Chapter 137
"Kali, remember to make marks along the way." Leon calmly handed the text he just memorized to Kali.

"Kali, don't worry about us, we won't die. We will definitely hold out until the moment you come back with reinforcements." Although Cang Ling said so, his voice was trembling.

"Yeah, maybe the reinforcements are not far away." Phoebe also said.

At this moment, a particularly large night demon suddenly swooped down with a roar, bit Vasily's arm and lifted him into the air.

"Squad leader!" Phoebe hurriedly was about to fire the spirit bomb, but was stopped by Leon.

"The captain of this altitude will fall to his death!"

"Its purpose is to kill the squad leader!" Phoebe yelled.

Sure enough, the night devil took Vasili all the way to the top of the cave, obviously trying to throw him off from the sky.

Vasili tried his best to clasp the night devil's head with his right hand, preventing the other party from throwing him down.

Seeing that he was entangled by Vasily, the night demon bit hard and bit off Vasily's left arm alive!
"Ahhh!" With a scream, Vasily fell from the sky.

"Squad leader!" Phoebe's eyes were red, and she immediately sent out a super hornet, rushing the surrounding night demons away more than ten meters in an instant.

The night goblin that was washed away acted as Vasily's meat pad. Vasily fell on the back of one night goblin, then rolled onto the other, and finally fell to the ground with bone lumps, rolling several times in succession.

"Squad leader!" Kali rushed over immediately and opened her physical shield.

Vasily's entire arm was gone, and blood kept gushing out like a spring.

"I'll help you bandage!" Kali immediately took out the bandage to help Vasily stop the bleeding.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!" Phoebe went berserk, and she began to frantically attack the night demon in the air.

"Leave me alone, hurry up! This is not the time to act emotionally!" Vasily pushed Kali away.

"In this case, I can't rush out at all, so I might as well fight with everyone until the last moment!" Kali stood up and said.

"I said I would send you out, and I will definitely do it!" Vasily gritted his teeth and stood up, ready to attack with his right hand, opening a bloody path for Kali.

Kali gritted her teeth and untied the shield, then turned around and ran towards the tunnel.

Behind her, Vasili tried his best to help her fend off the besieging night demons, and successfully sent Kali into the tunnel.

"Great..." Vasily lowered his hands in a slumped manner.

Seeing that Vasili's attack slowed down, the night demons immediately surrounded him, screaming and biting his body.

"You bastards, get out of here! Get out!" Phoebe rushed over immediately, desperately blocking the night demon's attack for Vasily.

At this moment, countless rocks suddenly fell from the sky, knocking down the Night Demon. Some of the fallen Night Demon had their wings broken, some of their feet were smashed, and they rolled painfully on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Cang Ling suddenly thought of a way.

"Phoebe, attack the stalactites on the top of the cave! Break them all!" Cang Ling shouted.

"Then we'll be stoned to death too!" Phoebe replied without looking back.

"Stay out of our line!"

"Okay, I'll try it!"

Phoebe took a deep breath, released the bumblebee again, rushed away from the besieging Night Demon, and seized the opportunity to fire more than a dozen aura bombs to the top of the cave in one breath.

A large number of stalactites were shattered by Phoebe's attack, and they broke and fell down one after another, smashing the Night Demon to the ground and screaming.

"It works!" Cang Ling exclaimed in surprise.

"Ling, come on!" Leon immediately rushed forward, swiping his sword and slashing at the Night Demon who fell to the ground.

"Don't attack the ones with broken wings, attack the ones that still have the ability to fly first!" As soon as Leon finished speaking, a huge night demon grabbed his waist and took him into the air.

"Squad leader!" Cang Ling wanted to run to chase after him, but was surrounded by several night monsters and couldn't escape.

The night demon who bit Leon rushed to the highest place in one breath, then let go of his mouth suddenly, and threw Leon from the sky.

Leon, who was seriously injured, fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound.

He barely raised his head, and after spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground without moving.

"Squad leader!" Cang Ling yelled heart-piercingly.

"I want to die with you!" At this moment, Phoebe's voice came from the side.

Beside her, Vasily had passed out from blood loss.Now there are more than 20 night devils besieging her alone.

Phoebe was still releasing the bumblebee non-stop, but her spiritual power was already exhausted. She could only break through a group attack of more than ten meters, but now she could only break away by one or two meters.

"Phoebe!" Cang Ling wanted to go to support Phoebe, but she couldn't go there at all, and she was surrounded by more than 20 night monsters.

With the exhaustion of the last trace of strength, Phoebe finally died. Before she passed out, she still threw herself on Vasily to help him block the siege of night demons.

Seeing that Phoebe had lost her attack power, the night demon immediately swarmed up and bit her body desperately.

Seeing this scene, Cang Ling's head buzzed, and all the blood in his body rushed to the top of his head.

"I killed everyone! If it wasn't for me, everyone wouldn't have come to the underground, and they wouldn't have died tragically. It's all my curiosity that killed everyone, and it's all my fault!"

With the sudden vibration of the air, Cang Ling's body suddenly burst out with astonishing strength. She held the sword in both hands and slashed at a night demon rushing over, instantly cutting the opponent into two pieces at the waist.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you all!"

Cang Ling, who completely lost his mind, launched a crazy attack on the night demons around him like a machine.

At this time, her body was no longer under her control, and her consciousness was completely lost. She only relied on instinct to swing the sword continuously, and everywhere she went, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Seeing this, the night demons who besieged Phoebe and Leon all rushed over and surrounded Cang Ling like an iron bucket.

Soon, Cang Ling's sword was cut off, and she immediately picked up Phoebe's sword and continued to fight.

Phoebe's sword was also cut off, so she picked up Vasily's.

When Kali finally arrived panting with reinforcements, Cang Ling had been fighting for four hours, the surrounding night demon corpses were all over the ground, blood flowed into rivers in the huge cave, and the air was filled with heavy blood fog.

"Who is that? Is it Zero?" Connie shouted in surprise, looking at Cang Ling, who was covered in blood and could barely see a human figure.

"Zero!" Kali rushed over immediately.

There were no living night demons around, but Cang Ling still swung his sword desperately, shouting "Kill you, kill you!"

"Oh my god, did all these night demons be wiped out by one person?" Hume opened his mouth in surprise.

"Phoebe, team leader!" At this moment, Connie saw Phoebe lying in a pool of blood and Vasily under her.

"There is also the squad leader, the squad leader is there!" Hume also saw Leon not far away, and rushed over immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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