In the future world to be a rotten maniac

Chapter 23 [023] It is said that the New Year is coming

Chapter 23 [023] It is said that the New Year is coming
The water is the blue bottled water, which seems to have expired according to the time, and the food is a box of instant noodles.

An Ye rummaged through the messy goods for a while, and finally found a mini pot, which was just right for cooking noodles.

In the apocalypse, instant noodles are already the best food for human beings.

She carried the pot and noodles back to the sofa and sat down, poured all the seasoning packets and noodles into the pot, and mixed some water into it.

After eating the noodles prepared by the girl named Martha on the helicopter, An Ye kept the plastic fork inside and put it in his pocket. He didn't expect to use it again so soon.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

The only east wind needed at present is the source of fire.

An Ye's eyeballs slowly looked towards the young man who stood aside and fiddled with some high-tech communication equipment.

The boy was holding something as thin as a piece of paper, and its function was similar to that of a mobile phone.

She blinked, her eyes revealing a bit of curiosity.

——I didn't expect my teammates to have this kind of thing that exceeds the average technological level of the world. Could this be the strength of the military department?

After staring calmly for a while, finally, the protagonist who had been stared at finally couldn't bear it anymore, put away his "mobile phone", turned his head, a gentle and helpless smile appeared on his handsome and fair face, and asked softly: "What's the matter?" Miss An Ye? Keep looking at me, what's the matter?"

An Ye nodded, smiled flatteringly, and said, "Brother, do you want to eat? I found a box of instant noodles and a pot."

Amber eyes glanced indifferently at the box of instant noodles at the girl's feet, An Xun refused in a gentle voice, politely and distantly: "No, miss An Yi, eat, I'm not hungry."

"Really? That's fine! But can you help me?"

An Xun: "What's the matter?"

An Ye picked up the miniature pot, approached him obsequiously, and said with a smile: "Brother, cook it for me."


There are two people sitting on the sofa.

One of the girls with ponytails held the handle of the pot in one hand, and stirred the soup with a plastic fork in the other hand. The boy next to her supported his chin with one hand, and stretched out the other hand under the pot. The flames are constantly heating the food in the pot.

At this moment, An Ye couldn't help sighing in his heart, it's really great to have a teammate with fire abilities, this is simply a stove for walking, how convenient it is!
"You really don't want to eat?" She asked again.

"Yeah, after having the power, the hunger will come very slowly, Miss An Yi just eat." An Xun still replied calmly with a smile.

The noodles were almost cooked, An Ye held the handle of the pot tightly, and started cooking the noodles directly on the pot.

The Apple mobile phone on the stool next to it was in a state of off-screen. Suddenly, it seemed to have received a push, and the screen lit up all of a sudden, attracting An Ye's attention.

She put down the pot, picked up her phone and glanced at it. It was the account that pushed the news about the evolution of zombies before, and released some new information about zombies.

There are some pictures in it, such as zombies with wings, zombies with webbed claws, and some guys have teeth that can crush steel, etc., but even if they have evolved, their characteristic is still the head.

Putting down the phone, An Ye sighed softly. After drinking the remaining soup in the pot, she wiped her mouth clean, leaned back on the back of the sofa, and stared at the ceiling boredly.

——The doomsday world is getting more and more difficult, and she has some people who don't understand this world.It is obvious that death is death sooner or later, so why do you have to struggle to survive in this hopeless world? Why don't you hurry up and take the dog with you now, at least you don't have to face anything when you die.

Of course, this kind of thinking can only be done in the heart. If the teammate next to him finds out, he will inevitably suffer another headache.

Thinking of this, she glanced guiltily at An Xun beside her, but this glance met the gaze of the boy who turned his head perfectly.

Amber's yellow pupils reflected her somewhat slovenly image, An teased and sat down immediately.

"Miss An Ye is full?" The boy's deep and gentle laughter came from his ear, but if you listen carefully, the laughter seems to be full of ridicule and ridicule.

Speaking of which, when teammates are not angry, what they like the most is to be angry and laugh at themselves.

An Ye glanced at him, the amber-yellow pupils of the young man were exquisite and beautiful, like a piece of glazed stone that had been polished to a very smooth and clear shape, his fair face was handsome and well-behaved, his outline was not as sharp-edged as other men, he was more kind The gentle and youthful atmosphere always reminds people of those students who are still studying hard on campus.

"I'm full, but I should be hungry soon." An Ye replied truthfully.

"Eat when you're hungry," An Xun said with a soft smile, "That box is all yours."

An Ye looked at the time. It was 07:30 in the evening. The flashlight was emitting a faint light. This was deliberately adjusted to the lowest brightness. In order to prevent the light from being too bright, it came out through the crack of the door to attract zombies.

Today has been a day of ups and downs.

First, he was besieged by zombies at home, followed by being rescued by jumping off a building, laying on the roof to recuperate his spine that was almost broken, and then being chased by a helicopter, forced to parachute, and finally able to be quiet for a while, and sleep soundly Its daybreak.

An Ye leaned her head on the armrest of the sofa and turned sideways.

The young man who noticed that she wanted to lie down immediately stood up, gave up the other half of the sofa, and said with a smile: "Miss An Ye, lie down and go to sleep, I wish you a sweet dream."

An Ye was also polite, and after thanking him, he took off his military boots, found a comfortable position on the sofa, and fell asleep immediately.

The girl's slight breathing echoed rhythmically in the small, dirty and dark room.

An Xun didn't expect that the person beside him would have such a big heart, and he would sleep as soon as he said it. In the last days, no one dared to lie down like this.

After An Ye fell asleep, the gentle smiling face immediately curbed all the curvature and became expressionless.

That indifferent and cold face was completely different from the one who had been smiling all the time before.

The young man took out the thin card just now from his pocket and squeezed it lightly. Suddenly something very strange appeared on the card. If An Ye was awake at this moment, he would be able to recognize it. On the card, it was showing The blood bar, experience points, survival days, etc. are similar to the game's personal home page. Under the information, there are rows of completed and unfinished tasks.

"...I am randomly matched with such an npc teammate, and I don't feel the joy of leveling up and fighting monsters at all..." He muttered, his amber eyes glanced at An Ye, who was sleeping soundly, and his eyes darkened, Swipe a bit of disgust: "Sure enough... Let's change to another one."

As soon as the words fell, a ball of flame shot out from the young man's wrist, burning the wound he had just bandaged up, exposing the bloody skin underneath!

The burning pain came from the skin exposed to the air, and the irritated boy frowned slightly.

An Xun stared at the wound, where blood was flowing down his arm drop by drop.

I was backlashed by the supernatural ability four times in one day, so even the idea of ​​killing the other party cannot appear.

Leaning against the wall, he picked up a fresh roll of bandages from the clutter and rewrapped himself.

Turning his head, he looked at the girl sleeping soundly on the sofa again.

An Xun's face darkened slightly, and he said with a fake smile: "Then, please be more honest in the future, Miss An Yu."

- This is good for everyone.

 Good night! ! !
  This book is relatively short, and it is estimated to be over in 30 words, hehe! ~~
(End of this chapter)

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