In the future world to be a rotten maniac

Chapter 38 [038] It is said that teammates are very angry

Chapter 38 [038] It is said that teammates are very angry
The angry dragon soared into the sky, and the flames soared!
A roaring fire phoenix was flying around the slender fire dragon, and the scream piercing the sky brought the rising anger in his heart, and rushed forward with lightning speed!


The intense firelight reflected on this street, and the surrounding buildings were subjected to another round of high-temperature scorching. Those flammable materials had risen to a fire that was difficult to extinguish, and began to spread to the surroundings.

An Ye's eyes and pupils shrank suddenly, and the pupils trembled slightly. His body was lifted up in the air by a sudden pair of hands. The hot wind was blowing in his ears, and the heat wave spread across the surface. He saw that the fire dragon and phoenix cut off the giant frog zombie with sharp blades. That thick, long, disgusting tongue!

The zombies approaching this side at the beginning were also affected by the sea of ​​flames, and the flames swallowed everything and let them burn to death in the flames.

The sound of the steel wire pulling was also lingering in his ears, and An Ye felt as if he was being held by Spider-Man, with all kinds of ups and downs over the city!
But it wasn't Spider-Man who hugged her, but the teammate who went out to find the car.

An Xun's body temperature is very high, which should be the reason why she just used the power. She blushed from the high temperature, and suddenly wanted to drink water again.

The steel wire hidden in the belt around the boy's waist has a strong stretching ability. It shoots out from both sides of the belt. The top end can be inserted into a hard wall and spread out in the wall to form a grapple. high wall.

An Ye lowered his eyes and looked down. The giant frog zombie had been completely engulfed by the fire. The skin tumors on the epidermis were broken by the high temperature, and a highly corrosive thick liquid flowed out, emitting bursts of stench.

The giant frog's protruding eyeballs turned out to be humans still staring at the sky above the fire, which made An Ya feel a chill in his heart.

Simply turn around and close your eyes, clearing all the impressions of that guy in your mind.

The hot wind blew across her cheeks, making them even hotter. An Ye looked at the boy who was holding her, blinked, and suddenly asked, "Brother, have you found the car?"


An Xun did not respond.

The handsome fair face was expressionless, but the pair of amber eyes were full of anger and gloom at the moment.

Back to the clothing store just now, the surrounding zombies seemed to have been cleaned up by the teenager once, only a few guys who came after were still wandering.

An old car was parked in front of the clothing store, and the brand looked like BYD.

As soon as the boy in Martin boots landed, he suddenly let go, allowing An Ye in his arms to fall directly to the ground!

"It hurts, it hurts!" An Ye was defenseless, and his injured spine experienced another impact, and he could even hear the sound of bones breaking inside!
Before she could react, An Xun grabbed her by the collar and was forced to look at the boy!
An Ye blinked and looked at An Xun.

The handsome and delicate face of the young man was cold and dark, deep and gloomy, which was rare to see, his lips were tightly pursed like a thread, and his slightly trembling hands seemed to indicate that he was trying to restrain his urge to punch the person in front of him.


"Excuse me, Miss An Ye—"

After a stalemate for about a minute, An Xun may have suppressed the urge to do something. After taking a deep breath, he showed a surly smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Feeling cold, he said slowly: "Before I went to find the car, do you remember what I told you?"

An Ye: "..."

An Ye: "You said—'wait for me here, don't run around'."

The boy nodded slightly in satisfaction, and then smiled dangerously: "Then how did you answer?"

An Ye: "...'understand'."

"Very good—" An Xun said, "What's the result?"

An Ye: "..."

She coughed lightly, and raised her hand: "I, I'm quibbling, bah——explain it! Then what..."

The eyeballs rolled wildly, and the voice stammered: "I just understand it, and I don't necessarily obey it... Right, right?"

"For example, the difference between 'I must be so' and 'I understand how' is... still very big?"

An Xun: "..."

After she finished speaking, the young man who tried hard to restrain himself finally couldn't restrain his anger.

Looking at his teammates' bloody wounds, An Ye sighed softly, lowered his head and said, "I know I was wrong."


"Really. I will definitely listen to you in the future."


"I swear by the three bags on my head!" An Ye pointed to his head with one hand, and stretched out his other hand to grab the black sleeve of the young man in front of him, showing a pitiful look, and said, "Bandage it up." Brother... I really know I was wrong..."

" will definitely listen to me from now on?" An Xun looked back, his magnificent pupils reflected the pretendingly pitiful face of the girl behind him, his red lips parted slightly, and he said coldly, "But I still don't quite believe it."

An Ye quickly took his hand, and said devoutly: "Oh, brothers, you two will make up after the quarrel, don't be angry!"

She took the young man's hand and raised it in front of An Xun's eyes, and continued: "Look, you've been bitten by the supernatural power, and you've been burned to the bone. How many times have you been burned in the past few days? God, take care of yourself, teammate! I'm worried !"

An Xun: "..."

Hearing someone's next words, for some reason, the young man suddenly wanted to get angry and beat someone up—but his arms were already burnt to the point of being unrecognizable.

The young man met her dark eyes, and after a while he turned away with a sneer, shook off her hand in disdain, and said, "You don't have much trust with me, Miss An Ye, next time you want to die, please help me." Don't struggle to save yourself, if you want to die, die quickly while I'm not here! I really hope that next time—"

He stared at An Ye's obedient face, narrowed his eyes slightly, gritted his teeth slightly and said, "I can hear the system news that you are dead before I arrive."

An Ye: "..."

——Okay, this time he was so popular that his lungs almost exploded.

 Good night! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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