Chapter 158

"As early as last year, the headquarters discovered that some leader-level night goblins appeared in the west." Dian Yi explained, "The bandit gang this time is behind the scenes of a leader-level night goblin closest to the northwest border: Jersey."

"Jersey? Isn't that the name mentioned by RC-1 (referring to Centipede Woman)?" Leon immediately remembered.

"According to the information of the Hurricane Knights, Jersey is at the bottom among several leader-level night demons. Therefore, it was forced to migrate from the southwest to the northwest border, and used underground caves to build a huge lair. We didn't expect it before It will hide underground, so we have never been able to find it. It was not until the underground battle happened that we followed the clues and caught its clues." After finishing speaking, Dian Yi picked up a pencil and drew several red crosses on the map .

"Here, here, and here, has its underground camp."

Everyone hurriedly looked up at the map, and saw that the red crosses stretched from the western border to the north of Leonard Province.

"Have these camps been cleared?" Simon asked.

"No, we didn't move these places, because these are transit stations, not its real base camp. We pretended to be military police and lurked in the branch camps for nearly two months, trying to find the base in Jersey through their activity trajectories. But Surprisingly, it was not found."

"Why?" Simon asked hurriedly.

"Because all those responsible for transporting women are human beings, not night demons. They have received professional training, have a strong anti-stalking awareness, and have a lot of secret channels."

"Send the whole team to follow them 24 hours a day, are you afraid you won't be able to catch them?" The second squad leader interjected.

"Stupid! That will alarm them." Dian Yi scolded, "They have domesticated many night owls as messengers, and they will move immediately if they are exposed. What's the use of finding an empty base?"

"Sergeant Major, what is your next plan? Do you need our assistance?" Simon asked.

"This is why I came here." Dian Yi took out a medicine from his pocket, "This is a spiritual power inhibitor specially developed by the headquarters, taking it can reduce spiritual power in a short time. We hope that through this medicine , mixed a female knight into the captive women, and left marks along the way to help us find the base of Jersey."

"Can taking this suppress spiritual power?" Simon took the potion and looked at it several times curiously.

"It can't be completely hidden. At present, it can only be reduced by half."

"If it's an experienced old knight, it's still much higher than civilians, right?"

"That's why I came to you. I heard that your team has a female knight of Gulei blood?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately turned their attention to Cang Ling.

"What? Are you that knight?" Dian Yi turned around and asked.

"Yes! I am Cang Ling, and my father is from Gulei." Cang Ling hurriedly stood up.

"I know you, I've watched you compete in the martial arts tournament, and you participated in the hunt for RC-1." Dian Yi carefully looked at Cang Ling.

Hearing that Dian Yi actually remembered her as a soldier, Cang Ling was a little excited for a while.

"How is it? Do you dare to break into the enemy's interior?" Dian Yi asked, staring into Cang Ling's eyes.

"Of course, follow orders at any time!" Cang Ling replied without hesitation.

"Very well, the gendarmerie has placed an informant inside the gang of robbers. You should prepare immediately, and then go to Lisbon in casual clothes to meet the informant. It is estimated that within a week, they will attack you." Dian Yi ordered .

Hearing this, both Simon and Leon showed worried expressions.But they did not dare to disobey the sergeant major's orders, nor could they disobey them.

"Yes, I'll go get ready right away." Cang Ling walked out following the people from the headquarters without saying a word.

Soon, the people at the headquarters dressed Cang Ling as a bar girl, gave her a set of cosmetics, and told her to wear makeup every day.

After that, they gave Cang Ling detailed training, including how to coquettish, how to talk and walk, how to leave marks, how to hide weapons, etc.

After the training, Cang Ling took the spiritual power inhibitor and equipment bag given by Dian Yi, and took the train to Lisbon alone.

During this process, neither Simon nor Leon had time to speak to her alone, nor did they say goodbye.

"Zero, I hope you can return safely." Leon looked into the distance and prayed silently.

"Hey, how could the headquarters allow a girl to break into the enemy camp alone!" Simon kept sighing.

Along the way, Cang Ling felt quite uneasy.

This was the first time she performed a mission alone, without anyone to accompany her, or to discuss with her. If the situation changed, there would be no one around to save her.

To put it bluntly, this is a life-gambling plan, the bet is that she can reach the base in Jersey alive.

As long as she can reach the base in Jersey, the plan is a success.It didn't matter whether she was dead or alive afterwards.

Of course, death is still the best ending, if it is treated as a mother...

That would be worse than death.

Thinking of this, Cang Ling could not help but tremble.

She had shown no fear in front of Dian Yi before, and she was indeed fearless back then.But now that she was sitting alone on the train and gradually realized what she would face, she was terrified from the bottom of her heart.

It can't blame her, after all, she is only a 17-year-old girl.

Although she was brave and fearless in the previous battle, it was a group battle, and it was a group of courage.

Now she wants to go to the unknown field to fight alone, and she is fighting alone.

Lone heroes are very rare, and human beings are group creatures after all.

"The sergeant major said that they will arrange an ambush plan, and I will not put my life in danger. But I know in my heart that the sergeant major is not the kind of person who will cherish other people's lives. She said that just to make me agree to this plan." Cang Ling thought in his heart.

At this time, several young people passed by her seat, all staring at her greedily, and one frivolous one even whistled.

Cang Ling hastily pulled up the low neckline, then turned his head.

On the car window, a face with heavy makeup and exaggerated red hair was reflected, looking sexy and frivolous.

Seeing himself like this, Cang Ling suddenly felt a strong sense of unreality.

After arriving in Lisbon, Cang Ling went to the "Merry Shepherd" Casino on Bar Street to find a man named Shan Bo, who was the gendarmerie's informant in the bandit gang.

"Hey, Jenny! Long time no see, you're really here!" Shan Bo greeted Cang Ling warmly when he saw Cang Ling.

Hearing the agreed code word, Cang Ling immediately replied calmly: "I'm not here for you, how is the work?"

"It's on me. The boss here is my old friend. As long as I say hello, you can come to work immediately." Shanbo came over and put his arms around Cangling's waist, "I will not treat you badly .”

Cang Ling was taken aback by Shan Bo, and his body shrank instinctively.

(End of this chapter)

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