girl knight zero

Chapter 146 Hurricane Knights Entrance Exam Begins!

Chapter 146 Hurricane Knights Entrance Exam Begins!
New Year's holidays are here.

Except for the staff on duty, most of the people in the resident went back to their hometown for the New Year, and Simon also left (if he didn’t leave, he would be scolded to death by his wife).

Leon originally wanted to stay, but Cang Ling persuaded him to go back to see his grandma.

"With us here, nothing will happen! Feel free to go home." Cang Ling said to Leon.

"That's right, I'm here too. I'm the one appointed as the next monitor!" Connie also said.

"Hahaha! You still want to be the squad leader, dream about it!" Hume laughed wildly, and was picked up by Connie and thrown to a big tree in the distance.

"Well, I haven't been back for two years, and I'm a little worried about the situation at home. I will try to come back as soon as possible, and send me a telegram if there is any emergency." Leon urged.

"Squad leader, it's too late to send a telegram if there's an emergency," Kali said.

"Nothing will happen!" Cang Ling stepped on Kali.

"With my strength in charge, what are you worried about? No matter what kind of night monsters appear, I will defeat them!" Phoebe said confidently.

"Hahaha, you big crispy skin can protect yourself well!" Hume ran back and laughed.

As soon as the words fell, he was lifted up by Phoebe, and flew back to the big tree with a "whoosh" again.

"During the Chinese New Year, pay attention to water and fire safety. When going out on patrol, you must form a team and don't be careless. Also, it is best not to drink alcohol, which can easily cause trouble."

"Don't worry monitor. We'll be careful."

"Squad leader, why are you as verbose as my mother?"

"Squad leader, you can go at ease!"

Everyone talked at once.

"Then I'll go book tickets." Leon glanced at everyone gratefully, then turned and went to the train station.

During the new year, the number of knights in the station was reduced from 36 to 12.

The 12 knights formed two teams, each responsible for a 12-hour watch.

During the seven-day annual vacation, there was no police incident at the station, and everyone spent a peaceful New Year.

After the annual vacation is over and other teammates have returned to the team one after another, the exciting moment has finally arrived!

The recruitment exam for the Four Great Knights officially started on January 1th!
Cangling and the others submitted their registration application form a week in advance. After Simon stamped it and reported it to the squadron for record, they could enjoy 10 days of leave for the exam and go to the exam center.

Simon quickly approved the application forms of Phoebe and Kali, but only withdrew the application forms of Cang Ling.

Cang Ling waited for a long time to no avail, so he took the initiative to ask Simon.

"Captain, have you read my registration form?" Cang Ling asked anxiously.

"I read it." Simon put down the document in his hand, looked up and replied, "Are you really going to apply for the hurricane exam?"

"Of course, this is my dream all along." Cang Ling hurriedly said.

"Do you know what the Hurricane Knights do? They are field troops fighting abroad!"

"I know, I originally planned to go abroad to fight."

"Zero, Hurricane Knight has the highest casualty rate among the five regiments. This dangerous profession is not suitable for you at all." Simon said earnestly.

"I'm not afraid! And whether it's suitable or not, only I know!" Cang Ling was anxious.

"You are still young, you are too hot-blooded, I can understand this. But as a senior, I have the responsibility to remind you that only two-thirds of the recruits who enter the Hurricane Knights every year can survive to the second year, and can live to the third year Not even half of them. It can be said that choosing that place is tantamount to choosing death.”

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of meaningless death. I have my own views on the value of life."

"You don't have your own opinions at all. You have been brainwashed by the queen's education. The queen always likes to incite you young people with passion to go to the battlefield, so that you are willing to give up your life. She can be called a great man, but you What? You sacrificed your precious life in vain and left your family with endless pain. Thousands of years later, the queen is still in the annals of history, but who still remembers your names? Remember your sacrifices?"

"I really didn't expect——" Cang Ling clenched his fists, "I really didn't expect you to think so, the captain. It's fine if outsiders don't understand us, but as a knight, you also have the ideal of a knight. And devotion is so contemptuous!"

"Don't get excited. Although my words are not pleasant, they are practical and practical. I advise you to calm down for a few days, and don't rush to bet your life on meaningless things."

"It's not meaningless!" Cang Ling lost control of her emotions. She rushed over and beat Simon's table heavily, "Every inch of Xinghai's territory was bought with the blood of countless seniors! If it weren't for their Sacrifice, we don't have the current living environment at all. How can you say they are meaningless, how can you deny them like this!"

"Report!" At this moment, Leon came in holding a stack of documents, "Squad leader, this is the information you asked me to find."

"Okay, thank you, put it here." Simon pointed to the table.

Leon looked at Cang Ling with tears in his eyes, then at Simon, and asked, "What's wrong? Did Zero make any mistakes?"

"No, she wants to apply for Hurricane Knight, I just persuaded her a few words." Simon hurriedly explained.

"The team leader refused to sign for me. He said he wanted me to calm down for a few days." Cang Ling held back his tears and said, "But the deadline for registration is tomorrow!"

"Hurricane Knight is too dangerous. As a boss, I have the responsibility to protect her future." Simon said to Leon.

"Zero, according to the regulations: when a formal knight applies for the other four major knight orders, the superiors are not allowed to block or object." Leon turned to Cang Ling and said, "If you are blocked from applying for the exam, you can appeal to the squadron, and the squadron will help you solve it."

Hearing this, Simon's jaw almost dropped, he never dreamed that Leon would dare to say that in front of him.

"I see, thank you, squad leader!" Cang Ling immediately turned his worries into joy, "Squad leader, I have made up my mind to apply for the Hurricane Knight exam. This is not a spur of the moment, but my wish since I was a child. Please approve it!"

Simon stared at Cang Ling dumbfounded, then at Leon, and finally signed and stamped the application form helplessly.

"Thank you, team leader!" Cang Ling took the application form and ran away happily.

"You're hurting her!" Simon said seriously to Leon after Cangling left.

"Squad leader, love is based on respect. I don't think your actions are true love for Zero." Leon replied neither humble nor humble.

Hearing this, Simon's nose was almost crooked, but he resisted the attack.

In this way, Cang Ling finally successfully submitted the registration application and successfully received the examination notice from the Hurricane Knights.

After obtaining the qualification certificate, Cang Ling, Phoebe, and Kali will take the train to Beifeng City, Boyle Province, where the test center of the four major knight orders is located.

 Neither Simon nor Leon wanted to apply for the Hurricane Knight in their bones.But Lyon respects Cang Ling's choice and value orientation, and helps her realize her dream.And Simon, in the name of "for your own good", deprived her of Cang Ling's ideals, transferred her from the front line, and arranged "safe and comfortable" document work for her.At first glance, it seems that Simon treats Cangling better and keeps her from suffering, which looks like a domineering president.But in fact, he blocked Cang Ling's upward channel and wasted Cang Ling's talent. If this continues, Cang Ling will only regress more and more, and finally has to rely on a man (Simon) to survive.Although Leon seems to be cruel to Cang Ling, he gave Cang Ling stronger survival skills and the ability to go to a wider world.The two stand against each other.

(End of this chapter)

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