girl knight zero

Chapter 162 Psychological Warfare

Chapter 162 Psychological Warfare

Hearing the clown's footsteps approaching him, Cang Ling trembled uncontrollably.

Although the headquarters had already trained her to resist forced confessions, she still couldn't help but feel deep fear when things came to an end.

"Don't be nervous, little girl." The clown lifted Cang Ling's chin with his fingers, "I won't beat you, I will only ask you some simple questions."

"Answer honestly, don't try to play tricks!" Plum Blossom 7 slapped Cang Ling's head.

"Question one: who are you?"

"What do you want to do? Who are you?" Cang Ling asked in panic.

"Listen, you have to answer whatever I ask." The clown held one of Cangling's fingers, "If you make a wrong answer once, you will break a finger."

After finishing speaking, the clown broke it hard, and Cang Ling let out a scream.

"I'll ask again! Who are you?"

"I'm the waitress of the Merry Shepherd: Jenny..."

"to be frank."

"I'm not lying! I'm really just an ordinary waitress! Please let me go!" Cang Ling begged desperately.

The clown broke one of Cang Ling's fingers again, and Cang Ling burst into tears in pain, but she insisted that she was the waitress Jenny.

"Okay, assuming you're Jenny, let me ask you something else."

The clown put his hand on Cang Ling's heart and asked, "Who are your parents?"

"My father is Waite, a villager in Kapok Village, and my mother is Alta..."

"How old are you?"


"What did you do before you came to Lisbon?"

"I work as a waitress in a bar in town..."

"Where did you go to elementary school?"

"Mumian Village Primary School..."

"What two kinds of alcohol are used to make Philly wine?"

"Marchil and rum..."

"What kind of wooden barrels are used to store rum?"

"Oak, oak..."

"What's the name of your boss in town?"

"Uh, Zack..."

"What color do you like?" The clown suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"Blue, blue..."

"What's your waist size?"

"I don't know, maybe 1 foot 9..."

"Do you like croissants?"

"It's, it's okay..."

"How many toes does a hen have?"

"Well... 4..."

"Is the food in the cafeteria delicious?"

"it is good……"

Cang Ling just said the word "yes" when suddenly he was shocked, he was fishing!
Deliberately asking a bunch of irrelevant questions, and then suddenly asking the core questions when she was off guard!

"It seems that I have never been to a place like a cafeteria." Cang Ling immediately came up with an answer.

The clown's hand on Cang Ling's heart moved slightly, he glanced at Cang Ling, and continued to ask: "What color is your mother's hair?"

"Um... red..."

"Does your father drink?"

"Occasionally drink a little..."

"Do you have any chickens?"

"I have raised a few..."

"How many?"

"I can't remember, maybe seven or eight..."

"Who is your neighbor?"


"What's your house number?"

"It's... the 12th..."

Next, the clown asked many questions about her family and daily life.

Most of these problems were not expected by the headquarters, so Cang Ling had no choice but to bite the bullet and make them up now.

I thought it was over after the question was finished, but the clown actually messed up the order of the questions, and then asked the previous question again!
Cang Ling was dumbfounded. He asked hundreds of questions, and [-]% of the answers were made up by himself. Many answers could not be remembered at all. Now that he asked repeatedly, Cang Ling immediately showed his flaws and answered several questions wrong.

"What is the function of the pressure chamber?"

"No, I don't know..." Cang Ling replied nervously.

"Miss, the horse's feet are showing." The clown approached Cangling's face and said, "You should answer 'what is a pressure chamber'."

Hearing this, Cang Ling felt like falling into an ice cave.

"When you passed the breeding hall just now, I found out that you are a spy!" The clown grabbed Cang Ling's hair, "Seeing the mother's body in the hall, you didn't wonder what it was, but said angrily' Are you human?' That means you already know what they're for!"

After speaking, the clown kicked Cang Ling to the ground.

Cang Ling trembled all over, she didn't expect her identity to be exposed so quickly.

At this moment, heavy footsteps came from the door, and then the door creaked open.

"What are you doing?" a voice as rough as a beast asked.

"You came just in time, An Shibai." The clown turned around and said, "We caught a little mouse."

"Mouse?" The deep and rough voice strode over, then grabbed the chair and lifted Cang Ling up.

"You mean this woman?"

Cang Ling, who was held up in the air, felt a sense of fluffy touch and a powerful demonic aura.

"Yes. This woman pretended to be a waitress and sneaked into the piggies' team. If I guessed correctly, she was either from the Gendarmerie or the Knights." The clown replied.

"Knight?" An Shibai moved his face closer to Cang Ling, and smelled her body once, "I can't feel the strong spiritual power."

The hot air from An Shibai's mouth sprayed onto Cang Ling's face, the hot air had an obvious smell of blood, which made people want to vomit.

"It could be a gendarme, too. Although I don't think the gendarmes are so diligent..." The clown replied.

"Tell me your true identity and purpose, or I'll pull out your intestines!" An Shibai stretched out a finger to press on Cang Ling's stomach, and his long nails pierced the skin.

"Farewell to Phoebe and Kali, it looks like I'm going to end up here." Cang Ling thought desperately.

"Wait for An Shibai." At this moment, the clown stopped An Shibai, "I am better at torture than you. Give her to me, and I promise to make her speak obediently."

"I can't believe you, you let this woman find this place, you've screwed up!" An Shibai roared.

"Don't worry, I have my own solution."

"any solution?"

"Now is not the time to explain, we need to transfer mothers and embryos immediately, especially the most important 'seeds'."

"...Okay, I'll trust you again. If you fail again, I swear I will make your life worse than death!" An Shibai grabbed the clown by the collar.

"You'd better be kind to me. You can't do anything without me," said the clown coldly.

Hearing this, An Shibai's eyes immediately showed a murderous look.

He stood motionless for a moment, then let go of his hands.

"One day, I will crush you into meatloaf." An Shibai said viciously.

"You only dare to say this behind Jersey's back." The clown showed no sign of weakness.

An Shibai was about to go crazy, but he didn't dare to touch the clown without Jersey's order.

 Yuan Husband Book Friends Group: 692160842
(End of this chapter)

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