girl knight zero

Chapter 169 Crazy Experiment

Chapter 169 Crazy Experiment (Thanks to Storm Ice Cream Gagen ②)
Hearing this, the faces of the subordinates suddenly turned pale.

"I was hiding under the car, and I heard they said that once the seeds freeze, they will lose their effectiveness, so they put antifreeze in them. But the liquid in these test tubes is all frozen, and the color is transparent. I remember the seeds are milky white. Yes." Cang Ling explained.

"How did this happen? When did you do it..." The subordinate couldn't believe his eyes.

This warehouse is sealed, no one can enter without the order of the regimental commander or sergeant major!
"Who is in charge of guarding the warehouse? Capture him immediately!" Dian Yi responded quickly.

"Ismail is in charge of guarding the warehouse, he is absolutely reliable!" the subordinate hurriedly said.

"Reliability is not judged by your feelings, people will change. Catch him immediately!"

"Yes!" The subordinate rushed to arrest Ismail.

As a result, as soon as he rushed into Ismail's office, he understood what had happened and shot himself immediately.

Ismail's death shocked the regiment, because he was a 20-year-old knight who had participated in countless battles and lost a leg because of it.

No one could have imagined that such a fighting hero, a man with a will of steel, would be bribed by the enemy.

It really complied with the words of the sergeant major: People change.

Just like that, all the clues were cut off, and nearly a hundred people lost their lives. In the end, only the three pregnant mothers remained.

These three mothers were not killed because they were interrogated by Captain Hoffman himself.

Cang Ling also participated in the mother's interrogation process.

Because their vocal cords were damaged and they could not speak, Hoffman came up with a way to write "yes" and "no" on two pieces of cardboard, and then asked them questions. Put your eyes on the "No" cardboard and vice versa.

For more detailed questions, use the method of mouth writing, let them hold the pen in their mouths, and write the answers to the questions on the paper.

After a week of continuous interrogation, the headquarters held a meeting to announce the results of the investigation.

"Through investigation and interrogation, we have now preliminarily figured out the source of the pretenders." Lan Ou, the leader of the investigation team, stood in front of the wall chart and explained, "They are the product of interracial hybridization between humans and night demons."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions remained unchanged, because everyone knew about it a long time ago.

"How the first batch of experimental subjects were obtained, we don't know yet, but nine out of ten came from outside the country. The other party may have accidentally discovered a mixed-race night devil with elementary intelligence outside the country, and then came up with the idea of ​​​​breeding hybrids. "

"Where did the mixed-blood night demons from abroad come from?" a captain asked.

"It may be produced by the hybridization of exiled and abandoned humans and night devils. In the Holy City incident in 1512, weren't tens of thousands of people left outside the shield?"

"Excuse me, will the night devil take the initiative to mate with humans?" Cang Ling asked.

"According to the information of the Hurricane Knights, some races of night devils will have cross-race mating behaviors during the estrus period."

"Wouldn't the hybrids of humans and night goblins be completely partial to night goblins?" another captain asked.

"This is the part I will talk about next." Lan Ou replied, "When the mother is pregnant, it will be polluted by the embryo, which will lead to illness or death, so the other party will mix the purification agent into the drinking water and give it to the mother. Unexpectedly, this action has produced An unexpected result: the hybrids born will be more human-oriented! After the other party discovered this, they immediately began to build a base and start large-scale experiments. It is unknown where this first-generation base is, but the result is certain: they Through breeding and screening from generation to generation, a group of night devils with high intelligence have been cultivated. These night devils are the 'seeds' of the first generation."

"But what the other party wants is not only that, what they want is a night devil who can switch back and forth between humans and night devils, so that they can freely enter and exit the shield of Arriphons."

"Therefore, they continued to experiment with the 'seeds', trying to find night devils carrying camouflage genes, and then continue to breed with humans to finally produce 'pretenders' that can switch perfectly. Stalkers and half-humans are likely to be the experiment failure."

"What is the purpose of their doing this? Why do they have to give Night Demon the ability to disguise?"

"I don't know yet. The other party seems to want to lead us to think that Jersey is behind the scenes, which makes sense. Because its territory has been forced to shrink and retreat in recent years. Compared with the lack of food and the harsh environment outside the shield, Conquering the Shield of Arriphons is definitely a huge temptation for it."

"A fool would believe that Jersey has such great abilities!" Dian Yi sneered.

"The sergeant major is right. The cultivation of pretenders is a job with a high technical content, and it requires a huge amount of money and manpower. This can't be done by night devils alone." Lan Ou nodded, "Really The manipulator behind the scenes should be a person with extremely high power and wealth. It may also be a group. Of course, I am not referring to the robber group."

"Maybe there are soldiers involved in this." Dian Yi turned to the others and said, "The way that clown tortured Cang was extremely professional. Without a military background, he couldn't think of such a routine."

"By the way, one thing I've always wondered is that the other party mentioned the 'Royal Knights' a few times. They seem to be very vigilant about it." Hoffman flicked the ash on his cigar and thought, "Why are they afraid? Royal knight?"

"It's because the queen is standing behind the royal knights!" Dian Yi replied.

"Cang, repeat the conversation at that time." Hoffman ordered.

"Yes!" Cang Ling hurriedly stood up, "At that time, the clown said: 'I want to find out whether she is a gendarme or a knight. If she is a gendarme, it doesn't matter. If she is a member of the Royal Knights, then the problem will be serious.'"

"It seems that this is not just a criminal case, it has risen to a political case." Hoffman told the crowd.

"In fact, the Royal Knights have noticed them. Felton also telegraphed me this morning asking to share the results of the investigation." Dianyi said.

"You didn't promise him, did you?"

"Of course not. But if the queen comes forward, I can't refuse."

"It's okay for them to want information, but they have to exchange things. How can we let them enjoy the results obtained by sacrificing nearly a hundred people." Hoffman said displeased.

"All in all, keep this matter secret first. After the other party has gone through this time, they will definitely restrain themselves in a short time. We'd better pretend to close the case and induce the other party to continue their activities." Hoffman ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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