Spirit Beast Pet Shop

Chapter 1 Fulai Pet Shop

Chapter 1 Fulai Pet Shop

"How should I say... this store is too miserable."

Honghua, 22 years old, female, senior year.Currently standing at the door of an ordinary shop, sighed.

She turned her head to look at the house number and checked the numbers.He looked up again at the shop's signboard and confirmed the name.There is nothing wrong with what she knows.

There is a somewhat old signboard hanging on this store, with five large characters written on the signboard: Fulai Pet Store.

Although the name is very auspicious, the inside of the store seems to have been ransacked: a few pieces of waste paper are scattered on the desk with only a few sundries left, and a few dilapidated small cages are scattered. It is placed in the open space on the left side of the shop, and on the right side is the same empty cabinet, with a few packs of feed and some sundries scattered on it. These messy things did not improve the environment of the shop, but added to the growth of the shop. A lot of depression.

There are also several large cages in the shop, and many birds are kept in them. They all look sick, their feathers are dirty and messy, their eyes are drooping, and their spirits are drooping. You can tell that they are suffering from illness.

And this is the source of her exclamation.

Honghua was silent for a long time, and said to himself helplessly: "Is this the so-called 'the store may be a bit messy'?"

The debris wasn't a problem, but what would she do with a few cages of sick birds?She is not a veterinarian, nor is she planning to open a pet shop.

That's right, Honghua, a college student who has nothing to do with the word pet store, came to this store for only one purpose: to take back this store.

This shop was bought by her parents in their early years, and the property rights were transferred to her after her parents passed away.At that time, the shop had already been leased to a relative of hers. Although there was a change in the family, it did not affect the lease of the shop.

The lease period of the shop was originally still for some time, but due to some reasons, it was handed over in advance.She came back today to check the shop on the spot, and she didn't expect to see such a situation.

She was mentally prepared for the mess in the shop, but a flock of pet birds?A flock of sick pet birds?What does this make her do? !
Probably this is the reason why the relative wanted to end the renting of the store early. It seemed that the management was not doing well, and he had already thought of closing the store.Originally, the other party was supposed to come face-to-face with her today, but because something happened suddenly at the other party's house, she came to the store alone to check.

The recycling shop is not entirely a bad thing for her. The old house in her hometown has long been sold. During the current period of no work, living in the shop is also a good choice for her.Of course, before that, the key is to take care of the store first.

Having made up his mind, Honghua took out his mobile phone and called the relatives who rented the shop, intending to confirm things about these birds.

After answering the phone, a few simple conversations gave her the answer: these bird shops really don't want them anymore.

"Hey, Xiaohua, you don't know. For some reason, these birds have gotten sick one by one in the past few months... Ah, don't worry, this is not bird plague, and it doesn't spread to people. It just makes people panic, The business is not good. The good birds are sold cheaply to other families. No one wants to take the sick ones, and it’s not easy to deceive customers, right. If they are thrown away, they will definitely not survive, Uncle Zhang. I've been raising birds for so many years, and I can't bear it...can you help raise them first?"

Honghua can't say that he dislikes the other party's decision.The other party has to live, and it is impossible to waste here for a sick commodity bird.It is already more careful not to throw them away.

"I see, this is no problem, I will take care of them."

"Thank you Xiaohua, the feed is on the cabinet, and the medicine is added to the water. Let's see if they can survive. I will go and conclude the lease contract with you tomorrow."

"It's okay, Uncle Zhang, if you have something to do at home, do it first, there's no rush here..."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Honghua hung up the phone and looked at the birds in the cages.

There are not many varieties of domestic pet birds, and these birds are easy to recognize: two cages of budgerigars, and one cage of cockatiels.

The two cages for budgerigars are divided according to age, and the bird in one cage is obviously smaller and does not seem to be an adult.There are more than [-] cages in each of the two cages.The cage of Xuanfeng was much more spacious, and there were only two parrots standing alone in the big cage, which seemed extraordinarily empty.

Honghua carefully looked at the bird in the cage, and the bird in the cage also looked back at her pitifully, and would chirp in a low voice from time to time, which was very pitiful.

Seeing this scene, Honghua couldn't help feeling embarrassed.She likes animals, so naturally she wants to save these birds, but she has never raised pets, and also has no medical knowledge, so she is powerless.As for the pet hospital, let alone, her relatives had gone to ask about it a long time ago, and the doctors here don't know how to look at parrots at all.

To make matters worse, according to her experience in raising birds, it is not that simple to give medicine to sick birds: these birds are too small, and the wrong dose of medicine will be bad.What's more, she still can't tell what kind of disease these birds are suffering from, and it is more dangerous to prescribe drugs indiscriminately.

And I heard that these birds have been sick for many days. If the medicine is effective, they should be better by now.

These thoughts made Honghua even more headache.Her relative didn't want to see these birds die in front of her, so she ran away first, but she didn't want to either!
After thinking about it, a thought suddenly flashed in her mind.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Thinking of something, she took out a jade tablet from her collar.

The jade tablet is opaque white, and looks a little dull in color, which makes it feel that the value is not high.But even a layman can see the excellence of the carving on its surface: a phoenix with its head up and its wings spread is embossed on the square surface, and its posture is vivid, as if it can fly out of the block that binds it in the next moment. The jade is average.

This jade tablet is an ancestral treasure of the Honghua family.The bloodline that passed down this jade token was not prosperous, and she was the only one left in Honghua's generation, so she naturally inherited this jade token.

Although it is said that there are many allusions to the jade tablet of the treasure of the ancestors, those contents have been lost in the time between generations.When she came to her place, the only thing she heard was one thing: soaking water with this jade tablet can cure all diseases.

These words sounded too mysterious, and Hong Hua didn't believe them at all.However, she has confirmed that the water soaked in this jade tablet can promote the recovery of the wound.As for the medical treatment, since she was never seriously ill since she was a child, and her parents didn't believe in the jade plaque, she didn't verify it at all.

Although it has been confirmed that the jade brand water can heal wounds, it is not too bizarre. It is barely a reference to scientific knowledge. For example, the minerals in this jade brand contain specific ingredients that dissolve in water and can promote wound healing or something... cure all diseases She still didn't believe it.

But you can still give it a try now. Anyway, there is no harm. Yupai water can indeed heal wounds. Maybe it can be of some benefit to these parrots?

Think about it and do it.Honghua found a clean bowl in the store, took off the jade plate, soaked a bowl of water, first cleaned the cage, replaced it with some clean millet, and then replaced the water, doing his best to obey the destiny.

Somewhat beyond her expectation, those parrots that were still sick immediately after she changed the water seemed to have had chicken blood, and they braced themselves up to the side of the water basin, scrambling to drink water .

so useful?Honghua looked at it suspiciously for a while, but couldn't see why.Put this matter aside for now, and go to tidy up your living room instead.


This store has two floors, the second floor is a small attic, the earliest design is for people to live in, but the previous store manager used it as a storage room, so it was basically abandoned.Now it has been cleaned up, there is only an old bed and a table left, and we can move in after cleaning.

There are also toilets and other facilities in the store. If the environment is not considered, there is no big problem for people to live in.

Clean the room, arrange bedding, and store luggage.After a while, Honghua was exhausted, he didn't have the energy to stay up late at all, he didn't even bother to check his mobile phone, he washed up early and went to sleep.

It's also because she's been cleaning up or on her way these two days, and she hasn't taken the time to surf the Internet.If she was still in the usual habit, she would probably be able to see a piece of news on her mobile phone at this time: a rare and rare astronomical phenomenon in a century-a super moon plus a total lunar eclipse will appear tonight.

But even if she saw it, she had no interest in astronomical phenomena, and probably wouldn't go there specifically.

Time passed bit by bit, the night was getting darker, and Honghua had already fallen asleep.And above the city, above the sky, the huge moon is being swallowed by the darkness bit by bit.

Just when the shape of the moon completely disappeared, the stars in the night sky suddenly brightened, and even in the city, one could feel the shining starlight all over the sky.

Many sky watchers have noticed this, but they only regard it as an illusion brought about by the sudden darkness.A small number of special and sensitive people noticed the abnormalities, but most of them didn't think much about it. A small number of people really felt weird, and they didn't have the knowledge to make reliable inferences.

If Honghua looked at the night sky at this moment, she must be able to perceive the abnormality at that moment.

But she had already sunk into sleep.At the moment when the starlight came on, a smile appeared on her face, as if she had a sweet dream.

She dreamed that she had become a phoenix.Fly freely between the heaven and the earth.

What no one noticed was that the jade plaques that had slipped out of her neck and were scattered on the bed were emitting a little bit of light as if responding to the starlight.

Those tiny rays of light kept flickering, as if the electrical appliances were supplemented by power, the shining light became brighter and brighter.After a flicker like a heartbeat, Hong Hua's body was wrapped in a ray of light and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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