong".

Mu Xinhui is hidden in the wooden restaurant.

Jiang Chen's arrangement now is also to put on a coat for Feilong Pavilion.

"Okay." An Ning nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, what Feilong Pavilion?" Meng Ran couldn't help asking.

"Flying Dragon Pavilion is..." Jiang Chen introduced, and then said: "You just joined the Jiang family, so you don't know these things yet, I will tell you slowly in the future."

"So, Xingchen Group is just one of Mr. Jiang's industries?" Meng Ran reacted.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded: "It is difficult to promote the luck family, so it needs to develop in many ways, and Feilong Pavilion is my power abroad. I will form more powers in the future. "

"Understood." Meng Ran nodded.

An Ning took out a document and handed it to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, this is information about the Roy people."

"Let me take a look." Jiang Chen opened the file and read it.

After a moment.

"It seems like I guessed, China Insurance Media is almost at the end." Jiang Chen said after putting down the materials.

"Mr. Jiang, if something happens to China Insurance Media, the final result will be auctioned off. Have you ever thought about taking over China Insurance Media?" An Ning asked.

"It's not necessary." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said, "The network of relationships behind China Insurance Media is intricate, and it took a lot of effort to win her down. For us, the loss outweighs the gain."

A quarter of an hour later, Meng Ran went to take a shower, and Jiang Chen and An Ning continued to chat about the acquisition.

Finally Jiang Chen said: "An Ning, if a preliminary agreement can be reached tomorrow, the next thing will be left to you."

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to leave?" An Ning asked.

"Yes, this time in New York is already long enough." Before Jiang Chen came to New York, he knew that the negotiation with the Blackstone Group would take a long time, but now the negotiation is so difficult and the time is too long. expected.

"President Jiang, don't worry, I will definitely do this well." An Ning nodded.

"In addition, don't fall behind in your cultivation, and remember to use the cultivation resources given to you before. After all, for our Jiang family, strength is the foundation of cultivation." Jiang Chen said.

"I know." An Ning nodded.


Meng Ran's room.

"Mr. Jiang, why are you here?" Meng Ran knew that Jiang Chen went to An Ning's room just now.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"I don't know..." Meng Ran shook his head.

"Meng Ran, the reason why I have so many girlfriends is because..." Jiang Chen whispered in Meng Ran's ear.

"Yeah." Meng Ran looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

"So, in the future, you don't need to worry about being alone because I have many girlfriends. When you arrive in Shanghai, you will live with everyone in Dongjiao No. [-]." Jiang Chen hugged Meng Ran over: "When the time comes, we will be alone." Can……"

"Mr. Jiang, I really didn't expect you to be such a person." Meng Ran felt that the current Jiang Chen was completely different from the Jiang Chen he knew before.

"The me now, do you like it?" Jiang Chen's hand started its work.

"Can I say I don't like it?" Meng Ran asked.

"No." Jiang Chen replied.

"Mr. Jiang, you are really domineering." Meng Ran felt that Jiang Chen felt very safe at this moment.

"What is this, next..." Jiang Chen chuckled, and then...

(omit hundreds of thousands of words).


The next day, after Jiang Chen and An Ning met Bi Nan and the others, they continued to negotiate with the person in charge of the Blackstone Group.

With the previous three days of negotiations, Jiang Chen and others finally reached a preliminary agreement at noon.

However, the price is different from the previous life.

The price of Strategic Hotels & Resorts alone is 70 billion US dollars, and 20.00% of Five Hilton's shares need 68 billion US dollars.

This acquisition is equivalent to a premium acquisition.

However, to Jiang Chen, this process is not important, what matters is the result.

After leaving the Blackstone Group, Jiang Chen confessed to An Ning: "An Ning, next you are in New York..."

"President Jiang, don't worry, I know what to do." An Ning nodded.

"In addition, your safety is the most important thing." An Ning will be the owner of Strategic Hotels & Resorts in the future. Although the acquisition value is only 70 billion US dollars, it is enough to make people jealous.

"I understand." An Ning nodded.



"Who are you?" Xie Xiaotian looked at the person in front of him and asked.

Xie Xiaotian, the character in "Negotiator".

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as I can give you what you want." Jiang Chen came to meet Xie Xiaotian disguised as a white man, and he spoke American English (the same below).

"What do you want from me?" Xie Xiaotian asked.

"Look at this first..." Jiang Chen handed a document to Xie Xiaotian.

"What is this?" Xie Xiaotian opened the file and looked, his expression changed, and he looked at Jiang Chen: "What does this mean?"

"What do you think it means?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Xie Xiaotian, I think Xie Tiancheng once looked for you, right?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Xie Xiaotian's pupils shrank.

"Xie Xiaofei is the young master of the Xie family, a dude, but he can do whatever he wants, and you are cautious, but you can't get Xie Tianyou's approval. Are you so willing?" Jiang Chen said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Xie Xiaotian left after speaking.

"Xie Xiaotian, even if you only take over part of the Xie family's property, you and your mother can live a life of masters." Jiang Chen said.

In the play, Xie Xiaotian's mother and Xie Tianyou are not original partners, and Xie Tianyou doesn't treat Xie Xiaotian's mother very well, and Xie Xiaotian's mother has the kind of character that doesn't like to fight.When Xie Tiancheng asked Xie Xiaotian to invite him to work with him, Xie Xiaotian hesitated, not wanting to betray his father. He felt that he was not Xie Tianyou's biological son, so it was understandable for Xie Tianyou to pass the company on to his brother. matter!
But one thing changed his approach!
That is he wants his mother to live well.

Xie Xiaotian knew that because his mother was not Xie Tianyou's original spouse, the two could only live in a remote courtyard. Xie Tianyou wanted to eat what his mother cooked, so his mother would do it. No matter how late it was, he had to come back here to sleep!This situation made Xie Xiaotian heartbroken.

In addition, when persuading Xie Xiaofei, Xie Xiaofei scolded Xie Xiaotian: "Can you be like a man, let yourself and your mother live a good life, can you live with some dignity?"

Therefore, Xie Xiaotian betrayed Xie Tianyou!
Now Jiang Chen is only using Xie Xiaotian's heart to design.

What's more, Jiang Chen doesn't believe that Xie Xiaotian won't be tempted in front of the Xie family in the magic city of America?

In Jiang Chen's view, everyone is greedy.

Xie Xiaotian is the same.

If there is a chance to get the American Xie family, then Xie Xiaotian will definitely be moved.

And now what he wants to give Xie Xiaotian is a chance.

As for the drama, Xie Xiaotian and Xie Xiaofei reconciled as before in the finale, in Jiang Chen's view, it was just bullshit.

The two are fighting for family property, and they are not brothers, so how could they reconcile as before?
Even brothers cannot reconcile as before.

Some have only one side over the other.

"Who are you?" Xie Xiaotian's expression changed, and he asked Jiang Chen.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Jiang Chen looked at Xie Xiaotian, and said: "The important thing is, what choice do you make. Do you give it a go and let your mother live a good life, or continue to live a life of being dependent on others. Now that Xie Tianyou is in charge, both you and your mother It’s such a humble life. If Xie Xiaofei is in charge in the future, do you think you and your mother will be kicked out? By the way, you can also say that you can support you and your mother, but at that time Xie Xiaofei was the head of the Xie family, you Do you think he won't deal with you? Do you think he will let you find a job? Don't forget, your mother is just a little... three in Xie Xiaofei's eyes, it's for destroying his family."

Xie Xiaotian's expression turned ugly when he heard this.

"Xie Xiaotian, the opportunity is won by oneself." Jiang Chen said.

"What do you want?" Xie Xiaotian asked.

"I want to find someone." Jiang Chen said.

"Looking for someone?" Xie Xiaotian was taken aback.

"Yes, this person is related to Xie Tianyou, and the prerequisite for finding this person is that you are in charge of the Xie family." Jiang Chen took out a check and handed it to Xie Xiaotian, saying: "This is a Swiss bank bearer check." , a total of [-] million U.S. dollars, you can use it to buy the shares of the Xie Group (American Xie Group), and then take charge of the Xie family."

"[-] million US dollars?" Xie Xiaotian was dumbfounded.

They just met, and Jiang Chen gave [-] million US dollars?
Are you afraid that he will take the money and fly away?
"You can take this money and leave, but you have to guarantee that you will spend it with your life." While speaking, a cold chill emerged from Jiang Chen's body.

Xie Xiaotian's expression changed, and he looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

"Xie Xiaotian, you have only two choices, either do what I say, and with me behind you, you can at least live a life of a master, or leave a check and leave here and continue to be your second young master of the Xie family .I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it." Jiang Chen closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

Xie Xiaotian hesitated.

After an unknown amount of time, Xie Xiaotian reached out and picked up the check.

"That's right!" Jiang Chen opened his eyes and said with a smile: "As a man, you have to rely on yourself. I am also looking forward to your performance."

After a quarter of an hour, Xie Xiaotian left.


Next day, San Francisco.

"I haven't been here for two months."

Jiang Chen got off the plane.

"It's ten o'clock in the morning on August 27th, San Francisco time (one o'clock in the afternoon on August 27th in New York time, and one o'clock in the morning on August 28th in Yanjing time). Xiao Qing should be at Stanford University at this time, right?"

"In this case, go to Tianyuan Technology first, and then go to Xiao Qing in the afternoon."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen took a taxi to Hillsborough, and then drove the car in Hillsborough to Tianyuan Technology.

"Mr. Jiang, have you come to America?"

Many saw Jiang Chen asking.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "I just arrived in San Francisco today, so I stopped by to have a look. There are many, how is the company doing now?"

"According to the plan you left, Mr. Jiang, now the company..." Many people were ready to introduce.

"How about it, Mr. Xu, it's already noon now, let's find a restaurant, let's chat while eating." Jiang Chen looked at the time and said.

"Okay." Many nodded.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Duo came to a restaurant.

"Mr. Jiang, I've been to this restaurant several times. I don't know if you like it or not." Duo said.

"I think Mr. Xu's choice can't be wrong." Jiang Chen called the waiter to order.

Food and drink came quickly.

Jiang Chen and many chatted while eating.

"Mr. Jiang, the company has invested in research on low-altitude navigation of drones, but the research results in a short period of time may not be satisfactory." Many said.

UAV low-altitude navigation research is a new project of Tianyuan Technology.

Although drones are not as popular as in the past two years, they are still a direction worthy of attention.According to the forecast of the investment institution ClearBridge, commercial drones will still be a high-growth field in the field of automation in the next 3 to 5 years.At present, Amazon has completed the delivery test of unmanned aerial vehicles, and other applications, such as agricultural plant protection, security monitoring, industrial monitoring, scientific research, etc., also have good prospects.

When drones become commonplace, safety and reliability become the number one issue.

Therefore, as early as a few months ago, among Jiang Chen's many pastoral technology development plans, there was a plan to develop drone low-altitude navigation.

According to Jiang Chen's plan, the company provides a navigation system for drone developers and users to ensure that drones will not interfere with daily life.

"This kind of research needs to be carried out for a long time. So there is no rush, not to mention, our pastoral technology does not only have this kind of business. By the way, how is the driverless system now?" Jiang Chen asked.

The unmanned driving system is also one of the pastoral science and technology research projects.

"Now the unmanned driving system..." Many people introduced it.

"Is there any problem with funding now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Not yet, but the company's funds can only last for three months at most." Many replied.

"I will discuss the financial issue with Mr. Miao. You don't need to worry about this." Jiang Chen said.

"Hmm." Many nodded.

Jiang Chen is the president of Xingchen Group, so it is very easy to solve the financial problem.

"Also, in terms of the company..." Jiang Chen expressed his opinion on other aspects of Tianyuan Technology.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and many left the restaurant.

"Mr. Jiang, are you going to the company?" Many asked.

"No, I have something to do in the afternoon." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "President Xu, call me anytime you have any questions."

"Okay?" Many nodded.


Stanford University.

"Baby, do you miss me?" Jiang Chen looked at Xiao Qing with a smile.

"I don't want to." Xiao Qing shook his head.

"Don't want to?" Jiang Chen's face darkened.

"Yeah, I'm so free, how could I miss you?" Xiao Qing said.

"Okay, you actually don't want me, it seems that I'm going to teach you a lesson." Jiang Chen pulled Xiao Qing over.

"You, how do you want to teach me..." Xiao Qing looked scared.

"I think..." Jiang Chen whispered in Xiao Qing's ear.

"You..." Hearing this, Xiao Qing pinched Jiang Chen fiercely: "How could you do this, it's broad daylight now."

"So, baby, what do you mean, as long as it's not broad daylight, you can do whatever you want with me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Nonsense, that's not what I meant." Xiao Qing firmly refused to admit it.

"That's not what it means? In other words, even in the daytime..." Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

"You, why do you think about those things all day long." Xiao Qing hit Jiang Chen and turned around.

"Baby, are you angry?" Jiang Chen hugged Xiao Qing from behind.

"How dare I." Xiao Qing said.

"It seems that the baby is really angry. Well, it's my fault, it's my fault." Jiang Chen comforted for a while.

"When did you come to America?" Xiao Qing asked.

"I have been in America for several days, and I have been in New York before." Jiang Chen replied.

"What are you going to do in New York?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Look for the Blackstone Group to discuss cooperation." Jiang Chen replied.

"So, you just dropped in to find me?" Xiao Qing asked.

"No, in my heart you are much more important than any cooperation. If I can only choose one, I will only choose you." Jiang Chen said.

"Really?" Xiao Qing was skeptical.

"Of course. The purpose of discussing cooperation with the Blackstone Group is to make money, and no matter how much money you have, it can't compare to a single hair of yours." Jiang Chen said.

"You know what to say." Xiao Qing leaned into Jiang Chen's arms.

"It's not sweet, but the truth." If he didn't like Xiao Qing, how could Jiang Chen come to San Francisco once a month?

Well, that is, it has only been more than two months since I came this time.

"You pass. How long will you stay in San Francisco this time?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Two or three days, I will go to Los Angeles in between." Jiang Chen said.

"To Los Angeles?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Well, I'm going to investigate Arrow hardware." Jiang Chen said.

Now Wendy is buying Prime-line products in the United States.

The American Arrow Wrigley hardware is the next step to be acquired.

"Honey, today is Saturday, why don't we go to Los Angeles together?" Jiang Chen said.

"No, I still have a subject tomorrow afternoon." Xiao Qing said.

"Tomorrow afternoon?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"En." Xiao Qing nodded.

"Then between now and tomorrow afternoon, you should be fine?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's okay." Xiao Qing said.

"Then let's go." Jiang Chen pulled Xiao Qing to walk outside Stanford University.


Hillsborough at night.

"I'm exhausted, it's you who took me to so many places." Xiao Qing said as he collapsed on the sofa.


Jiang Chen sat down beside Xiao Qing, and then said: "Since you are tired, let me serve you later, I guarantee you..."

"Go away, still serve me, which time is it not..." Xiao Qing gave Jiang Chen a white look.

Jiang Chen is not a normal person at all.

How can a normal person...

"Hey." Jiang Chen smiled, and took out the training resources prepared for Xiao Qing: "Baby, these are the training resources after the family level has been promoted, you put them away."

"These are pills?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Yes, these..." Jiang Chen introduced the cultivation resources.

Xiao Qing asked: "Jiang Chen, according to your previous analysis of the luck family, the family rank promotion shouldn't be so fast. What's going on?"

"Look at this first."

Jiang Chen took out the laptop from the space ring, and played the video shot in the second film and television fusion world.

"Is this a TV series filmed by your company?" Xiao Qing asked.

"No, this is a video from another world." Jiang Chen replied.

"A video from another world?" Xiao Qing was stunned.


Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Because of the luck family, I can enter other worlds. What I'm showing you now is the video of the second world (the second film and television fusion world). This world..." Speaking In the meantime, Jiang Chen introduced the second film and television fusion world.

"Really?" Xiao Qing looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

The space bracelet is already quite unexpected.

Now Jiang Chen actually told her that he could go to another world.

"of course it's true."

Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "Because this is unbelievable, I didn't say it before, but now I have been to the second world (the second film and television fusion world) many times, and I have conducted in-depth development, that’s why I told you that I’m going to let you come with me next time if you have time.”

"Has anyone else followed you?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Wu Shiyi and I have been going to the second world (the second film and television fusion world) since last year. At that time..." Jiang Chen introduced, and finally said: "In my eyes, the other world is the development of the Jiang family. The key to industry and raising family rank. However, because there are warriors in the world, it is relatively cruel."

"Is it the same as those martial arts dramas?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Yes, almost." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Although killing is commonplace?" Xiao Qing asked.

"There's still war." Jiang Chen said: "I'm telling you this now, just to ask about your situation. After all, if there is no modern equipment in the second world (the second film and television fusion world), will they go and ask for you?" Decide for yourself. As for the third world (the third film and television fusion world) is more cruel than the second world (the third film and television fusion world), after all, the strongest warrior in the third world (the third film and television fusion world) is the big Grandmaster, and maybe you can go to other worlds in the future."

"Let me digest it." Xiao Qing said.

"En." Jiang Chen nodded.

A quarter of an hour later.

"So, going to other worlds is equivalent to traveling in novels?" Xiao Qing said.


Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "I have explained the situation of the luck family to you before, and the real luck family is above many worlds."

In a word.

Even if the world is destroyed, the Jiang family must exist.

"So, the knowledge I'm learning is only useful in this world." Xiao Qing said.

"In theory." Jiang Chen nodded, and said, "After all, the world is different, so you have to do as the Romans do. So, you need to learn a lot in the future."

"I... this is really..." Xiao Qing didn't know what to say.

"Actually, there are even martial arts space bracelets, which is not unacceptable." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Xiao Qing nodded.

"Go to the Second World (the second film and television fusion world) on September 29th, and go to the third world (the third film and television fusion world) on October [-]th. If you have time, go to Shanghai." Jiang Jiang Chen said.

"It's not long." Xiao Qing said.

"Yeah, it's only been about a month." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then are you coming next month?" Xiao Qing asked.

"I will come next month." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "This time I went to New York to order a batch of arms."

"Munition?" Xiao Qing's heart trembled.

"Yes, it's munitions."

Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "In the second world (the second film and television fusion world), the Jiang family faces hundreds of thousands of troops approaching the city. Although the Jiang family's army is well-trained, there are too few of them after all, so I want to buy one. Batch arms to increase combat power."

"And Jiang Jiajun?" Xiao Qing was very surprised.

"Of course, there are tens of thousands of Jiang family troops in the second world (the second film and television fusion world) and the third world (the third film and television fusion world). They..." Jiang Chen introduced, and then said: "The specifics , You will know when you go later.”

"If I want to go, I have to take a week off." Xiao Qing said.


Jiang Chen nodded and said, "However, you can bring relevant books and materials with you. You can study in other worlds. Well, a laptop is also fine. I got a small generator in another world."

"I'll think about it." Xiao Qing said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go, there will be opportunities in the future." Jiang Chen said.

"En." Xiao Qing nodded, and then pulled Jiang Chen down: "Let me hug you."

"..." Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Qing..."

Looking at Xiao Qing, Jiang Chen couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed.

I do not know how long it has been.

Only then did Jiang Chen and Xiao Qing let go.

"Honey, I miss you." Xiao Qing murmured.

"Me too..." Jiang Chen looked at Xiao Qing and said.

Although the two have only known each other for [-] months, and the time to see each other is limited during this period, the relationship between the two is very deep.

"Hold me back to my room." Xiao Qing said.

Jiang Chen picked up Xiao Qing and walked towards the master bedroom.

(omit hundreds of thousands of words).


Day two, Los Angeles.

"Mr. Jiang, where are we going?" Xing Lu asked.

"Go and investigate the Arrow hardware first." Jiang Chen said.

"Investigate Arrow hardware? Mr. Jiang, don't you want to buy Arrow hardware?" Xing Lu asked.

"Yes, I just want to buy Arrow hardware. But it's just research now." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "The specific purchase can only be discussed later."

"So, Mr. Jiang wants us to make records today?" Ming Zhen said.

"Yes, of course, the most important thing today is that I want to stay with you." Jiang Chen said while holding Xing Lu and Ming Zhen's hands.

"Mr. Jiang, you..." Xing Lu and Ming Zhen gave Jiang Chen a white look.

This bad boss is dishonest when he leaves the airport.

"Aren't you willing?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, you will be suspected if you do this." Ming Zhen said.

"Doubt? What doubt?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"Guan Yuqing and Bi Nan are suspicious of them." Xing Lu said.

Now Xing Lu and Ming Zhen dare not tell about Jiang Chen's pursuit of them.

After all, in their opinion, accepting Jiang Chen's pursuit when they knew that Jiang Chen had a girlfriend was a bit shameful.

"Don't worry, I won't doubt it." Jiang Chen secretly smiled.

Now Bi Nan and the other five have already taken it down. If Xing Lu and Mingzhen can be taken down, it will be much easier for others to take it down, even on the plane...

This is the real happy life.


Just as Xing Lu was about to say something, Jiang Chen interrupted: "Xing Lu, don't you want to be with me?"

"I... let's go to Arrow Hardware Company." Xing Lu quickly changed the subject.

"Just go to the front." Jiang Chen pointed to the office building in front and said.


Two hours later, Jiang Chen and the others left the office building of Arrow Hardware.

"Mr. Jiang, do you really want to buy this American Arrow hardware company?" Mingzhen asked.

"Yes, what do you think of the investigation just now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"According to the data, this American Arrow hardware company is not bad, but in terms of scale and other aspects, the purchase price of this Arrow hardware is not too high, right?" Xing Lu asked.

"Yes, it's only about [-] million U.S. dollars." Jiang Chen nodded.

When the American Arrow hardware was acquired in 17 years in the previous life, the acquisition amount was only 1.25 million US dollars. Now the time has been advanced by more than half a year, and the price is similar.

If it weren't for the fact that this is the first contact with him, Jiang Chen might want to buy this American Arrow hardware company right now.

"About [-] million US dollars, so much?" Xing Lu and Ming Zhen were stunned.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "This American Arrow hardware company is a hardware processing giant. It has a great influence in the United States. Well, let's not talk about this, it's getting late now, let's find a Let’s have dinner at the restaurant, and this afternoon we will go to the processing factory of Arrow’s hardware.”

"Okay." Xing Lu and Ming Zhen nodded.

Half an hour later, the three of Jiang Chen came to a restaurant.

"Just here." Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Xing Lu and Ming Zhen had no objections, and followed Jiang Chen to enter the restaurant.

At this moment, a voice came from the side, "Xing Lu, is it really you?"

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