girl knight zero

Chapter 121 Kidnapping

Chapter 121 Kidnapping
After returning to the dormitory, Cang Ling said to Phoebe and Kali: "Have you noticed it? Night devils are quietly evolving. They are no longer the kind of creatures we have learned in textbooks."

"That's why we have to take the initiative to investigate abroad! I have been hiding in the shield like a turtle, and I don't know what's going on outside. I'm too passive!" Phoebe said angrily.

"Now those old antiques in the Senate should be able to understand the necessity of the Hurricane Knight." Kali said while cutting her nails.

"We don't have much time left," Phoebe said. "In the past, refugees from the South China Sea and the East China Sea escaped one after another, but now almost none of them have disappeared, which means that night devils all over the world are evolving."

"And their evolution rate is much faster than that of humans. In this respect, humans look like primitive people in front of them." Kali pouted.

"We are already the only fruit of mankind. If we fall again, perhaps the entire world of mankind will become extinct. It is really unimaginable what the world will become by then." Phoebe said worriedly.

"No, I don't think that humans in other countries have become extinct." Cang Ling stood up and said, "During the Migration Tide Battle, I found an ornament in the belly of a pterodactyl. The relics of the dead. This shows that there are still people alive on the other side."

"There must still be some living people. When the Corruptor attacked, didn't the navy say that it came with the refugee boat? Being able to cross the sea by boat means that there are still a considerable number of people on the other side." Kali recalled.

"What jewelry? Is it still there? Or have you handed it in?" Phoebe asked curiously.

"It's gone." Cang Ling shook his head, "I couldn't find it after I came back, I guess I lost it on the way."

"Is it worth it?" Kali asked.

"It's made of brass. It's quite crude. It shouldn't be worth much."

"If it's not worth the money, just ignore it."

"Well, go to bed." Cang Ling tore off today's calendar after finishing speaking, and then got under the covers.

On the top of the calendar, a line of words was written in red pen: "Come on! Admit! Win!"

At this time, there are still three months before the registration exam for the four major knight orders.

When having breakfast the next day, everyone found that the uncle serving food in the cafeteria had been replaced by a young man they had never seen before.

"Huh? Where's the bearded father?" Cang Ling asked.

"Papa Beard has resigned, and I will replace him in the future." The young man replied.

"Resigned? Why?" Cang Ling asked in surprise.

"I don't know, it seems that there is something wrong at home." The young man shook his head and said.

At this moment, the bearded old man in casual clothes came out from the back hall with his luggage on his back. The chef and a few helpers followed him, patting his shoulder and saying some comforting words.

"Papa Beard!" Cang Ling and the others chased after him, "Why did you resign?"

"I can't help it, and I don't want to leave, but there is really no way..." The bearded father's eyes were red and swollen, and he had obviously cried.

"What happened?" Cang Ling asked with concern.

"Papa Beard's granddaughter has been missing for more than two weeks." The chef answered for him.

"What? Missing?" Everyone was taken aback.

"My granddaughter traveled to Leonard half a month ago with her friends, but both of them disappeared." The bearded father wiped his tears.

"Did you report the crime?" Phoebe asked hurriedly.

"Reported, the local gendarmerie promised to help us find someone, but after so long, there is still no one. Now I don't count on them anymore. My wife and I are going to Leonard in person, even if the whole city is turned over, I want to find my granddaughter too!"

"The gendarmerie is not a good thing, and it doesn't care about your business if you don't give gifts." A cook said angrily.

"If the missing ones are the children of the nobles, they will definitely make another face." The other chef also said.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Cang Ling asked.

"Are there enough funds?" Kali asked.

"Thank you. Captain Vasily has advanced my salary for this month, and also helped me contact the local Blue Shield team. I will find my granddaughter. Thank you for your concern." The bearded father wiped his tears.

"If there is anything we need, we can send a telegram back at any time."

"If you need money, just tell us."

"I'm sure they're both going to be all right."

Everyone chatted to comfort the bearded father.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!" After thanking you again and again, the bearded father packed his bags and left.

"The bearded father is so pitiful that this kind of thing will happen..." Cang Ling looked at the bearded father's hurried back and said.

"Those two girls should be lost because they don't know each other well?" Phoebe speculated.

"It's good if you get lost, but it's bad if you get kidnapped." The chef leaned against the door frame and said.


"Yes. Haven't you heard? There have been a lot of kidnapping cases targeting young women in recent years. It is said that they were all sold to underground brothels by large gangs of robbers." The chef said angrily.

"I heard from my brother that several women have disappeared in my hometown."

"No way? So rampant? Don't the military police care?" Cang Ling was taken aback.

"How could they care about this kind of thing, anyway, the missing are all low-level women."

"That is, most of them are bar girls, or single women from other places. Most of them have no relatives, and even if there are, they are just ordinary people. Who cares about them?"

"Maybe the robbers and the gendarmes are still in the same group, isn't it common? The gendarmes act as the umbrella of the black forces."

The chefs were talking about it.

"These bastards are really abominable! It's hard enough to deal with night demons, but our own people are still wreaking havoc inside! They should all be arrested and hanged!" Phoebe said angrily.

"It's cheap for them to be hanged, so they should be arrested for experiments." Kali said contemptuously.

"I hope that this kind of thing will never happen to the granddaughter of the bearded father." Cang Ling said worriedly.

"Hey, what are you guys doing blocking the door? Don't work anymore?" The chief secretary ran out from the back kitchen and cursed.

When the chefs saw the leader coming, they rushed back to the back kitchen in a hurry.

When patrolling in the morning, Cang Ling asked his teammates about the bandit's kidnapping of a woman, but everyone said they didn't know.

"The robbers are under the jurisdiction of the gendarmerie, right? What does it have to do with us?"

"That's right, it's none of our business."

"We'll just have to worry about night goblins."

Everyone said nonchalantly.

"Although bandits are not under our jurisdiction, our patrolling density and scope are larger than those of the gendarmerie. Pay more attention at ordinary times, and report to the gendarmerie in time if you find anything abnormal. Maybe it can help." Cang Ling suggested.

"Pull it down, Zero, we have enough of our own affairs, why are we making all this trouble?" a knight said dissatisfied.

"Even if you find something, the military police will not appreciate you, but will blame you for adding trouble to them." Another knight followed suit.

"But... okay." Cang Ling lowered his head depressedly.

"Hmph, people are like this, as long as it's not their own business, they don't care." Du Lan who followed behind said in a low voice.

 Can you guess what that brass item is?
(End of this chapter)

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