In the future world to be a rotten maniac

Chapter 33 [033] It is said that there are instant noodles to eat

Chapter 33 [033] It is said that there are instant noodles to eat
Get rid of the spider zombies, and the living room will be even more messy.

An Ye slipped to An Xun's side, and stretched out his hand to squeeze his shoulder: "It's been hard work, go to bed early, brother!"

But the young man avoided her hand, leaned over to pick up the red crystal nucleus that fell from the spider's head, and said, "Is this what is in the brain of the evolved zombie?"

"Yes," An Ye nodded and said, "The energy is much stronger than those ordinary little green beads."

The young man looked back, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: "How does Miss An Ya know? You have seen it before?"

An Ye: "...No, but according to the general game design, the equipment for monster explosion at a higher level is definitely better than that at a lower level."


The little red bead gradually lost its color in the boy's palm, and the gaseous energy contained in it became less and less, and finally shattered, turning into a pile of glass slag. The heat emitted from the body is also higher than before.

The young man clapped his hands, wiped away the dross in his palms, and then said with a smile: "It's late, go and rest, Miss An Ye."

"Okay!" An Ya turned back to the room unceremoniously, picked up the box of cookies and began to chew.

The biscuit had expired, and it was not crispy when eaten. It was soft and sticky like a pastry, but she didn't care. After finishing it in twos and threes, she even drank the expired soda water from the owner.

The bed was very dirty and dusty, but there were sheets and quilt covers in the closet. Although there was a musty smell, it looked clean on the surface.

An Ye remade the bed and lay down comfortably.

When the teenager walked in, she was lying on the owner's bed playing with her mobile phone, mobile electronic products, even in the apocalypse, they are very popular - after all, it is most useful to escape from reality.

"Are you full?" An Xun sat by the chair in the bedroom and asked her sideways.

An Ye shook her head, "No, but it's a bit filling, and it's much more comfortable."

"You are really happy with the situation," the young man said slightly, "It's like a vacation."

"I can't help it. I'm just a waste. What can I do if I don't have a better mentality? Looking for a life? You don't agree."

An Xun said: "Well, quite self-aware."

It was raining heavily outside the window, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

An Ye closed the window and drew the curtain to block out part of the sound.

I slept all day during the day, but I didn't feel very sleepy at night.

Looking back at where An Xun was, the young man seemed to be extremely tired, sitting on a chair, resting his head on one hand, closing his eyes and taking a quiet nap.

The sound of breathing was not obvious in the thunderstorm weather, but through the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, An Ye concluded that he should be in a light sleep.

The fair and delicate face is shockingly beautiful in this dark room, the red lips are in a straight line when he is asleep, and the calm and indifferent expression seems to make people see that there is a different teammate.

An Ye blinked, lay on the bed and turned over, with his back to the boy.

"Back to the previous question, Ares," she asked, "Pandora system, can you hack it?"

[You can try, but I can't guarantee success, even if you successfully intrude, you may not be able to obtain all its information. ]
"The existing human technology is not yet at the level of developing the system Pandora. I suspect that it may also come from another world. It regards the humans in this world as playthings and played a game with them."

[That's your guesswork, bro. ]
"So come on, the time to confirm the guess has come," An Yan said in his mind with a smile: "You invade, don't you know?"

[Insufficient energy, to successfully invade, I need more than 60.00% energy assistance. ]
"Energy..." An Ye lay on his lap, his limbs forming a "big" character, staring at the dim ceiling, and murmured: "Then we have to work harder."

One night passed, and the rain outside the window stopped.

But the sky was still surrounded by clouds and mist, which did not dissipate at all.

The water vapor floating in the air brings a cold feeling.

The young man slowly opened his eyes, stood up and briefly moved his stiff arms.

The room was dark and dull, with a damp smell.

The amber-yellow pupils turned slightly, and they looked at the sleeping guy on the bed.

Standing on all fours, with no sleeping posture.

An Xun walked to the bedside to stare at her, and snapped his fingers lightly, a small flame appeared at his fingertips, and then, like bouncing glass marbles, he flicked the dancing flames towards An Ya's face .

"Oh! It's hot! It's hot!!"

Immediately, the sleeping An Ye was woken up by the flames coming from the slap!

She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up, panting heavily, covered her face and shouted angrily: "What are you doing?!"

The corners of the young man's lips curled up slightly, and he squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Wake up, Miss An Ye, we are going to continue."

"So early?!"

An Ye picked up the phone to check the time, "It's only 07:30!"

"The early bird gets the worm," An Xun raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll take you to breakfast."

"Breakfast? Where?"

"Follow me."

The boy went to the window and opened it. After the rain, the sky was not sunny, but it was even colder.

An Xun pointed to a blood-stained supermarket downstairs and said, "When I was looking for the car yesterday, I went inside and saw that the things were almost looted by people who had been there before, but there was a box of expired instant noodles left behind in the warehouse. Maybe I left in a hurry and forgot to take it."

In the doomsday, instant noodles have been upgraded to one of the luxurious delicacies of human beings.

An Ye didn't care if it was overdue or not, as soon as he heard instant noodles, the anger of being woken up in his heart dissipated, and he immediately said: "Then let's go, brother!"

An Xun suddenly stretched out his hand to her, his amber-yellow eyes glowed a little, and his red lips outlined a cute smile, and said, "I don't know if I will encounter some difficult dangers if I rush down from the building. , so let's jump out of the window."

"Jump off??? So high?? You're courting death!"

"Don't worry," the young man leaned close to her face, gently wrapped his hands around her body, and with An Ya's astonished expression, hugged her again, "hold on to me."

Unexpectedly, there is a very tough thread in this guy's belt.

I don't know what material it is, but it can bear the weight of two people. After spraying it, it firmly grasps the wall, like the spider silk carried by Spiderman himself, allowing the two people to jump directly from the high-rise building. Slowly descend when you are close to the ground.

"Brother," An Ye gave him a thumbs up, eyes slightly brightened: "What surprises do you have that I don't know about?"

An Xun: "..."

He suddenly and mercilessly broke away An Ya's hand that was holding his neck, causing her to fall to the ground!


There are not many zombies on the street, and last night there were zombies moving in a large group, and I don't know where they went.

When some scattered slow-moving guys saw someone standing on the street, they immediately opened their mouths wide and staggered towards them. The speed was so slow that An Ya didn't even bother to run.

She entered the supermarket. Yesterday An Xun should have cleaned up the stuff inside. The glass door of the supermarket was broken. As soon as she came in, she went straight to the warehouse and found a box of instant noodles inside.

After receiving the supplies, the two walked out of the supermarket. An Xun said, "Next, there will only be one car left."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at An Ye who was beside him: "This time, Miss An Ye will go find it with me."

"Why?" She thought this guy would send her back to the bedroom just now.

The young man said: "In order to prevent you from encountering any unimaginable danger after I leave."

"...can you go after eating?"

An Xun snatched the box from her with a smile, and said without protest: "Eat in the car."


 Good afternoon! ~~~
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(End of this chapter)

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