girl knight zero

Chapter 114 Reiki Amplifier

Chapter 114 Reiki Amplifier

"Before I expanded the area of ​​the shield, it was always in meters. But recently I seem to have reached a certain limit, and it is very difficult to expand a centimeter. I consulted Du Lan, and he said that almost every defensive system will encounter this The bottleneck, some people can break through smoothly, and some people may be like this for a lifetime."

"So, I seem to have encountered a bottleneck period. I haven't made much progress recently, and sometimes I feel a little backward. The squad leader said that this situation is normal. The growth of the reinforcement department is not a straight line, but a stage. It’s a stage. Only when we get through the current plateau can we continue to rise.”

"Did he say how long the platform period is?"

"It seems to vary from person to person, and it will take a few months at the shortest."

"It's really tormenting..."

"Yeah, this kind of time is the most test of patience. In short, keep working hard. I believe that the sweat of hard work will not lie."

"Well, I'm sure I won't give up." Kali nodded.

The next day, Cang Ling took advantage of the weekend break to go to Yugang Kui.

"Hi, I'm Cang Ling who came to you with Squad Leader Leon before. This time I'm here to ask you about the spiritual power ring." Cang Ling took off the spiritual power ring on his wrist and said, "These two The spiritual power ring was lent to me by Squad Leader Leon, it was very effective at the beginning, but it is almost useless now. Can I upgrade the item? Or strengthen it?"

Yugangkui took a look at the spiritual power ring and asked, "How long did it take from wearing it for the first time until it didn't work?"

Cang Ling recalled for a while, and replied, "About three months."

"Three months?" Yugang Kui couldn't help but cast a glance at Cang Ling.

"The most effective is the first month, and then the effect has been declining." Cang Ling added.

"Let's test the carrying capacity again. What was your value last time?" Yugangkui asked as he got up.

"I remember it was 500G." Cang Ling quickly got up and followed.

"Okay, please go in." Yugangkui opened the pressure chamber.

Cang Ling entered the pressure chamber and began to test the values.

After 10 minutes, the test ends.

"Excuse me, what is my carrying capacity now? Is there any improvement?" Cang Ling asked after wiping off his sweat.

"Guess." Yugangkui pretended to be mysterious.

"There should be an improvement..." Cang Ling said anxiously.

"Look for yourself." Yugang Kui stood aside and showed the display area to Cang Ling.

Cang Ling hurriedly went over to take a look, and saw that there was a strip on the display area that was the same as the door of trials, and there were many red grids inside.

Cang Ling counted carefully, there were 5 grids in total, and the last grid was only half lit.

"Has my carrying capacity become lower?" Cang Ling's heart sank suddenly.

"No, each grid represents 200G." Yugangkui smiled.

"200G?" Cang Ling turned worry into joy in an instant, "So my carrying capacity has increased to 900G?"

"Yes. But because the pressure chamber has not been adjusted yet, the actual value will be a little smaller, probably around 800G."

"It turns out that the spiritual power ring is really useful! It can be improved so much in just three months..." Cang Ling was very happy as he stroked the spiritual power ring.

"Based on your current situation, ordinary bearing training may not be effective. Because it can't stimulate you enough."

"Then what should I do? I should have room for improvement, right?" Cang Ling asked hurriedly.

"I can help you develop an enhanced version of the pressure chamber, but then the development period will be quite long, and the cost is not something you can afford. I suggest that you exercise your carrying capacity through actual combat. This is the most cost-effective method."

"How to do it?"

"It's very simple. Let an opponent whose strength is far superior to yours fight against you. He will give you an attack that you can't bear. This is equivalent to stimulating the growth of your carrying capacity in disguise."

"The strength is far superior to mine... It seems that both the team leader and the squad leader meet this requirement. But when you usually practice against them, you don't feel the improvement?" Cang Ling thought.

"No, there must be an improvement. You can increase from 500G to 800G, and it is absolutely impossible just because of the effect of the spiritual power ring. It's just that the improvement in actual combat practice is relatively slow, and it's hard for you to notice it."

"I see! Thank you Master Yugang, I will ask them to help me practice more." Cang Ling said happily.

"By the way, come with me." Yu Gangkui suddenly remembered something.

Cang Ling followed Yugangkui to the underground warehouse, and saw that it was full of various spiritual power training props.

"Try this." Yugangkui opened the cabinet, took out a small light blue ball and handed it over.

Cang Ling took the ball curiously, and found that the surface of the ball was moist and smooth, shining a dazzling blue light under the oil lamp.

"It's so beautiful. May I ask what this is?"

"This is a spiritual power booster." Yu Gangkui leaned against the table and said, "You can try to inject spiritual power into it."

Hearing this, Cang Ling hurriedly injected spiritual power into the small ball, only to find that the storage power of a small ball was astonishingly high, and Cang Ling hadn't filled it up after 3 minutes of injection.

"This is specially made with high-quality blue crystals ground and added with diamond powder. It can store spiritual power ten times higher than ordinary blue crystals. Usually store spiritual power in the booster and release it in battle to reach The effect of increasing spiritual power." Yu Gangkui explained.

"There is such a magical prop?" Cang Ling was pleasantly surprised to try it with the saber, and found that it really can increase the attack power!

"The disadvantage of this kind of prop is that it will produce a strong backlash. Because this is equivalent to one person releasing the spiritual power of two people, and correspondingly, it will also suffer double backlash."

"Huh? I think it's okay..."

"That's because you have a strong bearing capacity, so you can bear it. It will be very painful for ordinary people to use this."

"How much does this cost?" Cang Ling asked hurriedly.

"This is a by-product of a government project. The research and development costs can be ignored, and the labor costs can also be waived. Only the cost is charged: 10."

"10, 10??" Cang Ling was taken aback.

"It's still a [-]% discount. For the sake of being so motivated."

"But I can't afford that much money for the time being..."

"It's okay, come to me after you have saved enough money." Yugangkui said indifferently.

Cang Ling calculated in his mind that if he lived frugally, he should be able to save 3 yuan by the end of the year.

If I am admitted to the Hurricane Knight next year, my income will also increase. With the overseas subsidy, I should be able to save 5 yuan, so I can buy one in two and a half years.

"Then I'll come back to you in two years! Make a reservation first, okay?" Cang Ling begged.

"You can come to me next year. I will make it for you after paying a [-]% deposit in advance. Of course, you will have to pay the rest on a monthly basis."

"Really? Thank you Master Yugang!" Cang Ling was overjoyed.

"You're welcome. It's rare to see a newcomer who works so hard, so it's a special treat for you." Yugangkui said while crossing her arms.

"You are such a good person, I will definitely save money as much as I can!" Cang Ling thanked repeatedly with emotion.

 Small activity: Guess why Yugang Kui was extremely indifferent the first time, but willing to help Cang Ling the second time?
(End of this chapter)

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