Chapter 132
Before he ran ten meters, the opponent rushed over fiercely again.

Vasily stood motionless in the tunnel, until the opponent was about to hit him, and then he fired a super-large aura bomb, which instantly knocked the Night Demon away dozens of meters away.

"It turns out that the cave space is too large, so we need to lead the opponent into the tunnel to carry out precise strikes!" Phoebe said while turning her head.

At this moment, she bumped heavily into Cang Ling and fell to the ground.

"Zero, don't stop suddenly!" Phoebe said, holding her nose.

Cang Ling didn't speak, she stood motionless, her face full of surprise.

Leon and Kali also stopped in their tracks, staring straight up.

Phoebe hurriedly got up and took a look, she was dumbfounded, a large golden-red light spot suddenly appeared on the roof of the cave!

Those are the eyes of the night devil!
"My God, there are dozens of night goblins hiding in this cave!" Phoebe said with her neck raised.

"How could this be? There are so many night devils that I didn't notice at all..." Kali couldn't believe it.

"Let's go!" At this moment, Vasily chased him from behind.

Behind him, the half-beaten Night Demon was still roaring.

"Squad leader, we've been fooled! These night monsters caused us to fork in the road, just trying to surround us!" Leon said, pointing to the top of the cave.

Vasili hurriedly raised his head to look at the top of the cave when he heard the words, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.

"The situation is not good, the light here is too dark, I can't see the opponent clearly!" Cang Ling said anxiously.

At this moment, all the night demons on the top of the cave spread their wings and rushed towards them from all directions, whistling.

"Everyone gather!" Kali said while opening the physical shield.

This shield is only five meters in diameter, and its range is small, so its hardness has also doubled.

"There are too many of them, I can only last for 10 minutes at most." Kali said through gritted teeth, "We have to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Vasily looked around, thought for a moment and then made a decisive deployment: "I kneaded the fluorite into powder, and then Phoebe shot the powder on the Night Demon with a shotgun, so that he could identify him in the dark."

"Bumblebees, not shotguns," Phoebe said hastily.

Vasili glared at Phoebe, and continued: "As soon as the surrounding area lights up, everyone will move forward at full speed. Leon will lead and I will be in the rear. Remember, don't be obsessed with fighting, and run with all your strength in a straight line! As long as you can make a gap, you can Out of trouble!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied.

"Okay, everyone, get ready and start fighting right away." Vasily took out all the fluorite in his bag, crushed them into powder, and there were two handfuls in total.

"Kali, Phoebe, let's go!"

With an order, Kali immediately opened the shield, and at the same time Vasili threw all the powder out forcefully.

The shiny fluorite powder exploded under the 360-degree bombardment of the Phoebe Hornet, and embedded itself on the night devil's skin.

"Successful!" Phoebe exclaimed in surprise as she watched the glowing neon night goblin.

"Run!" Vasili fired several rounds of aura bombs after finishing speaking, knocking down all the night demons who rushed over again.

Everyone threw off their legs and ran wildly, rushing to the opposite tunnel.

As long as they reach the tunnel, the night devils can't attack in groups, they can only file in.

When the time comes, everyone will stay at the entrance of the tunnel, just to be able to string the night devils (a clover, a concentric circle).

The night demons sensed their intentions and immediately divided into two groups, one group surrounded them from the front, and the other group surrounded them from the rear, blocking them in the middle.

"Breakout! Breakout! Don't stop!" Vasily shouted while fighting.

Leon and Cang Ling at the front hacked and killed a Night Demon, but the other Night Demons immediately rushed forward, leaving them no time to breathe.

Vasily glanced at the tunnel, which was at least 50 meters away from them, and it was impossible to rush through it in the current situation.

As usual, so many C-level night devils need at least two teams, and they only have 5 people now.

"Look at me: Phoebe Bumblebee!" Phoebe kept launching swarm attacks around.

This trick is very effective, it can stop the night demon two or three meters away, but it is not lethal, and it consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

"Squad leader, there is a cave there!" At this moment, Kali discovered a narrow opening on the left, less than 10 meters away.

"Phoebe, bounce all the night demons away, then Kali opens the physical shield, and everyone rushes over under the cover of the shield, and then meet Kali!" Vasily made a judgment immediately.

"Yes! Look at me!" Phoebe immediately went all out, fired hundreds of shotguns, and bounced the night demon two or three meters away.

Kali seized the opportunity to open the shield and expand the shield's diameter to six meters.

"No, it can't be any bigger!" Kali gritted her teeth and said against the wildly counterattacking Night Demon.

"It's enough!" Vasili immediately rushed over with everyone.

Running to the edge of the shield, Kali disarmed it, and at the same time Phoebe fired Bumblebee again, successfully deflecting the night demon and squeezing into the cave.

"Kali, come here!" Vasily shouted while attacking with Thor's ax.

Kali was being besieged by more than a dozen night demons at the moment. She gritted her teeth and strengthened her body, and ran towards Vasily reluctantly.

"Hurry up, Kali!" Phoebe also joined the covering army.

With the help of her and Vasily, Kali finally managed to hide in the cave.

The night demons roared and chased after them, and they slammed into the rock wall one after another, some of their heads were bleeding.

"Go, go!" Vasily greeted everyone, while turning back to attack.

Regardless of the wounds on their bodies, everyone stumbled and fled in the dark and narrow tunnel.

Within a few minutes, the night demon behind squeezed into the cracks in the rock and chased after it!
"God, are these night devils crazy?" Phoebe looked at the night devils struggling and crawling in the cave.

"Squad leader, we can't fight any more! If we continue to fight, the tunnel will collapse!" Leon shouted, looking at the rubble falling like raindrops around him.

"Phoebe and I are in the rear, you run forward first, and try to find a way back to the underground lake!" Vasily shouted without looking back.

"I'll stay here too! In case of landslides, I can temporarily withstand it." Kali said.

Vasily glanced at Kali and did not refuse.

Lyon and Cang Ling didn't dare to disobey the order, and immediately held up the fluorite and started groping in the dark tunnel.

There are many forks in this tunnel, the small ones can only pass through the mice, and the big ones are only one foot wide.

"Squad leader, I heard the sound of water, over here!" Cang Ling caught the faint sound of dripping water, and immediately ran forward.

Just after running more than 20 meters away, there was a sudden crisp sound under his feet, and then the whole rock collapsed, and Cang Ling fell down in an instant.

"Be careful!" Leon at the back hurriedly threw off the claw hook and flew over, and then jumped down without hesitation.

Cang Ling, who was falling rapidly, was grabbed by Leon's wrist and hung in the air.

"Great, Leia..." Relieved, Leon called Cang Ling as Leia again.

At this moment, with a "click", Leon, Cang Ling and their bodies suddenly fell more than ten centimeters, and then with the fall of a large rock, they all fell towards the boundless darkness.

 By the way, today is the weekend, why not add an update?Because...I'm still working overtime...hahahahaha...tears...

(End of this chapter)

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