girl knight zero

Chapter 130 The Kingdom of the Underworld

Chapter 130 The Kingdom of the Underworld

"Did the nearby quarry open a mountain and crack the ground?" Phoebe speculated.

"The quarry doesn't dig the soil, how could it crack the ground!" Kali complained.

"It was caused by an earthquake." Cang Ling jumped down and inspected it carefully, "The earthquake broke the ground, so the tiankeng became bigger."

"I know! It's because the sinkhole has become bigger that the night devils use this place as their lair!" Phoebe clapped her hands excitedly.

"There are indeed some climbing marks around here, but I can't tell whether it was left by night monsters or wild beasts." Kali knelt down and looked carefully for a while and said.

"Anyway, let's inform the team leader first." Cang Ling took out his whistle and blew it.

Soon, Vasily and Leon came running from the mountains.

"What's wrong? What did you find?" Leon, who was running ahead, asked out of breath.

"Squad leader, squad leader, look at this." Cang Ling pointed to the bottom and said, "Cracks appeared in the Wallenberg sinkhole due to the earthquake, and the area has become significantly larger. If it is a three- to four-meter-level night demon, it is can hide in it."

Vasily and Leon immediately jumped off the rock and observed carefully.

"Squad leader, the tiankeng has indeed become bigger, and the shrubs here have signs of being crushed." A few minutes later, Leon stood up and said.

"Kali, can you feel the evil spirit at the entrance of the cave?" Vasili turned his head and asked.

"I just detected it, no." Kali shook her head.

"This hole is very deep, maybe they are hidden in the innermost!" Cang Ling said hurriedly.

"Squad leader, you go back immediately and get the monster gas detector from the warehouse, we'll wait here." Vasily ordered.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Leon turned around and ran away immediately.

The so-called evil spirit detector is a small detection device developed by Yugangkui. Its shape is similar to that of a cold light stick, and it will emit a faint purple light when encountering evil spirits.

However, due to technical limitations, this kind of detector can only detect more obvious evil spirits, and is ineffective for weak evil spirits such as pretenders. In addition, the detection range is relatively small, with an effective diameter of about 50-100 meters.

An hour later, Leon returned with two detectors.

At the same time, Cang Ling and the others also prepared the rope (vine).

Vasily tied the probe to a rope and lowered it.

After placing it for about 30 meters (about ten floors high), it reached the end, and the detector did not change.

Vasily considered for a moment, and decisively decided to go down to find out.

So everyone took out their claw hooks one after another and climbed down the rock wall.

After the end, everyone found that the bottom of the pit was covered with the bones of various animals, including sheep, dogs, foxes, wild boars, weasels, and pheasants.

"It's disgusting." Kali covered her nose.

"The bottom is very wet, everyone be careful not to slip." Leon reminded.

Vasily took out the emergency light source and carefully checked the bottom of the pit.

"Squad leader, look here!" Cang Ling leaned over and pointed at the corner and shouted.

Everyone looked around and saw that the seepage water from the wall of the pit was dripping and converging into a small stream, which flowed behind a huge rock.

"There is no water behind here, there must be a hole inside!" Cang Ling said.

"Get out of the way!" Vasily rolled up his sleeves, and with a little luck, he pushed the rock away abruptly, revealing another cave inside.

"My God, there's still such a big space inside!" Phoebe was stunned looking at the unfathomable cave.

"Isn't this mountain also hollowed out like my mountain?" Kali said holding up the fluorite.

"Go, go in and have a look." Leon jumped out of the cave first.

"Wait." Vasily called to Leon, and then forcefully threw a detector deep into the cave.

After flying tens of meters in the cave, the probe hit the rock wall and rolled for a while before stopping.

"The detector didn't emit light, everyone go down." Vasily ordered.

Everyone nodded and jumped down the cave one by one.

After entering, everyone lined up in line, distanced from each other, and carefully staggered along the uneven rock wall.

The fluorite light can only illuminate a distance of about three meters, and it looks dark and gloomy in the empty cave.

"There is a fork in the road here."

After walking to the opposite side, Leon held up the fluorite and said.

Three forks appeared on the rock face ahead, each wide.

Vasily took the detector and probed the three holes for a while, but there was no response.

"Squad leader, there's wind here." Cang Ling licked his fingers with his tongue, and then stretched out to the hole, his fingertips soon felt cool.

Vasily hurried over and felt it carefully for a while, and there was indeed a slight air flow.

"Let's go this way, everyone." Vasily got in first.

After walking for more than ten minutes in the narrow passage, a huge cave appeared again, which was six or seven floors high.

"There's a river down there!" said Phoebe, pointing down.

Everyone saw that there was indeed a dark river lying on the bottom, making a slow sound of water.

"If there is a water source, there may indeed be living creatures." Vasili looked around, threw out his claw hook and jumped onto the rock wall, and then jumped onto a large rock below.

Everyone followed Vasily and quickly climbed over the rocks.

"Have you heard of it?"

After crossing the underground river, Kali said: "It is said that there is a kingdom of the underworld in the depths of the earth, inhabited by the people of the underworld. There is a river named Wangchuan at its gate. Once you cross this river, you will die. Forget everything in the world, and never return to the world.”

"Phoebe, plug Kali's mouth." Vasily said without looking back.

"Yes!" Phoebe immediately took out a piece of medical cotton and stuffed it in Kali's mouth without any politeness.

Kali fell silent in frustration.

"Squad leader, look over there!" At this moment, Cang Ling suddenly yelled out.

Everyone looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a pile of corpses scattered on the rocks below!
Vasili immediately threw off the claw hook and jumped down, squatting down to study those bones carefully.

"It's from a wild boar, I know it." Cang Ling chased after him and said.

"Many of these bones have been bitten off." Vasily held up the wild boar's skull and said, "How much bite force can crush a wild boar's skull?"

Everyone looked at the skull in Vasily's hands and couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Here are human bones!" At this time, Leon found a new corpse behind the rock pile.

Everyone hurriedly looked around and saw some blood-stained bones scattered among the stones, one of which was clearly a human pelvis.

"Can you detect whether there is any evil spirit on it?" Vasili handed the pelvis to Kali.

Kali felt it carefully for a while, then shook her head: "I can't sense it. Maybe it's not there, or maybe it's been too long."

"Only from the gnawing marks left by the bones, it is still impossible to tell whether the perpetrator is a beast or a night devil. But since the other party can bite hard bones, it must not be an ordinary creature." Vasily stood up after speaking.

 Thanks for changing the name of the existing monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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