Tomb Raiders: Evacuate the Bronze Door

Chapter 87 The Corpses of the Dragon Palace Riding the Dragon and the Son-in-Law Beckoning to Us?

Chapter 87 The Corpses of the Dragon Palace Riding the Dragon and the Son-in-Law Beckoning to Us? (seeking subscription)

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the words "Dongting stagnant water dragon king married daughter".

Wu Xie took a deep breath, pointed to the "Ten Miles of Red Makeup" stone sculpture, which looked particularly creepy against the light of the black paper lantern, and said:

"This is a mere stagnant water dragon king, and marrying a girl is so grand?"

The little brother hummed, and continued to hold the ancient black gold knife, slowly scratching the stone wall.

The fat man put his hands in his hands and said with a look of relief:

"We are so innocent that we are the grandsons of the descendants of Emperor Yao, Shun, and Yu Yao, and descended from Liu Lei, the top master of Yulong clan and Huanlong clan, with a thousand-year-old medicine man with hideous dragon tattoos."

"The word 'district' is really good."

Wu Xie gave the fat man a white look with black lines on his face.

The younger brother's expression became serious, and he said:
"The stagnant water dragon king marrying a daughter is a disaster."

"The stagnant Dragon King at the bottom of the Dongting Lake in the eight hundred miles is probably the old lair of the corpse hunters in the Yellow River. There are extremely powerful characters in the Corpse Dragon Palace."

Wu Xie and Fatty's expressions froze immediately, and they looked at Zhou Fan again.

Zhou Fan also said solemnly:
"Originally, we were worried about how to get to the corpse dragon palace, the old lair of the corpse fishers in the Yellow River."

"It seems that this time we can follow the ancient tomb and touch it directly."

"I don't know exactly what the meaning of 'Deadwater Dragon King' means."

"Perhaps it is similar to one of his signature talent skills, or it may refer to a territory."

"The Dragon Palace of Corpse Corpses, at least in my current memory, I don't have any impression of what it looks like inside."

"Perhaps someone from the Zhang family has gone in before, but all this can only be recalled after the little brother encounters related things and is violently stimulated."

"However, when it comes to the 'married daughter of the stagnant water dragon king at the bottom of Dongting Lake in eight hundred miles', I can make a few impressions and delineate one person."

Wu Xie and Fatty held up black paper lanterns for the little brother to light up, and at the same time looked at Zhou Fan with burning eyes, with a look of "Hurry up, hurry up".

The little brother also looked at Zhou Fan full of curiosity.

Zhou Fan laughed and said:

"To be precise, the one who can be delineated is 'Chenglong Kuaishou', the son-in-law of the Dragon King at the physical level, and his name is Liu Yi."

"The deeds of this person are recorded in the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Guangji"."

"Speaking of which, "Taiping Guangji" and "Taiping Yulan" were collected and compiled by Song Taizong's people under his command."

When Wu Xie and Fatty heard this, they felt a little nervous.

"Why is it about the Song Dynasty again?"

Zhou Fan shrugged, smiled, and said:

"Boss Zhang Dai, who plays tricks and dies, also recorded the matter of Liu Yi in the outing diary "Night Sailing Boat"."

"With the things recorded in "Taiping Guangji", it can be verified by two boxes, and it can completely match the injury."

"Since Liu Yi was young, how did he become the son-in-law of the dragon king of the stagnant water eight hundred miles away at the bottom of Dongting Lake?"

"Until Liu Yi married the dragon girl 'Baili Hongzhuang' and became an old man known as Liu Weng."

"At that time, Liu Yi had already become the next person in charge of the Dragon Palace under Dongting Lake and the Dragon Palace under the Yellow River, a giant with dual identities."

Both Wu Xie and Fatty's eyes widened in shock.

The little brother also stopped what he was doing, and looked at Zhou Fan with interest.

Zhou Fan touched his chin, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said:
"At the very beginning, Liu Yi was going to take the exam to obtain fame, but his grades were not very satisfactory, so he returned home alone."

"On the way, I saw a very strange and beautiful woman, that is, the dragon girl in the Dragon Palace at the bottom of Dongting Lake."

"At that time, the dragon girl was dressed as a shepherdess, she was grazing in the ancient tomb."

"Dragon Girl occasionally came out of the ancient tomb and went up to the vast lawn outside the ancient tomb in a daze. It happened that Liu Yi who was passing by happened to bump into her."

"Liu Yi was horrified to find out that this shepherdess is not simple, because the sheep and cattle she herds look like miniature dragons, unicorns, Qiongqi, and other legendary beasts."

"The two of them hooked up, and the dragon girl revealed her identity, but she was trapped in that ancient tomb by some restrictions, and she couldn't go out completely."

"Liu Yi decided to help Dragon Girl deliver the letter, that is, he went to the Dragon Palace of Corpses."

"By the way, Boss Zhang Dai also specially recorded the method of how to enter the Dragon Palace of Corpses."

"Yes, there is a big orange tree in the shade of the Dongting, hit the tree three times, and the one who responds... lead to the Lingxu Hall, take the book and enter."

An extremely rare admiration flashed across the eyes of the little brother, and he said with emotion:

"Boss Zhang Dai...As expected of him."

The fat man waved his fist excitedly and said:
"Damn it, it's a thousand-coffin dry tomb, a thousand-mile solitary tomb, where there are monsters, there's Mr. Zhang Dai, and there must be Mr. Qi's ancestors with him."

"These two peerless masters, it is estimated that only the four of us craftsmen plus two top foodies can barely surpass them in the future."

Wu Xie also jumped for joy, and said:

"Okay, the orange tree is here, I'm going to buy some oranges...Forget it, let's fight the orange tree away."

Seeing the helpless eyes of everyone, Wu Xie scratched his head and said:

"The orange tree is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, I remember, just knock three times on the orange tree."

The little brother frowned slightly and said:
"Knocking on a tree may not be so easy."

Zhou Fan nodded and said solemnly:

"If it's that easy to get started, there's going to be a lot of onslaught along the way."

"The other thing is when Liu Yi was old, at least when he pretended to be an old man."

"It is recorded in those two ancient books that Liu Yi took a small boat dozens of times to go fishing in rivers, lakes and seas with a strange fishing rod."

"And he's not catching any ordinary fish."

"Liu Yi only fishes for dragons in waters where there are dragon veins or caves for raising corpses."

"Liu Yi said at the time, 'This is the dragon's lair. If you shake it, the dragon will be disturbed and come out of the lair. When the dragon comes out, it will rain. Digging is endless. You will find the lair'."

"At that time, there were also people who followed to catch the fish. Those people saw that the fish Liu Yi caught were all in the form of two-foot-long miniature dragons."

"Countless schools of fish and corpses that floated up from the water lingered around Liu Yi's boat in fear and admiration, not daring to leave."

The little brother glanced at the hideous dragon tattoo on Wu Xie's wrist.

Wu Xie broke out in a cold sweat all of a sudden.

The fat man winked and said:
"Innocent, the eight hundred miles of Dongting Lake and the dragon palace of corpses under the Yellow River are all sheep pens, you have to squeeze them hard."

The little brother looked not very optimistic, and said:
"Extremely difficult."

Zhou Fan also sighed slightly, and said:
"When Liu Yi entered the Dragon Palace of Corpses, a complete 'spliced ​​corpse dragon' flew to rescue the dragon girl who was shepherding sheep trapped in the ancient tomb."

"There is a red dragon more than a thousand feet long, with electric eyes and a bloody tongue, vermilion scales and a fire mane, a gold lock on its neck, and a jade pillar on the lock, and thousands of thunder and lightning surround its body.

"Where the Soaring Dragon passed by, the flames burned in all directions, and there was wind, thunder and rain on all sides, and it couldn't be extinguished."

"During eight hundred miles, 60 people were killed."

A dead silence.

After a long while.

The little brother looked at Zhou Fan and said:
"Go and see."

Zhou Fan's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile:

"Right on my mind."

Wu Xie wiped off his cold sweat, let out a heavy breath, touched the hideous dragon tattoo on his wrist, and said:

"I don't know if I can light up all the scales of this thing, can it be so mighty and domineering?"

"But can this lethality be retracted freely? This one pass will wipe out all eight hundred miles, rely on me!"

Zhou Fan laughed and said:

"Don't panic, my little brother is born to be able to control the seal of water official Xie Mi."

The fat man winked and said:
"Naive, you have to work harder, if you can't upgrade, that's all."

"If you are naive, if you really live up to your spirits and rise up directly, in case you can't control your natural skills."

"Don't worry, you can't harm the folks from all over the world. Xiao Zhou and brother joined forces to convince you to physics."

Wu Xie made a haha ​​and asked:

"Then we took the bone dragon chariot of the city of corpse country last time that Lao Zhou took over?"

Zhou Fan laughed and said:

"First clean up the top-quality corpse cave under the Wuxie Waterfall here, and see if you can find a map of the specific location or something like that."

"Then let's go directly to the Dragon Palace of Corpses."

"This group of Corpse Dragon Palace, as well as several waves of Yellow River corpse hunters, have all attacked us, Er Yuehong, Chen Pi Asi, Zhang Dafoye and others from the old nine sects several times."

"It has to be bald and emptied."

Everyone agreed and nodded heavily.

Fatty Zhou Fan Wu Xie's gaze turned to the interlayer picture hidden underneath that was exposed by the younger brother's cutting of the stone wall.

I only saw the 64-carried wedding sedan chair on it.

Surrounded by monstrous waves.

Obviously, the person sitting in this sedan chair is the Dragon Girl from back then.

There are men and women who are responsible for carrying the sedan chair.

The men are all tall and strong, but their heads are huge, like the heads of fish and dragons.

In short, it is not well integrated.

The other half of the women are all glamorous and overbearing, with jaw-dropping domineering figures.

But their lower bodies were sewn on like "mermaid fish tails", which looked like both fish tails and dragon tails.

It still doesn't blend well.

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhou Fan's gaze sank, and he said:

"It seems that this is again, the weird corpse stitcher has made a move."

"He has sewed the half-human, half-snake Wannu King, the half-human, half-snake Queen Mother Xi, and the giants we met before who stitched together countless people."

"We have also been in direct contact with each other, and the skills of 'smooth as silk' are very outstanding."

The little brother hummed and said:

"Outside the Jingjue Kingdom sarcophagus containing the white-haired drought man, so are the men and women who changed their heads."


A strange slight sound came from the fat man's stomach.

Zhou Fan, brother, and Wu Xie all looked at Fatty with strange eyes.

Zhou Fan said strangely:

"Fatty, are you hungry?"

"We brought ten huge bamboo and rattan boxes full of food and water. Have some?"

The little brother looked at the fat man's stomach, and said with a very calm expression:
"I just ate it half an hour ago, it shouldn't be..."

The fat man sighed for a moment, waved his hands, and said:

"No, I don't blame me for this."

"Fatty, I'm not physically hungry yet."

"But this girl, those people who carry the sedan chair, don't you think it looks like fish head hot pot?"

"Brothers, fish head tofu soup, fat man, I am a good thief."

With a black thread on her head, Wu Xie patted her forehead and said:

"Fatty, you... even my grandma won't accept it, so I will obey you."

Seeing that there were no more useful things around, everyone continued to walk along the tomb passage while making complaints about the fat man.



Everyone stopped and looked up.

Numerous densely packed, round hollow small incense burners are hung from the top of the tomb passage by thin threads.

These small hollow incense burners can probably fit two walnuts.

At this time, the small incense burners hanging down like wind chimes that were close to them all remained motionless.

From a distance, those small incense burners seemed to have been touched by someone just now, causing a layer of ripples like water waves, which fluctuated towards the crowd.

The crisp and pleasant tinkling sound echoed back and forth in the silent ancient tomb.

Wu Xie gritted his teeth and said:
"If you are not a person who is several meters tall, you will not be able to touch these small incense burner bells at all when walking normally."

"Who is this, deliberately provoking us?"

With a swish, the fat man pulled out two weapons from his backpack.

A nunchaku in the left hand and a military shovel in the right.

The fat man waved his hands vigorously, and the two weapons were all left behind.

Fatty looked at everyone with his eyes, eager to try, and urged:

"Brothers, chase the sheep? Let's go?"

The little brother made a "silence" gesture to the crowd, closed his eyes and concentrated, his ears moved, and then said:
"There are people who respond in the distance."

"The person who rang the bell of the censer hesitated."

Zhou Fan laughed and said:

"Then let them live a little longer and see what's inside these little incense burner bells."

While speaking, Zhou Fan flipped his palm, and the dark golden money dart was thrown out with a swishing sound.

Wu Xie quickly pulled out a huge silk cloth from the backpack.

Wu Xie and Fatty pinched the four corners respectively, and shook the silk cloth away with a snap.


The incense burner bell, whose thin thread was cut off by the money dart, fell into the silk cloth.

The little brother's body trembled slightly.

A thin layer of golden blood of the atavistic unicorn covered his hands.

The little brother reached out and touched the bells of the incense burner that Zhou Fan had knocked down, and touched them very quickly.

The little brother nodded to everyone and said:
"There is no hidden weapon inside."

Wu Xie and Fatty breathed a sigh of relief, and spread the entire silk cloth on the ground.

Everyone squatted aside and reached out to unscrew those things.

Zhou Fan angrily picked up an incense burner that reflected the light of silver and black metal, and unscrewed it with a little force.


A large piece of stinky, misty looking, extremely fine powder debris burst out from inside.

Everyone subconsciously kept the small incense burners in their hands away from their faces.

However, the layer of light covering their bodies directly blocked all the debris to the outside.

Wu Xie widened his eyes, rubbed his fingers, and asked strangely:

"What's this all about?"

"This small incense burner can also block the smell?"

Zhou Fan looked at Wu Xie, fell silent for a moment, and said:


Wu Xie's eyes were confused, and he said strangely:

"The medicine dregs I've seen before don't look like this?"

The little brother hummed, looked at Wu Xie, and said:
"The drug man's dregs."

Wu Xie's face suddenly turned green.

The fat man simply sat down on the ground, looked at Wu Xie, and said:
"Innocent, the medicine dregs of the Wu family's thousand-year-old medicine man."

Wu Xie's neck was stiff, looking at the countless small incense burners hanging down from the top of the tomb.

Wu Xie swallowed, and said with a livid face:

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(End of this chapter)

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