In the future world to be a rotten maniac

Chapter 8 [008] It is said that she just wants to sleep

Chapter 8 [008] It is said that she just wants to sleep
Who would have thought that there is a time limit for such things as shared positioning.

Just when An Ye was about to open his mouth to ask about superpowers, the screen in front of him flickered suddenly, and then a childish voice sounded in his mind again: [The time for this shared location is up, the system Will be turned off, players can request to turn it on again after the system is turned off. 】

The moment the baby's voice fell, the projection screen in front of An Ye disappeared without a trace.

The call also seemed to be terminated. She tried to feed her a few more times, but she didn't get a response from the boy. After confirming that the call was completely cut off, An Ye didn't bother to call back.

Thinking of the zombie crystal nucleus mentioned by the boy before, the girl lying on the bed stared blankly at the ceiling. After a while, she frowned, and after a while, she finally turned somersault, da da da He ran downstairs, walked to the coffee table in the living room, picked up the crystal clear glass bead and studied it again.

——Zombie crystal nucleus.

The things that exist in the minds of zombies can resonate [-]% with humans and endow them with supernatural powers.

But from getting this glass bead to now, An Ye hasn't sensed any difference, could it be that——

She suddenly raised her head solemnly, her brows were tightly frowned, her expression was solemn, her eyes were staring at the wall in front of her, the night light stretched her shadow long and cast it on the dim yellow wall in front of her, she looked like some kind of alien Biologically weird.

"Ah, what a pity, has the fact that I'm not a human being been discovered by this world after all?"


The next second—

She opened her dead fish eyes, "Forget it, I'm so boring, I'm not in Secondary School, I'd better go to bed early, it's already five o'clock in the morning."

An Ye yawned, put the glass beads back on the coffee table, turned around and went back to the bed, maybe she was really tired, she fell into a deep sleep within two seconds.

But tonight I don't know what's going on, An Yu feels that he may be a little bit retrograde, and the end of the world seems to be deliberately not wanting to let him have a good rest.

When she finally fell asleep but it was less than half an hour, a loud noise from outside the door woke An Ya up instantly again!
She opened her eyes suddenly!Almost went into shock!

That loud bang is easily recognizable.

--iron gate.

These two words crossed An Ye's mind instantly.

The iron door on the roof of the top floor seemed to be knocked open!

It has been guessed before that there is a security guard who fled to the roof of the top floor staying there, and it is very likely that a dead body has changed.

I thought it would be fine for that guy to be stuck on the roof and couldn't get in, but he didn't expect it to knock open the iron gate!
An Ye took out the small pitch-black box under the pillow, pressed the power button, the screen lit up, and the current time was displayed on the iPhone—05:44.

It's going to be sunrise.


It's almost sunrise.

An Ye felt some pain in her temples, and stretched out her hands to comb her hair irritably.

After tossing all night, I still couldn't sleep well in the end.

Her eyes were dark, and when she was awakened from sleep, she always felt an inexplicable anger, and she seemed to have an endless energy that needed to be vented quickly.

This state is called wake-up qi by humans.

An Ye opened her bloodshot eyes, threw off the quilt abruptly, and strode into the kitchen full of anger. After picking out the sharpest kitchen knife, she opened the door and rushed straight to the kitchen with a grim face. Go to the dark corridor and slash down at the zombie wearing security clothes!
Back in the room, she seemed to have calmed down.

The newly obtained zombie crystal nucleus in his hand has not been cleaned, but it is the same as the previous one, and has no resonance with him.

She casually threw the kitchen knife and the crystal nucleus on the ground, and the exhausted person finally returned to the small bed on the second floor after washing his hands briefly.

"...God." An Ya's eyes were dark, and a pair of round eyes stared at the ceiling, like a walking corpse that lost its soul, with a weak voice, murmured: "This time, I can finally Let me get a good night's sleep?"

But the next second—

[Your teammate "An Xun" is asking you to share location, do you agree? 】


An Ye: "Damn it."

 Good night! ~~~

(End of this chapter)

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