Happy life in the world of film and television

Chapter 998 Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan, Shen Cuixi and Su Xiaomei

"Aolongbao Shi Family?" Jiang Chen was slightly startled when he heard this.

He had never heard of the Aolongbao Shi Family.

"The Aolongbao Shi family is one of the richest people in the northern Song Dynasty. He has business in Liao Kingdom, Northern Liang, Yang Kingdom, Yi Kingdom and Northern Wei Dynasty. You can go to Li Na to see the specific information. "Shi Yi explained.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

"What are you still doing here?" Shi Yi asked.

"Look at you, I haven't been with you for a long time." Jiang Chen said.

"You know." Shi Yi put down his work and looked at Jiang Chen.

"Of course, I remember it all." Jiang Chen hugged Shi Yi.

"Then how do you want to compensate me?" Shi Yi asked.

"You said, as long as I can do it." Jiang Chen said.

"I'll tell you after I think about it." Shi Yi said, hugging Jiang Chen's neck.

"Okay." Jiang Chen kissed Shi Yi.

"You're annoying." Although he said this, Shi Yi was very happy.

"Really annoying?" Jiang Chen and Shi Yi started interacting.

"Of course, you just hate it." Shi Yi patted Jiang Chen's hand: "This is a place of work, don't mess around."

"I only know that this is my home and you are my wife." Jiang Chen said.

Shi Yi snorted.

The two interacted for a moment, sharing the pain of missing each other.

"Okay, I have to do something. The purchase order must be done as soon as possible." Shi Yi said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen did not refuse.

After all, given Shi Yi's character, now is not that time.

What's more, he and Shi Yi will have plenty of time together in the future.

"I'll help you." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Shi Yi did not refuse.



Qiu Min came over when he saw Jiang Chen.

"Qiu Min, how have you been here these past few days?" Jiang Chen looked at Qiu Min.

After not seeing each other for a while, Qiu Min's demeanor seemed to have changed.

"This... is okay, but... brother-in-law, are all the people in your house cultivators?" Qiu Min had contact with people from Yongguo Duke's house during his stay in Hezhong Prefecture, but Yongguo Duke's house The people are completely different from the Qiu family.

In the Yongguo Palace, she found that most of the maids were cultivators.

How could this not shock her.

We must know that the poor in literature and the rich in martial arts.

In the Song Dynasty, culture was more important than martial arts, so cultivation was very difficult.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "I think you have seen some of the benefits of cultivation. This is the benefit of our Jiang family."

The Jiang family's plum blossom guard cannot marry.

Most of the plum blossom guards are the personal maids of the Jiang family, and the Jiang family manages the Jiang family's property. As personal maids, they know many secrets. Therefore, even if Jiang Chen leaves them alone for the rest of their lives, he will not let them get married.

This is a matter of principle.

Unless it is a marriage within the Jiang family.

For example, a ninth-grade maid, a ninth-grade steward, or a ninth-grade guard get married.

These are the rules of a big family.

It is absolutely impossible for people from big families like those in movies and TV series to escape and be with others.

If this happens, the only option is to kill them all.

"When will my sister come back?" Qiu Min asked.

"Soon." Qiu Yan has things to deal with in Kaifeng Mansion and won't be able to come back in a short time. However, you can come back through the family teleportation talisman.

"Brother-in-law, if I also want to practice, am I really not allowed to be with Qin Xuan?" Qiu Min asked again.

"Qiu Min, you should know something about the situation in the Yongguo Palace, right? There are already many innate warriors and first-class warriors. Their strength will increase in the future, and their average lifespan will also increase. If you practice our Jiang family The same goes for martial arts and martial arts. How will you feel when a person who lives hundreds of years marries a person who can only live a few dozen years?" Jiang Chen asked in return.

"People from the British government also practice cultivation," Qiu Min asked.

"The Song Dynasty values ​​literature over martial arts, and the martial arts and martial arts are not strong. Apart from other things, I think you have seen your sister's strength, right? Can Qin Xuan compare with your sister?" Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Qiu Min nodded.

After arriving at Yongguo Palace, she felt the difference between the families in Yongguo Palace and Kaifeng Palace.

"Qiu Min, do you like Qin Xuan because Qin Xuan is more beautiful? Or is it for some other reason?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I...it's nothing..." Qiu Min didn't know how to answer.

"Really?" In Jiang Chen's opinion, the reason why Qiu Min likes Qin Xuan is because he feels that Qiu Min has less contact with people. Of course, it is undeniable that Qin Xuan is from the British government and a noble noble. The Qiu family is just a small family, so it would be a lifelong honor to marry into a British prince's family.

"Brother-in-law, I want to practice." Qiu Min said.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yeah." Qiu Min nodded.

"If you decide, I will agree, but by then it will be too late for you to regret." Jiang Chen said.

"I have decided." Qiu Min thought of what he had seen during this period.

"Qing Mo and Xiu Yu are your personal maids, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

Qingmo and Xiuyu are characters in "Fu of Yanyu".

This time Qiu Min came to Hezhong Mansion and took the two of them with him.

"Yes." Qiu Min nodded.

"Then let them practice with you and protect you in the future." Jiang Chen said.

"Is that okay?" Qiu Min felt happy.

"Of course." Jiang Chen nodded.

"When will it start?" Qiu Min asked.

"I will arrange for you to go to training tomorrow." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Qiu Min saluted, turned and left.

Jiang Chen looked at Qiu Min's figure with twinkling eyes.


Song Dynasty, Jiang Mansion, Yingtian Mansion, Su Tan'er's room.

"There's no one in this courtyard? Is Tan'er resting?"

Jiang Chen walked into the room and saw a figure on the couch.

Obviously, this is Su Tan'er.

"Although it's daytime now, but..."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and walked over by himself.

After a while.

"Dong Yongguo, you...you..." Liu Yuru looked at Jiang Chen with wide eyes.

"Miss Liu, why is it you? I, I thought it was Tan'er." Jiang Chen was also very surprised. She thought it was Su Tan'er, but she didn't expect to find out that it was Liu Yuru as soon as she took the lipstick.

"I... Jiang... Mr. Jiang, how can you let me meet people..."

Liu Yuru cried.

That way, you can be as pitiful as you want.

This also reminded Jiang Chen of the crying look of Liu Yuru facing Gu Jiusi in "Changfeng Crossing".

"Stop crying." Jiang Chen was upset by Liu Yuru's crying.

"You, you are cruel to me." Liu Yuru whispered.

"It was my fault just now, but I can take responsibility." Jiang Chen said.

Liu Yuru looked at Jiang Chen.

"As long as you are willing, I will marry you." Jiang Chen said.

"I, I..." Liu Yuru lowered her head.

"Yuru." Jiang Chen grabbed Liu Yuru's hand.

Liu Yuru's heart trembled, and she struggled a bit but couldn't break free.

"I will send someone to notify your parents tomorrow and send you a betrothal gift." Jiang Chen said.


"You don't want to?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's it..." They already have skin-to-skin contact. Although she likes Ye Yun's brother, she can't marry him. So now can she say no?

"Yuru, aren't you in Yangzhou Mansion?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I, I'm here to see Sister Tan'er." Liu Yuru said, "I just arrived at Yingtian Mansion today and I was a little tired, so I came here to rest. I didn't expect..."

Who could imagine that Jiang Chen suddenly appeared while sleeping, and Jiang Chen was not honest.

"It's my fault, I thought it was Tan'er." Jiang Chen said.

"It's daytime now." Liu Yuru said.

"This is a little fun between husband and wife. You will understand later, but don't worry, even though it was an accident, I will not treat you badly." Jiang Chen hugged Liu Yuru over as he spoke.

"We, we are not married yet." Liu Yuru said.

"I have a special status, I'm afraid I can't carry the sedan chair eight times." Jiang Chen said.

Liu Yuru was silent.

Jiang Chen is the Duke of Song Dynasty, and she is just a concubine at best.

How could there be eight sedans carrying it?

After all, there is usually no ceremony for taking a concubine, and the process is relatively low-key. It is not as grand as a wedding. The concubine is usually carried into the house on a small sedan. Although some wealthy or well-established families may entertain relatives and friends, in most cases this is not the case.

Jiang Chen is the Duke of Yongguo, which is even more impossible.

When Su Tan'er entered the Yongguo Palace, she just informed the Su family.


Jiang Chen lowered his head and kissed her.

Liu Yuru sighed in her heart and closed her eyes.

(Omit hundreds of thousands of words).


living room.

"Husband, you and Yuru..." Su Tan'er was stunned when she heard Jiang Chen's words.

"I thought it was you, but I didn't expect it was Yuru, so I just..." Jiang Chen was not embarrassed. After all, when he met Liu Yuru, he had thought about taking down Liu Yuru. Even when he was in Yangzhou Mansion, he felt that Du Bingyan was not as good as Liu Yuru.

"Then I will arrange for someone to go to Yangzhou Mansion tomorrow." Su Tan'er said.

"Yes, that's what I mean too." Jiang Chen nodded and asked, "Tan'er, where were you just now?"

"My dad is looking for me, so I'll go back and have a look. By the way, husband, Du Bingyan is already here." Su Tan'er said after seeing Jiang Chen.

"I know." Jiang Chen nodded.

Yangzhou Mansion is not far from Yingtian Mansion, so it is not difficult for Du Bingyan to come to Yingtian Mansion.

What's more, Jin Yiwei was arranged to pick up Du Bingyan this time, so naturally there would be no mistake like in the play.

After all, the plot hasn't even begun yet.

"Is there nothing going on in Runzhou now?" The navy camp of the Song Dynasty was used in Runzhou to train Jiang Jiajun's navy. If he was discovered, his achievements might be in vain, and the relationship between the Jiang family and the Song Dynasty would also reach a freezing point.

"No, the Jin Yiwei are all watching now. And if someone really finds out, we will implement the second plan." Su Tan'er replied.

"Well, that's good." Jiang Chen nodded, and then chatted with Su Tan'er about other things.

"Now our biggest competitor in the three southeastern prefectures is the Su family of Lin'an Prefecture." Su Tan'er said.

"The Su family of Lin'an Prefecture?" Jiang Chen looked at Su Tan'er.

"This is the Su family's information." Su Tan'er took out a piece of information and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen opened it and started reading.

"Su Guangping, the head of the Su family?"

Jiang Chen felt that this person's name was somewhat familiar.

"Well, Su Guangping is also very famous in Lin'an Prefecture. And the Su family has a great influence in Jiangnan. When Shu Wan was in the Lou family before, the Lou family in Lin'an Prefecture could still be compared with the Su family, but now the Lou family The family is no longer viable," Su Tan'er said.

"This is normal. Lou Shuwan was here before, so the Lou family was brilliant, but now..." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Everyone in the Lou family doesn't know who is the most important."

"Yes." Su Tan'er nodded.

This is the tragedy of women in this era.

Although she has the support of her mother at home, she is still struggling.

If the person he wasn't marrying was Jiang Chen, he might have had to raise his children in the backyard.

Suddenly thinking of something, Su Tan'er said: "Husband, there is one more thing. The Su family in Lin'an Prefecture is from the same family as our Su family. However, they were separated in my great-grandfather's generation, and there is no relationship between them. I also heard what my father said today."

"I don't think my father-in-law would tell you this for no reason, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"Su Guangping found my father. He heard that I married you and wanted to have a relationship." Su Tan'er said.

"The Su family's business in Lin'an Prefecture is only in Jiangnan, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Su Tan'er nodded.

"It's not impossible for the Su family of Lin'an Prefecture to cooperate, it depends on the price they pay." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said: "Now our Jiang family's industry circle is getting bigger and bigger, so we need to support those who can do our best." It is imperative that the family creates benefits for the family.”

"I understand." Su Tan'er nodded.


Du Bingyan's courtyard.

"Miss, miss, Duke Yongguo is here." Xiao Xi ran into Du Bingyan's room.

"What..." Du Bingyan stood up quickly: "He is here?"

The person to be married is Duke Yongguo.

Du Bingyan only found out this when he left Yangzhou Mansion.

At that moment, her heart couldn't be calm for a long time.

After all, although she is a concubine, being a concubine to Duke Yong Guo and being a concubine to a businessman are two different things.

"Miss Du."

Jiang Chen walked in.

"Jiang... Yong..." Du Bingyan didn't know how to address him.

"You will be my Jiang Chen's woman from now on, just call me husband." Jiang Chen said.

"Husband...husband." Du Bingyan shouted in a low voice.

Jiang Chen stepped forward and took Du Bingyan's hand.

"Husband..." Du Bingyan struggled slightly, but immediately realized something was wrong and quickly stopped struggling.

"Xiao Xi, please go down." Jiang Chen said to Du Bingyan's personal maid Xiao Xi.

Xiao Xi in the play is a close maid who has served Du Bingyan for many years. In the early stage, she and Du Bingyan grew up together, learning knowledge and reading together, and they have a deep relationship with their master and are like sisters. In Linzhou Qi Mansion, by chance, he had the same interests as his current master Li Yuhu. He is an eloquent person, has general knowledge, is brave and resourceful, and is smart. The two ladies were kind-hearted. In the panic at the Fairy Temple, the two ladies took the wrong hijab but got on the wrong sedan chair. They also chose to make the decision to follow Li Yuhu as a dowry to serve their loyal protector.

After marrying by mistake to Hong Tianqi Mansion in Linzhou. He became Li Yuhu’s most capable assistant and companion. Relying on the knowledge, knowledge and strategies imparted by his former master Du Bingyan, as well as business and financial management and poetry writing, he helped Qi Tianlei and his wife overcome various dangerous difficulties and hardships.

In the play, Jiang Chen understood that Xiao Xi stayed with Li Yuhu and did not go to Du Bingyan. After all, in ancient times, it was not easy for a little girl to climb mountains and wading rivers to find someone.

"Yes." Xiao Xi responded, turned and left the room.

Du Bingyan became even more nervous.

"Bingyan, are you afraid of me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No...no." Du Bingyan shook his head.

"Really?" Jiang Chen put his other hand around Du Bingyan's waist.

"Yeah." Du Bingyan lowered his head, not daring to look at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen held up Du Bingyan's chin with his hand: "Bingyan, you are so beautiful."

"Husband...husband, don't look at me like that." Du Bingyan whispered.

"You are my wife, you were originally meant to show me." Jiang Chen slowly approached as he spoke.

Du Bingyan's beautiful eyes shrank and she quickly closed her eyes.

Jiang Chen chuckled and started to eat lipstick.

After a while, Du Bingyan was picked up by Jiang Chen and walked towards the bed.

(Omit hundreds of thousands of words).


The next day, Yingtian Mansion Jiang Mansion, martial arts training ground.

"Pan'er, you've made great progress." Jiang Chen said after the discussion with Zhao Pan'er.

"I didn't expect that my progress would be so great." Zhao Pan'er said happily.

"This is a good thing." Jiang Chen wished that his woman would become stronger and stronger.

"Sir, I have successfully drawn a talisman during this period." Zhao Pan'er said.

"Really?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"Yeah." Zhao Pan'er nodded.

"Let me take a look." Jiang Chen said quickly.

Zhao Pan'er took out a talisman.

"Is this a diamond talisman?"

Jiang Chen took the talisman and looked at it.

After a while, Jiang Chen said: "Although this diamond talisman is of ordinary quality, it is a successful talisman. Pan'er, you really surprised me. It seems that you have the talent to become a talisman master."

"Rule Master?"

"Rule master is a profession just like alchemist and weapon refiner." Jiang Chen said.

"But, my mental strength is not as good as Andy and the others." Zhao Pan'er said.

"Andy and the others are talented in cultivating the Soul-Nursing Technique, but it does not mean that they will be able to become rune masters if they are talented in cultivating the Spirit-Nursing Technique. Pan'er, these are two elementary Spirit-Nursing Pills. In the future, you can increase your practice of the Spirit-Nursing Technique. ." Jiang Chen took out two elementary spirit-restoring pills and handed them to Zhao Pan'er.

"Okay." Zhao Pan'er nodded.

At the moment, Jiang Chen and Zhao Pan'er discussed the issue of drawing talismans.


"Yuru, Bingyan."

After Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan got up to have breakfast, Jiang Chen called them to the study.


Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan were both in Yangzhou Prefecture.

heard about each other.

I just didn't expect that she was now Jiang Chen's concubine.

"Come on, one for each person, put it on, and then do as I say." Jiang Chen took out two top-grade glass jade bracelets.

"it is good."

Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan didn't know why, but they still listened to Jiang Chen's words.

He was certified by the Saint Clan and given the body of a young envoy.

Liu Yuru became the 118th member of the Jiang family.

Du Bingyan became the 119th member of the Jiang family.

An hour later.

"These are the training resources prepared for you." Jiang Chen took out the training resources prepared for the two women.

"Husband, are you telling the truth? Isn't this a fairy tale?" Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan were a little confused.

"You can think of it this way." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "You will know the details later. You can also ask Su Tan'er and the others. Now come here for verification."

While talking, Jiang Chen took out the teleportation jade.

Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan stepped forward and shed blood to identify their master.

After a while.

"Husband, this is..." Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan looked at Jiang Chen.

"Just like you feel."

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "My Jiang family is not an ordinary family. The Jiang family's industry is not only in the Song Dynasty. Now you are members of the Jiang family. You will gradually know about it in the future. In addition, I am going to Train your personal maids. Your personal maids must be the plum blossom internal guards of the Jiang family. Only in this way can we protect your safety. As for you, you must first practice basic breathing skills and other basic skills. Although you are just starting to practice It’s slow, but as long as you practice hard and practice with me, you will definitely be able to improve your strength.”

"Husband, are you talking about Yin Hong and Yunyun?" Liu Yuru asked.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

Yin Hong and Yunyun are characters in "Changfengdu".

In the play, Yin Hong is Liu Yuru's personal maid. She has been with her since she was a child. She is very smart and learned a lot from Liu Yuru. Liu Yuru also let her find what she likes to do. Later Liu Yuru became He became the richest man, and Yin Hong also started to have his own shop, became a shopkeeper, and found his love. Yunyun in the play is also Liu Yuru's maid, but Liu Yuru also keeps her by Su Wan's side for the sake of her mother. She is very conscientious and has the courage to stand up when Su Wan is bullied. However, later in the process of Su Wan's escape , in order to save Su Wan, she also blocked the pursuers alone, and was eventually killed.

"However, the place where they trained was Jiangning Mansion in the Qing Dynasty mainland." Jiang Chen said.

"Qing Continent?" Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan looked at Jiang Chen in confusion.

Jiang Chen took out the simple map of the second world he made.

"This is the Kingdom of Song, and this is the mainland of the Qing Kingdom..." Jiang Chen explained: "It's more than ten thousand miles from Yingtian Mansion in the Song Kingdom to the mainland of the Qing Kingdom, but for our Jiang family, we only need to use the family teleportation talisman."

"This is this world?" Liu Yuru asked curiously.

"Isn't the Song Dynasty a kingdom of heaven?" Du Bingyan was a man who read poetry and books.

"That is the self-proclaimed name of the Song Dynasty."

Jiang Chen said: "However, this is only a place that our Jiang family knows now. There is no exploration outside the surrounding areas of the map. You will know the details later when you get in touch slowly. In addition, my woman, can You are not here to take care of your husband and raise your children in the backyard, you will also need to be responsible for the family business in the future."

Liu Yuru doesn’t need to say anything.

In the play, under Jiang Rou's training, she supports the entire Gu family business.

Now that she has joined the Jiang family, Liu Yuru will definitely be no worse than in the play.

And Du Bingyan.

In the play, she is not only the eldest daughter of the Du family, the most beautiful woman in Yangzhou, a businessman, a literati, a poet, a painter, a musician, but also a businessman, a philanthropist, a female border doctor, a general's wife, and a strategist.

In Jiang Chen's view, Du Bingyan can be cultivated in business and strategy.

Well, in terms of strategy, we can learn from Xiao Yanyan, Qin Banruo, and Bai Pingting.

After a while, Jiang Chen called Su Tan'er, Zhao Pan'er and others.

"Tan'er, please talk to Yuru and the others about the next few things." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't worry, go and do your work." Su Tan'er said.

Jiang Chen nodded, turned and left.

"Yuru." Su Tan'er came to Liu Yuru.

"Sister Tan'er." Liu Yuru was a little afraid to face Su Tan'er.

After all, she just borrowed Su Tan'er's room to sleep, but she didn't expect to become sisters.


In the mainland of the Qing Dynasty, Jiang Ning Mansion.

"Brother-in-law, is this the mainland of the Qing Dynasty? Thousands of miles away?" Qiu Min asked curiously.


Jiang Chen nodded and said, "This is the secret of our Jiang family."

"So, before, my sister could go directly from Hezhong Mansion to Kaifeng Mansion?" Qiu Min said.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"No wonder." Qiu Min suddenly realized.

"For the next month, you will train here." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, how to train?" Qiu Min asked.


Just when Jiang Chen was about to say something, Yu Hailun walked in: "Jiang Chen, General Shen Cuixi of the Ren family is here."

"Are we here?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Well, we're already at the door." Yu Hailun said.

"I know." Jiang Chen nodded and said to Qiu Min, "Qiu Min, please wait a moment."

"Okay." Qiu Min nodded, turned and left.

"What's going on with Shen Cuixi?" Jiang Chen asked Yu Hailun.

"This is the letter given to you by Patriarch Ren." Yu Hailun took out a letter and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen opened it and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Yu Hailun asked.

"Take a look." Jiang Chen handed the letter to Yu Hailun.

Yu Hailun read it over and said, "Master Ren thinks there is something wrong with Suzhou Zhizao Mansion?"

"Kangxi visited the south several times, and it would be strange if the Suzhou Zhizao Mansion had no problems," Jiang Chen said.

"So, he is planning a retreat?" Yu Hailun understood.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "This head of the Ren family is quite a figure. No wonder he can manage the Ren family so well."

However, the biggest shortcoming of Patriarch Ren is that he looks down on Shen Cuixi.

In Jiang Chen's opinion, Shen Cuixi is the most important.

With Shen Cuixi here, the Ren family can reorganize the family business.


In a courtyard.

"Mr. Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Chen's arrival, Shu Fang, Qiaoer, and Xiaolan bowed.

"No need to be polite." Jiang Chen raised his hand to help, and his eyes swept over Shu Fang and the others.

Shu Fang had met him before when he was in Suzhou Mansion.

In the play Qiaoer, she is the maid next to Shen Cuixi. She later marries Ding Rong because of love. But love cannot change a person's nature. Outside of love, Ding Rong's nature is ignorant, greedy, and cowardly, which led to Qiaoer's death in order to give birth to his son.

Xiaolan is Shen Cuixi's personal maid in the play. When Shen Cuixi was driven into the courtyard, she was the only maid to serve her. Shen Cuixi is both a teacher and a mother to Xiaolan. Her mother sent her to live with her eldest grandmother. Even when Shen Cuixi moved into the small courtyard, her mother prayed to take her daughter with her. Although she is not as good at tapestry as Qiaoer, secondly, Shufang is not as good at accounting, and thirdly, she is not as stubborn as Ruyi. She has neither a foundation nor skills. She is just a little girl beside Mrs. Shen who delivers tea and cleans. Girl.

"Xiaolan is fifteen or sixteen years old, right?"

"It seems that in this integrated world of film and television, Xiaolan is a little older."

The relevant plot flashed through Jiang Chen's mind.

"Is your lady in there?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Shu Fang responded.


Jiang Chen walked in.

In the room, Shen Cuixi sat uneasily.

Hearing the footsteps, Shen Cuixi raised her head: "It's you."

"I am Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said.

"You, I..." Shen Cuixi recognized Jiang Chen, but at this moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Cui Xi, when you come to the Jiang family, you will be mine from now on." Jiang Chen said.

"Yeah." Shen Cui agreed happily.

"Shu Fang outside, Qiao'er, Xiaolan is your maid?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Shen Cuixi nodded.

"The maids in our Jiang family must be warriors, and I am going to let them participate in warrior training." Jiang Chen said, "So, within the next month, I will arrange for someone else to serve you."

"Yes." Shen Cuixi felt uneasy and didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant.

"You rest here first, I will come over in a moment." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Shen Cui responded happily.


Qiu Min, Xiu Yu, Qing Mo, Zhou Ying, Zhui'er, Tie Zhu'er, Tie Ling'er, Xiao Xi, Yin Hong, and Yunyun appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"You will practice here next."

Jiang Chen used the Plum Blossom Internal Guard training card.

"The total number of Plum Blossom defenders training in the past two days is forty-four."

"And they are all people in the show, which is good."

The reason why Jiang Chen did not allow Zhu Yunqiao, Shen Cuixi, Liu Yuru and Du Bingyan to participate in the Plum Blossom Internal Guard training card was because their development did not follow the Plum Blossom Internal Defender path. After all, Plum Blossom Internal Guard is an intelligence agency.

A moment later, Jiang Chen came to Shen Cuixi's room.

"Husband." Shen Cuixi stood up.

"You are my woman, so of course I won't treat you badly. Come on, put this on first, and then do as I say." Jiang Chen took out a top-grade glass jade bracelet.

"Okay." Shen Cuixi glanced at the top-grade glass jade bracelet. From her perspective, she could tell that this top-grade glass jade bracelet was a priceless item.

He was certified by the Saint Clan and given the body of a young envoy.

Shen Cuixi became the 120th member of the Jiang family.

Well, the reason why Jiang Chen certified Shen Cuixi as a Forged Saint at this time was because he wanted Shen Cuixi to accept Shu Fang and others' participation in the Plum Blossom Internal Guard training. After all, if Shen Cuixi knew nothing about Jiang Chen's affairs, she would definitely worry about gain and loss.

An hour later.

"How is it? Is it still acceptable?" Jiang Chen asked.

Shen Cuixi nodded, but the confusion and shock in her eyes was not concealed.

"You can digest these things slowly." Jiang Chen smiled, took out the training resources prepared for Shen Cuixi, handed them to her, and then called Zhu Yunqiao: "Yunqiao, Shen Cuixi has just joined the Jiang family. You tell her about the Jiang family."

"Okay." Zhu Yunqiao nodded.

"I still have something to do, so I'll come back in the evening." Jiang Chen's eyes swept over Shen Cuixi.

Although he is the heir to Wei Wu's ambition, it does not mean that he only wants to attract people on Cao's thief list.

Shen Cuixi's face turned slightly red.

Jiang Chen's words are very clear.


Song Dynasty, Yincheng, Jiangfu, Chengdu Prefecture.

"Manni, I remember that next month is the best time to harvest Cordyceps sinensis, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Wang Manni nodded.

"Cordyceps sinensis, you can buy more. Well, we need to store some of it in Daming Palace. In addition, we also need to use it ourselves. In addition, Sichuan Wuxiang, Chuanmuxiang, Yuanpu, Gastrodia elata, Eucommia ulmoides, Phellodendron cypress, Desmodium chinensis, Tremella fuciformis, etc. We need to purchase more and be prepared for any emergencies." Jiang Chen said.

"I remember." Wang Manni responded and recounted the situation during this period: "In addition, the acquisition of Shu Brocade..."

"Shu Brocade...Shu Brocade in the Song Dynasty has a high output. However, with our large-scale acquisitions, the methods used by those in the top 9 will probably become more and more powerful, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Wang Manni nodded and said, "We have had more and more confrontations with them during this period. Although we are personally strong, those people have united with the government."

"When necessary, extraordinary measures can be taken." The struggle for interests must be a matter of life and death, and Jiang Chen will naturally not be merciful.

"Yeah." Wang Manni nodded.

"How is Universal Bank?" Jiang Chen asked Song Ziyan.

"Now we are competing for the market..." Song Ziyan said it again, and then said: "However, I plan to use the Star Coin to occupy the Ancient Tea Horse Road."

"Now that Mu Anguo is in our hands, although our influence is not great, Universal Bank in Mu Anguo has also opened. I also use my identity to let Mu Anguo officials cooperate with Universal Bank. Therefore, if the merchants on the Tea Horse Road use Star Coin The probability is not low. As for Tiansheng Dynasty... I am going to Tiansheng Dynasty tomorrow." Jiang Chen said.

"That's good. As long as Tiansheng Dynasty and Mu Anguo have Universal Bank, those big caravans will definitely choose to use star coins." Song Ziyan said.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded.


On the way to Wuyun Pavilion.

"Aoyi, how is your master (Feng Ge) doing now?" Jiang Chen asked

"I have told Master some of the Jiang family's situation, and now she has accepted it." Long Aoyi replied.

"That's good." Jiang Chen knew that what happened to the Jiang family was too unbelievable for people who had just learned about it, so it took a process to accept it.

At this moment, a clear voice came from the front: "Are you Long Aoyi, the leader of the Longzhu Gang?"


Jiang Chen looked up and saw a woman.

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, you signed in successfully and obtained the primary magic array diagram. 】

"Basic magic array diagram?"

The primary magic array diagram, as the name suggests, is the primary magic array diagram.

The primary magic array diagram obtained by this system sign-in is suitable for use in the first film and television fusion world.

After using the primary magic array map in Dongjiao No.1 before, whether it is an airplane, a satellite, or a high-altitude telescope, the view of Dongjiao No.1 is the scenery after Dongjiao No.1 was built. You will not see the scenery of Dongjiao No.1. The most realistic scene in Jiao No. 1.

It can be said that after using the elementary magic array diagram, everything in Dongjiao No. 1 will become more convenient.

When Yanjing acquired the Siheyuan, Jiang Chen also thought about whether he could sign in and get a basic magic array diagram.

I didn’t expect to actually sign in.

"This is good stuff."

Jiang Chen was very happy.

After all, as the Jiang family grows stronger, there are more and more secrets.

The primary magic array diagram, to a certain extent, can conceal these secrets.

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked at the signing hostess.

Su Xiaomei, the heroine in "The Unruly Wife Su Xiaomei".

In the play, she is extremely smart and as talented as her elder brother Su Dongpo. She studied under the Emei sect to practice peerless martial arts. Wen Tao was outstanding in all aspects of military and military affairs. He was independent and arrogant, with a holy demeanor in his innocence. I believe that true love is pursued regardless of all costs, and she is a strange woman with clear goals.

"Little sister Su?"

"I didn't expect to see her in Yincheng, Chengdu Prefecture."

In the play, Su Xiaomei has killed her mother and sisters one after another since she was ten years old, so her father had to be wary of her identity as a disaster star. After being advised by an expert, he sent Su Xiaomei to Mount Emei, where she stayed for ten years. .

When Su Xiaomei turned twenty, it was the age when her father allowed her to return home. Seeing her talent, her master planned to pass on the position of head of Emei to her. However, Su Xiaomei was very fond of reading romance novels, and every time She would be envious of some soul-stirring love stories in books, so she rejected her master's kindness and decided to go down the mountain to find true love.

Su Xiaomei met Qin Shaoyou, a poor scholar, by chance just a few days after coming down the mountain, and they formed a bond. At first, they had many misunderstandings. Su Xiaomei thought Qin Shaoyou was a philistine, while Qin Shaoyou thought Su Xiaomei was unruly. But after getting along for a long time, they gradually They discovered something good about each other, and the two gradually fell in love.

After their marriage, the relationship between Qin Shaoyou and Su Xiaomei also went through many hardships. Not only were they caught between their picky mother-in-law, but there was also a covetous third party. Their relationship almost came to a crisis. Fortunately, they were in love from the beginning to the end. No matter what happened, nothing could stop them from being together.

"I am Long Aoyi, who are you?" Long Aoyi said.

"My dear Su Xiaomei, I heard that your Longzhu Gang does all kinds of evil, so I'm here to challenge you." Su Xiaomei said.

"We, the Longzhu Gang, do all kinds of evil?" Long Aoyi's face darkened: "You can go and find out, when did our Longzhu Gang do all kinds of evil?"

"Isn't it?" Su Xiaomei asked.

"You didn't ask about it, so you just relied on hearsay to think that our Longzhu Gang does all kinds of evil?" Long Ao was angry. After she became the leader of the Longzhu Gang, she was very strict with the Longzhu Gang.

"I..." Su Xiaomei.

"Su Xiaomei? You didn't just come down from the mountain, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"How do you know?" Su Xiaomei asked.

"It's not difficult to guess. But, who told you that the Longzhu Gang does all kinds of evil?" Jiang Chen asked.

Su Xiaomei did not answer Jiang Chen's words, but looked at Long Aoyi and said: "Long Aoyi, I want to challenge you."

"You challenge me? I don't accept challenges for no reason." Long Aoyi said.

"Why?" Su Xiaomei asked.

"Because I'm not interested." Long Aoyi said.


"Su Xiaomei, the reason why you are causing trouble for us is not related to the New Silk Road Silk Village, right?" Jiang Chen said.

The Su family where Su Xiaomei lives is not an ordinary family.

The ancestor of the Su family is named Su Weiwei, who was born in Luancheng, Hebei Province. He served as prime minister during the reign of Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty and left some famous poems. Su Weiwei was good at rhythmic poetry, and together with Li Qiao, Cui Rong, and Du Shenyan, he was known as the "Four Friends of Articles". During the Shenlong coup, Su Weiwei was demoted to the governor of Meizhou and later moved to Yizhou. One of his sons settled in Meishan, which was the beginning of the Su family in Meizhou.

Now there are three major families in Meizhou of Song Dynasty: Cheng family, Shi family and Su family. Su Shi's great-grandfather Su Gao was good at production and management, but he never accumulated wealth and always lived a simple life. He is philanthropic and never makes a fuss about his good deeds.

Su Shi's grandfather Su Xu was a righteous man. One year when Meishan was famine and the harvest was poor, he immediately opened a warehouse to loose grain and helped the hungry people free of charge, which was highly praised by the villagers. Su Xu loved reading and wrote thousands of poems in his life. Su Xun commented that although his poems were not neat and tidy, they were deeply insightful, open-minded and bright.

Su Shi's two uncles both loved reading. The second uncle, Su Huan, passed the imperial examination in the fifth year of Tiansheng's reign. After Su Huan became a Jinshi, he became an official of the imperial court and exerted a huge influence on the countryside. People followed the Su family as a model and encouraged their children and grandchildren to study. For a time, the academic style flourished. Su Shi's father, Su Xun, did not start to encourage himself and study hard until he gave birth to his eldest son Su Shi at the age of 27. Therefore, when the two brothers Su Shi and Su Che were studying, Su and his son often read and studied together.

Su Shi's mother, Mrs. Cheng, was born into the Cheng family, a prominent family in Meizhou. Her father was Cheng Wenying, the prime minister of Dali Temple, and her grandfather was Cheng Renba, a photographer who joined the army. Mrs. Cheng has been familiar with poetry and books since she was a child and has a kind temperament. Although she was born into a wealthy family, before Su Xun took on the responsibility of being the head of the family, Mrs. Cheng resolutely sold her dowry and jewelry in order to support her family, rented a shop in Shajie Hang, and started a cloth business.

In this integrated world of film and television, Meizhou is located in Chengdu Prefecture, and the Su family has a great influence on the industry in Chengdu Prefecture.

Therefore, Jiang Chen suspected that Su Xiaomei's appearance was related to the New Silk Road Silk Village.

Maybe New Silk Road Silk Village wants to use the power of the Su family to deal with the Longzhu Gang.

"You're talking nonsense." Su Xiaomei said.

Jiang Chen smiled.

Su Xiaomei's reaction seemed to him to be true.

"What if you lose?" Long Aoyi asked.

"Ah..." Su Xiaomei reacted and said, "I will not lose."

"If you lose, you will be my maid." Long Aoyi said.

"Impossible, it is impossible for me, Su Xiaomei, to be a maid." Su Xiaomei said.

"What, you want to challenge me but don't want to pay the price?" Long Aoyi came to Su Xiaomei and said, "If you don't want to pay the price, leave now and I can forget about it."

At this moment, a voice came from the side: "Gang Leader Long, what is Miss Su's identity? How can she be your maid?"

"New Silk Road Silk Village, Yan Bin?" Long Aoyi recognized him.

"Yan Bin?"

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered.

Yan Bin is a character in "Nine-Level Overlord".

In the play, he is a young and mature gay friend and the steward of the New Silk Road. Li Qingliu's second face is an omnipotent being who combines...mother, gay...friend, and follower, and is trusted by him unconditionally. He speaks little to others but is humorous and cheerful in private. In order to prevent Li Zhao from taking care of Long Aoyi personally, Yan Bin suggested that Xiao Qin take care of Long Aoyi. As a result, both Long Aoyi and Xiaoqin were very happy. Long Aoyi deliberately told Xiao Qin a lot of ideas about business, and both Li Qingliu and Yan Bin stopped to listen.

"Sure enough, Su Xiaomei's appearance is related to the New Silk Road Silk Village."

"It seems that the New Silk Road Silk Village and the aristocratic families of Chengdu Prefecture are going to unite."

Jiang Chen understood clearly.

"It's me." Yan Bin walked over.

"Su Xiaomei wants to challenge me. If you fail, why can't you be my maid?" Long Aoyi knew that Jiang Chen's identity could not be exposed, and this matter was a matter of the Longzhu Gang, so she could only solve it by herself. .

"Because Miss Su is from the Su family." Yan Bin said,

"What about the people of the Su family? The people of the Su family also have to pay a price." Long Ao glanced at Yan Bin and said, "Of course, if the price is paid by your New Silk Road Silk Village, that's fine."

"Leader Long, you are trying to force others to do something difficult." Yan Bin said.

"I don't think it's difficult for others to do anything. What's more, it's not our Longzhu Gang who does all kinds of evil, but you Shangjiu Liu..." As he spoke, Long Aoyi mentioned a few of the evil things Shangjiu Liu did: "Yan Bin, these Is it fake?"

"Leader Long, you are indeed as sharp and sharp as the legend says." Yan Bin said.

Long Aoyi ignored Yan Bin and looked at Su Xiaomei: "Miss Su, do you still challenge me?"


Just when Su Xiaomei was about to say something, a voice sounded: "Little sister, what are you doing?"

Jiang Chen turned around and saw a woman walking over from a distance.

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

"Sign in."

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

[Congratulations to the host, you signed in successfully and obtained ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. 】

"Ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum?"

"This is the third time I signed in and got ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum."

"This is good."

"After signing in with Deng Xiaoqi and Tian Ye to get ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum plants, I have used eight of them now. If it weren't for the need to make elixirs and make medicinal soups, I wouldn't be willing to use them at all."

"Now I signed in and got ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, which is just a good addition. It's very good."

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked at the signing hostess.

Sister Su, a character in "Dongpo Family Affair".

In the play, she is the owner of Yifan Xuan and the sister of Su Dongpo. She once had a relationship with Chen Jichang, but unfortunately she was snatched away by Liu Yue'e. On the surface, Sister Su accepted the love between Chen Jichang and Liu Yue'e, broke up resolutely and sent blessings. In fact, she just kept her feelings in her heart, thinking that time would dilute everything. However, this relationship made Su Sister hesitate to move forward on the road of love.

"Sister Su?"

"Both Sister Su and Little Sister Su showed up?"

"So, in this integrated world of film and television, there is no such thing as Su Xiaomei killing her sister?"

"It seems that Sister Su is a calculating and business-minded person in the play."

Jiang Chen remembered that in the play, Sister Su met someone who was eager to transfer her shop but lacked funds, so she first used the Su family's public funds to pay the rent. However, the matter was eventually exposed. Under Liu Yue'e's ridicule, Su Dongpo pointedly accused Sister Su of "stealing" Instead of "borrowing", Su Damei angrily promised to raise money and return it to Su Dongpo within three days. Chen Ji often saw Sister Su's troubles and took the initiative to lend her money to tide over her difficulties, which rekindled Sister Su's love... for Chen Jichang.

Liu Yue'e was furious when she found out that Chen Jichang had lent money to Sister Su. She came to find trouble with Sister Su and even wanted to buy a stake in the fan shop, but Sister Su had no choice but to accept. Afterwards, Sister Su confessed to Su Dongpo and Runzhi about the relationship between the three of them in the past, but unfortunately she was not supported by Su Dongpo.

Sister Su saw that Liu Yue'e was becoming more arrogant and unreasonable towards Chen Jichang because of Liu Yue'e's concern for her, so she accepted the pursuit of Wang Anshi's eldest son Wang Yu. Wang Yu promised to marry Su Sister after winning the election, but later regretted the marriage and married another wealthy daughter. Su Sister felt relieved. Wang Yu's analysis of the relationship between the two made Su Damei wake up from a dream and pluck up the courage to pursue Chen Jichang.

"Sister, why are you here?" When Su Xiaomei saw Sister Su, it was like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Little sister, what's going on with you?" Sister Su came over and saw Long Aoyi and said, "Gang Leader Long, are you here to cause trouble for my sister?"

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