In the future world to be a rotten maniac

Chapter 18 [018] It is said that there is new news

Chapter 18 [018] It is said that there is new news
After eating the instant noodles, An Ye felt that he should be alive again.

She leaned against the back of the seat and stretched.

An Xun turned his eyes slightly, glanced at her lightly, and said, "Miss An Yu, have you had enough?"

"It's not bad," An Yi said: "The energy is replenished in time, so I can barely continue my activities."

After the words were finished, the boy suddenly freed a hand and stretched it out in front of her, only to see that the hand with sharp joints was holding a glass bead emitting green light.


An Xun smiled and said, "Miss An Yu, try holding it again to see if you can find resonance. Although the ability may restrict human actions, it is still very effective in dealing with zombies."

An Ye glanced at him, then took the glass bead hesitantly, and murmured: "Is that so..."

This crystal nucleus should have been left behind by the boy when he killed the zombie just now.

The blood on it has been wiped clean, but it still smells like rotting flesh.

An Ye switched to thumb and index finger in disgust, shook it in the air, and asked, "How do you usually resonate?"

"Hold it in the palm," the boy explained, "There will be a burning sensation in the heart, as if a thread appeared there, connecting with the crystal nucleus in the palm."

After listening to An Ye, he tried what the boy said.

Leaning on the seat, closing his eyes, he carefully sensed the connection between the crystal nucleus and the heart.

The serious look seemed a little solemn at this moment.

An Xun glanced at her again, he didn't expect the unreliable guy to be serious sometimes.

——It seems that the teammate beside him is not such a waste.

The corner of the boy's lips curled up, and he was about to ask her how she felt.

But the next second—

He heard her snoring, "Snoring......"

An Xun: "..."

The boy suddenly shook the joystick left and right with a blank expression, and someone leaning on the seat didn't pay attention, and fell directly on the edge of the seat!
"Hey, do you know how to fly a helicopter??!" An Ye who was awakened suddenly got up and got angry, her eyes were as big as copper bells, and she stared at An Xun angrily.

The young man's face was cold, he sneered and said mockingly: "I don't know how to do it, could it be that Miss An Ye will?"

As soon as the words fell, An Xun's neckline was suddenly grabbed by a hand. He paused for a moment, but before he could react, he was pulled up by An Yu. Then he saw her stepping into the driver's seat, holding a joystick in his hand. Rod, staring at the front and roaring aggressively: "You show me!"

Under her control, the shaky helicopter gradually calmed down and returned to the state of moving forward just now.

An Xun supported the seat and stabilized his figure. Seeing this, the boy suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at her meaningfully.

After one operation, An Ye seemed to gradually wake up from the waking up.

When she regained her consciousness, she froze for a moment, then blinked, looked up at the young man beside her, and then at the joystick in her hand.




"Okay," An Yi coughed lightly, knowing that it was useless to say anything now, she simply admitted: "Actually, I know how to drive. I have learned a few things in Hawaii, but there is only one thing. Do you believe that?" ?"

An Xun: "...Miss An Yu, do you want me to believe it?"

An Ye: "...hope."

Suddenly the corners of the boy's lips curled slightly, he squinted and said with a smile, "Then I believe it."

The two switched positions, An Ye returned to the co-pilot, and yawned again, "Sorry brother, I want to sleep when I'm full."

An Xun was surprisingly easy to talk this time: "Then go to sleep, the long chair at the back can support Miss An Yu to lie down for a while."

"Thanks!" Hearing this, she immediately stood up and walked to the seat behind the military helicopter.

Long chairs are usually used for paratroopers to sit in rows. An Ye lay down on her side, but she didn't close her eyes and went to sleep. Instead, she took out her iPhone from her pocket, wanting to see if there were any other paratroopers in the world What new news came.

The other hand is still playing with the crystal nucleus that An Xun gave her. Although it has been emitting a strange green light, they are in the sky now, and they are not afraid of that thing gathering again.

The screen of the mobile phone is on, and the data is still available. After refreshing the news homepage, she actually got a new news, but this news does not seem to be very friendly to human beings——

[The running speed of some zombies has increased sharply: suspected to be evolution. ]
 Good night! ~~
(End of this chapter)

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