girl knight zero

Chapter 156 You will go to court-martial like this

Chapter 156 You will go to court-martial like this (thanks to Yang Zhu Yang Zhu Jiageng ①)
"Sergeant Major." Cang Ling ran to look for Qi Ke while everyone was going to sleep and rest, "Can you give me another chance? I want to change the name of the examiner and evaluate again."

"Change the examiner?" Qi Ke put down the materials in his hand and looked up at Cang Ling.

"I don't have any intention to question Squad Leader Lyudmila, I just... I just think that it might be more objective to combine the opinions of many people." Cang Ling said boldly.

"Cang Knight, Lyudmila is a veteran who has fought for many years, you don't think she can't even measure the strength of a rookie?" Chiko's face darkened.

"No... I just..." Cang Ling clenched his fists, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Chico glanced at her, and looked up her information.

"There is indeed a big gap between your carrying capacity and spiritual power. Can you ask about the ethnicity of your parents?" Chico suddenly changed the subject.

"My father is a Gurei."

"So, it's easy to understand. The Gulei people belong to a nation without spiritual power. As the descendants of the Gulei people, it is not easy to reach this level. I believe you must have paid a lot behind the scenes. But survival on the battlefield depends on It’s not sympathy or preferential treatment, if you don’t have enough strength, you just can’t do it, and there is no room for discussion.”

After hearing this, Cang Ling's tears almost couldn't help gushing out, she gritted her teeth and forced herself to force back the tears.

"It's a great honor for you to be so dedicated to us. But you can play your value in the Blue Shield Knights regardless of your position when you serve the country." Chico closed the file and said.

"Yes... Thank you for your advice." Cang Ling walked out in despair.

At night, everyone sleeps collectively on the ground at the outpost.

Phoebe wanted to comfort Cang Ling, but Cang Ling excused himself from being too tired and fell asleep under the blanket.

Kali winked at Phoebe, signaling her not to disturb Cang Ling, and let Cang Ling calm down first.

That night, Cang Ling didn't fall asleep for a second.

While other knights, especially those who had obtained qualifications, were dreaming happily, Cang Ling was crying secretly in his sleeping bag.

The attack power is only E rank.

She has an A-level carrying capacity, but only an E-level attack power.

That being the case, why give me A-level carrying capacity!
Is the god of fate playing a joke on her?
After going through so much hard work and so much suffering, it was so easy to get here. She thought her dream was finally within reach, but reality gave her a slap in the face.

No matter how hard you try, so what?

Still can't even reach other people's floors!

What hard work can change fate, what hard work can make up for one's weakness, are all deceptive!
It's fated not to be okay!

After crying all night, Cang Ling's eyes were swollen into two bags the next day.

Neither Phoebe nor Kali deliberately looked into her eyes, nor did they ask, they knew that it was useless to say anything to Cang Ling at this moment.

In the morning, Qi Ke called together the candidates who had passed, and explained the dossiers for file transfer and adaptation, as well as the time and place of registration.

Those who failed to pass were sent back to the border, and then took the train back to the station by themselves.

Phoebe asked Cang Ling to wait for them at the border, but Cang Ling didn't wait, and she took the train back to Hua Fei alone.

"Zero, you're back? How's it going?" Leon ran over as soon as he saw Cang Ling.

Cang Ling lowered his head and said nothing.

"Did you fail the exam?" Leon asked, observing Cang Ling's face.


"It's normal to fail once. Many people take the exam for several years! Don't worry about it." Leon hurriedly comforted.

"Both Phoebe and Kali passed the exam."

"Really? Where are they?"

"come back tomorrow."

"Oh...are you tired? Why don't you take a bath first and have something to eat?" Leon changed the subject.

"Thank you, I'm a little sleepy, I'm going back to sleep first." Cang Ling ran back to the dormitory after finishing speaking, and fell headfirst on the bed.

Seeing that Cang Ling had returned, Simon hurriedly inquired about her result.

When he heard that Cang Ling lost the election, he unabashedly showed a happy expression.

"She didn't pass the exam, that kind of place is not suitable for her at all." Simon said with a smile.

"Zero must be very sad." Leon said worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll give her two days off to let her relax. It will be fine in a few days."

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple." Leon sighed softly.

The next day, Phoebe and Kali came back.They reported the exam situation to Leon in detail.

"I see. It's really unacceptable that Zero got two A's and was eliminated." Leon said sympathetically.

"It's a pity that she is in the enhancement department. If she were in our defense department, she might pass." Kali said.

"Let me talk to her later, don't discuss the hurricane in front of her these days."

"Don't worry, monitor, we won't be so blind. I discussed it with Kali. If Zero still can't recover from the blow, we will give up this admission and take the exam next year with her."

"Don't be kidding! The Hurricane Knights can go and leave whenever you want? If you do this, you will be court-martialed!" Leon was taken aback by Phoebe's remarks.

"Army, military court? No way?" Phoebe was also taken aback.

"Doing this is the same crime as objecting to military service. Unless you don't want to hang out in Xinghai, you must never make fun of your own life!" Leon said seriously.

"Yes... I see." Phoebe lowered her head.

After returning to the dormitory, Phoebe and Kali discussed how to comfort Cang Ling at the door for a long time, but before they could discuss it, Cang Ling opened the door and walked out.

"Zero! How are you, have you eaten yet?" Phoebe hurriedly greeted.

"I've eaten. Are you back? When will you report for duty?" Cang Ling asked calmly.

"It says to report within three days. I'm sorry, we may not be able to accompany you." Phoebe said while glancing at her swollen eyeballs.

"It's okay, why don't we just separate for a year? One year goes by very quickly!" Cang Ling laughed.

Phoebe and Kali looked at each other, feeling a little confused for a moment, wondering if Cang Ling was just pretending or really recovering.

"Don't worry, don't worry about me. I guarantee that I will improve by leaps and bounds this year." After speaking, Cang Ling raised his arm and touched his muscles.

"Are you really not upset?" Phoebe asked carefully.

"Of course. I'm not a kid, why should I be depressed all the time if I failed an exam once?" Cang Ling replied seriously.

"Zero, in fact, you are definitely qualified to enter the hurricane, this time it's just bad luck." Kali said.

"Failure is failure, and it's useless to blame luck. You don't need to comfort me, I'm not that fragile." Cang Ling smiled again.

"That's great Zero, Kali and I have been worrying about you, now we can report for duty with confidence!" Phoebe said happily.

"You have known me for so long, yet you still don't trust me." Cang Ling stretched out his right hand, "I assure you, I will meet you next year at the Hurricane Knights!"

"Believe in you, come on!"

Phoebe and Kali stretched out their hands, and held Cang Ling's hand tightly.

 Why did I let myself believe, Miracles could happen? Now I have to pretend That I don't really care.
(End of this chapter)

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