In the future world to be a rotten maniac

Chapter 71 [071] It is said that the monster has been solved

Chapter 71 [071] It is said that the monster has been solved
Starting the mecha will consume about 50.00% of Ares' energy, but if you want to solve this guy now, you must wake it up.

The gun in his hand was scorching hot, which was the huge heat generated when Ares quickly mobilized energy in a short period of time.

The giant rock monster ran towards An Ye quickly with steps that shook the ground, stretched out his hand, and punched her!

That guy's fist is enough to smash a normal human being into a meatloaf. If he just faces down like this and hits An Yu, even if he has a strong body, he may be directly smashed into two-dimensional by that fist from three dimensions.

But An Ye still didn't dodge, she watched the monster's movements carefully, and when she was immersed in the observation, everything seemed to be slowed down dozens of times in her eyes!
"Ares, look at this guy's internal organization."

After the words fell, the dark mucus quickly crawled along her skin and around her eyes, forming a pair of see-through sunglasses!

——The other party's body is extremely hard, and it seems that there are no weaknesses or flaws. However, after the few fights just now, she has noticed something wrong with the monster in front of her, for example, its joint joints.

With every movement, sparks radiate from this guy's joints and joints everywhere.

Sparks flickered, like those handy fireworks on a summer night.

"The monster was reborn with the help of my teammate's lava. The exposed part cooled down and turned into rock, which was organized into its skin. The sea of ​​fire at the bottom of the feet was sucked into the body, so the internal driving energy may come from the magma!"

Any powerful mechanical weapon, once it has no energy source, is a waste of copper and iron that no one can control.

Sure enough, through the sunglasses, she saw the high-temperature red liquid in the monster's body that circulated from head to toe like blood, and it was the magma that was sucked into the body by it!They flow in the monster's body, serve as power sources, and connect the limbs and joints.

Therefore, the earlier guess that something hotter than lava is needed to destroy it was wrong.

——As long as the magma is solidified, this guy is equivalent to losing the energy for physical activities, and naturally, he can be dealt with!
An Ye stared at the punching fist coldly. It carried a powerful airflow. If it failed to stand still, it would be carried to the sky by the airflow!
The pupils as bright as pitch-black glass balls reflected the giant rock monster's fist that could shake the world.

An Ye didn't dodge, when the dark square box in her palm completely melted into a puddle of slime, the soles of her feet suddenly emitted a very dazzling white glow!

The icy breath instantly caused the surrounding grass to be covered with extremely thick layers of frost!
The hot current blowing is also passing through here, and it is instantly converted into cold wind!


Among the clouds and mist, rocks with high temperature hit the ground heavily, setting off thick smoke that covered the sky.

However, there is no sign of anyone in the big pit under the fist!
The two eye holes burning with flames slightly changed shape, like the expression of a person when he was angry.

The cold wind blows the thick smoke in the same direction, and when the smoke gradually dissipates, the figure standing in the thick smoke finally peels off from its hiding place, revealing its complete body and limbs, with an extremely cold body around it. temperature.

——This is a black mecha ten meters high, like a monster, covered with a jet-black metal shell, reflecting some dazzling white highlights during the day.The crystal cabin in the middle of it is blue like ice, the legs are like blades, deeply inserted into the ground, and two extremely sharp long knives are also placed on the arms of both hands. Its shape is simple, pitch black and dark blue Combined, the color is like the night in the polar region, and the powerful oppression gives people the feeling of despair exuding endless coldness.

The mecha form of Ares, the god of war Ares, the ice-blue flame.

"Maybe this guy doesn't know." Sitting in the crystal cabin, An Ye shook his head slightly at his mechanical life partner and said, "I was an internship base before joining the military."

Ares: [It's in the Imperial Fire Brigade. ]
"Yeah, it's not a coincidence," An Yu said with a smile: "Brother, come and put out the fire for it!"


Seeing a guy with the same height as himself appeared in front of him, the rock monster suddenly let out a big mouth, as if he was extremely angry, and rushed towards it with his legs. The speed was so fast that he had already reached the front of the mecha in the blink of an eye. The huge fist hit the opponent's face fiercely!
However, in the next second, only the sound of heavy objects hitting each other set off a strong airflow in the empty field, and the mech's hand firmly caught its fist, and the extreme temperature even caused a shock after contact with the rock monster. The sound of boiling water bursts!

An Ye controlled the mecha, and quickly put the blade on the front of the back of the other hand, and slashed at the monster's rocky arm!
The blade was extremely sharp, and cut iron like mud. With this blow, it cut off his arm mercilessly. It was like a roll with a sandwich. After breaking, the magma slowly flowed out like a sandwich.

But in the next second, they cooled down quickly and re-formed the monster's arms!

An Ye's eyes were slightly cold. If the magma in the opponent's body was not allowed to solidify, it would repair the body endlessly.


The corners of the girl's lips curled up slightly, her eyes glowed with the confidence and gleam of seeing through everything, and said softly: "Ares, inject the rapid cooling liquid into the shell."

[clear! ]
The mech's right arm aimed at the rock monster's head, and the left arm attacked it with the blade still waving.

In just a few seconds, the blade on the right hand has returned to the body of the mech, the barrel is pushed out, a mechanical part is opened on the shoulder, and several small mechanical hands are stretched out to load the barrel with ammunition, and every ammunition the size of a human brain is injected. The dark blue liquid is the rapid cooling liquid. When it encounters magma, it will cool it down at an extremely fast speed. However, the cooling effect of a cannonball is limited, so she needs to inject the whole body of the rock giant into the cooling liquid!

After opening the distance from the opponent with one attack, the rock monster roared even more angrily, and then grew long rock crystals from his hands like stacks of tall buildings, forming rock blades that are as sharp as the arms of the mecha!
Seeing this, An Ye paused, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It is intelligent and can imitate."

[After all, they are all three-level evolution monsters. ]

The rock monster with a new weapon charged forward with a low growl, raised its blade and slashed at An Yu fiercely.

However, before it got close, the arm of the mech loaded with shells had already fired two shells carrying rapid cooling fluid at its brain!

The cannonballs hit its brain one after another, piercing through the hard rock outside, and the tip entered the brain, opening a small opening, just enough to inject the blue liquid in the cannonball body.

At that moment, the rock monster's tiger body shook, as if its brain had suffered some violent attack, its body became anxious, its movements were chaotic, and the burning flames in the eyeholes were extinguished, and the inside was dark and empty, with the head There is also a layer of frost on the surface of the rock that spreads around the wound.

It's a pity that the frost spread to one eye and stopped. This shows that the power of the two cooling bombs is only so powerful, and An Ya must immediately inject more cooling liquid into the rock giant's body!

She pressed the launch button without hesitation, and the cannonball fired from behind, but the rock giant blocked it with two knives!
It also seemed to realize that it must not be hit by the bullets fired by the mecha in front of it, so it did not attack rashly and became cautious.

From the initial active attack to the current defense, it will change its strategy according to the implementation situation. Its wisdom is not low, An Yi thought, if the rock giant could talk, it must be greeting his family fiercely.

But what's even more regrettable is that - my own orphan, there is only one page in the household registration book, and it can't greet him.

Since the coolant works, in the end, it's just a matter of not giving this guy a chance to let go.

An Ye suddenly retracted the bullet in his arm, re-tuned the blade and rushed towards the giant monster, one red and one blue, with four huge sharp blades in both hands slashing at each other in the field!
The sound of the blades striking each other was crisp and short, but the frequency was high, and each attack carried a powerful airflow fluctuation.

The girl in the ice-blue crystal cabin has a calm and serious expression, and she controls the giant mecha in an orderly manner.

Although Ares can control it for her, she is more proficient in this body than Ares in terms of mecha, so unless she is too lazy to move, An Ye will control it by herself.

[brother!We have to make a quick decision, we can't procrastinate, the mech form has consumed half of the energy, if we continue to procrastinate, the energy is not enough, I will disintegrate in the air! ]
"I know." An Ye said calmly, "Is the ammunition in the chest filled?"

[finished! ]
"Okay." An Ya's eyes were serious for a moment, and suddenly his hands pressed down to control the sense, and the blade held by the mecha's arm cut off both arms of the rock giant in an instant!
The outflowing magma was about to repair the wound, but the chest of the robot in front of him suddenly opened!

The rows of black and blue cannonballs were aimed at its body, and before the lava repaired, the cannonballs were fired one after another, from head to toe, shooting the giant who lost his arms into a sieve!

It roared in astonishment, as if it didn't expect that this guy's chest could also be turned into a cannon barrel!

The blue liquid has already flowed rapidly in its body, freezing the surging magma, and layers of frost have covered its whole body at an extremely fast speed, and its fiery red body has turned into a deep blue covered in frost. color.

An Ye aimed his last cannon at its chest, only to hear a cannonball, and the cannonball penetrated its body—"Bang!!"


The earth-shattering roar of the rock giant caused the earth to fly sand and rocks, and the mountains in the distance in the open field seemed to collapse and landslide because of this roar!
In the end, its body was like an ice cube that had been shattered by someone, and it shattered to the ground in an instant before the girl's eyes, without any further movement.



After a brief silence, Ares asked: [Solved? ]
An Ye said: "Well. I can't detect any signs of heat and activity."

[...I can't hold on anymore. ]
"Thanks for your hard work."

After a few short conversations, Ares seemed to let out a sigh of relief, and then quickly melted into a pool of black slime, which gathered on the black soil burned by fire in the field.

"How much energy is left?"

[20.00% one, barely able to maintain consciousness. ]
An Ye walked to the rock where the monster had been destroyed, but even after destroying it into powder, he did not find any crystal nuclei.

She sprinkled the powder in her hands irritably, and said, "Don't the third-level evolutionary monsters have crystal nuclei?!"

[Maybe it's because it's not a third-level evolutionary monster,] Ares said: [It was killed by Pandora, and the one your teammate killed should be a third-level evolutionary monster. ]
Hearing these words, An Ye turned around and looked, and the body of the boy protected by Ares clone was sent back to her.

She opened the hand held by An Xun, and found some blue powder in the palm.


"Blue, it should be the crystal nucleus of the third-level evolution monster." She murmured, "It has been absorbed by teammates."

——It's a pity.


An Ye sighed, and said again: "Ares, let's go, go to the nearest city, can your energy be recombined into a car? You have parasitized two cars before, you should have remembered its composition and structure?"

[Yes, but you have to drive the road behind, and I will lose consciousness after forming the car. ]
Not enough energy.

"I know," An Ye said, "I will bring you back to consciousness soon."

After the words fell, the pitch-black slime began to reorganize, and soon formed a black car, exactly the same as the one I drove before.

An Ye placed the comatose teenager in the back seat, while he got into the main driver, and then called out a few words: "Ares, Ares?"


However, there was no response in the air.

As the other party said, he lost consciousness.

So An Ye suddenly had a brain change, and said: "Hi, Siri!~"

[I am here. ] The phone screen suddenly lights up!

Although An Ye couldn't hear the sound, she could see the text on the screen.

Her eyes lit up along with the screen, and she seemed very pleasantly surprised.


——Damn it, she's still there! !

An Ye immediately asked, "Which city is the closest to me?"

[The map is being opened for you... The nearest city to you is G City, and it takes three to 10 minutes by car. ]
"Okay, turn on the navigation."

[OK, navigation is on for you. ]
An Ye looked at the electronic screen in the car, then stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the city.

The asphalt road has long been scorched black, and the weeds around the field have turned into a piece of black soil. There are bursts of pungent smell in the air, and the breath of death and despair is everywhere on the barren land. everything that happened.

The wind blows, carrying some thick smoke to the distance, and some are carried to a higher level by the wind, and finally slowly merge into the endless dark clouds in the sky, making the world even more eclipsed and depressing, even In the land that has just experienced an explosion, the residual heat and warmth cannot warm the coldness of the world.

 Available now! !There are two more chapters, update later! ~~
(End of this chapter)

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