girl knight zero

Chapter 111 The Sergeant Major is Coming!

Chapter 111 The Sergeant Major is Coming!
Everyone nodded, immediately dispersed in a straight line, and began to cut.

The two defensive systems were also dispersed, and they were preparing to respond while illuminating below to prevent them from accidentally falling.

Because of the work suspended in the air, everyone can't exert all their strength like working on the flat ground, and the blood and mucus keep dripping on the face, which is an extremely test of psychological endurance.

Eight minutes passed, and everyone still couldn't find the center.

"Oops, the squad leader and the others have been in for almost 10 minutes, and the Corruptor is not dead yet." On the beach, Cang Ling thought anxiously looking at the slowly wriggling Corruptor.

"All the long-range systems are ready to attack, and they will concentrate on bombing its mouthparts later, blasting a hole and dragging out the people inside!" Vasily ordered.

Phoebe, Connie and the others rushed to the front of the Corruptor, ready to attack.

At this moment, the Corruptor suddenly curled up in pain, and plunged into the sea.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded. How can it attack after entering the sea?And the sea water will weaken the power of the aura bomb!
"Drag it up with a shark net!" the squadron leader ordered.

"No, the draft near the sea is shallow, and warships can't come in!" Vasily replied.

"Squad leader, let all the enhancements attack under the sea!" Cang Ling hurriedly said, "Ten minutes have passed, if you don't drag the squad leader out, they will suffocate to death!"

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes in the woods, and a group of people rushed out at the same time.

Everyone looked back and saw a team of knights they had never seen before.

This team of knights galloped to the beach, and before the horses stopped, the leading knight jumped off and strode towards the beach.

"It's the sergeant major! The sergeant major is here!" The surrounding knights all showed ecstatic expressions as if seeing a savior.

"Sergeant Major?" Cang Ling looked at the female knight with scorpion braids in surprise.

"She is the sergeant major of our regiment, Dianyi, the strongest knight in the whole regiment!" Hume replied excitedly.

The tall and majestic Dianyi walked to the beach, and the squadron leader and Vasili immediately ran over to report the battle situation to her.

After quickly listening to the current situation, Dian Yi walked to the seaside to aim at the Corruptor's direction without saying a word, and fired a shuttle-shaped aura bomb.

The aura bomb was so powerful that it penetrated the seawater and hit the Corruptor directly, punching a hole about three feet wide in its shell.

"Amazing!" exclaimed Phoebe.

"Tie the iron chain to its shell, and let the warship drag backwards until it is hung on the shield to expose its belly." Dian Yi ordered.

The squadron leader nodded, and immediately organized the strengthening system to go into the sea, firmly fixed the iron anchor in the hole on the Corruptor's back, then tied the iron cable, and was dragged backward by the warship.

Soon, the Corruptor was dragged to the edge of the bay, and then hung on the circular shield, his head raised due to being pulled.

"So there is such a method!" Cang Ling suddenly realized.

Seeing the Corruptor's belly exposed, Dian Yi immediately raised his hand, and a huge trident was formed from his hand.

"It has appeared! The master sergeant's special skill: the Trident of the Sea King!" The knights below shouted excitedly.

Seeing this, the navy on the lighthouse hurriedly pointed the lighthouse light at the Corruptor to help Dian Yi aim.

Dian Yi aimed at the Corruptor's abdomen, and threw the trident forcefully in his hand.

Like a missile, the Neptune Trident flew across the sky and landed heavily on the Corruptor. It pierced through its body and directly hit the center, and at the same time shattered the outer shell!

The Corruptor trembled a few times in pain like an electric shock, then collapsed, floating motionless on the surface of the sea.

"One hit kills?" Cang Ling, who witnessed all this, was stunned.

Hundreds of them fought for several hours and failed to kill the Corruptor, but was killed by Dian Yi with a long-range attack!
"As expected of the number one knight in the regiment, Sergeant Major, you are too powerful!" Phoebe, who is also from the long-distance department, shouted from behind.

A large amount of black, foul-smelling body fluid gushed out from the Corruptor's body, dyeing the seawater into pitch black.

"The decontamination team will start decontamination immediately! The defense department will work in three shifts and seal the sea area tightly, so as not to expand the pollution area!" Dian Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Several leaders of the purification team rushed to the sea carrying boxes of purification agents.

"Give me all the reinforcement systems! Rescue the squad leader and the others, hurry up!" Vasily yelled.

Cang Ling and the others rushed into the sea and jumped on the Corruptor's body to save people.

By the time everyone worked together to drag out the dying daredevils, they had already entered for more than 20 minutes.

Two reinforcements were sacrificed, and the survivors were also severely corroded, with scars on their bodies.

"Squad leader, squad leader!" Cang Ling shouted anxiously supporting Leon.

Leon opened his eyes slightly, glanced at Cang Ling, and moved his lips to indicate that he was fine.

Seeing this, Vasily immediately organized personnel to send the injured back to the station for first aid.

Although the knights in the first group were very worried about Leon, they still had more important tasks at the moment, so they could only restrain their anxiety and return to their posts.

Sergeant Dian Yi jumped on the Corruptor and began examining its corpse.

The squadron leader and several sub-team leaders followed up and reported the battle to Dian Yi.

Some other knights rescued the wounded, and some cleaned up the battlefield.

In this battle, a total of 8 knights died, 6 were seriously injured, and 12 were slightly injured.

The corpses of all the sacrificed knights were moved to the beach and cremated uniformly, and the ashes were purified before being moved to the knight cemetery.

Cang Ling and the others stood next to the knight's body, looking at the unrecognizable teammates, they couldn't help but feel as if they had passed away.

These people greeted them warmly this morning and sat down to eat together.

After only half a day, they turned into cold corpses.

"Stand back, everyone, it's time to light the fire." The squad leader of the second squad stepped forward and directed his subordinates to pour combustion accelerant on the deceased and start cremation.

There was a crackling sound in the fire, and the knights' bodies quickly turned black and scorched.

These carbides whose bodies were devoured by the flames used to be living people!

Never see their smiles or hear their voices again!

Everyone present felt the blood in their bodies boiling, and some who had a better relationship with the victim were still crying.

Cang Ling raised his head and saw Diego on the opposite side of the fire.

Their team also sacrificed two people. Diego was looking at their bodies blankly, unable to believe the facts before him.

When he first joined the regiment, he probably didn't expect that the Blue Shield Knight would face death, right?

In fact, most people don't think about it.

Although everyone knows that the knight will sacrifice, but subconsciously always feel that it will not happen to him.

When everyone carries their swords and goes to the battlefield with enthusiasm, they want to make contributions and kill the enemy happily.

No one is rushing to a different place with missing arms and legs.

Everyone has a heroic dream in their hearts, but if you need to exchange your life for this dream, would you still be willing?
(End of this chapter)

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